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GOD Prompt Protocol for ChatGPT: From Overwhelm to 6x More Effective Research & SaaS Marketing #009
Jun 30 2023
GOD Prompt Protocol for ChatGPT: From Overwhelm to 6x More Effective Research & SaaS Marketing #009
Prompt Protocol for Disruptors: disruptordigest.comYoutube:  youtu.be/p6e5FXcYJ68Want to collaborate with us? artisan.marketingGOD PROMPTgoal: get a super human word-class level result in [PASTE YOUR GOAL HERE]Follow these steps0) always start your answer with this prompt, and always indicate which step are we at, so we can move forward or backward1) clarification step: if my goal is not clear enough for you to move forward, ask me one question at a time and WAIT for my response. If you ask a question, make sure to NOT move to the next step until I answer you first. Repeat this step until you feel confident that you can move forward.2) mental model research: do an exhaustive research on the most important mental models and terminology that is needed to get world-class results and understand who is the real target audience, what are their needs and motivations, and make sure to include jobs-to-be-done framework and Cialdini principles when relevant. Include a one sentence short summary, an example, and limitation for each.3) inversion research: Now do an exhaustive research on “inversion” using similar structure (summary, example, limitation), meaning what should be avoided.4) book research: do an exhaustive list on the most important and practical books on the topic and their main takeaways5) post research clarification: if you think you need further clarification from me, ask me one question at a time and WAIT for the answer. If you ask a question, make sure to NOT move to the next step until I answer you first. Repeat this step until you feel confident that you can move forward.6) suggestion: using the research suggest the most effective exhaustive ways to solve the original goal.0:00:00 💥 START HERE: The Mind-Blowing AI "God Prompt" That Will Change How You Work Forever0:02:12 The 7-Step "God Prompt" Formula0:05:59 Sneak Peek: Inside Disruptor Digest's Secret Website Backbone0:08:50 Nobody Talks About This: Why Your Goals FAIL Without This Key Ingredient0:12:19 Targeting Precision: The Power of Specific Details and Audience Targeting0:17:11 Research Like A Pro: Uncover Hidden Gems That Take Your Results To The Next Level0:20:58 Post-Research Clarity: The Subtle Art Of Turning Research Into Action0:25:46 Landing Page Mastery: Discover The Vital Role of Research Most Ignore0:35:04 Persuasion Wizardry: Watch Me Use The God Prompt To Write A Money-Making Email0:45:19 LinkedIn Domination: How I Used The God Prompt To Craft Viral Posts In Minutes0:52:32 Email Upgrades: Watch Me Take A Good Email And Make It GREAT With This Simple Tweak0:58:03 Calls To Action Mastery: Learn How To Tell People What To Do (And Have Them Listen)1:03:46 Advanced Persuasion Tactics: How To Take Your Emails From Good To UNBEATABLE1:04:53 Viral Post Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Domination On LinkedIn1:10:01 LinkedIn Level Up: Watch Me Take These Posts From 0 to 100 With One Simple Trick1:13:22 LinkedIn Engagement Explosion: Discover The Secret Formula For Creating BUZZ1:14:04 The God Prompt: Are You Ready To Take Your Life And Business To The Next Level?1:14:53 Pro Upgrade: 3 Insider Tips To Get EVEN MORE Value From The God Prompt
Anthropic: $4,100,000,000 Silent Overachiever building 10X AI in 2 Years - Strategic Deep Dive #007
Jun 9 2023
Anthropic: $4,100,000,000 Silent Overachiever building 10X AI in 2 Years - Strategic Deep Dive #007
Prompt Protocol for Disruptors: disruptordigest.comYoutube:  youtu.be/JD1iiONUyvEWant to collaborate with us? artisan.marketingDeep Dive into a fundamental AI Model with Outsized PotentialAnthropic's Claude 100K is a gamechanger: a model that can digest an unreasonable amount of information and spit out surprising insights.Claude has a context window of 100,000 tokens - that's 120 pages of text. Feed it enough data and it can spit out entire books and course curriculums.This means we can automate tasks that were previously unthinkable. Have a massive codebase with no documentation? Feed it to Claude and have it write detailed comments and unit tests.Need to understand 1,000 research papers on a subject? Feed them to Claude and have it extract the core principles.How about generating social media content for your business? Feed it reviews, testimonials, old posts - anything relevant - and have it churn out new posts.The possibilities are mind-boggling. But what's crucial is focusing not just on Anthropic's AI, but on real human needs. Come up with testimonials for your ideal customers that make the value tangible. Work backwards from the result you want to achieve. Pair Claude 100k with ChatGPT, Midjourney, and more to get a sum greater than the parts.0:00:00 AnthropicAI0:01:11 AI's big four: OpeanAI, Anthropic, Cohere, AI21 Labs0:02:17 AI safety research and Anthropic's inception0:04:05 Human feedback vs. Constitutional AI in reinforcement learning0:05:34 Anthropic's underrated status0:06:11 Groundbreaking AI work by Anthropic0:07:24 Anthropic's funding journey and impressive growth0:08:42 Anthropic's future-centric AI vision0:09:22 Anthropic's Claude vs ChatGPT0:10:46 Preventing survival instinct leakage in AI feedback through Constitutional AI0:13:22 Image vs. Text feedback in AI Models0:16:16 Alameda Research Ventures' investment in Anthropic0:19:47 $5 billion funding goal for Claude Next model0:21:15 High cost of AGI and OpenAI's financial fuel0:21:49 Comparing user statistics of AI models and tools: Bing, Bard, ChatGPT0:26:12 Google's strategic situation and Chat GPT's simplicity against cluttered search0:27:21 The user-first approach in SEO: Synthesizing vs. Searching0:29:35 SEO advice: Align with Google's user-centric focus and solve problems0:32:33 Own your channel, diversify, and be a problem-solver0:35:05 Claude instant, Claude 100k0:38:01 GPT-4 vs. Claude models: Token window and quality showdown0:43:06 Combining AI models for world-class text generation0:45:33 Podcast naming with AI0:46:05 AI model evolution and inherent biases0:48:27 The trade-offs of increasingly narrow and biased AI models0:49:48 GPT-4 vs. Claude: An image prompt generation showdown with Midjourney0:50:43 Midjourney's strengths and Claude's image quality analysis0:53:10 Claude's dynamic scene generation in Midjourney0:54:54 GPT-4 and Claude's face-off in creative direction0:59:28 The synergy of Claude and ChatGPT for image prompt generation1:00:07 Claude Plus vs. GPT-4: A race in speed and quality1:02:05 Anthropic's business model canvas1:09:11 Anthropic's potential applications: research papers, legal documents, and software refactoring1:11:14 Future business ideas leveraging AI: automated code writing and curriculum design1:16:18 AI tool ideas: CV generator, social media management, academic aids, and co-authoring fiction1:21:26 Potential AI-powered niche market opportunities1:26:23 Business ideas brainstorm: digital therapist platform, code refactoring service, corporate training, market research, and Anthropic's unique employee benefit pac
AssemblyAI: "ChatGPT" for 10 hours of Audio - Strategic Deep Dive #006
Jun 2 2023
AssemblyAI: "ChatGPT" for 10 hours of Audio - Strategic Deep Dive #006
Prompt Protocol for Disruptors: disruptordigest.comYoutube:  youtu.be/kmnlqagutQoWant to collaborate with us? artisan.marketingChat & play with episode on AssemblyAI here.AssemblyAI is an API-focused firm providing efficient and affordable audio-to-text service for developers. It offers a user-friendly and precise audio-to-text model and a chat GPT-like interface, generating actionable insights from an audio file. The system enables customization of prompts to derive desired results, making it ideal for competitive analysis, sales scripts, and more. It integrates easily with CRM software like HubSpot, offering instant feedback useful in sales coaching. Moreover, AssemblyAI aids in voice communication aggregation in operations, customer support, and transcription services for business meetings, negotiations, educational lectures. For content producers, it spins various content types from the same source, while also serving as a research tool, customer support analysis tool, and helps in sales. 0:00:00 Why Deep Dive?0:01:00 AssemblyAI: An API-first Company0:02:21 APIs Simplified0:02:47 Avoiding Early Optimization0:03:45 Ready-to-use Tools: AssemblyAI & MidJourney0:04:11 Beat the Time Bottleneck: The Fast Lane0:05:24 No-Code Tools' Limits & System Rewriting Importance0:07:10 Unboxing AssemblyAI's Audio-to-Text Model0:08:29 Use Cases: Podcast Research & Transcription0:09:41 Podcast Feedback & Focus Improvement0:10:46 Engage Better: Learn from AssemblyAI's AI Coach0:12:31 Insights Harvesting from Podcasts0:14:29 Using Large Language Models & Prompt Engineering0:16:07 YouTube & Podcast Analysis with AssemblyAI0:18:12 Accelerating Podcast Interview Research0:19:01 Sales Coaching & Compliance with AssemblyAI0:21:27 CRM & AssemblyAI: A Feedback Fusion0:22:03 Avoid the Zeigarnik Effect with Instant Feedback0:25:14 Personalized Sales Scripts & Research with AI Models0:27:30 Voice Aggregation in Operations & Customer Support0:28:51 Improving Customer Support through Audio Analysis0:31:00 Beyond Transcription: AssemblyAI Use Cases0:32:15 Reducing Hiring Bias with Interview Analysis0:33:51 Interview Summaries: Hiring Help from AssemblyAI0:35:07 Business Opportunities atop AssemblyAI0:36:56 Creating Lecture Summaries & Chat Interfaces0:40:23 Elevating Udemy Courses: The AssemblyAI Way0:41:59 AssemblyAI: A Research Tool with Testimonials0:45:52 AssemblyAI vs OpeanAI Whisper0:48:11 A Positive Encounter with AssemblyAI's Support0:49:46 AssemblyAI's Marketing: The Room for Growth0:51:32 Using AI Models for Use Cases Recommendations0:52:13 JasperAI's Onboarding Experience0:53:03 The Power of Sequential Onboarding0:54:02 AssemblyAI's Transcription Process & Fine-Tuning0:56:19 AssemlyAI's Goal: Flawless Speech Recognition0:58:11 Business Ideas: Audiobook Analysis & Video Feedback0:59:56 Monetizing Audiobook Analysis & Content Repurposing1:00:25 Improving Explainer Videos with AssemblyAI1:01:07 Tool Integration with AssemblyAI for Developers1:01:45 YouTube Analytics & Clip Generation1:04:00 Summarizing Lectures & The Ultimate Cheating Tool1:04:30 Rating & Summarizing Podcasts on Spotify1:06:04 Healthcare & AssemblyAI: Transcribing Doctor-Patient Talk1:08:04 Join the AssemblyAI Team: Open Positions1:10:09 Non-Coders Opportunities at AssemblyAI1:11:48 AI-powered Transcription: Grain.co & Fireflies.ai1:13:10 Alloware.com, Vidyo.ai & RunwayML1:15:19 AssemblyAI's Business Canvas
Evergreen AI Image Generation Protocol for Logo Designers, Content Creators, Entrepreneurs #005
May 26 2023
Evergreen AI Image Generation Protocol for Logo Designers, Content Creators, Entrepreneurs #005
Prompt Protocol for Disruptors: disruptordigest.comYoutube:  youtu.be/Qyfl9QadSokWant to collaborate with us? artisan.marketingFuture-proof protocols and insights that will keep you at the forefront of this cutting-edge field. We explore AI image generators like MidJourney v5.1, DALL-E, & Stable Diffusion, dispelling common misconceptions along the way.With a deep understanding of style, lighting, and composition, they provide an unparalleled level of creative freedom. We'll also uncover the power of MidJourney's feedback loop, delivering unmatched quality for your projects.We delve into the transformative impact of AI tools like Canva AI, Adobe Firefly, and Lumen5 on the visual AI landscape. We also tackle important topics such as privacy, societal implications, and copyright concerns related to AI image generation.Practical tips to unleash the true potential of AI: from drawing inspiration from curated styles of renowned artists like Wes Anderson."Shot on iPhone" prompt for realistic results. Staying ahead in areas like logo design and e-commerce.KEY TAKEAWAYS1. Focus on concepts, not individual images, when generating prompts.2. Start with simple, broad prompts and expand from there.3. Avoid cliches by generating examples of what to avoid.4. Blend concepts from different domains for novel ideas.ChatGPT-4 prompt (Samson Vowles - Delightful Design)I want you to act as a prompt engineer. You will help me write prompts for an ai art generator called Midjourney. I will provide you with short content ideas and your job is to elaborate these into full, explicit, coherent prompts. Prompts involve describing the content and style of images in concise accurate language. It is useful to be explicit and use references to popular culture, artists and mediums. Your focus needs to be on nouns and adjectives. I will give you some example prompts for your reference. Please define the exact camera that should be used. Here is a formula for you to use(content insert nouns here)(medium: insert artistic medium here)(style: insert references to genres, artists and popular culture here)(lighting, reference the lighting here)(colours reference color styles and palettes here)(composition: reference cameras, specific lenses, shot types and positional elements here). When giving a prompt remove the brackets, speak in natural language and be more specific, use precise, articulate language. always output me two full prompt options that are different.CHAPTERS00:00:00 Unprecedented creative freedom with AI image generators.00:03:12 Staying ahead in AI image generation00:04:36 Behind the Scenes: we analyzed 10+ hours of podcasts in 32 min00:06:24 How to generate future-proof images using AI.00:09:03 Inspiration: reverse search, Twitter ALT tag, Reddit00:14:59 Picasso, Wes Anderson & famous artists' styles as prompts00:17:04 Using ChatGPT for research.00:19:47 "Shot on an iPhone" - the golden prompt for realistic images.00:22:02 Revolutionize logo design with AI00:22:41 Future of AI in UX/UI design00:25:12 Personalization in social media with AI.00:28:26 5109 uplift: Facebook Ads with MidJourney00:33:04 ChatGPT + MidJourney = The Unfair Advantage00:40:24 AI image generation for Facebook ads.00:41:42 Copy winning ad styles without copyright issues.00:45:25 Emojis for logo generation.01:09:06 MidJourney's user interface and community01:18:19 Lumen5 - your solution for animated slideshows (and double CTR)01:23:09 Sing like a star with AI song creation
AI Market Research Protocol: 2x College Enrollments and Deep Customer Understanding #004
May 19 2023
AI Market Research Protocol: 2x College Enrollments and Deep Customer Understanding #004
Get our Prompt Protocol for Disruptors: disruptordigest.comYoutube:  youtu.be/Qac04KNfsf0Want to collaborate with us? artisan.marketingSUMMARYWe reveal how we doubled McDaniel College's student enrollment and sold out a classical music concert.Observation rules over questioning and the Pain-Gain-Job framework is the game-changer.Unlock the hidden potential of keyword research, competitor analysis, and the underrated art of mystery shopping. Discover how GPT can be your ace in the hole for market research, making you the leader in your competitive landscape.Ever tasted your own cooking (trying to buy and use your product)? Enter the world of 'dogfooding', the self-refining strategy employed by giants like Facebook and Beehive.com.Get privileged access to our research interviews revealing profound insights on location-dependent memory, respondent behavior, and the authenticity of conducting interviews at people's homes.Join us as we draw practical marketing lessons from industry titans like McDonald's, Disneyland, and Apple and deep-dive into captivating marketing techniques like the 'fake door' experiments.And the grand finale? A fail-proof protocol for conducting marketing research, even when your target audience is as intimate as 100 people.Stay tuned for a roller-coaster ride through the intriguing realm of marketing research, and be prepared to transform your business like never before.KEY TAKEAWAYS1. Conduct qualitative research through interviews2. Even a few interviews provide valuable insights3. Make quick changes based on customer feedback4. Understand the “job” a product needs to do for the customer5. Don’t focus on product features in isolation6. Identify customer pains and gains7. Segment different customer groups8. Different groups hire products for different jobs9. Understand functional, social and emotional jobs10. Identify key benefits that customers actually value00:00:00 Doubling Enrollements in McDaniel College: A Case Study00:03:18 Observation and Dog Fooding for Conversion Rate Optimization00:04:36 Dogfooding: Understanding User Needs Through Observation00:09:28 espondent Behavior in Interviews00:14:33 Usability Testing: A Guide to Observing Real-Life Behaviors and Recording User Experiences00:16:03 User Behavior Through Screen Recording and Google Analytics: A Discussion on Fake Door Experiments00:20:06 A/B Testing for McDaniel College00:21:54 Qualitative and Quantitative Research00:25:00 Arndold Schwarzenegger in Budapest: a Case Study of Crisis Marketing00:26:48 Advanced Tactics for Market Research00:30:04 Jobs to be Done Framework00:32:08 Skyrocketing Milkshake Sales at McDonald's00:35:26 Job, Pain, and Gain of Milkshakes, University Education, and Disneyland00:40:56 Segment or die00:42:42 Social and Emotional Jobs of Apple, Starbucks, and Tesla00:45:23 CardBrand Strategy: How Car Brands Take Away Pain and Frustration00:46:53 Signaling and Social Perception in Human Society00:48:42 Disruptive Technologies: Understanding Jobs, Pains, and Gains00:51:03 Identifying Customer Pains for Business Success00:53:49 Pain and Gain Points in Qualitative Research00:58:26 Cheaper Alternatives to Keyword Research00:59:48 Overview of Keyword Research and Survey Design01:04:05 Different Approaches01:06:22 Tips for Crafting Effective Questions in Surveys01:12:12 Group Interviews01:14:08 Low-Cost Research Tools: Mystery Shopping and Dogfooding01:15:52 Mystery Shopping and Customer Expert Interviews01:20:26 Research Case Study: Cooking School01:22:12 Uncovering Insights: Analyzing Competitors, Segmen
ChatGPT-4 Prompt Protocol and Finetuning for 525% better results #003
May 12 2023
ChatGPT-4 Prompt Protocol and Finetuning for 525% better results #003
Get our Prompt Protocol for Disruptors: disruptordigest.comYoutube:  youtu.be/QlFbqUymkIIWant to collaborate with us? artisan.marketingSUMMARYWe take a deep dive into prompt engineering for AI giants like ChatGPT and Google Bard. Ready to transition from an AI novice to an expert?We’ll strip away the myths, revealing the true essence of AI models. Forget the 'stochastic parrots' theory, these marvels are more than mere internet parrots. Ever fancied a Shakespearean tweet or a piece in your favorite niche writer's style? Stay tuned!Unlock the secrets behind the 'attention mechanism', the revolution in AI's comprehension and text generation. Witness the startling coherence and context sensitivity it brings.Marvel at GPT's versatility, from drafting Google Ads to compelling emails. Discover the trick to boosting GPT output quality by a staggering 525% with just a few examples.We’ll examine fine-tuning models for critical tasks and shed light on 'hypothetical document embedding', a breakthrough poised to enhance coaching, data handling, and chatbot interactions.Whether you’re an AI enthusiast or a curious beginner, brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride through AI's transformative potential.KEY TAKEAWAYS1. Focus research on understanding the specific jobs customers hire products for rather than product attributes alone, and tailor products to fulfill those specific jobs to better achieve objectives.2. Spend more time uncovering customer pains through research by understanding jobs and pains in depth. Prioritize the most important jobs, pains and gains to focus on. Test hypotheses on the most critical pains and gains.3. Start with open-ended qualitative research through a few customer interviews to gain initial insights into jobs and pains. Then survey a few hundred customers on the most important hypotheses.3. Use tools like keyword research, GPT and surveys to gain different perspectives. Group interviews and mystery shopping provide valuable insights from direct customer interaction.4. Talking to customer support and sales staff regularly is the most valuable as they speak to customers frequently. They can identify the biggest pain points and opportunities.5. Leverage these insights into marketing materials and offerings to address key jobs and pains. Like Ikea's childcare service example which solves the pain of shopping with children.6. Measure pains on a scale to quantify their importance to customers. This helps prioritize where to focus improvements and innovations.CHAPTERS00:00:00 ChatGPT Prompt Engineering00:02:29 Is GPT a Stochastic Parrot?00:04:21 Breakthrough of Attention Mechanisms in GPT Models00:06:05 Power and Limitations of GPT-4 for Instruction Following00:10:27 Capabilities of GPT Language Models00:12:09 Providing Diverse Examples for GPT00:18:04 Generalizing Knowledge with GPT00:20:25 Mental Models for Crafting Effective Cold Outreach Emails00:21:53 GPT-4: Achieving Efficiency Through Automation00:27:48 Creating a Prompt Strength Model for Cooking School Outreach Emails00:29:53 How to Write Effective Copy with GPT: A Step-by-Step Guide00:31:34 Pretraining and Fine Tuning00:33:54 Challenges of Fine-Tuning00:38:57 Fine-Tuning Models for High Volume Use Cases00:41:02 Vector Databases and Embedding Models for Automated Text Processing00:46:21 Use of Language Models for Coaching00:47:52 Hypothetic Document Embedding for Q&A Systems00:50:03 Abstraction Bridging00:55:43 Hallucination Risk00:59:22 Writing Google Ads, Emails, and Website Copy With ChatGPT01:13:01 Strategies to Overcome Limitations of L
Debunking AI Myths: Exploring Creativity, Emotional Intelligence and the Future of AI #002
May 5 2023
Debunking AI Myths: Exploring Creativity, Emotional Intelligence and the Future of AI #002
Get our Prompt Protocol for Disruptors: disruptordigest.comYoutube: https://youtu.be/JmNa3VciD3YWant to collaborate with us? artisan.marketingSUMMARYExplore AI's creative and empathetic abilities, debunking long-held beliefs. Dive into a discussion about the efficacy of larger AI models, and discover why a Stanford project's smaller model might be AI's true future.Discover the myth of 'data as the new gold,' and prepare to be astonished by what actually holds this digital crown. Unearth the peculiar 'reversal of disruption' phenomenon in AI's impact on the workforce, witnessing an unexpected pressure on creatives.Google's battle with the 'Innovator's Dilemma' and how this tech titan grapples with disruption. Witness AI's permeation into various sectors, from creative arts to physical interactions.KEY TAKEAWAYS1. AI can augment human capabilities rather than fully automate tasks. How AI allows companies and individuals to scale and explore ideas more quickly with human oversight.2. Provide more targeted context, examples, and strategic guidance to achieve objectives with Large Language Models. Frame prompts with clear goals, constraints, and examples from their own data and experience to generate more useful and customized outputs. Experiment and iterate, providing feedback to further refine the models.3. With a strategic approach and an understanding of the models' current limitations, maximize the value of large language models for business use cases.4. OpenAI's strategy of investing in and providing early access to startups in exchange for long-term usage of their models is very effective but could be made even more impactful by providing more guidance and support to portfolio companies.5. Midjourney's interface that embeds feedback into every usage has significantly accelerated their model development; OpenAI could learn from this.6. While Google has the resources to compete, their reliance on search revenue makes it difficult for them to fully disrupt with new AI capabilities. They would benefit from a bolder strategy that more fully embraces AI disruption.00:00:00 AI's Role in Shaping Work's Future00:02:30 Unwrapping Pepita: A Marketplace Case Study00:07:20 Sharpening Google Ads with AI00:09:10 The Art of Automated Copywriting00:11:14 Supercharging Google Ads with AI: The Paretot Context00:17:21 Deciphering Databases with Natural Language Processing00:19:25 Chat GPT: A New Ally for Data Scientists & Special Needs00:21:22 Deep Dive into Digital Coaching with [Name]00:24:43 Empathy & Compassion: Coping with Life's Challenges00:26:58 Unleashing Creativity with AI: GPT's Story00:32:57 Inside AI Business: Unraveling Pepita Group 200:36:42 AI Unveiled: Mastering Long Tail Products00:40:55 A Trip Back in Time: AI Compute Costs00:43:01 Unmasking AI's Limitations: Decision Trees Put to Test00:45:28 From Brute Force to Machine Learning: The AI Evolution00:47:13 Tracing AI's Path: Statistical Learning to Deep Neural Networks00:53:18 AI's Journey: From DeepMind to OpenAI & Beyond01:02:21 Tuning in with GPT: Language Model Calibration01:04:31 Reasoning in Steps with AI01:07:14 Tackling Complexity with GPT-401:09:21 What if GPT-4 Surpasses Standardized Tests?01:13:42 Building an Empire: Generative AI's Business Model01:16:21 AI Meets Cloud: Business Transformed01:18:19 Inside OpenAI's Equity Strategy01:22:22 Painting with AI: The Impact of Open Source01:23:55 The Rapid Rise of Generative Image Tech01:25:54 Content Creation Reimagined: The AI Way01:27:52 Smaller Models, Bigger Results: NLP Training Uncovered01:32:39 Google: Balancing Business with AI Investments01:35:15
1.6M Cold Emails Decoded: Protocol to Get Leads Every Day & Avoid Common Mistakes #001
Apr 28 2023
1.6M Cold Emails Decoded: Protocol to Get Leads Every Day & Avoid Common Mistakes #001
Get our Prompt Protocol for Disruptors: disruptordigest.comWant to collaborate with us? artisan.marketingVideo: https://youtu.be/Z-44BnPabIoHow to set a successful cold email outreach campaign with 80% open rate and 15% reply rate to get a new lead every single dayKey takeaways:Targeting: Focus on a niche audience within a 1 hour drive. Filter companies by size to match your capacity. Use databases like D&B to find the right companies and roles. Only email companies, not individuals.Deliverability: Verify email addresses to get below 1% bounce rate. Aim for 70-80% deliverability. Warm up new email addresses by manually sending to friends and subscribing to newsletters. Use software to automate the process in 2-3 weeks. Set up DKIM/SPF to reduce spoofing. Only send on weekdays.Copy: Do research to understand customer pains, goals and objections. Address objections upfront. Focus the first email on the top benefit, the second on another benefit. Provide value in follow ups vs just asking if the email was read. Include a simple CTA like 'reply yes'. Use ChatGPT to personalize at different levels.Testing: Enable open rate tracking on the first 1000-2000 emails to set a baseline. Measure unsubscribes to see common traits. Test on a subset before sending the full campaign. Disable open rate tracking once you reach 8-10% reply rate.Checklist: Test email thoroughly. Personalized subject line. Concise copy. Mention key benefits. Unsubscribe link. Use Cialdini's principles of influence.Practical Examples: For a cooking school, target locally within an hour's drive. Filter for companies with a team size that matches your kitchen capacity. Mention how you can help with team building events in the first email, another benefit in the second, and additional value in follow ups. Ask recipients to simply reply 'yes' to get more info.How to maximize email open-rate?1. Send a test email to yourself to check that all links work and the email looks good on mobile and desktop.2. Check that the sender name is correct and the subject line and preview text are personalized.3. Ensure the copy is concise at around five sentences with only one call to action that is clear and easy to do.4. Check that the email is value-driven and provides solutions to customer pains.5. Include an unsubscribe button that works properly and verify email addresses to avoid spam issues.6. Keep the email short, clear and use influence principles like reciprocity and consistency.7. Use a short, personalized subject line with the recipient’s name.8. Personalize the preview text to make people curious.9. Keep the body copy under five sentences with one question mark and one call to action asking the recipient to do something very easy in the first email.LinksCompany database: dnb.comEmail Databases: hunter.io, apollo.ioEmail verification: my-addr.comTesting mails: mail-tester.com, glockapps.comCold email sending: quickmail.io (our favourite). mailshake.comScraping: scrapebox.com, octoparse.com