Coach's Corner With Justin and Ethan

Justin Schollard

Welcome to "Coach's Corner with Justin and Ethan," where your health and fitness journey gets a simplified makeover! Join Justin and Ethan, two seasoned coaches with a combined 30 years of experience, as they navigate the labyrinth of health and fitness, unraveling myths from facts to guide you towards success.

In each episode, we dive headfirst into the vast world of well-being, shedding light on weight loss, dissecting diet fads, exploring diverse workout styles, and fine-tuning the often overlooked aspect of mindset. Our mission is to demystify the complexities surrounding health, making your journey not only effective but enjoyable.

Get ready for a lively and informative conversation that feels like a chat with your favorite fitness buddies. Justin and Ethan draw upon their extensive experience, sharing real-life stories from working with thousands of clients. No stone is left unturned as they break down what really works and what's just another fitness fad.

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a beginner taking the first steps toward a healthier lifestyle, "Coache's Corner" is your go-to source for practical insights, debunking myths, and embracing the joy of the journey. Tune in for a fun and engaging exploration of the truth behind health and fitness, and let Justin and Ethan be your trusted guides to a healthier, happier you!

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Shifting Your Genetic Fate with Strategic Life Choices
6d ago
Shifting Your Genetic Fate with Strategic Life Choices
Send us a Text Message.Ever wondered how your DNA might be steering your health and fitness journey? Strap in as we, Justin Schollard and Ethan Wolf, take you on a deep exploration into the world of genetics and its profound impact on our bodies. We kick off with an engaging chat on how our individual genetic blueprints set the stage for our health and body composition. Sharing from our personal experiences, we dissect the myth that innate talent trumps dedication, revealing that hard work can, in fact, level the playing field. We tackle the complex dance between genetics and behavior and how understanding this relationship can empower us to maximize our health potential.Our conversation doesn't stop at the surface; we dive into the nitty-gritty of how genetics and lifestyle choices come together in the intricate ballet of weight management. We acknowledge that for some, the journey to weight loss is a steep climb, potentially anchored in their genetic makeup. But don't fret; we also highlight scenarios where a tweak in diet or activity can tip the scales. Understanding the interplay between our inherited traits and the choices we make is crucial, and we're here to guide you through the maze of calorie utilization and its genetic nuances. In our final act, we introduce the concept of epigenetics and how it's not all about the hand we're dealt but how we play our cards. We stress the importance of lifestyle choices in influencing not just our health but the very expression of our genes. We touch on how behaviors and environmental factors can rewrite the script of our genetic destiny. Alongside these revelations, we emphasize the importance of setting attainable goals and celebrate incremental victories that lead to an enriched life. So plug in, and let's embark on this journey of discovery, where your genetic code meets the power of choice.
Mastering Stress: From Understanding Cortisol to Practical Resilience Tactics
May 20 2024
Mastering Stress: From Understanding Cortisol to Practical Resilience Tactics
Send us a Text Message.Ever wrestled with stress and come out feeling like you've been through a heavyweight fight? Join Coach Ethan and Justin on Coach's Corner as we pull from our twenty-plus years in the wellness arena to help you pin down stress for the count. We unfurl the complex tapestry of our body's stress response, highlighting the role of cortisol, and explain why it's not just what life throws at us, but how we catch it that counts. With anecdotes that'll make you nod in recognition, we illuminate the often-overlooked power of perception in stress management and reveal how mastering your responses can turn everyday challenges into opportunities for growth.Get ready to navigate the maze of skill acquisition with your trusty coaches guiding the way. We chart the course from blissful ignorance of our skill gaps through to the seamless execution of new talents, and demonstrate how this journey can significantly lower your stress thermostat. As we dissect the mechanics of stress, distinguishing between our body's alarm systems and relaxation responses, you'll gain a new appreciation for the interplay between cortisol, the sympathetic, and the parasympathetic nervous systems. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro at the game of life, we've got strategies and insights to help you level up your personal development playbook.To cap off our session, we dive into stress management tactics that are as effective as they are practical. Discover how controlled stress-exposure, like exercise, can actually fortify your resilience, and why sometimes taking a deep breath at a red light can be your best defense against the onslaught of daily pressures. We also discuss the importance of vagus nerve stimulation and share personal experiences with non-invasive methods that promote calm. It's more than just a conversation; it's an invitation to transform your day with a positive mindset, a hearty laugh, and an abundance of gratitude. So, lace up those gloves and step into the ring with us—stress doesn't stand a chance.
The Insider's Track to Picking Supplements That Truly Benefit You
May 13 2024
The Insider's Track to Picking Supplements That Truly Benefit You
Send us a Text Message.Prepare to arm yourself with the inside scoop on the supplement industry as Coach Justin and I, Coach Ethan, unravel the hidden truths that might just redefine your daily health regimen. From dissecting the placebo effect to the unregulated realities of what's truly behind the labels, we're exposing the good, the bad, and the pseudo-scientific. You'll learn why critical scrutiny and education are your best allies in choosing supplements that genuinely contribute to your wellness goals.This episode isn't just about what to avoid; it's about making informed choices. We're shining a spotlight on the significance of transparent labeling and proper dosages, exemplified by companies like Transparent Labs. Understand the real cost of quality and why sometimes spending a little more means getting a lot more in terms of health benefits. Plus, we share our personal take on essential supplements like creatine, multivitamins, and omega-3s that support a truly healthy lifestyle.Finally, we delve into the indispensable role of often overlooked nutrients like magnesium, vitamin D, and adaptogens. Discover how these elements can elevate your well-being when smartly integrated into your diet. Join us as we navigate through the intricacies of optimizing nutrition through supplementation and highlight the potent effects of adaptogenic plants and mushrooms on overall health. It's time to look beyond the hype and make choices that truly support your path to peak wellness.
Deep Dive into Dietary Fats and Cholesterol in Your Weight Loss Journey
May 6 2024
Deep Dive into Dietary Fats and Cholesterol in Your Weight Loss Journey
Send us a Text Message.Are you ready to cut through the fat of dietary confusion? Join us, Coach Justin Scullard and Coach Ethan Wolfe, as we dissect the facts and fictions surrounding dietary fats and their role in weight loss. From coconut oil's health halo to the ever-controversial topic of cholesterol, we're peeling back the layers of nutritional advice to reveal the truths you need to manage your weight and improve your health. Whether you're keto-curious or fat-phobic, prepare to have your beliefs challenged and your knowledge expanded in this myth-busting session from Coach's Corner.Dive into the heart of dietary fats with us as we explore the essential roles they play in your body. We're breaking down fat types from monounsaturated to the dreaded trans fats, and why you might want to keep an eye on your intake of certain ones. Understanding the significance of fats for hormone regulation is vital, and we're showing you why trans fats are the health nemesis we all agree to avoid. Join the conversation as we navigate the tricky waters of food labels, and arm yourself with the knowledge to make smarter choices in your diet.In our discussion, we also shed light on the carb-fat-protein trio and how they interact within your weight loss journey. We're tackling the misunderstood relationship between dietary choices, exercise, and cholesterol, revealing how lifestyle shifts can significantly improve your health markers. And for those questioning the quick fix of statins, we offer thought-provoking insights on why diet and exercise should be your go-to tools for cholesterol management. Tune in to Coach's Corner for a session that's as informative as it is transformative—because your wellness journey deserves the truth, served up straight.
Is Too Much Protein Bad For Your Health?
Apr 29 2024
Is Too Much Protein Bad For Your Health?
Send us a Text Message.Could the protein on your plate be conspiring against you? This episode digs into a Vox article's alarming claims about protein's link to cancer and the possibility that we've been duped into overconsuming. We'll strip away the layers of health mythology to critique the foundations of current dietary guidelines and consider whether we're truly getting too much of a good thing, or not enough. With anecdotes from our experience guiding clients through nutritional challenges, we reveal the real-world implications of following—or flouting—mainstream protein advice.As we navigate the aisles of nutritional economics, we draw parallels between market shifts in consumer goods and our food choices, reflecting on historical advertising campaigns like KFC's targeting of women in the '50s that forever changed the dinner table landscape. This episode isn't just about the macros; it's an exploration of how the tug-of-war between processed and whole foods plays out in public health and individual well-being. Our insights from a whole-food-based program provide a counter-narrative to the processed food paradigm that's dominated diets for decades.Finally, we shed light on the paradox of reaching for supplements to mitigate the fallout from unhealthy lifestyle choices, setting the stage for a future deep-dive into the world of dietary supplements. We challenge the misinformation around high-protein diets, debunking the myths that have clouded our understanding of this essential nutrient's role in our bodies. Get ready to rethink everything you thought you knew about protein, supplements, and the power of informed eating—at your table and in the marketplace.
Is Intense Exercise Helping or Hurting Your Fat Loss?
Apr 22 2024
Is Intense Exercise Helping or Hurting Your Fat Loss?
Send us a Text Message.Get ready to have your fitness world rocked as Coach Justin and Coach Ethan dissect the fat loss fallacy that's had us all sweating buckets for minimal returns. This episode is your ticket to understanding why nutrition and the often-ignored Total Daily Energy Expenditure are the real heavyweights in weight management. We're tearing down the myths about metabolism and exercise's role in losing weight, and instead, we're spotlighting dietary habits as the front runner in the pursuit of shedding those stubborn pounds.Strap in for a paradigm shift as we break down why high-intensity workouts may not be your ally in the battle against the bulge. Discover the hormone havoc that can boost your hunger post-workout and learn why a walk might just trump a sprint when it comes to sustainable fat loss. We're not just talking physiology here; we're also getting into the nitty-gritty of how our psychological drive to eat plays a massive role in how we manage our weight. Plus, we lay out the muscle-preserving powers of protein and how it fits into your fitness journey.As we wrap up this mind-bending conversation, we're handing you the playbook with straightforward, sustainable strategies for fat loss. You'll walk away (pun intended) with a clear understanding of how daily walks, basic weight training, and managing your calorie intake can tip the scales in your favor. And because we know the road to weight loss is as much about the mind as it is about the body, we delve into the psychological factors that influence our eating habits long after the pounds are gone. Let's transform your approach to fitness together—it's about to get real!
Weight Watchers? Noom? Optavia?? Which One Is Best?
Apr 15 2024
Weight Watchers? Noom? Optavia?? Which One Is Best?
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a journey through the maze of the weight loss industry with us, where we decode the promises and pitfalls of programs like Weight Watchers, Octavia, and Noom. The quest for a slimmer waistline has never been more enticing, with cleverly crafted plans that appeal to our deepest desires for quick results. But is it all smoke and mirrors? We're peeling back the curtain to reveal the true costs—both financial and emotional—of these popular diets. Learn why chicken nuggets might (or might not) be zero points and whether these programs really teach you to fish in the nutritional sea or just give you a fish for a day.With Dr. Nadolski's light-hearted take on losing weight now part of the Weight Watchers fold, we're examining if humor and prescription meds are the missing ingredients in your diet recipe. Can you really laugh your way to a lighter you, or do we need a more serious approach to what we put on our plates? We're putting the points system on trial here, asking if accountability through apps and badges can stand in for solid nutritional know-how. And when it comes to meal delivery services, we're not afraid to call out the monotony and challenge their promise of convenience versus cost. Strap in for a candid discussion that might just reset your diet dial.As the episode winds down, don't think we're just serving up critiques on a silver platter. We're all about that actionable advice, offering insights on how to navigate the world of calorie counting without falling into the traps of underreporting or the lure of low-effort, pre-packaged meals. Discover how Noom's color-coded system aims to simplify your food choices without putting entire food groups in the "no-go" zone. We're advocating for a balanced diet of education and mindful eating, so that when the training wheels come off, you're ready to ride solo on the road to sustained health and wellness. Tune in for a hearty serving of truth on weight loss that could change the way you think about dieting forever.
Do Doctor Always Know Best? Weight Loss, Nutrition, Pain Management, and More.
Apr 15 2024
Do Doctor Always Know Best? Weight Loss, Nutrition, Pain Management, and More.
Send us a Text Message.Ever find yourself questioning the full spectrum of wisdom that your healthcare provider imparts? Join Ethan Wolf, alongside Justin Scollard, as we peel back the curtain on what truly informs medical advice. This episode of Coach's Corner promises to challenge your perceptions of nutrition, pain management, and preventive health care, and offer revelations about the surprising limitations of medical training. Our journeys and interactions with the medical community lead us to an enlightening discussion that questions the traditional patient-doctor dynamic.As we wade through the seas of modern healthcare, we encounter the crucial role of movement and the power of pushing through discomfort in healing. My physical therapy internship tales serve as a testament to the 'use it or lose it' principle, crucial in recovery post-surgery or even with minor injuries. We also sail past the horizon of the medical industry's approach to metabolic diseases, calling out the conflict of interest that sometimes lurks in the shadows of financial incentives. It's a conversation that will have you thinking twice about the true cost of certain medical procedures and their alternatives.We wrap up with a candid discussion on the importance of harnessing the power of self-reflection in managing one's health. Our episode doesn't just highlight the benefits of medications and treatments but also underscores the crucial role of lifestyle choices and personal responsibility. So, come aboard for an invigorating journey that empowers you to take the helm of your health journey, with Coach's Corner as your navigational guide. Peace out, bye.
Liver King: The Reality of Masculinity, Steroids, and Influence
Apr 8 2024
Liver King: The Reality of Masculinity, Steroids, and Influence
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a journey through the raw and tumultuous landscape of modern masculinity with us, your hosts Justin Schollard and Ethan Wolf, as we unravel the complex persona of the Liver King. This internet phenomenon has struck a chord with many, yet his promotion of an ancestral lifestyle has come under scrutiny. The lines between science, spectacle, and ethics blur when dealing with powerful platforms and persuasive personalities, and we're here to peel back the layers. We dissect the echo chambers of today's technology that amplify figures like the Liver King and consider the weight of their influence on society.Steroids and the pursuit of physical perfection—a tale as old as modern bodybuilding. Yet, what happens when the narrative breaks from reality? The darker side of this quest reveals a world of dependency and adverse health outcomes. We share heart-wrenching stories, including that of a bodybuilder ensnared by the allure of quick gains, to highlight the stark contrast between the arduous road of natural muscle gain and the seductive shortcut of performance-enhancing drugs. Our discourse doesn't shy away from discussing the ethical breaches when public figures conceal their substance use, and we dive into the implications of such deceptions on influencer culture and our community's health.As we wrap up, the spotlight turns to the impact of hyper-masculine digital role models and the authenticity of their branding. We examine how social media algorithms may magnify these figures, molding societal values and personal aspirations. Our conversation isn't just critique and caution; we also reflect on the potential for influencers to propagate positive messages. Nevertheless, the necessity for honesty and transparency remains paramount. Join us for this thought-provoking exploration, where we challenge you to think critically about the influencers who shape our digital, and by extension, our physical lives.
Is Ozempic The Magic Bullet You've Been Looking For?
Apr 1 2024
Is Ozempic The Magic Bullet You've Been Looking For?
Send us a Text Message.Ozempic and Wegovy for weight loss. Your coaches Justin and Ethan are here to guide you through the surge in demand for these medications, sharing their experiences from the frontline of fitness training. With obesity on the rise, we dissect the consequences these drugs have on diabetic patients facing shortages and offer a profound perspective on making informed health decisions. This episode is more than a mere discussion on treatments; it's an eye-opening journey into the intricacies of appetite, the societal pressures of body image, and the ethical use of obesity medications.As we navigate the complexities of weight management, you'll gain invaluable insights into the mental and emotional challenges accompanying the pursuit of a slimmer figure. We debate the normalization of new health baselines and the potential setbacks when medical aids are cast aside. With the backdrop of personal anecdotes and hard-earned wisdom, we underscore the crucial role of lifestyle modifications and the emotional rollercoaster of weight regain. This conversation is a call to arms for anyone who's ever grappled with the scale, urging a balanced approach to diet, therapy, and, when necessary, medical intervention.Join us as we conclude with a candid reflection on the ramifications of long-term dependency on weight loss drugs and other medical treatments. We delve into the stories of clients and the potential hazards of sidelining lifestyle changes in favor of medication. More than just a dialogue, this episode is a rallying cry for initiating that first, transformative step towards lasting health and independence. It's a reminder that the mountain of personal health can only be climbed one step at a time, and we're here to help you take it.
How Much Does Your Gender Factor Into Weight Loss?
Mar 25 2024
How Much Does Your Gender Factor Into Weight Loss?
Send us a Text Message.Exploring Weight Loss: Metabolic Differences, Strength Training, and Real Diet Strategies Between Men and Women In this episode of Coach's Corner with Justin and Ethan, they dive into the complexities of weight loss, discussing the metabolic differences between men and women, and the common perception that men lose weight more easily. They explore the importance of muscle mass in metabolism and weight loss, debunk some myths about strength training and dieting, and emphasize the role of consistency, effort, and proper nutrition. The hosts also touch on societal pressures and expectations related to weight and discuss practical strategies for effective weight loss, including the significance of protein intake and the process of reverse dieting.00:00 Introduction and Podcast Kickoff00:30 Discussing Weight Loss Struggles01:17 Metabolic Rate Differences Between Men and Women02:05 The Role of Ozempic in Weight Loss02:23 Real-life Weight Loss Stories03:58 The Ozempic Episode Teaser05:28 The Impact of Calorie Deficit on Weight Loss08:33 The Importance of Tracking Food Intake12:26 The Influence of Exercise on Weight Loss16:59 The Misconceptions About Bodybuilding20:54 The Reality of Weight Loss in Men vs Women21:57 Understanding Obesity in Men and Women22:20 Societal Factors Influencing Obesity23:15 Personal Experiences with Weight Loss Consultations24:29 Alcohol Consumption and Obesity25:29 The Role of Metabolism in Weight Loss27:05 The Impact of Caloric Intake on Weight Loss29:42 The Myth of Aging and Metabolism31:33 The Role of Strength Training in Boosting Metabolism33:00 The Importance of Protein in Weight Loss37:56 The Importance of Consistency in Weight Loss38:02 The Impact of Hormones on Weight Loss38:30 The Role of Diet in Weight Loss40:16 Personal Weight Loss Journey43:29 Conclusion: The Key to Successful Weight Loss44:01 The Role of Steroids and Medication in Weight Loss
How To Stay Motivated
Mar 18 2024
How To Stay Motivated
Send us a Text Message.The Power of Consistency in Fitness and BeyondIn Episode 6 of Coach's Corner, hosts Justin Schollard and Ethan Wolf delve into the importance of consistency in achieving fitness goals and how it applies to other aspects of life. They share personal anecdotes about overcoming the desire to skip workouts, emphasizing the progress and satisfaction from pushing through. The discussion covers the distinction between those who view fitness as a hobby and part of their identity versus those who sporadically participate. Key topics include the significance of starting and sticking with fitness routines, the challenges of maintaining motivation, and strategies for building 'fitness equity' to withstand life's unpredictable hurdles. They also touch on broader implications for personal growth, identity transformation, and the potential for transferring skills acquired through fitness to other life areas. The episode concludes with reflections on the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, highlighting the mental and emotional aspects of embarking on a fitness journey and personal development.00:00 Introduction and Episode Kick-off00:42 The Importance of Consistency and Commitment00:54 Sharing Personal Workout Experiences02:57 The Reality of Fitness and Lifestyle03:56 The Struggle of Balancing Fitness and Life05:18 The Journey of Self-Improvement05:29 The Role of Coaches in Fitness06:44 The Power of Consistency and Frustration Tolerance08:38 The Magic in the Work You're Avoiding15:44 The Impact of ADD on Fitness Journey18:18 Choosing Your Hard: The Reality of Fitness20:32 Understanding the Concept of Fitness20:45 The Struggle of Starting a Workout21:46 Overcoming the Resistance to Exercise21:57 The Journey of a New Fitness Enthusiast22:54 The Joy of Progress in Fitness23:58 The Power of Adaptation in Fitness25:28 The Importance of Consistency in Fitness26:32 The Impact of Lifestyle on Fitness27:13 The Role of Identity in Fitness28:24 The Power of Why in Fitness30:28 The Importance of Starting and Following Through32:09 The Power of Positive Self-Talk in Fitness36:05 The Concept of Fitness Equity40:30 Mastering Your Mind for Fitness Success41:05 Wrapping Up: The Nucleus of Health and Fitness
Reaction to "You Are What You Eat" Documentary
Mar 11 2024
Reaction to "You Are What You Eat" Documentary
Send us a Text Message.Debating the Merits and Critiques of Vegan DocumentariesIn this episode of Coach's Corner, hosts Justin Schollard and Ethan Wolf delve into an in-depth discussion about the vegan movement and its portrayal through documentaries such as 'You Are What You Eat,' 'Game Changers,' 'Forks Over Knives,' and studies on Blue Zones. They analyze the documentaries’ focus on promoting veganism, touching on the valid points made regarding the benefits of a plant-based diet and the environmental impacts of factory farming. However, Justin and Ethan express skepticism about the documentaries' scientific rigor, discussing their perceived bias, anecdotal evidence, and the lack of balanced viewpoints on meat consumption's health benefits. They debate the portrayal of veganism as an outright healthier alternative without robust scientific backing and question the documentaries' failure to address the complexities of nutrition science, including protein sources and caloric needs. The hosts advocate for a more nuanced approach to diet that emphasizes moderation, the benefits of resistance training, and making informed food choices that consider both health and environmental sustainability. They conclude with personal reflections on their dietary choices and a call for more balanced, evidence-based discussions on nutrition.00:00 Introduction and Hosts00:47 Discussing Health Documentaries02:51 Critique of Documentary Bias05:52 Impact of Diet on Health11:39 The Importance of Resistance Training20:53 The Role of Protein in Diet24:10 Critique of Documentary Techniques27:17 Analyzing the Inclusion of Certain Elements in the Documentary27:59 The Impact of Documentaries on Public Perception29:43 The Importance of Adherence in Food Studies31:11 The Role of Exercise in Health and Fitness32:14 The Influence of Lifestyle on Health Outcomes32:48 The Controversy Surrounding Veganism and Omnivorism33:36 The Impact of Diet on Muscle Gain34:17 The Misconceptions Surrounding Egg Consumption35:42 The Role of Diet in Overall Health37:10 The Debate Over Meat Consumption and Environmental Impact39:41 The Controversy Surrounding Impossible Meats42:53 The Importance of Balanced Nutrition45:44 The Impact of Food Choices on Health and the Environment49:28 The Role of Cooking in a Healthy Diet51:09 The Importance of Balance in Diet and Lifestyle52:46 Final Thoughts and Reflections
Muscle Up: The Indispensable Benefits of Weight Training
Mar 4 2024
Muscle Up: The Indispensable Benefits of Weight Training
Send us a Text Message.Strength Training: Essential Foundations and ResultsThis episode discusses the pivotal role of strength training in effective physical fitness. The hosts, Justin Schollard and Ethan Wolf, emphasize the importance of strength or resistance training as the foundation of any fitness regime. They debunk the myth of gaining unwanted bulk from strength training and explain how it actually aids in fat loss, overall body composition improvement, and metabolic health. The session also provides insights into creating a strength training routine, the concept of 'minimum effective dose' and 'maximum recoverable volume', setting realistic expectations, and understanding the key role of nutrition in achieving desired results.00:13 Introduction and Casual Banter00:43 The Importance of Strength Training04:26 The Benefits of Resistance Training07:03 Understanding Resistance Training15:31 The Role of Strength Training in Weight Loss19:51 The Impact of Strength Training on Body Composition28:41 The Joy of Weight Training29:19 The Empowering Feeling of Resistance Training29:58 The Impact of Strength Training on Body Confidence31:12 The Limitations of Cross Training32:56 The Importance of Focusing on Strength Training33:35 The Benefits of Lifting Heavy Weights34:45 The Role of Strength Training in Athletic Performance35:40 The Ideal Frequency and Volume for Strength Training48:23 The Misconception of Bulking Up with Strength Training50:58 The Aesthetic Appeal of Strength Training54:10 Conclusion: Start Your Strength Training Program
The Weight Regain Battle: A Deep Dive into Maintaining Weight Loss on Coach's Corner
Feb 26 2024
The Weight Regain Battle: A Deep Dive into Maintaining Weight Loss on Coach's Corner
Send us a Text Message.In the third episode of Coach's Corner, hosts Justin Schollard and Ethan Wolf explore the frequently cited statistic that 90 percent of people regain their weight after dieting. They discuss the various interpretations of this figure and share their findings and insights on this issue. In doing so, they touch upon the complex dynamics and intersections between diet, exercise, lifestyle habits, physiology, and social factors. The hosts advocate for adopting sustainable lifestyle changes over drastic and quick fixes, explaining how taking gradual steps towards a healthier lifestyle can lead to sustainable weight loss. They emphasize the importance of retaining realistic expectations, finding personal motivation, and celebrating small victories on the path to long-term change.00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview00:27 The Weight Regain Statistic: A Deep Dive01:20 The Psychological Impact of Weight Regain Statistics01:58 Understanding the Science Behind Weight Regain03:13 The Role of Hunger and Metabolism in Weight Regain06:35 The Struggle of Weight Loss and Regain: Personal Experiences10:48 The Challenges of Long-Term Behavior Change for Weight Loss14:43 The Importance of Sustainable Weight Loss Strategies17:17 The Power of Habits in Weight Loss and Regain22:16 Understanding Self and Conditioned Responses22:26 Positive Feedback Loop and Pattern Interrupt23:07 Rewriting Our Operating System23:57 Understanding Discomfort and Survival Mechanism25:36 The Power of Rituals Over Habits27:00 Overcoming Boredom and Maintaining Routine28:20 The Importance of Slow and Steady Progress29:00 Taking Ownership and Making Conscious Choices36:02 The Power of Reflection and Incremental Changes40:28 Embracing the Long Game and Progress Over Perfection41:51 Conclusion: You Got This!
Cardio Uncovered: What's It About & Why We Need It
Feb 19 2024
Cardio Uncovered: What's It About & Why We Need It
Send us a Text Message.In the second episode of Coach's Corner, hosts Ethan Wolf and Justin Schollard discuss the topic of cardiovascular activity, commonly referred to as 'cardio'. They explore what the term 'cardio' encompasses, delve into the scientific basis and benefits of cardiovascular activity, and tackle common misconceptions, such as its association with fat loss. Justin and Ethan also highlight the importance of understanding an individual's fitness goals when choosing the ideal form of cardio and discuss less traditional, more enjoyable alternatives such as sports or games. Touching on studies and personal experiences, they underscore the importance of cardio for overall health and longevity, while urging listeners to approach it with an emphasis on enjoyment and sustainability rather than seeing it as a chore or quick fix for weight loss.00:00 Introduction to Cardiovascular Activity00:38 Understanding Cardio: Definitions and Forms04:01 The Science Behind Cardiovascular Health09:19 Cardio and Fat Loss: Debunking Myths12:27 The Importance of Cardio for Overall Health15:39 Practical Ways to Incorporate Cardio into Your Routine19:19 The Challenges of Cardio19:42 The Cons of Cardio20:59 The Impact of Cardio on the Body23:25 The Accessibility of Cardio23:53 The Potential Risks of Cardio25:07 The Importance of Form in Cardio26:47 The Addiction to Cardio26:51 The Role of Cardio in Weight Loss28:56 The Benefits of Cardio through Sports and Play33:38 The Impact of Fasted Cardio38:31 The Rating of Different Types of Cardio
Episode 1. Intermittent Fasting: The Good, The Bad, and Everything in Between
Feb 13 2024
Episode 1. Intermittent Fasting: The Good, The Bad, and Everything in Between
Send us a Text Message.Exploring Intermittent Fasting: Benefits, Downfalls, and PracticalityCoaches Justin Schollard and Ethan Wolf delve into the topic of Intermittent Fasting (IF) in the first episode of their show. They discuss the simplicity and availability of IF, making it a viable initial step towards calorie restriction and weight loss, irrespective of food type. They also address potential benefits like increased mental acuity and cellular maintenance through autophagy, which can occur even in moderate fasts. However, they caution about possible drawbacks if not properly managed, such as under-eating, overeating, and the difficulty of adhering to this method over a long period. The hosts advocate for IF to be used as an occasional tool rather than a long-term solution, and recommend knowing your caloric needs and cooking own meals for best results.00:00 Introduction to Coach's Corner00:00 Meet the Hosts: Justin and Ethan00:19 Ethan's Journey into Fitness02:07 Justin's Approach to Fitness03:50 The Purpose of the Show04:50 Introduction to Intermittent Fasting05:57 Personal Experiences with Intermittent Fasting07:15 The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting14:27 Who Can Benefit from Intermittent Fasting?18:07 The Psychological Benefits of Intermittent Fasting21:10 Understanding the Benefits of Fasting21:35 Exploring the Concept of Autophagy22:20 The Role of Autophagy in Fasting23:21 The Impact of Fasting on Body Composition25:37 The Potential Downsides of Fasting27:15 The Importance of a Balanced Diet in Fasting28:48 The Risks and Rewards of Intermittent Fasting31:47 How to Do Intermittent Fasting Right35:09 Final Thoughts and Ratings on Intermittent Fastin