The Neurological Disorder Podcast

Mridula Bharathi

The Neurological Disorder Podcast is a podcast created by Mridula Bharathi, a high school junior, young changemaker, and advocate for neurological disorders. In this podcast, she interviews people who are affected by neurological diseases, and they share their incredible stories as a fighter of the disorder. She also talk with doctors and surgeons who are experts on these disorders, researchers who are working to find cures for them, and more! Through this podcast, she hopes to spread awareness for these neurological conditions so more people can stay informed, look out for early signs of these sometimes debilitating conditions, and be involved in creating a change to improve care for everyone impacted by neurological diseases.

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15. Here's an Ally: The Spero Clinic ft. Dr. Katinka van der Merwe
15. Here's an Ally: The Spero Clinic ft. Dr. Katinka van der Merwe
Send us a Text Message.This week's episode is with Dr. Katinka van der Merwe, a Doctor of Chiropractic who focuses on nervous system rehabilitation to help those suffering from chronic pain. She grew up just outside of Johannesburg, South Africa, and immigrated to the United States to receive her Doctor of Chiropractic degree. Since then, she has received numerous awards for her work, including the prestigious Global Chiropractor of the Year award in Atlanta, Georgia, and the Award of Innovation for her ongoing work with RSD/CRPS patients in Los Angeles. In addition, she is a successful author and has recently published a new book, A Paradigm Shift in Treating EDS/POTS,  which focuses on the connection between EDS/POTS and other diseases to improve treatment. Dr. Van der Merwe is also the CEO and founder of The Spero Clinic in Fayetteville, Arkansas, which treats patients from around the world. To date, she has treated patients from 47 US states and 34 countries! She has great success in treating non-retractable pain syndromes and chronic pain.In this episode, Dr. Van der Merwe and I start by exploring the Spero Clinic's Nervous System Rehabilitation program and the variety of unique therapies her clinic offers. She then shares information about Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), what makes the condition difficult to diagnose, and the approach she takes to treat the pain. We then dive into her goals for the clinic in the upcoming years, her new book, and how she builds close relationships with all her patients. We also briefly touch on numerous interesting topics, such as medical kidnapping, Long COVID, and hypnotherapy!Additionally,  she shares the mental health and psychological support her clinic offers, as mental health is often intertwined with chronic pain. So, as a warning, there is a brief mention of suicide near the end of this episode. Make sure to subscribe to The Neurological Disorder Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts!Follow me on Instagram- @neurologicaldisorderpodcast Email me at- Helpful Links: about CRPS
14. Here's an Ally: Syngap1 Foundation ft. Monica Dudley-Weldon
May 20 2024
14. Here's an Ally: Syngap1 Foundation ft. Monica Dudley-Weldon
Send us a Text Message.Today's episode features Monica Dudley-Weldon! Not only is she the founder and CEO of the Syngap1 foundation, but she also has a background in biology and teaching and attended Law School. Her son, Beckett, was the 6th person in the world and 3rd in the United States to be diagnosed with Syngap1-Related Disorder, an intellectual disorder often accompanied by autism, epilepsy, and other behavioral abnormalities.  In this episode, Monica delves into the relatively unknown symptoms of this condition and treatments, such as ASOs (Antisense Oligonucleotide Therapy), that are currently being researched. When Monica embarked on her journey to learn more about Syngap1-Related Disorder and advocate for others with this condition, there were only 3 Google pages present, which were solely focused on animal models. Since then, her tireless advocacy has significantly contributed to the plentiful information available on this condition. In this episode, we dive into Beckett's story and how her son's diagnosis pushed Monica to find more answers to this rare condition. She elaborates on current research on Syngap1, and we also talk about the importance of increased access to genomic testing and newborn screening. Of course, change happens with the legislature, so we talk about her work with Senator Braun on the Promising Pathway Act and the necessity of patients' and caregivers' voices when designing clinical trials. Monica has ambitious goals for extending Syngap1 research to a broader spectrum, so she shares her future plans to expand the world of neurology!Make sure to subscribe to The Neurological Disorder Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts!Helpful Links:
13. Here's a Warrior: LGI1 Autoimmune Encephalitis ft. Lisa Lauter
Jan 28 2024
13. Here's a Warrior: LGI1 Autoimmune Encephalitis ft. Lisa Lauter
Send us a Text Message.Today's episode is with Lisa Lauter, a nurse and public health advocate, raising awareness for encephalitis and promoting holistic and conventional medicine approaches to recovery. When she received a devastating diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis (AE), Lisa deliberately began implementing changes to her diet and mindset and started utilizing holistic health practices, intensive rehabilitation therapy, and conventional medicine approaches to achieve recovery. By making changes one step at a time over a five-year journey to health, she achieved a remarkable recovery. In this episode, we talk about Lisa's diagnosis journey and specifically focus on the devastating seizures she experienced. She then shares the lifestyle changes she implemented to recover from her encephalitis and talks about the book she is writing to help all seeking to improve their mental and physical well-being. We also discuss the difference between holistic health and Western medicine, and she offers her unique perspective on the two as a nurse and public health advocate. Lisa's strength to recover and create a healthy lifestyle for herself is awe-inspiring, and she continues sharing her health tips through her blog and work with various organizations.Make sure to subscribe to the Neurological Disorder Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Follow me on Instagram- @neurologicaldisorderpodcastEmail me at- neurologicaldisorderpodcast@gmail.comHelpful Links Lisa MentionedHer blog:
12. Here's a Warrior: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, Neuro-Behçet's Syndrome, Parkinson's Disease ft. Levi Peterson
Jan 7 2024
12. Here's a Warrior: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, Neuro-Behçet's Syndrome, Parkinson's Disease ft. Levi Peterson
Send us a Text Message.This week's episode is with Levi Peterson, a fighter of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, Neuro-Behçet's syndrome, and Parksinon's disease. Levi has also experienced 10 major brain surgeries, resulting in her becoming an expert on shunting technology from past complications. In the past, she was an EMT, and currently, she is a patient navigator, which we expand on in the episode.In addition, Levi shares ways she maintained hope and remained strong through her 10 brain surgeries and how she is using her experiences to help other patients currently. We also talk about the numerous complications Levi endured after her invasive surgeries and how artificial intelligence could play a role in the future of shunts. We later discuss the stigma behind IIH and how new research and technology are playing a role in reducing this stigma and increasing awareness of rare neurological disorders. Levi's bravery and strength are incredible, and her humor makes this episode an entertaining listen! Make sure to subscribe to the Neurological Disorder Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Follow me on Instagram- @neurologicaldisorderpodcast Email me - neurologicaldisorderpodcast@gmail.comLinks Levi Mentioned/helpful resources:
11. Here's an Ally: Vistim Labs ft. James Hamet
Nov 13 2023
11. Here's an Ally: Vistim Labs ft. James Hamet
Send us a Text Message.Today's episode is with the CEO and founder of Vistim Labs, James Hamet. In addition to building mind-controlled wheelchairs and ice sculpting, Mr. Hamet focuses on tracking cognitive decline in individuals with neurodegenerative diseases, accelerating diagnosis while allowing for effective disease management in the future. This is done with a technology his company created, which we explore further in this episode. Currently, treatment for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other neurodegenerative conditions is based on preventing symptoms that arise as the disease progresses. However, Mr. Hamet shares why this approach is inefficient and why early detection of neurodegenerative conditions can significantly improve patients' course of treatment and quality of life. In this episode, we also discuss how visuospatial deficits impact those with Alzheimer's and how Vistim Labs utilizes these to track cognitive decline. Mr. Hamet additionally shares Vistim Labs' goals for the future, as well as his ambitions and past setbacks. With partners from all over the globe, Vistim Labs seeks to expand its clinical utility to other disease categories, like Traumatic Brain Injury and Schizophrenia!Make sure to subscribe to the Neurological Disorder Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Follow me on Instagram- @neurologicaldisorderpodcast Email me at- Mentioned links:
8. Here's an Ally: Headache ft Dr. Aniket Natekar
Sep 3 2023
8. Here's an Ally: Headache ft Dr. Aniket Natekar
Send us a Text Message.This week's episode features board-certified neurologist and headache specialist Aniket Natekar, MD, MSc. After completing his undergraduate degree at the Western University of London, Ontario, he pursued medical school at the John A. Burns School of Medicine in Hawaii. He later completed a residency in neurology and a fellowship in headache medicine.We all get headache, but does having a headache physically alter your brain? Does following a vegan or vegetarian diet make you more prone to headache? Does consuming alcohol recreationally intensify your headache? And the question that most of us want answered--can we prevent headache? Dr. Natekar addresses all of these questions and explains the science behind how numerous drugs and substances --caffeine, marijuana, alcohol, hallucinogens--lead to headache. We also discuss the difference between a headache and a migraine, and he clarifies common misconceptions about them both. We later talk about the importance of prioritizing health and sleep and how Dr. Natekar is able to do this in his busy life as a Neurologist. He also shares useful tips on how to put both your physical and mental health first! Get ready to learn all about headache! As a disclaimer, we mention the names of various drugs and substances, and this episode is not meant to influence anyone's choices--it is simply to explain how different substances can affect headache. Make sure to subscribe to The Neurological Disorder Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Follow me on Instagram- @neurologicaldisorderpodcast Email me at Resources Dr. Natekar mentioned:
6. Here's a Warrior: Alice in Wonderland Syndrome ft Robin Powers
Aug 4 2023
6. Here's a Warrior: Alice in Wonderland Syndrome ft Robin Powers
Send us a Text Message.This week's episode is with Robin Powers, a warrior of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. In her free time, she also loves to write and recently published a book about her other rare condition: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). After experiencing multiple hardships in her childhood, Robin became a young advocate, giving a voice to others with rare conditions who cannot advocate for themselves. She truly turned her pain into motivation and continues to make a significant impact in the rare disease community.In this episode, we talk about the bizarre symptoms that accompany this incredibly rare neurological condition, the medical paper she co-authored and presented, how she remains positive despite societal judgement, and all the legislative advocacy she is doing on Capitol Hill. She even got to speak with the Senate majority leader!Make sure to subscribe to the Neurological Disorder Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Follow me on Instagram- @neurologicaldisorderpodcast Email me at- Follow Robin on Instagram- @robinalexixpowersambLinks to help those with Alice in Wonderland Syndrome:,common%20perceptions%20are%20at%20night.
5. Here's An Ally: Huntington's Disease ft Ashley Clarke
Jul 21 2023
5. Here's An Ally: Huntington's Disease ft Ashley Clarke
Send us a Text Message.This week's episode is with Ashley Clarke, a devoted advocate for Huntington's Disease in Northern Ireland! After watching her father experience this terrible condition, she started to educate others about Huntington's Disease and research to create a safe and inclusive community. In this episode, she shares the numerous ways in which she advocates for Huntington's globally and continues to make a positive and supportive environment for all. She is also very involved with the HDYO (Huntington's Disease Youth Organization) and recently gave an amazing speech at the opening of the HDYO congress in the Glasgow City Chambers in front of hundreds of people!In this episode, me and Ashley talk about drugs that are currently being developed and tested to cure Huntington's in the near future, the positive shift in awareness for Huntington's and other neurological disorders in the past 10 years, and the amazing work organizations like HDYO are doing for Huntington's to raise awareness and help diagnosed individuals and loved ones feel comfortable and supported!Make sure to subscribe to the Neurological Disorder Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Follow me on Instagram- @neurologicaldisorderpodcast Email me at- Follow Ashley on Instagram- @imnotdrunklifestyleblogLinks Ashley Mentioned