Biblical Talks with Elder Michael Tolliver Podcast

Michael Tolliver

when the term Reformed theology is used, it often refers to something less historical. Often it refers to a theology that acknowledges the doctrine of predestination and holds to a high view of the Bible as God’s inerrant Word. Sometimes it is also identified with the so-called five points of Calvinism: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints. These are all important teachings of the Reformed tradition, but they do not fully encapsulate or describe Reformed theology.

A better starting place is five statements that have been called the five solas of the Reformation. These five solas (sola is the Latin word for “only” or “alone”) are sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), sola fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), and soli Deo gloria (God’s glory alone). Put together, these solas clearly express the central concerns of the Protestant Reformation, which was about worship and authority within the church as much as it was about individual salvation. The “alone” in each is vital, and they emphasize the sufficiency of God’s Word and the gracious nature of salvation, received by faith alone, in Christ alone. The last of the five solas, soli Deo gloria, is the natural outworking of the first four. It reminds us that Reformed theology understands all of life in terms of the glory of God. To be Reformed in our thinking is to be God-centered. Salvation is from the Lord from beginning to end, and even our existence is a gift from Him.

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A Journey Through 1 Peter with Michael Tolliver: Introduction
3d ago
A Journey Through 1 Peter with Michael Tolliver: Introduction
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a transformative spiritual adventure with me, Michael Tolliver, as we approach the powerful teachings of 1 Peter. Starting June 3rd, we'll uncover the treasures of hope and endurance laid out by the apostle Peter for believers navigating trials and persecution. This exploration is more than just a study; it's a promise of fortified faith, an invitation to witness the visible impact of salvation on every aspect of life. Expect insights on leadership, the profound paradoxes of Christian existence, and the beauty of a spirit reborn through suffering, all delivered with a passion for the genuine essence of Christianity that resonates in today's world.Listen Peter loved to lead, but he had to go through a lot of brokenness to learn how (I feel him on that). He wrote this book to churches to encourage them to endure despite their suffering, trials, and persecution.  Beloved that is my intention, as we glean through 1 Peter, Peter wanted believers to know that the new birth in Christ gives hope that will give determination despite what we go through, in this life. In 1 Peter we are going to balance doctrinal truth about our salvation with practical truth about how it is to be lived out in countless life situations. Including the relationships between husbands and wives.  Listen Peter knew about suffering because he had experienced it as a disciple of Christ. Remember that he had to go through a lot of brokenness to learn how to endure it with joy and victory rather than with sadness and defeat. Beloved this is a lesson we all need today as our culture grows increasingly hostile against the Church and the Christian faith. So if we are going to be people of the kingdom of God, our salvation has to become a visible reality that affects all that we do and say. The world needs to see a Christianity that can be seen, even in a world that opposes and rejects us. I hope that as we glean through 1 Peter we all may grow in Grace, that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.   Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
A Spotlight on the Scriptures: Isaiah 53:5-6 Healing Through the Suffering Servant.
3d ago
A Spotlight on the Scriptures: Isaiah 53:5-6 Healing Through the Suffering Servant.
Send us a Text Message.Could our deepest healing come from the most unexpected source? Today's episode takes us through a transformative exploration of Isaiah 53:5-6, revealing how the suffering of one brings peace and healing to many. We're joined by a guest whose insightful reflections on these ancient texts shed light on the profound spiritual restoration offered through the sacrifices depicted. As we unpack the layers of meaning behind the suffering servant's experience, we invite you to consider the powerful implications for our own lives, particularly in the ways we have each gone astray, seeking our own paths.Our conversation delves into the core issue facing humanity—our tendency to wander without divine direction—and the consequent need for a guide back to righteousness. By examining key biblical passages, including Proverbs and Jesus' bold claim in John 14:6, we confront the stark realities of our choices and their outcomes. Our guest helps us to understand the weight of iniquity placed upon Jesus and the life-giving transformation available through his stripes. Tune in for a thought-provoking journey that promises not only to enlighten but to offer a path to peace and healing for the spirit.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.   Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
Prayer as a Path to Spiritual Revival with Pastor Colin Smith
5d ago
Prayer as a Path to Spiritual Revival with Pastor Colin Smith
Send us a Text Message.As we open the gates to a more intimate conversation with the divine, Pastor Colin Smith joins me to shed light on the often overlooked potency of prayer. Our exchange breathes life into the ancient words of Isaiah, unraveling the profound impact prayer can have on individual hearts and entire communities. Together, we navigate the path to spiritual revival, a journey marked by an awakening awareness of God's omnipresence and an enriched understanding of His character, which in turn deepens our own spiritual communication.Embark with us as we acknowledge the vulnerabilities prayer exposes, embracing our human imperfections while celebrating the transformative process of surrendering to God's will. Pastor Smith's insights remind us that in prayer, we are not just speaking into the void but are being sculpted by the ultimate craftsman. This episode stands as a testament to the beauty found in the earnest plea for spiritual revival, inviting believers to unite in anticipation of God's glory and return.Closing our heartfelt dialogue, we extend a collective prayer for the ignition of a spiritual revival within our communities. This beckoning call to prayer serves as a reminder of our cherished position as loved and redeemed children of God, empowering us to foster a more profound dialogue with our Father. Join us for an episode that promises to stir your soul and potentially reshape the way you approach the divine conversation that is prayer.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.    Each month, Elder Tolliver offers a spiritually encouraging book to help you in your walk with Christ for any size donation. Please go to website to take advantage of this opportunity.  Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
Unveiling True Love: Biblical Love
1w ago
Unveiling True Love: Biblical Love
Send us a Text Message.How often do we pause to reevaluate our understanding of love against the tapestry of Biblical truth? Join me, Michael Tolliver, as we peel back layers of cultural myths to reveal the deeply rooted scriptural definition of love. In our enlightening conversation, we dissect the exchange between Jesus and Peter to understand the distinct Greek words for love—agape and philia—and their implications for how we live out love as an actionable choice, not just a transient feeling. Say goodbye to the Greco-Roman myths that have long distorted our view of love and prepare to embrace a more committed, sacrificial love that reflects Christ's example.When Jesus asked Peter if he loved him, in John 21: 15-17 Jesus used the Greek verb agapao. Agapao is often used to describe self-sacrificial love. But when Peter affirmed his love for Jesus, the Greek verb is phileo, a brotherly kind of love and affection- a love between good friends. Previously Peter had claimed that his love for and commitment to Jesus was superior to that of the other disciples. But after his disappointment and denial he wasn’t willing to be conceited to say that he loved Jesus with a agapao (sacrificial) love.  Listen Biblical love is not first and foremost an emotion. Real love is the decision to compassionately, righteously and sacrificially seek the well-being of another. We are to choose love even when we do not feel like loving because we are called to love others as God has loved us. Our relationship with Christ is first and foremost one of love. Out of our intimate abiding with him we are to extend love to those around us. It is by the mark of love that people are to recognize us as followers of Christ.  Remember love is not first and foremost an emotion. Real love is the decision to compassionately, righteously and sacrificially seek the well-being of another. Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.   Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
Questions and Answers for the Month: May Pt 2
May 24 2024
Questions and Answers for the Month: May Pt 2
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a spiritual odyssey with me, Michael Tolliver, as we probe the depths of sanctification in the life of a believer. With over three decades of unwavering commitment to originality in my sermons, I've come to understand the transformative power of relentless scripture engagement and the humility that arises when Christian biographies lay bare our spiritual inadequacies. The revealing juxtaposition of our own journeys against those of the devout stirs a profound self-reflection, drawing us into a closer, more intimate walk with God.The tapestry of hymnody, interwoven with personal narratives and divine encounters, offers a glimpse into the awe-inspiring beauty of our Creator that we so often miss. As we traverse the landscape of faith, hymns emerge as mileposts, guiding us through the ebbs and flows of our spiritual pilgrimages. Moreover, we peer through the lens of scripture and tradition to imagine the beatific vision—the promised encounter with divine splendor that awaits us beyond this life, an ultimate revelation that both humbles our present experience and fuels our heavenly anticipation.Confronting the end of life's journey, we turn to the Holy Spirit for solace, yet find that His comforting presence may ebb, prompting a deeper reliance on Christ's promise of salvation. Through heartfelt stories, including those of Christians in their twilight hours, we dissect the intricate dance of faith and fear, of assurance and the unknown. Echoing through the valleys of our discussion are the timeless words of the 23rd Psalm and the allegorical paths of "Pilgrim's Progress," offering a beacon of hope that guides us to the shores of eternity. Join us as we navigate these profound themes, seeking the ever-present light of God in every season of the soul's journey.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.    Each month, Elder Tolliver offers a spiritually encouraging book to help you in your walk with Christ for any size donation. Please go to website to take advantage of this opportunity.  Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
Questions and Answers for the Month: May Pt 1
May 23 2024
Questions and Answers for the Month: May Pt 1
Send us a Text Message.Dare we consider a world where God's knowledge is not absolute, where the Divine reacts rather than presides with omniscience? Our latest episode challenges the Openness of God movement, a theology that has sparked controversy by suggesting such a possibility. Joined by theological heavyweights Alistair Begg, Sinclair Ferguson, John MacArthur, and R.C. Sproul, we dissect the profound implications of this perspective on the sanctity and attributes of God's holiness. As we delve into scripture and the convictions of these respected voices, we confront a belief system that many argue not only deviates from but actively opposes the core of orthodox Christianity.In a society that often seems to dilute or dismiss the pursuit of holiness, our conversation turns to the practicality of living a life adorned with Christ-like virtues amidst shifting cultural tides. We draw connections between the narratives of Jesus and John the Baptist and the powerful words of Psalm 27, searching for the essence of sin and holiness within these texts. This episode doesn't shy away from the difficult questions, such as the nature of the "sin unto death" and its implications for individual believers and the church at large. Join us for a compelling reflection on upholding the sacredness of faith in the modern age, reinforced by personal stories and theological insights that encourage and guide us along the path of spiritual growth.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.    Each month, Elder Tolliver offers a spiritually encouraging book to help you in your walk with Christ for any size donation. Please go to website to take advantage of this opportunity.  Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
Book of the Month for May: Momentum
May 22 2024
Book of the Month for May: Momentum
Send us a Text Message.Unlock the secret to a life of blessedness as laid out by the Son of God with our esteemed guest, Colin Smith, author of "Momentum." We delve into a conversation that's far from your average scriptural study. Instead, we examine the Beatitudes not as a checklist for spiritual novices but as a profound depiction of a Christian life truly lived. Colin unravels the misconception that change is an insurmountable challenge, guiding us through the transformative power of these timeless teachings, and how they can foster a life of ease and continuous growth in godliness and good works.Prepare to be inspired as we explore the essence of being blessed both in this life and beyond. Colin doesn't just stop at describing the blessings; he paves a path for actively pursuing them, highlighting the Beatitudes as a catalyst for a life that not only navigates but welcomes change. Learn how to break free from the shackles of sin and embrace a deeper intimacy with the Lord, starting today. This episode isn't just for those striving for a better spiritual life; it's a beacon of hope for anyone who thought their chance at change had passed. Join us for a journey that promises progress from the moment you listen.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.   Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
A Spotlight on the Scriptures: Revelation 22: 20-21 PT 2 " Anticipating the Second Coming
May 22 2024
A Spotlight on the Scriptures: Revelation 22: 20-21 PT 2 " Anticipating the Second Coming
Send us a Text Message.This is a spotlight on the Scriptures: Revelation 22:20-21 Pt 2.  He who testifies to these things says, “Surely, I am coming soon. "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!  The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.  Well, that was almost two thousand years ago that He said, “Surely I am coming soon.”." But we all want to say, “Lord it has been two thousand years”. Peter said, "In the last days there will be scoffers that will come along and saying where is the promise of His coming? Since our fathers have fallen asleep everything has gone on as it was from the beginning"(2Pe_3:3). "You know, he is not coming back? Foolishness. Jesus is coming again; Scoffers will tell you that you are a fool. Where is the promise? Things are just going to go on and on and on. There is not going to be any interruption in history.But Peter said, "God isn’t slack concerning His promises," that is the promise of the coming, "as some men count slackness." But he said, "You need to consider that one day is as a thousand years to the Lord and a thousand years is as one day"(2Pe_3:8). We say it has almost been almost two thousand years. Well, the Lord says, "It has only been a couple of days.  "Behold, I come quickly."How, soon is He coming for you? We don’t know; do we? But I do believe that the time of the return of Jesus Christ is very, near. Listen the statement of a thousand years, and of a day, is chosen by way of showing, that in relation to who he is, His Being, and existence, He is the one who occupied eternity, all calculations of time lose their very meaning. I AM, that I AM which is the Lord’s unique name, renders past, present, and future to Him, but as one of the eternal now. And this should not be forgotten by the people of God, that it is the eternity of his nature, and the unchangeableness of his purpose, His counsel, His will, and pleasure, which gives life and success to all his promises in Christ.  And so, I do believe that the day of the Lord is at hand. And I, with John, would respond, "Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus."Oh, how my heart yearns for the Lord to come and establish His kingdom. How I desire to see the New World, the new age with Jesus' reigning as King and Lord.Listen to John’s final parting words and the closing words of the Bible. How fitting.The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. So be it. (Rev_22:21)Isn’t that beautiful? What a glorious way to end this glorious book. Just the gift of God’s grace or the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ upon you. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ rest or be upon or be with all of you. "So be it."Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.   Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
A Spotlight on the Scriptures: Revelation 22:20-21
May 15 2024
A Spotlight on the Scriptures: Revelation 22:20-21
Send us a Text Message.Could the closing lines of Revelation hold the key to living a life of eager anticipation for Christ's return? This episode promises to unlock the awe-inspiring culmination of the Biblical text, where the imminent Second Coming of Jesus stands as an unwavering beacon of hope. As we explore Revelation 22:20-21, we're reminded that Jesus's promise to come 'soon' transcends calendars and clocks, resonating with the eternal 'Amen' in the hearts of believers across the ages.Join us as we affirm the transformative impact that the final verses of Revelation have on our faith, inspiring a deeper commitment to worship and a renewed understanding of grace. We're not just dissecting ancient scripture here; we're sowing the seeds of a living hope that sustains and empowers 21st-century followers of Christ. Together, with one voice, we echo the sacred plea, 'Amen, come, Lord Jesus,' and delve into the grace that charts our course through the tempestuous seas of life until the glorious day of His return.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.   Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
Navigating the Depths of Faith: Embracing the Obedience and Assurance in Christ with Pastor Colin Smith
May 10 2024
Navigating the Depths of Faith: Embracing the Obedience and Assurance in Christ with Pastor Colin Smith
Send us a Text Message.For the last couple of weeks, I have been listening to Pastor Colin Smith preach on the anatomy of faith. He goes through the ears of faith, the hands of faith, the mouth of faith, and the voice of faith. The anatomy of faith is acting like God is telling the truth; faith is acting like it is so even when it is not so so that it might be so simply because God said so. The Oxford Dictionary says that the word anatomy means: a study of the structure or internal workings of something:So faith is the opposite of sight, acting and judging things based solely on what we can see and perceive with our human senses. Faith always involves your feet. It is an action of your life, not merely words from your lips. A person can feel like they lack faith but still be full of faith if they choose to obey what God has revealed to do or say. Faith is not merely a feeling; it is an action in response to God’s revealed will.  Hebrews 11: 1-3 says: Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it, the people of old received their commendation. By faith, we understand that the universe was created by the word of God so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. Verse 6 of Hebrews 11 says: And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. Remember that faith always involves your feet. Let’s listen to Pastor Colin Smith take the part of the anatomy of faith called the feet: Walking in Obedience to Christ and what that looks like. Here’s Pastor Colin Smith:  Thank you for listening to Biblical talks.  To support this podcast please go to Have a blessed day.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.    Each month, Elder Tolliver offers a spiritually encouraging book to help you in your walk with Christ for any size donation. Please go to website to take advantage of this opportunity.  Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
Discovering Divine Peace: Embracing the Beatitudes as Peaceful Warriors with Pastor Kevin Smith
May 6 2024
Discovering Divine Peace: Embracing the Beatitudes as Peaceful Warriors with Pastor Kevin Smith
Send us a Text Message.This past Sunday morning, my pastor, Kevin Smith was preaching a sermon called Peaceful Warriors. He is preaching through the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. To be at peace is to be in harmony not only with each other but with God. To be a peacemaker is to be a mediator and try to resolve conflicts between separated parties whether it is an individual or a group. We make peace by identifying the truth and addressing the sin. I want you to know that peacemaking can be difficult work, but if we persevere in it, we will be called “sons and daughters of God. Let’s listen to Pastor Kevin's sermon Peaceful Warriors.    The Beatitudes are not telling you how to become a Christian—they tell you what a true Christian looks like.  Everyone wants to be blessed. We want to be blessed in life, blessed in death, and blessed in eternity. In the Beatitudes, the Son of God tells us about the life that is blessed and about the people who are blessed. But Jesus does more than just describe a blessed life, He gives us a way to pursue it.In his book Momentum, Colin Smith wants you to know that If you want to make strides in overcoming sin, growing in godliness, abounding in good works, and enjoying intimacy with the Lord, this book is for you. Go to For any amount of Donation to Biblical Talks, we will send you this book.Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.    Each month, Elder Tolliver offers a spiritually encouraging book to help you in your walk with Christ for any size donation. Please go to website to take advantage of this opportunity.  Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
Book of the Month for May: Momentum
May 1 2024
Book of the Month for May: Momentum
Send us a Text Message.Discover the true meaning of living a blessed life as we explore the heart of the Beatitudes with our distinguished guest, author Colin Smith. Embrace a conversation that extends beyond the common quest for blessings in life and death, diving into the promises of eternity and the authentic Christian experience. Colin brings his insightful narrative from his book "Momentum" to our discussion, offering a refreshing perspective on personal transformation and spiritual growth through the teachings of Jesus.Together, we examine the Beatitudes not simply as lofty ideals but as practical steps for anyone seeking to overcome life's challenges, grow in faith, and enjoy a deeper connection with the divine. Colin's wisdom illuminates the path to a life that becomes progressively easier and more joy-filled, even when change seems daunting. If you're ready for an uplifting journey into a more blessed existence or searching for renewed hope in your spiritual walk, this episode offers a treasure trove of encouragement to start making progress today.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.   Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
A Spotlight in the Scriptures: 1 John 1:8-9
May 1 2024
A Spotlight in the Scriptures: 1 John 1:8-9
Send us a Text Message.Can we truly claim to be without sin, or are we fooling ourselves in the worst way possible? Our latest episode brings Brother Tripp into a profound discussion about the raw honesty of 1 John 1:8-9, which challenges us to face our flaws and the necessity of confession. As we delve into the scripture, we confront the discomfort of acknowledging our own sinfulness—understanding it as more than just the odd lie here and there, but a deep-seated absence of truth that festers when we deny our imperfections. Brother Tripp lends his insight, echoing the biblical message that sin is an inescapable daily struggle, manifesting in even our most mundane actions and thoughts.This episode isn't just about identifying sin—it's about the liberation found in confessing and aligning with God's perspective. Through the parable of the prodigal son, we explore the poignant journey from repentance to restoration, illustrating the continuous need for grace in our lives. We discuss the powerful transformation that comes with sincere confession; how it not only aligns our hearts with God's disdain for sin but also leads us back to the warmth of His embrace. We invite you to join us on this journey of healing, understanding that as we embrace the practice of confession, we are met with God's unwavering faithfulness and justice. Brother Tripp's wisdom is a beacon, guiding us through the necessity of confronting our darkest truths for the sake of spiritual growth and redemption.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.   Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at
Christian Nationalism Panel: Navigating the Crossroads of Christian Nationalism and Society: A Discourse on Faith and National Identity
Apr 29 2024
Christian Nationalism Panel: Navigating the Crossroads of Christian Nationalism and Society: A Discourse on Faith and National Identity
Send us a Text Message.Grapple with the concept of Christian Nationalism as we traverse its theological underpinnings and societal implications. Prepare for an enlightening journey through the challenges and opportunities that arise when faith intertwines with national identity. Joined by the insightful perspectives of Voddie Baucham, Tom Ascol, and William Wolfe, we dissect the delicate balance where Christian culture can enhance our spiritual journey without eclipsing the primacy of Christ's lordship. This episode promises to sharpen your understanding of how Christian values can influence society while guarding against the distortions of nationalistic fervor.As Elder Michael Tolliver, I'm thrilled to lead you through an intricate discussion on the Baptist doctrine of church-state separation, the Biblical interpretation of civic obedience, and the church's role in discipling society. We scrutinize the tension between patriotism and resistance to authority, especially in a time of political and health crises. Our candid dialogue outlines the distinct spheres of family, church, and government authority, shedding light on their interconnected roles and the church's sovereign duty to guide without overreach.Concluding our profound exploration, we encourage a revival of Christian ethos starting within our homes and local communities. Our episode underlines the importance of fostering a society that resonates with Christian values, confronting national sins like abortion and historical injustices, and the pressing need for spiritual renewal over political activism. Together, we examine whether a government structure can ever be divinely endorsed and how Christians can actively participate in public theology, resisting secular nationalism. Tune in for a deep dive into the ways we, as believers, can influence the public square while steadfastly upholding our faith.Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast with Michael Tolliver, this podcast is dedicated to biblical teaching and having world views discussions from a biblical perspective. Here is today’s Podcast.    Each month, Elder Tolliver offers a spiritually encouraging book to help you in your walk with Christ for any size donation. Please go to website to take advantage of this opportunity.  Thank you for listening to Biblical Talks. This Podcast is solely supported by listener donations. Please go to to support this podcast and have a blessed day. Support the Show.Have a blessed day, and thanks for listening! Visit my website to learn more at