
Hannah Blue

Welcome to Amerisogyny with Hannah Blue! Amerisogyny takes listeners around the world, exposing links in mental health on topics on such as dating, crime, domestic violence and more! Mental health affects everyone—everywhere in the world. Got your tickets ready? Let’s fly! ; ) read less
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Episode 60: How Misguided Gentle Parenting Might Be Cultivating Narcissistic Traits
2d ago
Episode 60: How Misguided Gentle Parenting Might Be Cultivating Narcissistic Traits
Welcome to episode 60 of Amerisogyny! In this episode, I delve into the controversial topic of gentle parenting and explores whether it may inadvertently contribute to the development of narcissistic traits in children. I examine the origins and principles of gentle parenting, popularized by British author Sarah Ockwell-Smith, and contrast it with other parenting styles such as authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and neglectful parenting. We'll discuss the potential pitfalls of gentle parenting, especially when it becomes misinterpreted or overly lenient, leading to a lack of boundaries and discipline. Through expert opinions and research, including insights from psychotherapist Mary Benedetti and child behavior interventionist Anna Lussenberg, I highlight the importance of balance in parenting. It is imperative to note while acknowledging children's feelings is essential, it should not come at the cost of authority and structure. Episode 60 also covers attachment styles and their impact on children's development, emphasizing how the way we were parented shapes our future relationships and behaviors. Join me as I navigate this complex subject, providing a critical perspective on modern parenting trends and their long-term implications for children's emotional and social well-being. Don't miss this thought-provoking episode. Follow Amerisogyny on Podbean, Samsung, Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and more for future updates and discussions.
Episode 57: Givers & Takers. A Discussion On Altruism & Selfish Behavior
Apr 18 2024
Episode 57: Givers & Takers. A Discussion On Altruism & Selfish Behavior
Welcome back to the 57th episode of our podcast - "Give and Take.' Through a captivating discussion, I, Hannah Blue, delve into the intriguing concept of 'givers' and 'takers' that exists within our society. This episode sheds light on how different individuals contribute to their communities, transcending beyond mere monetary transactions, and cautions listeners about 'takers,' who carry toxic, negative energy. The narrative unfolds through a tapestry of global tales. From the bravery a police officer in Sydney to the compassion of three nurses in Taiwan, we highlight the everyday heroes serving their communities. The story also touches upon the inspiring relationship of Russell and Ciara Wilson, whose God-centric marriage epitomizes respect, devotion, and true commitment. Shifting gears into the often controversial realms of social media, we challenge traditional notions of masculinity, debunking the stigma associated with men expressing emotions freely. As we explore societal perceptions and biases, we emphasize that showing emotion does not reflect weakness but rather humanizes men, advocating for the importance of male mental health issues. We later ponder over dangerous, racist ideologies, focusing on a case at Indiana State University involving a white supremacist nursing student. We discuss the catastrophic implications of such ideologies, showcasing the historic discriminatory treatment of Black patients in the healthcare sector. The episode wraps up with a reminder of our collective duty in tackling racism within academic institutions and society at large. I stress that it’s not sufficient to merely report hate speeches, but it is equally important to administer appropriate consequences.
Episode 56: A (Lady) Officer And A Gentleman
Apr 4 2024
Episode 56: A (Lady) Officer And A Gentleman
Welcome to episode 56 of our Amerisogyny podcast!  In this week's episode titled "A lady officer and a gentleman", I delve into diverse topics ranging from women in military and body positivity, to battling racism in soccer. The show begins with an insight into Denmark's decision to conscript women for military service, making it the third nation in Europe to do so. With rising tensions and threats looming over Ukraine and potentially Denmark, I discuss the logistic and ethical aspects of this move. Transitioning to social media, we learn about a scandal in Nigeria involving a woman's review of a product that escalated into lawsuits and potential jail time. We then visit the US for a heartening moment where a social media influencer, Tabitha Brown, helps normalize real women's bodies, post-pregnancy changes, and body-positivity messages. Our host shifts focus to discuss key gentlemen of the episode. First, we travel to Colombia, where the mayor of Medellín imposes a temporary ban on prostitution to combat sexual exploitation of minors. Next, we go to Spain, where Brazilian footballer Vinicius Junior confronts the racial abuse he faces, vowing to persist in the sport he loves and standing as a beacon of light against this many-faced societal ailment. Join me on this journey around the world as we explore captivating narratives about women empowerment, standing against injustice, and celebrating natural beauty.  Available on multiple platforms including Podbean, Spotify, YouTube Music, Samsung, iHeartRadio and more.
Episode 55: See You Soon.  A Discussion On Misogynoir In The United States
Mar 29 2024
Episode 55: See You Soon. A Discussion On Misogynoir In The United States
Welcome to another illuminating episode of Amerisogyny. This week, I delve into stories shedding light on two distinct representations of this pervasive societal issue. A young boy's life is senselessly cut short and dangerous health concerns of a black beauty influencer are dismissed, leading to her untimely death. As we traverse through these narratives, we continue to emphasize connection, compassion, and advocacy. We journey first to Illinois, where the tragic tale of Jaden Perkins unfolds. This 11-year-old Chicago native, known for his gifted dancing, was stabbed defending his pregnant mother from an ex-convict. This tragedy, steeped in senselessness, highlights a fatal flaw in the justice system, and the resulting victim-blaming exposes the disturbing depth of misogynoir. Despite these heavy odds, Jaden's love for theater, his generous spirit, and infectious laughter continue to be remembered and celebrated. After bearing witness to Jaden's heartbreaking story, we shift our attention to Jessica Pettway, a renowned beauty influencer who lost her battle to cervical cancer at the tender age of 36. Despite clearly communicating her alarming symptoms, Jessica was dismissed and misdiagnosed by her OBGYN. This shocking disregard towards black women’s health concerns uncovers a global pattern of racial discrimination in the healthcare sector, a pattern deeply rooted in misogynoir. The blatant discrimination faced by both Jaden's mother and Jessica Pettway underscores the critical need for change. From highlighting systemic flaws to promoting self-advocacy, these stories serve as stark reminders of the importance of listening, understanding, and acting upon the tyranny of misogynoir. With each episode, we aim to create awareness, foster empathy, and unite our listeners in the shared pursuit of justice and equality.  As we approach the Easter weekend, we hope you have a soulful Resurrection Sunday.  And as always, stay tuned for more episodes of Amerisogyny!
Episode 54: Biting The Misogyny Bullet: How Misogyny Kills The Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Mar 28 2024
Episode 54: Biting The Misogyny Bullet: How Misogyny Kills The Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Welcome to episode 54 of Amerisogyny, where I dissect the deep-rooted misogynistic tendencies in America and across the globe. This episode provides a thought-provoking assessment of the recent changes to Roe v. Wade, revelations from the documentary "Quiet on Set", concerning child exploitation in Hollywood, and the profound impacts of misogyny on the human mind, body, and spirit. Join me, Hannah Blue, as I penetrate the world of Amerisogyny, a term I coined to express the fusion of American and global misogyny. Discover the distressing state of women's representation across the US and understand the damaging effects of societal misogyny. Uncover the terrifying story of Brian Peck's exploitation of former Nicklelodeon star Drake Bell, and the industry giants who defended him amongst a culture of victim blaming in the explosive documentary Quiet On Set. I brave the issue of misogyny on a global scale, spotlighting challenges such as discrimination, pay disparity, and victim-blaming confronting women universally. I also spark an engaging debate on the concept of the 'second sexism'. Get updates on distressing stories of celebrities, demonstrating how misogyny displays itself in distinct forms worldwide. Amerisogyny courageously explores the public reputations of Hip Hop and R&B artists - Dre and Chris Brown. I  underscore the stark differences in their public reception and career trajectories following incidents of domestic violence--especially Dr. Dre's violent history of abusing Dee Barnes and singer Michel'le. I also discuss the vulnerability of black women in America, and the hypocrisy within the entertainment industry.  In the concluding segment, I explore mental health crises and discuss the tragic case of Ryan Gainer, a 15-year-old young man with autism, who lost his life to police violence. I also express my concerns about involving law enforcement to de-escalate situations involving people experiencing mental health crises.  In addition, I offer my listeners some cautionary advice. This episode transcends basic discourse, as I demand better futures for black and brown people grappling with mental health issues.
Episode 53: Toxicity Uncovered: Exposing Bad Behavior Around The World
Mar 21 2024
Episode 53: Toxicity Uncovered: Exposing Bad Behavior Around The World
In this compelling episode, I present a mingling of shocking stories from the world of entertainment and business. Starting on a grim note with an update on the tragic death of Nex Benedict, we delve into the outrageous world of unhinged K-pop fans and their unreal expectations and controlling behavior in artists' personal lives. I'll also highlight the intense and unjust backlash unleashed on K-pop star Karina merely for dating. Moving further East, we explore the power of online bullying as China's social media turns into a battleground with coordinated attacks on the nation's wealthiest individual, Zhong Shanshan and his famed brand, Nongfu Spring. A domino effect of negative actions following accusations of pro-Japanese sentiments results in drastic financial losses. Crossing borders to Spain, we scrutinize the behavior within sponsorship collaborations, with Doritos firing its transgender influencer, Samantha Hudson over past scandalous comments sexualizing children. This episode spotlights a repeated pattern of distressing behaviors, emphasizing the crucial need for better understanding and respect for boundaries within the public domain. Tune in for revealing narratives from Brazil to Cincinnati, Ohio, ranging from a fake doctor's lifestyle unraveling to a negligent caregiver exploiting people with disabilities, to a mental health facility's abrupt closure, impacting an entire Ohio community. Wrapping up with a heart-wrenching tale from Nebraska of a tiny victim of a vicious dog attack and a deceitful cover-up by her mother. In each of these distressing incidents, I showcase compassion, outrage, and a tenacious pursuit for justice. This episode drives home the urgent need for social justice, responsibility, and the vital role we all share in upholding decency in society. Join the conversation as it takes a community effort to maintain accountability.  Why is it important to stand up for the voiceless?  Your silence could perpetuate harmful behaviors.
Episode 52: Never Grow Up. Exploring Anime And Exposing Transphobia & Global Child Abuse
Mar 14 2024
Episode 52: Never Grow Up. Exploring Anime And Exposing Transphobia & Global Child Abuse
Join me, Hannah Blue, the host of Amerisogyny, in our latest episode, "Never Grow Up." This episode touches upon various topics, from the tragic passing of revered anime creator, Akira Toriyama, to the chilling behavior of a mother who involves her children in racially motivated pranks. Take a deep dive into the cultural and sentimental impact of anime and delve into the complex world of Japan's fight against international anime piracy. Additionally, I offer insightful commentary on detrimental effects of racially charged behavior on mental health. I touch upon a challenging issue close to her heart, highlighting a personal family experience, and emphasize the necessity for growing beyond such harmful behavior. 'Never Grow Up' further chronicles my journey of sacrifice as I continue to advocate for my daughter. Juxtapose the fascinating world of anime with grim cases of child abuse and trafficking that highlight the dark reality lurking in our society through this powerful discussion. This gripping narrative exhibits the challenges of parenting, raising a child diagnosed with autism, and the harsh realities of global child exploitation. The episode concludes with the shocking revelations of decades-long abuses at boarding schools in Scotland and the very real danger faced by LGBTQ+ teens like Nex Benedict in Oklahoma. Stirring wake-up calls that underline the dire need for a revolution in our school systems and better protective measures for children, especially those from vulnerable communities. Never Grow Up is more than just a title; it's a mantra the episode explores across different facets of life and society. Tune in to this riveting episode of Amerisogyny, where personal narratives weave into societal realities shedding light on the complexities of the world we live in.
Episode 51: “Do Unto Others" - Exploring the Power and Ignorance of the Golden Rule
Mar 7 2024
Episode 51: “Do Unto Others" - Exploring the Power and Ignorance of the Golden Rule
In this captivating installment of Amerisogyny Episode 51: "Do Unto Others", I take a deep dive into the intricate and compelling subject of the universal principle, the 'golden rule', esteemed in Christianity. As we unearth a collection of stories from around the globe, join me in examining why some choose to honor this rule while others blatantly reject it. The episode pulls back the curtain on the progressive stance of France towards women's reproductive rights, whereas in stark contrast, a troubling tale from Oregon explores the consequences when this principle is neglected. Journey with me to Florida where I delve into a chilling story of an alleged attempt to poison a boyfriend, once again violating the golden rule. The narrative then shifts to Colorado where a shocking tale of mistreatment in a funeral home underlines the need for laws upholding human dignity, even in death. I navigate this hard-hitting case, exposing the unanticipated realities of unregulated funeral homes.  My exploration doesn't end there. I uncover the story of Black Twitter's collective backlash against a racist podcaster, and the grisly tale of a principal from Missouri who breaks all moral bounds. Wrapping up the episode, I step into an endearing narrative of love, sacrifice, and dedication that underlines the essence of the Golden Rule. From negligence and cruelty to selflessness and bravery, I explore the full spectrum of human behavior. Get ready to dive in and uncover the unnerving, the uplifting, and the heart-tugging realities surrounding the true meaning of the ‘Golden Rule.’ Don’t forget to follow on Podbean, Samsung, Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio and more for your weekly Amerisogyny fix!