Strong Tea


Welcome to Strong Tea, the love child of two women who just LOVE to chat. Katie & Vikki love chatting so much that they wanted to turn those chats into a platform to help others, to open up the conversation on difficult to talk about topics, taboo subjects and things that people shy away from openly discussing. read less


Strong Tea - Episode 60 - Farewell for Now!
Oct 20 2023
Strong Tea - Episode 60 - Farewell for Now!
Well this is all a little emotional isn’t it?!  This is the final episode (FOR NOW) in the current instalment of Strong Tea & Quick Brews.  With a lot happening in our personal lives right now, we’ve decided to take a break until 2024 to give us chance to focus on other areas and also to plan ahead to Strong Tea 2.0! We want to come back with a BANG!  We’ve been so lucky that we grew the Strong Tea brand and podcast from nothing, just with a love of talking about the things that matter and the things that we should be talking about more and that has grown into over 16k downloads in less that 2 years which for us is HUGE!  We’ve also had a huge number of people approach the show to come on and tell their story. Each person that chooses to open up and talk about their experience is extremely important to us, it’s important that we give that person the time and dedication they deserve and so, our choice to take a break is important for them too. We want to plan out some new and incredible episodes with even more incredible people in the hope that shared and lived experience will help others. We have had an absolute blast the last 2 years and have met some truly awe-inspiring and wonderfully amazing people, we have heard moving, traumatic, inspiring and thought provoking accounts from people all over the world about their own personal experiences, something which has left us truly humbled. So, whilst this is goodbye for now, it certainly isn’t goodbye forever. Rest assured that we are beavering away in the background planning to come back bigger and better than before and to do what we love, to talk more about the things that matter.
Strong Tea - Episode 59 - True Crime with Naomi Channell
Oct 13 2023
Strong Tea - Episode 59 - True Crime with Naomi Channell
Now, you know we love a fan girl moment and this is the ultimate for our Katie. The incredible Naomi Channell from the brilliant true crime podcast Real joins us today to chat all things true crime and we can’t get enough! As a follow up to our Quick Brew episode (Why Are We Obsessed With True Crime - Quick Brew, ep 20), we wanted to chat to someone who produces one of the best loved podcasts in the UK. Naomi has been touched by crime with the murder of her best friend and wanted to develop a platform to bring justice for victims of unsolved murders. This podcast has developed into one of the best loved podcasts in the UK and around the world as it tells Real stories from all across the globe with one important difference, the victims are always at the centre of everything Naomi does. There are so many true crime podcasts out there these days with some sensationalising hugely traumatic events and crimes, this is where Real is different. Naomi dedicates a huge amount of time and effort to researching not only the crimes that she covers, but also the victims. In this episode, we chat all things true crime, serial killers and the justice system, we touch on some of Naomi’s episodes that she’s covered including some of the deep dive, six parter episodes including - “His Name Was Stuart Lubbock”, “Her Name Was Claudia Lawrence” and “Through The Wall - The Case Against Luke Mitchell”. If you’re a fan of true crime, this is definitely an episode not to be missed!
Strong Tea - Episode 58 - Mental Health: The Angel & The Devil
Oct 6 2023
Strong Tea - Episode 58 - Mental Health: The Angel & The Devil
Trigger Warning: This episode and description contains details of suicide, eating disorders and depression. This episode features a truly inspiring guest. Sandeep Saib is a lived experience mental health advocate, Rethink Mental Health Charity committee member, Time to Change London champion, Samaritans volunteer, South Asian Health Action Mental Health ambassador ....and so much more. Basically she is one of the most interesting, honest, and passionate people you could ever have the pleasure to meet.  We spoke to Sandeep on the 9th anniversary of the day she attempted to take her own life. We were honoured she had chosen to share this important date with us and sharing her story to help others. Sandeep talks about the beginnings of her mental health struggles through to her diagnosis of body dysmorphic disorder, anorexia nervosa, and obsessive compulsive disorder.  She explores with us the importance of race and how it is often overlooked when it comes to mental health, and how her faith and family have been paramount in her journey. Sandeep also featured in a powerful film called Breaking the Silence which you can watch here (391) The Angel and the Devil (from the 'Breaking the Silence' documentary series) - YouTube If you would like to find out more about Sandeep or contact her then you can find her socials via this link: Sandeep Saib | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree A massive thank you again to Sandeep and all the incredible work she does.
Strong Tea -Sex Series - Episode 54 - Sex & Toys
Sep 8 2023
Strong Tea -Sex Series - Episode 54 - Sex & Toys
Sex Toys. Gone are the days of skulking into a seedy back alley shop to purchase them. Sex toys are now more readily available than ever and the number of companies and distributors in the UK is growing all the time.   And so, we came across the wonderful Sam Evans from Jo Divine (see the links below), the most wonderful and customer centred toy shop we could have teamed up with!   Sam and her husband, Paul, set up Jo Divine in 2007 after finding that most sex toys and lubes were not skin-safe. Jo Divine became a store that only sells skin-safe products, allowing you to shop in confidence. They've been discreetly shipping sex toys ever since.   But Jo Divine is not simply a sex toy company, Sam has an extremely wide and varied knowledge of sexual health and uses her experiences to help guide her customers through the purchasing process if they need help and support.   Sam has spent a long time working to educate people on better sexual health, quality toys and how sexual pleasure has no age or health limits. She’s done extensive work with the perimenopausal, menopausal (with the wonderful Davina McCall - check it out here) and cancer communities.   Here are some of the amazing products that were talked about on the show:   Sutil Lube - Yes Vaginal Moisturiser - Sonic Wave - Lipstick Bullet - Mimi Soft - A Spot Toy -   If you’d like to check out the incredible products or maybe even make some purchases, you can click here: and also use our EXCLUSIVE discount code:   Get 10% discount by using the code: STRONGTEA (£5 minimum spend on full priced products excluding P&P) Be quick! Offer ends 08/10/2023.   Sam and Jo Divine’s contacts are: Twitter: Twitter for Sam: Instagram: Instagram for Sam: Facebook:
Strong Tea - Episode 51 - Woman on a Mission: Making Trans Cool
Aug 18 2023
Strong Tea - Episode 51 - Woman on a Mission: Making Trans Cool
Katie Neeves calls herself the gobby trans woman and we love her for that.   Katie is a woman on a mission - but not just any woman and not just any mission!  She lived for 48 years as a man while struggling with her gender from the age of 3 and hiding her big secret to the World.  She was thrown into turmoil when her gender dysphoria increased dramatically, causing her to go on a voyage of discovery before finally admitting to herself that she is a transgender woman and that she needed to change her body.     She then came out very publicly via a coming-out video which she posted on her social media and sent to all the clients of her photography business, risking her livelihood and reputation in the process.   This was a massive risk, as she had built up a great reputation over 31 years as one of the UK’s top photographers, photographing everything from royalty, to wars and riots.  She needn’t have worried though, as she was inundated with hundreds of messages of support.  This led to her vlogging about her transition journey in a very open, honest and humorous way, which makes the subject accessible to all.  Her story was picked up in the media and it wasn’t long before she was a regular in the radio and TV studios, becoming a trans ambassador along the way.   Katie formed Cool2BTrans to support and inspire other trans people and also to educate everyone else about trans people by showing them that trans people are just ordinary people who want to be happy - just like everyone else.  She helps organisations with diversity and inclusion by providing trans awareness training and inspirational speaking in an entertaining way, using humour to break down barriers.     Katie appears regularly in the media, being on both ITV's and the BBC's lists of experts as well as being a BBC Sounds presenter.  She was awarded British Diversity Awards "Hero of the Year 2023", the Trans in the City "Trans Community Champion 2022 Award", the This is Us "Training & Development 2023 Award" and Fellowship of the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.  She was a Diva Awards "Unsung Hero of the Year 2023" finalist and she was listed on the DIVA Power List 2023.   Participants and audience members will leave Katie’s uplifting talks and training feeling both entertained and educated.  Katie said “Many people focus on the negative aspects of being trans, but I prefer to approach the subject from a much more positive angle.  I am exactly the same person I was before my transition - but far happier!”   For more information about Katie, please visit her website at - there are also more contact details for Katie available on our website.
Strong Tea - Episode 46 - OCDad with Jason Adams
Jul 14 2023
Strong Tea - Episode 46 - OCDad with Jason Adams
Today’s episode is with a fantastic human, author of the book OCDad: Learning to be a Parent with a Mental Health Disorder, Jason Adams. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is something we should all know more about as it is frequently mis-referenced when people say they are “a little bit OCD” because they like cleaning or symmetry. Miseducation is sadly rife. OCD is a mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. It can affect men, women and children. People can start having symptoms from as early as 6 years old, but it often begins around puberty and early adulthood. OCD can be distressing and significantly interfere with your life, but treatment can help you keep it under control. If you have OCD, you'll usually experience frequent obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. An obsession is an unwanted and unpleasant thought, image or urge that repeatedly enters your mind, causing feelings of anxiety, disgust or unease.A compulsion is a repetitive behaviour or mental act that you feel you need to do to temporarily relieve the unpleasant feelings brought on by the obsessive thought. In this episode, Jason shares his experiences after the birth of his twins, which included persistent obsessive and intrusive thoughts and overwhelming compulsions which were taking over his life.  This is an informative and insightful episode and a must for everyone to learn more about Obsessive-Complusive Disorder. Jason’s book can be purchased here: Or from selected independent bookshops.