The Be Your Own Boss (BYOB) Podcast

Blake and Jacob Morgan

Blake and Jacob Morgan met at a conference ten years ago and it was love at first sight. One month later Blake packed a suitcase and moved to SF to be with Jacob. They've been inseparable ever since but it wasn't always easy. They have weathered many disappointments and wins together whether that was short-term jobs, layoffs, failed businesses, rejections and everything in-between. They've taken their critical lessons learned and turned them into a new co-hosted podcast teaching you to Be Your Own Boss, because that's exactly what they've each done in their own way. Jacob has had his own business for 13 years, and Blake for almost 5. They both laughingly deem themselves unemployable, and have figured out how to work for themselves. They want to give you the short-cuts so you don't have to struggle. Jacob has written five published books and Blake has published two books. They have presented at hundreds of conferences, built and sold online products, have their content viewed by millions each year, and even enjoy sitting side by side every single day as they navigate the sometimes unpredictable and rough waters of self-employment. They've learned how to manage entrepreneurship, marriage, parenthood and much more. This podcast brings you the insights and stories on how they did it - Blake and Jacob want to make life easier for you as you navigate your own road to self-employment and entrepreneurship, whether it's a distant dream or something you've already started on now. Connect with us: Website:  Instagram:  Facebook:  Twitter:  Newsletter: read less


Four Basic Chess Principles That Can Drive Massive Growth For Your Business
Jul 11 2022
Four Basic Chess Principles That Can Drive Massive Growth For Your Business
Entrepreneurs need to think like a grandmaster. So how do you do that? There are 4 key principles in chess that you can apply in your business as an entrepreneur. 1. Developing your pieces in very active squares - this means looking at your forces and make sure that they are all active. It could be your social media, paid advertising, email marketing etc. 2. King safety - just like in Chess, you need to prioritize the safety of your business. Don't do anything that has the potential of ruining you or ruining your business. 3. Improve your worst place piece - optimize and improve your worst pieces of your business. 4. Think in terms of scenarios and possibilities - Don't just pick one path and go down it think in terms of multiple paths. ---------- We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What tools do we use for project and task management? Where do we host and publish podcasts and how do we transcribe them? And More.  Well, we just put together the Entrepreneurs' Online Business Toolkit PDF which will give you a complete breakdown of the tools we use to run our 7-figure businesses and how we use them. Click here to grab a copy, it will be an invaluable resource in your entrepreneurial journey! Connect with us: Website:  Instagram:  Facebook:  Twitter:  Newsletter:
How To Publish Unlimited Content and Expand Your Reach
May 30 2022
How To Publish Unlimited Content and Expand Your Reach
My wife Blake and I create content in pretty much every form you can think of. A lot of people have asked us how we are able to make so much content. The truth is that we don't really create new content every time. Do you want to know the secret? We take one piece of content— and we find a way to chop it up, dissect it, repurpose it into many different ways— and then share that content across different platforms and channels. Repurposing and reusing content is a fantastic strategy for entrepreneurs, especially those of you out there who are looking to build a personal brand or a brand for your business. Tune in to this episode and learn how it is done. ---------- We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What tools do we use for project and task management? Where do we host and publish podcasts and how do we transcribe them? And More.  Well, we just put together the Entrepreneurs' Online Business Toolkit PDF which will give you a complete breakdown of the tools we use to run our 7-figure businesses and how we use them. Click here to grab a copy, it will be an invaluable resource in your entrepreneurial journey! Connect with us: Website:  Instagram:  Facebook:  Twitter:  Newsletter:
3 Tips To Help You Set Boundaries
Feb 21 2022
3 Tips To Help You Set Boundaries
Setting healthy boundaries is important both at work and in life. This skill is essentially about understanding your limits, taking full command of your time, and having a sense of authority over your own personal space. Today, I bring you three tips to create boundaries. Remember to: ✅ Let people come to you— don't feel like you always need to hand over all of yourself to someone else. ✅ Have rules with your time so you could have more time to do the things you want to do. ✅ Learn to say no in an elegant way. Setting boundaries takes a lot of discipline, self-awareness and practice. These three tips will help you create a life and a business that you really want to have— and you'll be a lot happier with yourself. We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What tools do we use for project and task management? Where do we host and publish podcasts and how do we transcribe them? And More.  Well, we just put together the Entrepreneurs' Online Business Toolkit PDF which will give you a complete breakdown of the tools we use to run our 7-figure businesses and how we use them. Click here to grab a copy, it will be an invaluable resource in your entrepreneurial journey! Connect with us: Website:  Instagram:  Facebook:  Twitter:  Newsletter:
3 Tips to Upsell Your Customers & Make More Money
Feb 7 2022
3 Tips to Upsell Your Customers & Make More Money
I bring you these three upselling tips because I've been personally doing this over the last six months and they have been great not just at boosting my income potential, but also in bringing value to my customers. If you’re an entrepreneur looking for smart ways to sustain your business, increase your profits and bring customers more in-depth into the sales flow, upselling is a discipline you need to master. Upselling can be challenging, but you can successfully do it when you: Clearly identify the additional products you can sell on top of your core product. Build your brand and create a perception of value. Communicate more effectively what you’re selling and how much you’re selling it for. The most crucial aspect of upselling is listening intently to your customer’s needs and shaping an innovative solution out of that. In the end, it’s really not just about you increasing your top-line revenue, but it’s also about making your customers feel good by enhancing their buying experience. We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What tools do we use for project and task management? Where do we host and publish podcasts and how do we transcribe them? And More.  Well, we just put together the Entrepreneurs' Online Business Toolkit PDF which will give you a complete breakdown of the tools we use to run our 7-figure businesses and how we use them. Click here to grab a copy, it will be an invaluable resource in your entrepreneurial journey! Connect with us: Website:  Instagram:  Facebook:  Twitter:  Newsletter:
How To Get 1 Million Followers on Social Media
Feb 2 2022
How To Get 1 Million Followers on Social Media
Are you looking to grow your followers on social media? Today, every entrepreneur has the ability to reach countless potential customers. It’s all about your following and content creation strategy. Brendan Kane, the founder of Hook Point, has helped countless companies and entrepreneurs grow their social media followings. He says having an audience leads to stronger relationships and supporters in your endeavors and opportunities for strategic partnerships and other ways to grow the brand. Join us in this episode as we talk about: Why entrepreneurs need to build a social media followingTips on growing a social media channelCan you grow a personal brand with limited resources and a small budget?Which social media channel should you focus on first?Biggest mistakes people make when it comes to creating content Catch it here or visit for the shownotes and video interview.  ******************************  We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What tools do we use for project and task management? Where do we host and publish podcasts and how do we transcribe them? And More.  Well, we just put together the Entrepreneurs' Online Business Toolkit PDF which will give you a complete breakdown of the tools we use to run our 7-figure businesses and how we use them. Click here to grab a copy, it will be an invaluable resource in your entrepreneurial journey! Connect with us: Website:  Instagram:  Facebook:  Twitter:  Newsletter:
How to Deal with Failure & Challenges as an Entrepreneur
Jan 26 2022
How to Deal with Failure & Challenges as an Entrepreneur
Every entrepreneur knows that failure and rejection are part of the game. But few expect to get rejected on national television. That was the experience for Ali Bonar, CEO and co-founder of granola butter company Oat Haus. After applying for the show four times, Ali and her co-founders finally got a coveted spot to pitch their company on Shark Tank.  The team spent more than 100 hours preparing their presentation but ultimately didn’t land a deal with the big-time investors. Even without a deal, Ali took the rejection in stride. Join us in this episode as we talk about: How Ali and her co-founders grew the company while working full time What it’s like preparing and pitching on Shark TankHow to keep going in the face of adversity Getting the right influencer to support their causeTop tips on market innovation and creativity and more! Catch it here or visit to get the show notes or watch the video interview.  If you like this episode, let us know! Send us a message on social media or leave us a review on Apple or Spotify.  ******************************  We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What tools do we use for project and task management? Where do we host and publish podcasts and how do we transcribe them? And More.  Well, we just put together the Entrepreneurs' Online Business Toolkit PDF which will give you a complete breakdown of the tools we use to run our 7-figure businesses and how we use them. Click here to grab a copy, it will be an invaluable resource in your entrepreneurial journey! Connect with us: Website:  Instagram:  Facebook:  Twitter:  Newsletter:
Hard Truths About Raising Capital For Your StartUp Business
Jan 19 2022
Hard Truths About Raising Capital For Your StartUp Business
How much money do I need to raise?  This is one of the biggest and most common questions entrepreneurs ask whenever they start a business.  But unfortunately, it’s also one of the most misunderstood aspects of entrepreneurship. Ryan Feit, CEO, and co-founder of SeedInvest, says that entrepreneurs often get caught up in the glamor and prestige of raising a massive amount of money when they really need to focus on profitability and growth. There isn’t a set amount of money entrepreneurs need to raise to succeed. Ryan says the amount depends on the type of company you’re trying to build and how fast you aim to grow. Listen in as we discuss: -How raising money changed over the years -Is it advisable to raise money while giving away equity? - Best practices on self-funding or bootstrapping a business -How to raise capital  -Key characteristics to look for as an investor -Investment trends to watch out for 2022 Listen here or visit to get the show notes and watch the video interview.  Don't forget to leave us a review if you like the show.  We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What tools do we use for project and task management? Where do we host and publish podcasts and how do we transcribe them? And More.  Well, we just put together the Entrepreneurs' Online Business Toolkit PDF which will give you a complete breakdown of the tools we use to run our 7-figure businesses and how we use them. Click here to grab a copy, it will be an invaluable resource in your entrepreneurial journey! Connect with us: Website:  Instagram:  Facebook:  Twitter:  Newsletter:
7 Ways To Take Control Over Your Technology
Jan 17 2022
7 Ways To Take Control Over Your Technology
Technology can be very beneficial — it's an instrument that makes our lives so much easier. We are surrounded by technology and sometimes it can be a little hard to control. Allow me to share seven things that I personally do to make sure that I am the one controlling my technology: 📱 Disable social media and email notifications from your phone so you don't feel the need to check it all the time. 📱 Don't bring technology with you to the table— leave it elsewhere. 📱 Charge your devices in a separate room before you go to bed at night. 📱 Don't keep a TV in the bedroom. 📱 Create an autoresponder telling people that you're only checking email once or twice a day. 📱 Create rituals for yourself that signify that you are done using technology. 📱 Give yourself an outlet that will temporarily distract you from wanting to go towards technology (maybe go for a walk, do 10 pushups, etc.) We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What tools do we use for project and task management? Where do we host and publish podcasts and how do we transcribe them? And More.  Well, we just put together the Entrepreneurs' Online Business Toolkit PDF which will give you a complete breakdown of the tools we use to run our 7-figure businesses and how we use them. Click here to grab a copy, it will be an invaluable resource in your entrepreneurial journey! Connect with us: Website:  Instagram:  Facebook:  Twitter:  Newsletter: