Questioning Authority: Q&A with Leading Authorities for Entrepreneurial Excellence

Scott Vatcher

Question and Answer sessions with leading Authorities in health, business and relationships to help service based professional entrepreneurs achieve peak performance in biz and in life.
Authority is a word that has many connotations. For this reason Authority in this context is defined as an expert + influencer= Authority.  Someone who has expert knowledge on a particular subject AND has the characteristics to influence others.
Host Dr Scott Vatcher questions Authority figures to help entrepreneurs, business owners and service providers with achieving higher levels of success and fulfilment both in their business life and their personal life.
Exploring unique health challenges that service based entrepreneurs face such as fatigue, burnout, and finding balance between work-life struggles.
Exploring business and financial challenges such as marketing, sales, employees, investments, real estate, hiring and firing, when to scale and when to pivot.
Exploring relationships with self, business partners, romantic partners, your kids and your customers.

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Are you killing your business with bad customer service? An interview with Kelly Henry
5d ago
Are you killing your business with bad customer service? An interview with Kelly Henry
What if mastering customer service could revolutionize your business? Join us as we welcome Kelly Henry, a former chiropractor who made a bold transition into the world of business consulting. Kelly's journey from managing thriving chiropractic clinics to becoming a renowned expert in customer service and business coaching is nothing short of inspiring. Fueled by a passion to mentor and a desire to leave the chiropractic field at its peak, Kelly shares the universal business principles that transcend industries and the common challenges healthcare professionals face in balancing clinical excellence with business savvy.Kelly's insights extend far beyond standard business advice. Learn how treating your employees as VIPs, a philosophy championed by Richard Branson, can naturally lead to superior client care. Discover practical tips like crafting a customer service mission statement and the profound impact of empathy and small gestures on client interactions. Celebrate your achievements while setting new goals, and find out how efficient business practices can help you save time and reduce stress, promoting a healthier work-life balance. Tune in for personal anecdotes and actionable advice that will help you achieve fulfillment both professionally and personally.If you want to connect with Kelly go to and if you want to buy his book heres the link: exceptional customer service is crucial for business success in any industry.Treating employees well and creating a positive work environment is essential for delivering exceptional customer service.Simplifying business practices can lead to increased revenue and more free time for personal life.Success is defined by setting and striving towards goals, rather than comparing oneself to others.The Profit Acceleration Software can help businesses identify areas for improvement and increase their revenue.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Background03:12 Transition from Chiropractic to Consulting05:58 The Importance of Business Acumen08:59 The Power of Exceptional Customer Service11:36 Providing Better Outcomes through Customer Service14:41 The Ripple Effect of Exceptional Customer Service24:00 Redefining Success and Work-Life Balance28:42 Simplifying Business Practices for Success30:41 Using the Profit Acceleration Software to Increase Revenue31:39 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Ink Your Influence: Crafting a Legacy in Health with Marcus Chacos
May 22 2024
Ink Your Influence: Crafting a Legacy in Health with Marcus Chacos
SummaryIn this episode, I interview Dr. Marcus Chacos about the importance of having an 'Authority Piece"  to grow authority and expertise. Dr. Chacos shares his experience of writing and publishing multiple books, including 'Arthritis Solution' and 'Chiropractic Crucibles.' He emphasizes that writing a book is not just about the end result, but also about the personal growth and development that occurs during the writing process. Dr. Chacos also discusses the role of social media in promoting and sharing the content of the book, highlighting the value of creating a content plan and utilizing platforms like Instagram and YouTube. Writing a book can help attract, convert, and retain clients. It provides a continuous source of content for social media and other platforms. Over 1800 social media posts can be created from a book. Speaking on stage can be daunting at first, but with practice and training, it becomes easier and more effective. Niche down to attract a specific audience and become an authority in that area. Having a book and an online course can expand your reach and impact. The process of writing a book and creating other products takes time and effort, but the results are worth it.TakeawaysWriting a book is an effective way to grow authority and expertise in a specific field.The process of writing a book allows for personal growth and development.Social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube can be used to promote and share the content of the book.Creating a content plan based on the book's key topics can help generate valuable content for social media. Writing a book can attract, convert, and retain clientsA book provides a continuous source of content for social mediaSpeaking on stage can be daunting at first, but with practice and training, it becomes easier and more effectiveNiche down to attract a specific audience and become an authority in that areaHaving a book and an online course can expand your reach and impactThe process of writing a book and creating other products takes time and effort, but the results are worth itChapters00:00 Introduction00:52 The Power of Writing a Book03:11 The Most Enjoyable and Effective Books06:31 Overcoming the Fear of Writing a Book10:25 Using Social Media to Amplify Your Message16:25 The Benefits of Having an Online Course25:25 Developing Speaking Skills32:21 The Importance of Niching Down36:00 Creating a Product to Provide Value42:05 Conclusion
Cultivating a Cascade of New Clients: The Art of Building a Referral Empire with Dr. Craig Foote
May 14 2024
Cultivating a Cascade of New Clients: The Art of Building a Referral Empire with Dr. Craig Foote
SummaryIn this episode, Dr. Craig Foote discusses the importance of referrals in service-based businesses and shares strategies for generating referrals without asking for them. He explains the cultural differences between asking for referrals in the United States and Australia and emphasizes the value of creating an exceptional experience for clients. Dr. Foote also highlights the negative impact of advertising on referrals and the need for a mindset shift among practitioners. He concludes by explaining why people refer and the power of acting on referrals in front of an audience. The conversation focuses on the importance of inspiring referrals in a chiropractic practice. It discusses the stumbling blocks for referrals and how to address them. The concept of consistency in offering and managing expectations is emphasized. The conversation also explores the proceduralization of referral requests and the importance of nurturing referrals and follow-up. The summary highlights the significance of referrals in building relationships and growing a community.TakeawaysReferrals are a valuable source of high-quality clients in service-based businesses.Creating an exceptional experience for clients is key to generating referrals.Advertising can negatively impact the number of referrals received.Practitioners should shift their mindset from hoping for referrals to actively seeking and acting on them. Stumbling blocks for referrals include introverted personalities and concerns about the quality of the referral experience.Consistency in offering and managing expectations is crucial for successful referrals.Proceduralizing referral requests can be more effective than directly asking for referrals.Nurturing referrals and providing updates on the referral process can encourage more referrals.Referrals are important for building relationships and growing a community in a chiropractic practice.Check out Craig's referral program here: Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast01:07 The Importance of Referrals in Service-Based Businesses06:30 The Impact of Advertising on Referrals12:05 The Flawed Strategy of Hoping for Referrals18:43 Why People Refer21:57 Creating an Exceptional Experience22:23 The Power of Acting on Referrals25:28 Introduction and Seminar Promotion26:13 Stumbling Blocks for Referrals27:32 Addressing Referral Concerns29:20 Consistency in Offering and Expectations31:03 Proceduralizing Referral Requests37:10 Nurturing Referrals and Follow-up47:45 Summary and Importance of Referrals
From Commodity Trading to Compassionate Care: Autoimmune Disease and Nick Tan's Journey Through Hashimoto's to Holistic Health
May 8 2024
From Commodity Trading to Compassionate Care: Autoimmune Disease and Nick Tan's Journey Through Hashimoto's to Holistic Health
Struggling with Hashimoto's was a wakeup call that led Nick Tan to pivot from commodity trading to the world of holistic healthcare. Our latest episode features this health crusader's journey, where he unfolds the story of his personal battle and the birth of his transformative Gut Care program. Join us as we discuss autoimmune diseases, likening their targeted attacks to cancer, and unearth the vital, yet frequently overlooked, sign of persistent fatigue that could be a pre-disease state.Nick's epiphany transformed him from a trader to a health practitioner, and he shares the life-altering realization that our environment, including our exposure to sunlight and artificial lighting, can significantly influence our well-being. Discover the simple yet effective lifestyle shifts, like adopting blue light blocking glasses, that have markedly improved both Nick's sleep and overall health. These are not just personal victories but milestones that echo the profound impact of aligning one's life with natural rhythms.Our conversation concludes by addressing the health spiral, the concept that one negative health factor can ignite a chain reaction of decline. Yet, there's hope in reversing this trend. Nick advocates for a lifestyle audit, targeting sleep, stress, and nutrition to uncover the roots of health issues. We also unpack the immune-modulating powers of the equatorial sun, offering tailored advice for safe sun exposure to enhance your health trajectory. Tune in to discover how to forge a path toward better health and vitality with actionable insights from Nick Tan's journey.Check out Nic's program here: disorders like Hashimoto's can be caused by an overactive immune system and can affect various parts of the body.Gut health plays a crucial role in overall well-being, including digestion, immunity, and mental health.Leaky gut occurs when the tight junctions in the gut become permeable, allowing harmful substances to enter the bloodstream.A nutrient-dense diet, stress management, quality sleep, and sunlight exposure can improve gut health and overall health.A lifestyle audit can help identify the root causes of health issues and guide individuals towards making positive changes.Chapters00:00 Introduction01:09 Nic's Journey with Hashimoto's03:00 Understanding Hashimoto's and Autoimmune Disorders04:03 Symptoms of Hashimoto's06:18 Taking Health into Your Own Hands08:06 The Limitations of the Medical Model09:00 Discovering the Power of Sunlight11:52 The Gut-Brain Connection13:18 Understanding Gut Health and Leaky Gut14:18 The Importance of Gut Health19:12 The Impact of Gut Health on Overall Well-being22:25 The Role of Diet in Gut Health25:49 Exploring Different Diets26:29 Addressing Fatigue and Gut Health27:13 Taking the First Step Towards Better Health30:30 The Power of a Lifestyle Audit31:52 The Benefits of Equatorial Sun37:26 Boosting Testosterone Naturally39:34 Closing Remarks
Mastery and Mentorship with Dr. Dan Lyons
May 1 2024
Mastery and Mentorship with Dr. Dan Lyons
Key TakeawaysPersistence and going deep are key to becoming an authority in any field.Having mentors and staying focused on a specific technique can lead to expertise.Social media can be both a blessing and a curse, spreading both good and bad ideas.Misconceptions about chiropractic can be addressed by focusing on the benefits and specific health complaints that chiropractic can help with. Establishing oneself as an authority figure in the local community is crucial for chiropractors and other healthcare practitioners.Social media can be a powerful tool for growing authority and attracting new patients.Referrals and online reviews are highly valued by potential patients and can have a significant impact on a practice's reputation.Mentorship is essential for personal and professional growth, and having a strong peer group can greatly influence one's success.Hiring and firing staff is a challenging but necessary aspect of running a small business, and it's important to prioritize the needs of the business over personal relationships.Studying the business side of chiropractic is crucial for financial success and practice management.Dr Dan Lyons delves into how foundational principles from his past have seamlessly integrated into his current practice and his transformation, inspired by the Gonstead system and the guiding hands of mentors. A distinguished figure in Gonstead Chiropractic, Dan unfolds his tale of serendipity and dedication, illuminating the path to mastery in any discipline. Embark on a narrative with me, Scott Vatcher, as we navigate the blurred lines between the tangible world and the mental constructs that define our reality. When was the last time you considered the subtleties of focus in shaping your professional ascent? This conversation offers an enlightening look at Dr. Lyons' and my evolution, from navigating pivotal life decisions to the power of focus in our respective fields. There's also a lighter examination of how technology and social media weave through our societal fabric, bringing both connection and the challenge of deepfakes to the forefront.We touch upon the foundations that construct local authority and the invaluable role of mentorship in professional growth. We tackle the often-neglected aspect of business management within healthcare, offering practical advice and strategies for new practitioners. Tune in for a discourse that bridges gaps between disciplines, fosters growth, and sparks a renewed appreciation for the intricacies of mastering one's craft.
Redefining Balance: Embracing Discomfort and Authentic Connections for Entrepreneurial Growth with Dr. Jason Freshman
Apr 24 2024
Redefining Balance: Embracing Discomfort and Authentic Connections for Entrepreneurial Growth with Dr. Jason Freshman
Embark on a transformative journey where the fabled equilibrium of work and life takes on a whole new meaning. I, Scott Vatcher, alongside Dr. Jason Freshman, delve into the heart of personal growth, debunking the static notion of work-life balance as we know it. Discover alternative narratives to the hero's journey that resonate more authentically with the day-to-day lives of healthcare entrepreneurs and beyond. In this enlightening discussion, we challenge the cultural script that defines success and consider how embracing life's more mundane moments can be just as rewarding when they align with our deepest values.Life's true adventure often lies in the unexpected, the moments that don't make the highlight reel. Together with Dr. Freshman, we explore the significance of leaning into discomfort as a means of carving out a meaningful existence. The compass of our core values is more than a metaphor; it's a guiding force that can transform even the most trivial tasks into purposeful steps towards our grand life ambitions. Picture a life where every action, no matter how insignificant it seems, moves you closer to your goals—this conversation is your map to getting there.Feel the weight of entrepreneurial stress lift as we reveal the power of connection in achieving a state of flow. I share tactical advice on weaving passion and presence into the fabric of our daily tasks, and how nurturing relationships amidst the hustle is essential. Listen in for strategies to ensure that our ambitious pursuits enhance, rather than detract from, the rich tapestry of personal bonds that give our lives texture and color. We're reframing the narrative on balance and intentionality, one authentic connection at a time.If you are a  healthcare professional looking to ethically grow your practice without handing over more money to Ad agencies there are two stupidly simple things you’re probably missing out on right now that can help you double or triple your practice in the next six months. Take the quiz now answer these 15 simple questions to find out what you can do to dramatically impact your business and your bottom dollar. And do you know the best part is your staff can do over 90% of it. Click the link to take the quiz now. https://dr-scott-aaodh83j.scoreapp.comConnect with Jason here:https://www.connectedfathers.nethttps://journeymenfoundation.comjason@nourishedconnections.comConnect with Scott here:
Defining Authority in the Context of the Podcast with Scott Vatcher
Apr 17 2024
Defining Authority in the Context of the Podcast with Scott Vatcher
Embark on a journey of discovery with me, Scott Vatcher, as I invite you to challenge the status quo in our premiere episode of Questioning Authority. Prepare to be empowered as we unravel the vital connection between personal well-being and professional triumph. My passion for podcasting is reignited with vibrant tales from my past ventures, the Wake Up Dad Show and Raw Chiro, coupled with the fresh vision for my latest enterprise, theauthoritycocom. We're setting the foundations for a series that promises to be a treasure trove for small business owners hungry to become influential figures within their industries. Join the ranks of ethical persuaders as we navigate the nuanced dance of health, wealth, and relationships, and witness how mastering this trifecta can elevate your business beyond the conventional benchmarks of success.Stay tuned for a succession of episodes designed to spark a transformation in your mindset, as we share the floor with trailblazers and delve into introspective solo monologues. Your role as an active participant is crucial—through engaging quizzes and vibrant social media dialogue, we're fostering a thriving community eager to expand their horizons. Together, we will explore the strategies that enable service providers to bolster their authority and amplify their revenue streams. This is more than just a listening experience; it's an invitation to join a movement of leaders challenging what it means to have influence in the modern world. Thank you for stepping into this arena with us, where questioning authority paves the way for uncharted paths of business and personal growth.
Navigating the Power of Story in Healthcare with Alain Desaulniers
Apr 13 2024
Navigating the Power of Story in Healthcare with Alain Desaulniers
Takeaways-Getting yourself out there is essential for success in the healthcare space.-Storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience and sharing your message.-Kindness is a superpower that can make a big difference in people's lives.-Role models can have a profound impact on our lives and inspire us to be better.-Documenting our stories and experiences is a valuable practice that can help us connect with others and share our wisdom.-Gratitude is important for recognizing and appreciating the people and experiences that enrich our lives.When kindness meets authority, the result can be transformative. This revelation unfolds as I, Scott Vatcher, sit with Alain Desaulniers, a beacon of innovation in healthcare, for a conversation that's as heartfelt as it is enlightening. Check out Alain's Camera Confident Info here: you are a  healthcare professional looking to ethically grow your practice without handing over more money to Ad agencies there are two stupidly simple things you’re probably missing out on right now that can help you double or triple your practice in the next six months. Take the quiz now answer these 15 simple questions to find out what you can do to dramatically impact your business and your bottom dollar. And do you know the best part is your staff can do over 90% of it. Click the link to take the quiz now. https://dr-scott-aaodh83j.scoreapp.comWe unravel the extraordinary influence of compassion in leadership across the spectrum—from parenting to professional life. As Alain shares a poignant memory of overcoming childhood bullying with the aid of a caring authority figure, we underscore the enduring impact of such support and the vital role healthcare leaders play in nurturing trust.Imagine harnessing the sheer power of your life's narrative. In this episode, we traverse the landscape of storytelling, where I draw from the wells of inspiration that speakers like Tony Robbins and Mark Victor Hansen have provided. Reflecting on my personal hurdles within the chiropractic sphere, I shed light on the art of communicating passion and expertise in a world often clouded by fear. I invite you to recognize the weight of your own experiences, to document and share them, for they are the threads that weave the fabric of human connection.As we near the episode's close, I confront the common trepidation tied to being in front of the camera. Embracing this challenge is not just about becoming comfortable with our digital reflections—it's a journey to mastery in articulating our stories and reaching out. For healthcare professionals aiming to amplify their message, this conversation is a treasure trove of encouragement. And before the final sign-off, I extend my deepest gratitude to my daughters, whose unique insights serve as a powerful reminder of the indelible marks we all can leave through our stories.
Defying Conformity: Entrepreneurial Spirit, Texas Tales, and Parenthood Philosophies with James Taylor
Apr 11 2024
Defying Conformity: Entrepreneurial Spirit, Texas Tales, and Parenthood Philosophies with James Taylor
When defiance becomes your superpower, you're bound to break the mold and forge your own path. If you are a  healthcare professional looking to ethically grow your practice without handing over more money to Ad agencies there are two stupidly simple things you’re probably missing out on right now that can help you double or triple your practice in the next six months. Take the quiz now answer these 15 simple questions to find out what you can do to dramatically impact your business and your bottom dollar. And do you know the best part is your staff can do over 90% of it. Click the link to take the quiz now. That's precisely what James Taylor, our guest who thrives on questioning authority and shrugging off societal judgments, brings to the table in our latest episode. We unravel his entrepreneurial spirit, the bold decisions marked by his firm stance against naysayers, and how he's pivoted from business ownership to a fulfilling role that has sprung new opportunities like the world of podcasting. Discover the intriguing balance between facing off with "keyboard warriors" and standing unwaveringly by your choices, as James delivers a masterclass in living life by your rules.Ever felt the relentless drive for perfection tug at your sanity? We've been there, and in this episode, I get real about the pursuit of perfection and its double-edged sword nature across different facets of life, from academic achievements to the competitive sports arena. Join us as we share tales from the rugby field that set the foundation for my chiropractic business, and how my move to Texas, involving heartfelt handwritten notes, unveiled the keys to a successful practice purchase. My personal anecdotes and the wisdom of knowing your enterprise inside out before delegating will undoubtedly strike a chord with anyone aiming to navigate the delicate dance between idealism and pragmatism in their endeavors.Parenthood, Texan idiosyncrasies, and the essence of competition fuel the final stretch of our chat. We peel back the layers on parenting philosophies, debate the existence of parental favoritism with a dash of humor, and dive into the cultural quirks that make Texas a unique landscape for raising a family. Moreover, as the 'Fueled by Spite' podcast approaches its 50th episode, we celebrate the milestones of setting goals, acknowledging winners and losers, and the undying competitive spirit that drives us all. Whether you're a parent, entrepreneur, or just someone looking for a hearty dose of unfiltered conversation, this episode is your ticket to a thought-provoking and laughter-filled journey.Check out James' podcast Fueled By Spite - discussed in podcast: The Road Less Stupid by Keith J Cunningham and The Wealthy Gardener by John Soforic.
From Stories to Success: Marketing Mastery and Social Media Secrets with James Chester
Mar 15 2024
From Stories to Success: Marketing Mastery and Social Media Secrets with James Chester
Want to know more about consistency and tenacity in your life? And how it relates to your business?  Find out more about 75 Hard, social media, marketing, podcasting and collaboration.Take Scott's '2 Simple Strategies to Supercharge your Practice' quiz here: In this episode, host Scott Vatcher interviews James Chester, a marketer who helps chiropractors grow their businesses. They discuss the importance of consistency on social media and the benefits of the 75 Hard Challenge. James shares his background and the impact of chiropractic on his life. They also explore effective marketing strategies for service providers, including the power of podcasting and the value of local networking. James highlights the simplicity and fun of marketing and the decline of Facebook ads. They conclude with a discussion on James' docuseries, Chiropractic Stories, and the impact of podcasting on local businesses.James was a marketing and journalist student who learned that the chiropractic profession needed a bigger megaphone and more consistent messaging and he discovered that a non-chiropractor raising that megaphone could help validate the voice of all things chiropractic.James lives in Grand Junction, CO. where he has created his podcasting brilliance for half a decade! James grew up in Davenport, IA. the birthplace of chiropractic. He has been an advocate for the profession for over 15 years. To catch up with him or to book him to speak at your next chiropractic event. Email him at James@ChiroHustle.comLink to James' docuseries: to James' podcast: you are a  healthcare professional looking to ethically grow your practice without handing over more money to Ad agencies there are two stupidly simple things you’re probably missing out on right now that can help you double or triple your practice in the next six months.Take the scorecard now answer these 15 simple questions to find out what you can do to dramatically impact your business and your bottom dollar. And do you know the best part is your staff can do over 90% of it. Click the link to take the quiz now. Chapters00:00 Introduction and Background01:09 Consistency on Social Media04:22 James Chester's Background08:21 The Importance of Chiropractic10:32 The 75 Hard Challenge11:38 What is the 75 Hard Challenge?13:10 The Benefits and Challenges of the 75 Hard Challenge15:11 Applying the 75 Hard Principles to Business17:00 The Importance of Persistence and Consistency in Marketing20:15 The Power of Podcasting22:58 Effective Marketing Strategies for Chiropractors23:26 The Value of Local Networking and Collaboration26:51 The Impact of Podcasting on Local Businesses28:31 Building Relationships through Podcasting31:05 Providing Value to Listeners32:27 The Simplicity and Fun of Marketing34:46 The Decline of Facebook Ads and the Importance of Referrals36:47 Chiropractic Stories Docu-Series37:56 Accessing the Chiropractic Stories Docu-Series39:08 James Chester's Impact on the Chiropractic Profession40:49 The Power of Podcasting for Local Businesses41:31 The Affordability and Benefits of Podcasting42:11 Ending with a Dad Joke43:00 Conclusion