AskGod365. Answers to life's difficult questions.

Reiner Kremer


Answers to life’s difficult questions through the Word of God.
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1.       Is God Love?

2.       Why is there suffering?

3.       If God is good, why did He not destroy evil?

4.       What are the two things God cannot do?
5.       Why are there wars, earthquakes and human tragedy?

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The Second Coming of Christ: Islam, Judaism and Christianity
Feb 2 2024
The Second Coming of Christ: Islam, Judaism and Christianity
The Second Coming of Christ: Islam, Christianity, and JudaismThe following is a very brief comparison of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, that highlights the differences in a most general manner, yet gives some understanding to the uniqueness to each belief system.Origins of IslamThe origins of Islam can be traced back to the 7th century CE in the Arabian Peninsula. The founder of Islam is Prophet Muhammad, who is considered the last prophet in a long line of prophets in Islam, including figures such as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus in the Judeo-Christian tradition.According to Islamic tradition, the Angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad in the Cave of Hira near Mecca in the year 610 CE, and over the next 23 years, revelations were gradually given to Muhammad, forming the basis of the Islamic holy book, the Quran. These revelations were later compiled into the Quran, which is the central religious text of Islam.Islam emerged in a tribal society in Mecca, and its early followers faced opposition from the ruling elite of the city. In 622 CE, facing persecution, Muhammad and his followers migrated to the city of Medina, an event known as the Hijra. This migration marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.Over the next decade, Islam spread in the Arabian Peninsula, and by the time of Muhammad’s death in 632 CE, much of the region had embraced the new faith. After his death, the Caliphs, successors to Muhammad, continued the expansion of the Islamic state, reaching areas beyond the Arabian Peninsula.The spread of Islam continued through military conquests, trade, and cultural interactions, reaching regions such as North Africa, Spain, Persia, and parts of Central Asia. Islam eventually became one of the major world religions, with diverse cultures and traditions within the Muslim world. Today, Muslims constitute a significant portion of the global population, and Islam is practiced by diverse communities worldwide. Did Islam come from Judaism?Islam and Judaism share historical and theological connections, as they are both Abrahamic religions. This means they trace their spiritual lineage back to the patriarch Abraham. Here are some key points of connection:Common Ancestry: According to both Islamic and Jewish traditions, Abraham is the central patriarchal figure. In the Quran, Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic) is revered as a prophet and a key figure in the early history of Islam. The stories of Abraham, his wife Sarah, and their children Ishmael and Isaac are shared between the two traditions.Monotheism: Both Islam and Judaism are monotheistic religions, emphasizing the worship of a single, all-powerful God. The oneness of God (Allah in Arabic) is a central tenet in Islam, much like the monotheistic principles in Judaism.Prophetic Tradition: Both religions share a belief in a line of prophets. Many of the prophets recognized in Judaism, such as Moses and David, are also considered prophets in Islam. The last prophet in Islam is believed to be Muhammad.Commonalities in Scripture: Islam recognizes the scriptures of Judaism, such as the Torah, as earlier revelations from God. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is seen as a continuation and final revelation.While there are commonalities, there are also differences in theological beliefs, religious practices, and interpretations of certain events. For example, the role of Ishmael and Isaac in the Abrahamic narrative is interpreted differently Thank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is a Martyr or Martyrdom?
Dec 14 2023
What is a Martyr or Martyrdom?
Parousia, Second Coming of Jesus: What is a Martyr or Martyrdom?What is a Martyr or Martyrdom?Martyrdom refers to the act of willingly sacrificing one's life or enduring great suffering, often for a cause or belief that is deeply held. A person who undergoes this sacrifice is called a martyr. Martyrdom is frequently associated with religious or political contexts, where individuals may face persecution or death for their faith, principles, or advocacy for a particular ideology.The term "martyr" is derived from the Greek word "martys," meaning "witness." In various cultural and historical contexts, martyrs are seen as symbols of steadfastness, courage, and dedication to a higher purpose. The concept is prevalent in many religious traditions, including Christianity, Islam, and Sikhism, among others.Martyrdom can take different forms, ranging from facing persecution and imprisonment to willingly accepting death for one's beliefs. The motivations for martyrdom can vary widely and may include religious devotion, political ideals, or resistance against oppression.In a broader sense, the term "martyr" can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who sacrifices personal interests or well-being for the greater good or a noble cause. This might include individuals who endure significant hardships or personal losses in the pursuit of social justice, human rights, or other ethical principles.Martyrdom is the belief in the importance of standing firm in one's faith, regardless of the consequences. The term is commonly associated with individuals who endure persecution, torture, or death rather than renounce their convictions. Martyrdom is often linked to religious or political contexts, where individuals may be persecuted for their faith, activism, or opposition to a particular ideology.In various cultures and religions, martyrs are revered for their courage and dedication to their beliefs. The concept of martyrdom is present in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and other belief systems. However, the term is not exclusive to religious contexts and can be applied more broadly to anyone who sacrifices their life or well-being for a cause they consider greater than themselves.The Bible and MartyrsThe Bible contains several references to martyrs and martyrdom, particularly in the New Testament. The term "martyr" comes from the Greek word "martus," which means witness. In the biblical context, a martyr is someone who bears witness to their faith, often through suffering or death. Here are some key passages related to martyrs or martyrdom:Stephen (Acts 7:54-60): Stephen is considered the first Christian martyr. He was stoned to death for his bold proclamation of the gospel and his accusation against the religious leaders of rejecting Jesus. His death was witness by Saul, later called the apostle Paul.James, the brother of John (Acts 12:1-2): James, one of the twelve apostles and the brother of John, was executed by King Herod Agrippa I.Persecution of Christians (1 Peter 4:12-16): The apostle Peter addresses the suffering and persecution that early Christians were facing. He encourages believers to rejoice in their sufferings for Christ's sake, as they share in the sufferings of Christ."Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferingsThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
Parousia, Second Coming of Jesus: Is War Just?
Dec 2 2023
Parousia, Second Coming of Jesus: Is War Just?
The Signs of the Times and the End of the AgeMatthew24: 3-73 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.The Cost of WarWar is a complex and often tragic phenomenon with wide-ranging consequences, and it is important to note that while some individuals or groups may benefit in certain ways, the overall impact is generally negative. Here are some ways certain entities might be perceived to benefit from war:Arms Manufacturers and Suppliers: The production and sale of weapons can be a lucrative business. During times of conflict, there is often an increased demand for arms, benefiting companies involved in the defense industry.Military-Industrial Complex: This term refers to the close relationship between the military and the defense industry. In times of war, increased military spending can boost the economies of countries with a strong defense sector.Resource Acquisition: Wars are sometimes fought over control of valuable resources such as oil, minerals, or land. Entities that gain control over these resources can benefit economically.Political Leaders: During times of war, political leaders may experience increased support and rally their populations around a common cause. This can enhance their political standing and authority.Black Market and Organized Crime: War can create a chaotic environment, providing opportunities for illegal activities such as smuggling, human trafficking, and drug trade. Criminal organizations may exploit the situation for financial gain.Geopolitical Influence: Some nations may strategically engage in conflicts to expand their influence and power on the global stage. Winning wars can strengthen a country’s geopolitical position.Technological Advancements: Wars often drive technological innovation, as nations invest in research and development to gain a military advantage. While this can lead to advancements, the human cost and destruction associated with war are significant drawbacks.However, it’s crucial to emphasize that the overall costs of war far outweigh these perceived benefits. The human toll, loss of life, displacement of populations, destruction of infrastructure, and long-term economic and social consequences are profound and devastating. Wars disrupt the lives of ordinary people and can lead to generational trauma and instability. The consequences of war extend far beyond any short-term gains for specific groups or individuals. Peacetime efforts to address conflicts through diplomacy, negotiation, and international cooperation are generally considered more sustainable and beneficial for global stability and prosperity.There are many losers in war, most notably the general population, fathers, mothers, sons and dThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is Religious Freedom, Conscience and Individual Liberty?
Nov 25 2023
What is Religious Freedom, Conscience and Individual Liberty?
Parousia, Second Coming of Jesus: Religious Freedom, Conscience and Individual LibertyParousia, Second Coming of Jesus: Religious Freedom, Conscience and Individual Liberty Religious Freedom in the United StatesReligious freedom in the United States is a fundamental and constitutionally protected right that allows individuals to practice their chosen religion or no religion at all without interference or discrimination from the government. This concept is enshrined in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states:“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”Here’s a breakdown of what religious freedom means in the U.S. context:Free Exercise Clause: The First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause guarantees individuals the right to practice their religion of choice without government interference, as long as these practices do not violate other laws (e.g., laws against discrimination or public safety).Establishment Clause: The Establishment Clause prohibits the government from establishing an official religion or favoring one religion over another. This ensures a separation between church and state and prevents the government from endorsing or promoting any particular religious belief.Freedom of Conscience: Religious freedom goes beyond formal religious practices and extends to the freedom of conscience. Individuals have the right to hold and express their religious beliefs in all aspects of their lives, including in public and private spaces.Protection for Minority Religions: The concept of religious freedom is designed to protect minority religions and prevent the tyranny of the majority. It ensures that individuals and groups with less popular or unconventional beliefs are not marginalized or discriminated against.Legal Protections: Over time, various laws and court decisions have reinforced religious freedom, such as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA). These laws provide additional protections for religious practices and safeguard against government actions that might unduly burden religious exercise.It’s important to note that while the U.S. upholds the principle of religious freedom, legal interpretations and debates about the boundaries of this freedom continue to evolve, and specific cases may raise questions about the balance between religious freedom and other societal interests.Religious Freedom, Conscience and Individual LibertyEllen White emphasized the importance of conscience, individual freedom of choice, and the right to worship according to one’s beliefs. She spoke against religious coercion and advocated for a sincere, personal commitment to faith. Here are a few principles from her writings that align with the spirit of religious freedom:Freedom of Conscience: Ellen White emphasized the importance of an individual’s conscience in matters of faith. She believed that individuals should be free to follow their convictions and that true worship is a matter of the heart.Voluntary Worship: She stressed the idea that worship should be voluntary and heartfelt rather than coerced. In heThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is Christian Nationalism and Project 2025- The Mandate for Leadership?
Nov 25 2023
What is Christian Nationalism and Project 2025- The Mandate for Leadership?
PAROUSIA AND THE IMMINENT  SECOND COMING of JESUS: WHAT ARE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM AND THE PROJECT 2025 MANDATE FOR LEADERSHIP?We are in Parousia and the Second Coming of Jesus is imminent. There are two movements that are growing and maturing. Christian Nationalism and Project 2025, The Mandate for Leadership.Christian nationalism is a term used to describe a political and cultural ideology that seeks to merge Christianity with national identity or governance. It is characterized by the belief that the nation should be explicitly Christian in nature, and that Christian beliefs and values should play a central role in shaping government policies, laws, and societal norms.Key features of Christian nationalism may include:Religious Identity and Nationalism: Advocates of Christian nationalism often emphasize the idea that the nation’s identity is intrinsically tied to its Christian heritage. They may argue that the nation was founded on Christian principles and seek to preserve or restore what they see as a Christian foundation. American history would argue that the United States was founded on blended secular and Christian belief system, neither a secular nation nor a theocracy.The founding of America was influenced by a variety of philosophical, political, and religious ideas. The United States was not explicitly founded as a secular nation, nor was it founded as a theocracy. Instead, the Founding Fathers sought to establish a government that protected religious freedom and avoided the pitfalls of religious persecution and coercion that had occurred in Europe.Several key principles reflect the founders’ approach to religion and governance:Religious Freedom: The framers of the United States Constitution, many of whom were influenced by the Enlightenment, recognized the importance of religious freedom. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights, explicitly prohibits the establishment of a state religion and protects the free exercise of religion.Separation of Church and State: Although the phrase “separation of church and state” does not appear in the Constitution, it has been interpreted from the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  The idea is to prevent the government from favoring one religion over another or interfering with the practice of religion.Deistic Influences: Some of the Founding Fathers, including Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, held Deistic beliefs. Deism generally involves the idea of a Creator God but often rejects specific religious doctrines. While not all founders were Deists, their influence contributed to a more secular tone in certain aspects of the founding era.It’s important to note that while the principles mentioned above reflect a commitment to religious freedom and a degree of secularism in governance, the United States has always been a diverse nation with citizens of various religious beliefs. The historical context also includes periods where specific Christian values played a role in public discourse.Over time, the interpretation and application of these principles have been subject to debate and legal challenges, and the relationshThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Church?
Oct 29 2023
What is the Church?
Parousia, The End of the World- What is the Church?What is the Church?If you lose Heaven, you lose everything; if you gain Heaven, you gain everything. God tests and proves us by the common occurrences of life. It is the little things which reveal the chapters of the heart. It is a great thing to be a child of God, and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ.The Bible calls the church “the body of Christ” that He nourishes and cares for as He does Himself (Eph. 5). The church is His glorious temple, in which He is pleased to dwell (Rev. 21:3). It is His fullness, in the sense that the Father in heaven promised Jesus a great reward that includes His church.Luther’s view of the church and its ministry are both grounded in the Word of God, the promulgation of the gospel. The church exists wherever the Word of God is proclaimed, and the church is a spiritual community oriented to and shaped by this Word in its life by the power of the Holy Spirit.We believe that a true Christian church is a union of believing and baptized Christians, who have covenanted to strive to keep all that Christ has commanded, to sustain public worship, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to choose among themselves shepherds or overseers, and deacons, to administer baptism and the Lord’s Supper, to practice Christian church-discipline, to promote godliness and brotherly love, and to contribute to the general spread of the gospel; also that every such church is an independent body, free in its relation to other Christian churches and acknowledging Christ only as its head.In his On Councils and the Church (1539), Luther spoke directly about this circular relationship between gospel and Church: “God’s word cannot be without God’s people, and conversely, God’s people cannot be without God’s word.”The Meaning of the ChurchThe word church is used quite loosely at times, some even applying it to the edifice where believers may meet for worship. Such a structure may be a church building or something that serves for the purpose of assembly, but it certainly could not be the “church.” The church is composed of individuals who are “called out” from the world. They heed the call to come out, and then find a home in what the Scriptures designate the “church.” The church, then, is made up of living persons banded together in Christian fellowship. It is composed of those who espouse the cause of Christ, who believe in the teachings of Jesus, and who pledge themselves to propagate “the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”  The Greek word for church is ekklesia, and really means “assembly.” The word is so rendered in Acts 19:32, 39, 41. This word is used also in the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament and is rendered “assembly” in Deuteronomy 18:16 and 2 Chronicles 30:23; and “congregation” in Psalm 22:22 and 107:32. The word “church” is a term used to characterize God’s people, not only in New Testament days, but also in the days of Moses and David. Luke in his story in the book of Acts calls attention to “the church in the wilderness” at the time the Angel of the covenant was leading the childreThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is Parousia- The Return of Jesus Christ and the End of the World- The Israel Hamas War?
Oct 14 2023
What is Parousia- The Return of Jesus Christ and the End of the World- The Israel Hamas War?
Parousia- The Return of Jesus Christ and the End of the World- The Israel and Hamas War Judgment day is coming. The end of the world is at hand and the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. God’s patience and forbearance has been great. There are signs of the second coming that are fulfilling before our very eyes, with earthquakes, floods, wars and rumors of war. It has been said: There is coming rapidly and surely an almost universal guilt upon the inhabitants of the cities, because of the steady increase of determined wickedness. The corruption that prevails is beyond the power of the human pen to describe. Every day brings fresh revelations of strife, bribery, and fraud; every day brings its heart-sickening record of violence and lawlessness, of indifference to human suffering, of brutal, fiendish destruction of human life. Every day testifies to the increase of insanity, murder, and suicide. From age to age Satan has sought to keep men in ignorance of the beneficent designs of Jehovah. He has endeavored to remove from their sight the great things of God’s law—the principles of justice, mercy, and love therein set forth. Men boast of the wonderful progress and enlightenment of the age in which we are now living; but God sees the earth filled with iniquity and violence. Men declare that the law of God has been abrogated, that the Bible is not authentic; and as a result, a tide of evil, such as has not been seen since the days of Noah and of apostate Israel, is sweeping over the world. Nobility of soul, gentleness, piety, are bartered away to gratify the lust for forbidden things. The black record of crime committed for the sake of gain is enough to chill the blood and fill the soul with horror. Our God is a God of mercy. With long-sufferance and tender compassion He deals with the transgressors of His law. And yet, in this our day, when men and women have so many opportunities for becoming familiar with the divine law as revealed in Holy Writ, the great Ruler of the universe cannot behold with any satisfaction the wicked cities, where reign violence and crime. The end of God’s forbearance with those who persist in disobedience is approaching rapidly. Ought men to be surprised over a sudden and unexpected change in the dealings of the Supreme Ruler with the inhabitants of a fallen world? Ought they to be surprised when punishment follows transgression and increasing crime? Ought they to be surprised that God should bring destruction and death upon those whose ill-gotten gains have been obtained through deception and fraud? Notwithstanding the fact that increasing light regarding God’s requirements has been shining on their pathway, many have refused to recognize Jehovah’s rulership, and have chosen to remain under the black banner of the originator of all rebellion against the government of heaven. The forbearance of God has been very great—so great that when we consider the continuous insult to His holy commandments, we marvel. The Omnipotent One has been exerting a restraining power over His own attributes. But He will certainly arise to punish the wicked, who so boldly defy the just claims of the Decalogue.Judgment day is coming. The end of the world is at hand and the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. God’s patience and forbearance has been great. There are signs of the second coming that are fulfilling before our very eyes, with earthquakes, floods, wars and rumors of war.God allows men a period of probation; but there is Thank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What Took Place On and Because of Calvary?
Sep 29 2023
What Took Place On and Because of Calvary?
Everlasting Gospel : What Took Place On and Because of Calvary"And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him.""That He might sanctify the people with His own blood," Christ "suffered without the gate." Hebrews 13:12. For transgression of the law of God, Adam and Eve were banished from Eden. Christ, our substitute, was to suffer without the boundaries of Jerusalem. He died outside the gate, where felons and murderers were executed. Full of significance are the words, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us." Galatians 3:13.Upon Christ as our substitute and surety was laid the iniquity of us all. He was counted a transgressor, that He might redeem us from the condemnation of the law. The guilt of every descendant of Adam was pressing upon His heart. The wrath of God against sin, the terrible manifestation of His displeasure because of iniquity, filled the soul of His Son with consternation. All His life Christ had been publishing to a fallen world the good news of the Father's mercy and pardoning love. Salvation for the chief of sinners was His theme. But now with the terrible weight of guilt He bears, He cannot see the Father's reconciling face. The withdrawal of the divine countenance from the Savior in this hour of supreme anguish pierced His heart with a sorrow that can never be fully understood by man. So great was this agony that His physical pain was hardly felt.Satan with his fierce temptations wrung the heart of Jesus. The Savior could not see through the portals of the tomb. Hope did not present to Him His coming forth from the grave a conqueror or tell Him of the Father's acceptance of the sacrifice. He feared that sin was so offensive to God that Their separation was to be eternal. Christ felt the anguish which the sinner will feel when mercy shall no longer plead for the guilty race. It was the sense of sin, bringing the Father's wrath upon Him as man's substitute, that made the cup He drank so bitter, and broke the heart of the Son of God.The spotless Son of God hung upon the cross, His flesh lacerated with stripes; those hands so often reached out in blessing, nailed to the wooden bars; those feet so tireless on ministries of love, spiked to the tree; that royal head pierced by the crown of thorns; those quivering lips shaped to the cry of woe. And all that He endured—the blood drops that flowed from His head, His hands, His feet, the agony that racked His frame, and the unutterable anguish that filled His soul at the hiding of His Father's face—speaks to each child of humanity, declaring, It is for thee that the Son of God consents to bear this burden of guilt; for thee He spoils the domain of death, and opens the gates of Paradise. He who stilled the angry waves and walked the foam-capped billows, who made devils tremble and disease flee, who opened blind eyes and called forth the dead to life, —offers Himself upon the cross as a sacrifice, and this from love to thee. He, the Sin Bearer, endures the wrath of divine justice, and for thy sake becomes sin itself. On Calvary1.       You were justified, declared righteous- Romans 5: 9 “We have now been justified by His blood how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through Him”2.       Reconciled with God- Romans 5: 10 “For if while we were God's enemies we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son how much more having been reconciled shall we be saved through His life.”3.       God proThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is Societal or Civilizational Collapse?
Sep 16 2023
What is Societal or Civilizational Collapse?
What is  Societal or Civilization Collapse? Societal collapse (also known as civilizational collapse) is the fall of a complex human society characterized by the loss of cultural identity, self-centeredness, lawlessness, lack of Biblical values, downfall of government, and the rise of violence. Possible causes of a societal collapse include natural catastrophe, lack of Biblical core values (the two great commandments), self-centeredness, war, pestilence, famine, economic collapse, population decline or overshoot, mass migration, and sabotage by rival civilizations. As humans spread around the globe, human societies flourish and become more dependent on trade, and because urbanization means that people leave sparsely populated rural areas for densely populated neighborhoods, infectious diseases spread much more easily. Outbreaks are frequent, even in the modern era, but medical advances have been able to alleviate their impacts. In fact, the human population grew tremendously in the twentieth century. In the developed world and increasingly also in the developing world, people are less likely to fall victim to infectious diseases than ever before. For instance, the advent of antibiotics, starting with penicillin in 1928, has resulted in the saving of the lives of hundreds of millions of people suffering from bacterial infections. However, there is no guarantee that would continue because bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, and doctors and public health experts have even warned of an incoming "antibiotic apocalypse." The World Health Organization warned in 2019 that the spread of vaccine skepticism has been accompanied by the resurrection of long-conquered diseases like measles. This leads the WHO to name the antivaccination movement one of the world's top 10 public-health threats. Thank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 16
Sep 9 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 16
Chapter 16Paul Greets Fellow Workers in Rome[Note: Verses 1-16 of this concluding chapter are taken up in greetings to fellow believers who had once shared in Paul’s ministry but were now residing in Rome. The common phrase applied in all these greetings is the expression “in Christ,” the central theme of Paul’s theology and the fundamental truth that saves and unites all believers into one common bond and hope.]Paul Cautions Against False Teachers17 In concluding this exposition of the glorious gospel of Christ, I beg you brethren to keep a careful lookout for those who oppose the truth as it is in Christ and would like to stir up division in the church. Avoid these false teachers at all cost. 18 For such people are not really serving Christ but their own selfish intcrcst; and by their flattering words, deceive all those who are easily side-tracked. 19 However, I want you to know that I am delighted about the good reports I am hearing about your faithfulness to the truth; but at the same time, I feel obligated to warn you against these false teachers and counsel you to examine carefully everything you are being taught — sifting the truth from the error. 20 It will not be long now when God, through Christ, will put an end to Satan and his crafty ways. In the meantime, may the grace of our Lord continue to bless and keep you faithful unto the end. Amen.Paul Concludes With Greetings[Note: Verses 21-24 are taken up in greetings from Paul’s co-laborers, fellow countrymen, and friends, and Tertius, Paul’s secretary.]Benediction25 And now, to Him who is able to make you strong and keep you from falling, through the power of the gospel of Christ, which was somewhat kept a mystery in the past, 26 but now has been fully revealed to you in the person of Jesus Christ and the teachings of God’s Word, which is being proclaimed to all mankind according to God’s commission, calling you to a faith-obedience of the truth. 27 To the only true God who is able to save us, may glory and praise forever go to Him and our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.Home Study MaterialsThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 15
Sep 9 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 15
Chapter 15Building Each Other Spiritually1 To those of you who are mature Christians, please be sympathetic and understanding with regards to the weaknesses of the immature believers who are still babes in Christ. Do not look down on them in self-righteousness. 2 Let every believer have genuine concern for the welfare of others and be helpful in building each other up spiritually, 3 just as Christ did not come to please Himself or to be ministered to but to seek and save lost humanity. He did what was prophesied of Him: “The condemnation and curse that belongs to sinful mankind was heaped upon me” [Psalm 69:9].4 And, incidentally, these prophecies concerning our Lord’s redemptive activity were penned for our comfort so that we may encourage one another to remain faithful in the midst of persecution, while we wait for our ultimate salvation. 5 May God, who has been long-suffering and patient towards each one of us give you that same attitude toward one another through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, 6 in order that in unison you may glorify God in words and actions — He whom we call Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Therefore, treat and accept each other just as God in Christ accepts us sinners as His sons and daughters.Salvation Extended to the Gentiles8 Now, it is true Christ came, as He announced, “but for the house of Israel.” This is because God, in the Old Testament, promised salvation through the Jews or the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This promise He fulfilled in Christ, who, according to His human nature, was a Jew. 9 Nevertheless, while salvation is through the Jews, it encompasses the Gentile world, too; and for this they need to be grateful. And since salvation included all humanity it was prophesied: “The good news of salvation shall be preached among the Gentiles and His praises they will sing” [Psalm 18:49].10 God’s purpose of including the Gentiles in His salvation is so clearly taught in the Old Testament that I cannot see how we Jews missed it. Here are some examples: “Rejoice you Gentiles along with the Jews!” [Deuteronomy 32:43]. 11 Or, “Praise God all you Gentiles and let all men glorify Him” [Psalm 117:1]. 12 Even the great prophet Isaiah repeats the same truth: “There shall be a descendant of Jesse who will come to redeem all mankind and many Gentiles will believe in Him” [Isaiah 11:1,10].13 In view of this wonderful truth, may the God of our redemption fill you with joy unspeakable, peace that is beyond understanding, and full assurance of your salvation, so that under the influence of the Holy Spirit your hope never diminishes. 14 Not that I am doubting your faith, for I am convinced by the reports received that you Christians in Rome are full of love and good works, grounded in the truth, and able to teach one another.15 But in spite of this, I have been rather straightforward with you in reminding you of your Christian obligations, seeing that God has set me aside as an apostle, 16 a minister of Jesus Christ, especially assigned to proclaim the gospel to the Gentiles and make them part of the family of God through faith in Jesus Christ and sanctification of the Holy Spirit. 17 And for this ministry I am most grateful to our Lord and Saviour, who is God’s means of our redemption.Salvation Extended to the Gentiles18 What I have written to you is not my own opinion but what Christ HimsThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 14
Sep 9 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 14
Chapter 14Christian Relationships1 When a fellow believer is overscrupulous and therefore weak in faith, please do not question his or her conversion. But accept that person as a Christian. 2 For we all come from different backgrounds [such as Jewish or Gentile] and, therefore, do not think alike when it comes to the Christian walk. For example, one believer may feel it is all right to eat anything while another, whose beliefs are somewhat less-informed, will eat only vegetables. 3 The Christian who feels he can eat anything must not look down on the one who doesn’t feel that way. Likewise, the one who won’t eat certain things must not condemn the believer who does. After all, both believers are equally accepted in God’s sight.Judging One Another4 When it comes to non-fundamentals, no Christian has the right to pass judgment on the views of another Christian, just as one person cannot pass judgment on another man’s servant. After all, each servant is answerable to his own boss and it is the master who decides what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior from his servant. As Christians, Christ is our Lord and Master and each believer is accountable to Him. 5 For instance, a Christian of Jewish background may be particular about observing the feast days of the Old Testament while another, being a Gentile, makes no distinction between feast days and other days. Each believer must honestly decide what is right in these gray areas of Christian living.6 The Jewish believer who feels he must continue to observe the feast days, does it out of a deep commitment to God. Similarly, the Gentile believer who feels that feast days are no longer valid does so out of a sincere conviction that the Lord no longer requires believers to keep them. Both are honest in their convictions, but neither must impose their views on the other. The same applies when it comes to eating; while believers may disagree as to what can be eaten, nevertheless, each believer is to eat to please the Lord. 7 For to be a true Christian means denying self and living a life well-pleasing to God in all matters [1 Corinthians 10:31-33].8 Genuine Christianity requires each believer to submit oneself to the formula of the Gospel, “Not I, but Christ” [Galatians 2:20]. And this, even if it means laying down our lives in the process. In other words, whether we live or die, a true Christian is completely committed to the will of God. 9 The cross of Christ demands such an attitude, since Christ redeemed us by His death and resurrection so that we may totally belong to Him in life and in death.10 In view of this, Christians do not have the prerogative of judging each other. That right belongs to God alone and we shall all stand before His judgment seat, each to give an account of oneself. 11 This is how God, in the Old Testament, put it: “As the sovereign Lord I will judge every person according to the truth he or she is convicted of. And ultimately all will confess that I the Lord was just and fair in all my dealings” [Isaiah 45:23]. 12 With this in mind, let us all live conscious of the fact that one day each will have to give a personal account to God.Living for One Another13 Consequently, let us no longer keep judging one another’s performance, but rather let us make sure our own behavior in no way becomes a hindrance to another believer’s spiritual progress or, still worse, a means of causing the spiritual downfall of a felloThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 13
Sep 9 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 13
Chapter 13Duties to the State1 While we Christians may not be of the world, we are still living in the world, and therefore must obey the state authorities; that is, as long as their dermands do not conflict with God’s [Acts 5:29]. For no authority exists except by God’s permission, including the present authorities. 2 Therefore, anyone resisting the government authorities is really opposing a divine institution, and must be prepared to face the penalties.3 Law-abiding citizens have no need to fear the police, but the law-breakers do. So if you want to avoid anxiety every time you see a police officer, make sure you obey the laws of the state and you will have a clear conscience instead. 4 After all, police officers are God’s means of curbing crime and maintaining law and order in a sinful world. 5 For this reason you must obey the law officers of the state, not simply because you want to escape punishment, but because, as a Christian, you believe it is the right thing to do.6 Likewise, as a child of God, you must be faithful taxpayers, since all government workers are also servants of God, even though some may not realize this. They are there to fulfill a divine purpose. 7 Be diligent, therefore, in regards to paying all your taxes and give respect to those who run the country.Duties to One Another8 Keep out of financial debt as far as possible, but always be in debt when it comes to loving another; for when you love another unselfishly, you are truly keeping the law. 9 For the last six commandments of the moral law, which deal with relationships with one another, such as “You must not commit adultery,” “You must not murder,” “You must not steal,” “You must not entertain an evil desire,” etc., can be summed up positively in this one command: “Love your neighbor unconditionally, just as you naturally love yourself unconditionally.” 10 True, unselfish, agape love never thinks of, or does wrong to another and, as our Lord pointed out, such love is the true fulfilling of the law [Matthew 22:35-40].Witnessing the Spirit-Filled Life11 These things I am counseling you to do must be put into practice all the more as you see the end approaching so that you will be found faithful and not asleep when Christ comes, which is much nearer than you think. 12 The night is nearly over and the day, which represents the second advent, is about to dawn. Let us therefore put away everything that contradicts the Christian lifestyle and let us live like true converted Christians. 13 Let the world see the transforming power of the gospel in you so that your behavior is totally different from that of the worldly people who spend much of their time in drinking, indulging in immoral sex, fighting, and jealousy. 14 What I am saying is, let Christ through His Spirit completely dominate your life so that you leave no room to gratify the sinful desires of your fallen nature.Thank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 11
Sep 9 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 11
Chapter 11A Faithful Minority of the Jews Saved1 Does this mean that God has disowned all Jews? Of course not! Take me for example — am I not a Jew, a literal descendant of Abraham and of the tribe of Benjamin? 2 No, God has not by any means disowned all Jews. Certainly not those whom He knew beforehand would accept Christ. Do you remember how Elijah complained to God? 3 “Lord, the whole Jewish nation has forsaken You, killed Your prophets, destroyed Your altars and only I am left faithful to You; and now they are trying to kill me, too.” 4 How did God reply? “No, Elijah, therc are some seven thousand men with their families of whom you are unaware, who have not yielded to pagan Baal worship.”5 Likewise, at the present time, there are honest-in-heart Jews who have remained faithful to the truth and have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. 6 These faithful ones [meaning, a remnant] realize their salvation is not the result of their own good deeds or obedicnce to law but God’s unmerited favor bestowed on all mankind in Christ. For if we are saved by our own works it can no longer be salvation by grace.7 What are we to conclude then, that the majority of the Jews have failed to recognize that God’s promise of salvation has already been fulfilled in Christ’s holy history and only a minority have realized this? This unfortunately is the truth. 8 Just as the Old Testament said about the ancient Jews: “God has allowed them to go their own way so that they are totally insensible to His ways” [Isaiah 29.10; Deuteronomy 29:4]. So likewise, this is exactly how it is with the present Jews. 9 This is how David put it in his Psalm: “Their many material blessings have caused their own spiritual downfall and ruin. 10 They have allowed falsehood to blind them from seeing the truth and now they have become a guilt-ridden people” [Psalm 69.22-23].Unbelief of Jews Brought Salvation to Gentiles11 The big question then, is: Does the failure of the Jews mean an utter disaster for God’s plan of redemption? Of course not! On the contrary, God has turned it into a blessing for the Gentiles. Due to the fact that the Jews refuse to acknowledge that God’s plan of salvation includes the Gentile world, their rejection of Christ has made it possible for the gospel to be taken to the rest of humanity. This, in turn, has made the Jews realize what they have missed. 12 And if their failure has resulted in such a tremendous blessing to you Gentiles, can you imagine how much greater and more wonderful it will be if this, in turn, would cause the Jews to turn back to God in repentance and accept His supreme gift, Jesus Christ?13 While it is true that God has appointed me to be a missionary to the Gentile world, at the same time I want to make the most of my ministry and try and win back to God my fellow Jews, 14 hoping through jealousy, to cause some of the Jews, at least, to return back to God and be saved. 15 For if the rejection of the Jews has resulted in the salvation of the rest of mankind, what a glorious thing it would be if the same blessing was experienced by the Jewish people too. Would it not be like they were brought to life from the dead? 16 After all, if the true Israel that God established through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is still holy, surely the natural Jews who repent through faith in Christ will also be made holy, just as the good roots of a tree share their goodness to the branches.A Word of Warning to Thank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 12
Sep 8 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 12
Chapter 12Living the Spirit-Controlled Life1 Now that I have unburdened myself concerning my fellow Jews, I would like to return to the subject of walking in the Spirit and Christian living. In view of what I concluded in chapter eight regarding the unfailing love of God, I plead with you that you dedicate yourselves unselfishly to God’s service — living lives that are pleasing to Him as Christ did.2 Don’t be influenced by worldly practices or secular humanism or give in to peer pressure, but instead constantly remind yourselves as Christians that you have died to the ways of the world and your one goal in life is to live for Christ, doing what He wants you to do. In other words, let God’s Spirit re-mold you into His likeness. 3 This counsel comes from God Himself whose servant I am. He wants every believer to be humble, thinking and acting honestly in all matters, fulfilling His purpose for each one according to the gift of the Holy Spirit.4 For just as the human body consists of different limbs and organs, each having its own particular function, yet together making up one person, 5 so we Christians, who through faith have become one with Christ, represent one spiritual body with each member having a particular function, yet together we are vitally linked to each other as one body in Christ.6 Consequently, for the church to be spiritually healthy, the spiritual gifts each has received need to be put into practice. If preaching is your gift, proclaim God’s message accordingly. 7 If your gift is serving others or administration, concentrate on serving others or on administration. You may be blessed with the gift of teaching, then let that be your field of labor for the church. 8 Another may have the gift of encouraging others. Put that ability into good use. Or one may be blessed with a generous heart, then give liberally to thc needs of thc church. Should your gift be that of leadership, exert yourself to lead. If helping others in need is your calling, then be a helper and do it cheerfully.Characteristics of a True Christian9 What I am saying is that the unconditional, self-emptying, agape love of God manifested in Christ’s holy history, now flows into you through the Holy Spirit, and this must be witnessed through your Christian behavior [John 13:34-35]. This means we must hate and avoid evil and uphold and do good [Titus 2:14]. 10 For example, in dealings with one another let unselfish love be manifested, and let us genuinely be considerate of others, giving no room for pride and conceit.11 Do not be lazy or sponge on others, but work hard and diligently serve the Lord Jesus Christ. 12 Let the blessed hope keep you always joyful in the Lord and if you have to suffer in any way or put up with trials, endure these things with patience. Keep close to your Saviour through habitual prayer, for He longs to have fellowship with you.13 Always help fellow believers who are in genuine need and practice hospitality with strangers. 14 And in harmony with Christ’s teaching, pray for those who are against you and make your life miserable [Matthew 5:43-40]. I know this is contrary to the inclinations of our sinful nature, but we must be controlled by the Spirit, asking God to bless our enemies and not curse them. 15 Since we are one in Christ, learn to rejoice with believers who are rejoicing and weep with those who are weeping [1 Corinthians 12Thank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 10
Sep 8 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 10
The Jews Refuse Righteousness by Faith1 So you see, brethren, my heartfelt desire and prayer to God is to see my own Jewish people saved. 2 I know for a fact they earnestly worship and serve God, just as I did before my conversion, but unfortunately they have failed to grasp the wonderful truth of the gospel. 3 Consequently, ignoring the free gift of righteousness God offers them in Christ, they are desperately trying to produce their own righteousness, and as a result have rejected the perfect righteousness of God made available to them through faith in His Son.4 This righteousness, produced in Christ’s doing and dying, fully met the positive demands as well as the justice of God’s holy law, so that every believer stands perfect in Christ. Thus, Christ brought to an end our futile attempts to produce our own righteousness through legalism, 5 because the righteousness man produces through his own efforts is never perfect. And Moses, through whom God gave His law, made it very clear: “Only the person who perfectly obeys God’s law in every detail has a right to live” [Leviticus 18:5; see also Galatians 3:10].The Way of Righteousness by Faith6 In complete contrast, the righteousness that comes through faith is not based on human effort, so that we have to hunt for Christ, 7 either by trying to reach up to heaven, or searching for Him in some hiding place on earth, as if He is extremely hard to find. 8 But how does the Bible put it? God is the one who takes the initiative and sends His Spirit right into our conscience, convicting us of the truth of the gospel as Christ is proclaimed [John 16:8-11].9 And all that God requires from us is to submit to that conviction, confessing that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, the Saviour of the World, and, from the heart, believe that God did raise Him from the dead as evidence and proof of His perfect redemption, and we will be saved. 10 For righteousness by faith is a heart appreciation and response to God’s supreme gift, Jesus Christ, and such faith openly acknowledges that man’s only hope of salvation is in Christ. 11 For this is how Scripture puts it: “Whosoever believes wholeheartedly in God’s Son is guaranteed salvation and, if this faith endures unto the end, will not stand condemned on judgment day” [Isaiah 28:16; John 5:24; Matthew 10:22].12 And incidentally, it makes no difference whether you are a Jew or a Gentile, since God’s gift of salvation in Christ is for all humanity and the only way this salvation is made effective is by faith alone. 13 For God has guaranteed that everyone who will honestly believe in His Son is assured of salvation [John 6:40].Faith Comes by Knowing the Gospel14 Now it is true, nobody can turn to Christ for salvation if one does not believe in Him. And naturally, you cannot believe in Him if you have never heard of Christ and His salvation history [the gospel]. And the only way you can know about the gospel is when someone witnesses to you about Him or you read about the gospel in a book or hear the good news on radio or television. 15 That is why Christ commissioned the church to preach the good news of salvation to all mankind (Markl6:159; and this is what Scripture says about those who do: “How beautiful are the feet of those who witness Christ to those who are still without hope and bring them the good news of salvation” [Isaiah 52:7].16 But the trouble withThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 9
Sep 4 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 9
Chapter 9Paul’s Deep Concern for His Fellow Jews1 Having expounded the glorious truths of the gospel to you Christians at Rome, I would like to share with you my deep concern for my fellow Jews. Realizing the negative reports you have been hearing about me, how I have turned against God’s Law, the temple and my own Jewish people [Acts 21:28]. I would like you to get the facts straight. Contrary to these false reports, I am telling you the absolute truth; as a Christian whose conscience is controlled by the Holy Spirit, I am not lying.2 Deep down in my heart I am full of grief and greatly burdened ahout the eternal destiny of my own Jewish nation. 3 Believe me, I am willing to be actually cut off from Christ and be eternally lost, if this would in any way bring salvation to my people, 4 who by birth belong to Israel, the nation privileged to be called God’s covenant people, who were blessed with His unique presence during the Exodus and to whom He made special covenants, giving them His law and His wonderful plan of salvation through the sanctuary scrvice, plus many precious promises.5 Furthermore, being descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, they have been greatly blessed. Above all, it was through them that Christ, the Son of God, came in thc flesh to be the Saviour of the world. May God’s name be praised forever, seeing He must get the credit for all these blessings. Amen!Who Constitutes True Israel6 The fact that the Jewish nation no longer constitutes God’s church today does not mean that God has failed to keep His promise made to Israel through the patriarchs and prophets. For the truth of the matter is that not every one who happens to be a Jew really belongs to God’s true spiritual Israel. 7 Just as not all the descendants of Abraham, the Arabs for example, belong to the nation of Israel, but the promise made to Abraham was, “Only those who are in the line of Isaac, that is, born of God, are qualified to bc part of Israel.”8 In other words, it is not the natural descendants of Abraham, or Isaac for that matter, who comprise God’s people, but it is those who have experienced the new birth through faith in His promised Son that constitute true Israel in God’s sight. 9 For according to Scripture, this is how God fulfilled His promise of a son to Abraham: Eirst, God waited almost twenty-five years until Sarah had passed the age of childbearing. Then, when it was impossible for Abraham to produce a child through Sarah, God said to him, after He had entered into a faith-covenant with Abraham through circumcision, “About this time next year I will bless Sarah with a Son” [Genesis 17]. Thus Isaac, the promised son, represents, or is the prototype of all who, like him, are born of God through faith in Christ. 10 But this is not all; even Isaac’s wife, Rebecca, who had conceived twins, had an experience that reveals a vital truth.11 Even before the twins, Esau and Jacob, were born, while they were still in her womb and therefore had not yet done anything good or bad, in order that it might be clearly established that it is by God’s grace and calling we are saved and not our performance, 12 God said to Rebecca: “The elder [i.e., first-born] will serve the younger” [Genesis 25:19-23]. This was in complete contradiction to Jewish tradition; but God did this to show that salvation is based on His sovereign will and not on one’s natural inheritance or human lineage. 13 This all agrees with the statemThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 8
Sep 4 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 8
Chapter 8Cbrist’s Righteousness is Imparted by the Spirit1 Therefore, the good news of the gospel is not salvation through self-righteousness but through faith in Christ. Hence, there is no condemnation resting upon us who have accepted by faith our union with Christ Jesus in spite of the fact that we still possess sinful natures. 2 This is because the principle or power of sin and death dwelling in our sinful natures was defeated and dealt the death blow by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in the humanity of Christ Jesus; thus in Him we were set free.3 For while God’s law was incapable of saving us from sin and death, seeing our sinful natures made it impossible for the law to produce righteousness in us, God, in Christ, did it; He did it by uniting the divine nature of His Son, at the incarnation, to our corporate sinful human nature that needed redeeming and in that humanity Christ assumed, which was identical to ours, the principle or power of sin was both defeated and executed. 4 In this way God not only saved all humanity but also proved that the righteous requirements of the law may be fulfilled in us born-again Christians if we, like Christ, learn to walk in the power of the Spirit and not depend on our own sinful nature.5 For those who allow themselves to be controlled by their own sinful nature find that their thoughts are continually dominated by the sinful desires of the flesh; while those who walk in the power of God’s Spirit find that their minds are dwelling on spiritual things. 6 And let me make this clear; to allow your minds to be dominated by your sinful nature is asking for trouble, for it means you are allowing yourselves to head down the road that leads to death. But, on the other hand, to allow your minds to be controlled by the Spirit is what true Christian living is all about and this brings inner joy and ultimate salvation.7 Besides, you must realize that the sinful nature with all its desires belongs to the realm of Satan and therefore is in complete opposition to God. In fact, our sinful nature will never truly obey God’s law and cannot, even if it tries, because it is enslaved to the principle of self which contradicts God’s agape love [1 Corinthians 13:5]; that which fulfills the law [Romans 13:10]. 8 Consequently, those who allow their sinful nature to control them cannot really please God. 9 But you dear Christians, I trust, are not living that way, but are being controlled by God’s Spirit who dwells in you through the new birth experience. And, incidentally, if there be any among you who has not experienced this new birth, I am afraid you are not truly converted and therefore do not really belong to Christ.10 But if Christ’s Spirit dwells in you, please remember that your sinful bodies must still die, but spiritually you are alive because you have by faith surrendered your sinful self to His cross in exchange for Christ’s righteous life [Galatians 2:20]; this in turn has brought about the renewal of the Spirit which must now bccome the source of your Christian living. 11 For if God’s Holy Spirit was able to defeat sin and death in Christ’s humanity and proved it by raising Him from the dead, you can be absolutely sure this same Spirit, now dwelling in you, is able to conquer the power of sin that dominates your sinful bodies and reproduce in you the character of Christ.Christian Duty is to Walk in the Spirit12 So, dear brothers and sisters in Chnst, we hThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 7
Sep 4 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 7
Chapter 7Liberated From Under the Law’s Jurisdiction1 In the last chapter, I indicated that we Christians are no longer legally under the law [Romans 6:14]. I would like to amplify on this, as I am sure some of you will object to that statement. Don’t you realize, brethren, that when Christ liberated us from the dominion of sin He also delivered us from the jurisdiction of the law? May I remind you who are familiar with the law, [Jews implied] that the law has authority over a person only as long as that person is alive.2 Take, for example, the situation of a married woman: according to the law of marriage, a woman is bound to her husband by the marriage vow as long as they both live. But should her husband die, she is immediately released from her marriage vow and is permitted to marry another man. 3 If, however, the woman leaves her husband, without Biblical grounds, while he is still alive and marries another man, she certainly will be considered as an adulteress. But this is not true if her husband dies and she later marries another man, since the marriage vow is valid only as long as “both shall live.”4 This is precisely how Christ liberated us from under the law’s jurisdiction. All of us were bound to the law from birth, just as a wife is to her husband by marriage. This means the law had authority over us as long as we lived. But when we died in the corporate humanity of Christ, which, incidentally, we Christians have identified with by faith and baptism, we were released from the jurisdiction of the law; and this God did in order that we might be married or united to the risen Christ. The result is that now we can actually bear spiritual fruit unto God, because this is what Christ is able to do in us, something the law was incapable of doing.5 But prior to this glorious event, while our sinful self was still ruled by the law there was absolutely no compatibility between the law and our sinful natures so that all that we did was in complete contradiction to the law’s requirements, which in turn meant we stood constantly under the condemnation of the law to eternal death. 6 But now that our sinful self is crucified with Christ and we have been released legally from under the law and are married to the risen Christ, we can serve God in a truly spiritual way, out of hearts full of love, gratitude, and joy instead of the old motivation of fear, which we did under the law.God’s Law is Holy But We Are Sinful7 Now does the fact that Christ has liberated us from sin as well as from the jurisdiction of the law mean that the law and sin are synonymous? No, never! In fact, the very opposite is true. It is through the law that we know the true and deeper meaning of sin; for sin is the violation of the law [1 John 3:4]. For example, I would never have known that it was a sin to covet or desire somehody else’s goods or wife if the law had not declared “thou shall not covet.”8 But sin, being what it is, anti-law [Romans 8:7], produced in me all kinds of covetous desires, thereby bringing to the open the fact that I am a miserable slave to sin and incapable of meeting the law’s demands, something I may have not fully discovered had God not given us His law. 9 In fact, there was a time when I had not fully understood the full implications of the law and consequently considered myself a righteous person worthy of eternal life [Philippians 3:6]. But when God opened my eyes and I realized the full andThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 6
Sep 4 2023
What is the Clearest Gospel of All? Romans 6
Chapter 6Justification by Faith Means Being Dead to Sin and Alive to God1 Now how are we to relate to this wonderful truth of being saved by grace? Can we say that since Christ’s redeeming grace has cancelled Adam’s sin plus all our own personal sins, we are now at liberty to enjoy sin, seeing grace has set us free from all condemnation [Romans 8:1]. 2 No, never! How can we ever think like that when we know that Christ’s death to sin included all mankind [2 Corinthians 5:14] and we believers have by faith identified ourselves with that death? [Galatians 2:20] 3 Or are you not aware of the meaning of baptism, that it is a public confession declaring our union by faith to Christ and Him crucified? 4 This means His death to sin becomes our death to sin; His burial becomes our burial — symbolized by our immersion in the waters of baptism; and, just as God raised Christ up from the dead by His undefeatable power, we too must allow that same power, now dwelling in us through the Holy Spirit, to control us in our new Christian life [Romans 8:11].5 For since we have by faith identified ourselves with Christ, sharing in His death to sin, surely we must also identify ourselves by faith with His resurrected humanity, cleansed of sin. 6 And knowing this — that our self-centered, sinful life was crucified with Christ, thus bringing to an end the source of our sin problem — by faith we can now experience deliverance and no longer be slaves to sin [Galatians 2:20].7 For when a sinner dies, such a person has not only met the justice of the law [justified], but has also been set free from the dominion of sin. 8 And if we have died with Christ, our sin bearer, we believe with certainty that we shall also live with Him in eternity, 9 for we know that Christ died only once and was raised from the dead never to die again; death can no longer have sway over Him. 10 This is because when Christ died on the cross He died the death the law demands of every sinner, the equivalent of the second death, and now that He lives He does so in unbroken union with His Father our God; never will He ever have to face God-abandonment as He did on the cross.11 In the same way, you too, who are united to Christ by faith, must regard yourselves as having died to sin and ended with that relationship, and must now live in unbroken union with God. 12 Accordingly, do not let the pull of sin rule over you so that you have to yield to its demands. 13 Neither must you allow the clamors of sin to control the various parts of your body to satisfy its own sinful ambitions; but by faith put yourselves at the disposal of God’s Holy Spirit and let Him use your bodies as tools for doing good and righteous acts.Justification by Faith Means Being Slaves of God14 For remember, sin no longer has authority over you who are in Christ; it has no right to dominate you nor can it destroy you eternally, because you are no longer legally under the law, in the sense of the old covenant, from whence sin gets its power to kill sinners [1 Corinthians 15:5]; but you are now under grace, the new covenant of God, which does not destroy but saves to the uttermost [Hebrews 7:25]. 15 Does this mean we can take advantage of this truth? What I am alluding to is this: since sin can no longer destroy us Christians, because we are no longer under the jurisdiction of the law but under God’s saving grace, can we say “it really does notThank you for being part of the AskGod365 podcast community. We value you and appreciate greatly the time you are spending with us today. Please share your comments and questions at Listen. Learn. Think. Grow. Together. AskGod365. Answers to life’s difficult questions.