Black Rise

Black Rise

Welcome to Black Rise podcast, your gateway to inspiring conversations with the crème de la crème of Black talent, leaders of 7-figure and above businesses across a spectrum of industries.  Your host is Flavilla Fongang,  an award-winning serial entrepreneur and she will be your guide on this journey.

Black Rise isn't just a podcast; it's an extension of the first business platform dedicated to connecting the business world to talented, skilled and experienced Black talent. Our aim is to create connections, foster collaboration, and fuel growth by bringing together  Black professionals, visionary entrepreneurs, and groundbreaking businesses. We're here to bridge the networking gap, facilitating collaborative growth not only within the Black community but also far-reaching into the broader world.

In each episode, we dive deep into the stories and experiences of our remarkable guests. They share their insights, challenges, and strategies that have propelled them to the pinnacle of success. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or simply hungry for knowledge and inspiration, Black Rise provides you with the tools and motivation you need to reach your own pinnacles of achievement.

But we're more than just a podcast. We're a dynamic community where excellence knows no bounds. When you subscribe to 'Black Rise,' you're not just gaining access to incredible stories—you're also opening doors to exclusive opportunities within our thriving ecosystem.

Join us on this journey of elevation, motivation, and empowerment. Let's rise together, break barriers, and create lasting change. Subscribe now to stay updated with our latest episodes and visit to connect, collaborate, and embark on a transformative path to success.

This is Black Rise, where excellence and impact converge to redefine the future.

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How To Master Customer Experience and Technology - With Marie Feliho
2d ago
How To Master Customer Experience and Technology - With Marie Feliho
What if you could transform your business by mastering customer retention and leveraging cutting-edge technology? Our guest, Marie Feliho, Director of Customer Experience at Virgin Media O2, reveals how she navigated her journey from Benin to a thriving career in marketing and technology. We discuss the vital importance of knowing your best customers and how technology can revolutionise their experiences. Marie’s story is not just about professional success but also showcases the power of diversity in driving business growth and innovation.Inspired by a fierce female character from an American TV series, Marie’s career journey is nothing short of captivating. From small-town Besançon to the bustling streets of Lyon and Paris, Marie’s transition to England marks a pivotal chapter filled with challenges and triumphs, including battles with discrimination during job interviews. She offers a unique perspective on cultural differences between France and England, shedding light on media representation and societal acceptance, and providing a broader context on racial and ethnic barriers.We also explore crucial strategies for aligning departmental goals to create a seamless customer experience. Marie emphasises breaking down organisational silos and unifying data insights across departments to enhance customer journeys. We dive into the critical need for adaptability in this fast-paced industry, illustrated by BlackBerry’s downfall. Packed with actionable insights, this episode is a treasure trove of advice on data literacy in marketing, securing budgets, and running low-cost experiments to drive transformative change in your business. Join us for an episode brimming with valuable lessons and inspiring stories!Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Climb The Corporate Ladder - With Franklin Asante
May 26 2024
How To Climb The Corporate Ladder - With Franklin Asante
Have you ever wondered about the grit it takes to rise from humble beginnings and make a mark in the elite world of business? Franklin's story is one of relentless ambition and the pursuit of knowledge, a tale shared in the company of Franklin Asante. This episode pulls back the curtain on the myths of prestigious banking and celebrates the success of Black talent in the corporate climb, all while fostering inclusivity and diversity in spaces where it's needed most.Every chapter of his journey, from the influence of his Ghanaian grandmother's wisdom to the power of Toastmasters in honing communication skills, has been a stepping stone. Franklin, a private banker whose passion for authorship is as strong as his commitment to financial inclusivity, joins the conversation, adding depth to our exploration of resilience and the transformative power of storytelling. Together, we also dissect the evolving face of banking, where once rigid walls are making way for a rich tapestry of backgrounds and cultures.But what does it truly take to ascend the rungs of success? The answers lie not in a universal blueprint but in cultivating personal strategies rooted in resilience, problem-solving, and a bulletproof work ethic. His journey to authoring "The Money Ladder" is a testament to building a personal brand that stands the test of time, offering listeners a roadmap for financial literacy and savvy investment strategies. Join us for an honest dialogue that will leave you inspired to navigate your own path to triumph, armed with the insights of those who've already paved the way.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Build A Tech Empire From Scratch - Oyin Adebayo's Trailblazing Story
May 18 2024
How To Build A Tech Empire From Scratch - Oyin Adebayo's Trailblazing Story
From the roots of ambition instilled by her parents to the blooming success of her seven-figure tech enterprise, Oyin Adebayo's story is one of unyielding determination and strategic brilliance. Join us, as we engage with Oyin in an enlightening conversation on how her favoured status as the first child came with towering expectations that she transformed into a driving force for her entrepreneurial journey. Get ready to be inspired by Oyin's story, which underlines the pivotal influence of early family dynamics in forging a trailblazing path in the business realm.The cultural tapestry of Oyin Adebayo's life is rich and varied, stretching from the vibrant landscapes of Nigeria to the dynamic bustle of the UK. This episode takes you on a journey of adaptation and growth, as Oyin contrasts the educational and cultural differences between these two worlds. Her activism in her youth blossomed into a passion for economics and management, and the seeds of community service planted during her university years have grown into initiatives that champion women and technology. Listen as Oyin shares her experiences of nurturing dreams in unfamiliar soil and the love for one's homeland that transcends borders.This conversation is more than just a tale of personal success; it's a blueprint for empowering a million women in tech by 2030. We unravel the intricacies of manoeuvring through governmental contract landscapes and the strategies that turn bureaucratic mazes into runways for policy and societal transformation. Oyin provides a glimpse into an upcoming tech platform promising to revolutionise the integration of learning, rewards, and job opportunities. Her insight is a lighthouse for aspiring entrepreneurs navigating the complex waters of tech and business, illuminating the path to not only financial prosperity but meaningful societal impact as well.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Shape A Legacy Of Wealth - With Jerran Whyte
May 11 2024
How To Shape A Legacy Of Wealth - With Jerran Whyte
Sometimes, the realisation hits you: time is more valuable than money. That epiphany became a cornerstone of our latest conversation on the Black Rise podcast, as we welcomed Jerran Whyte from Belvedere Wealth Management to share his insights on building wealth and financial independence. Together, we unpacked the importance of a robust asset portfolio and financial literacy, especially when starting without the advantage of inherited wealth. This episode is more than just about numbers; it's a beacon of motivation for those striving to secure a sustainable lifestyle and reshape the narrative of Black success in business.Jerran Whyte's story, rooted in his Jamaican heritage and a household brimming with ambition, is a testament to the transformative power of family values. This episode peels back the layers of Jerran's upbringing, from the influence of his mother's financial wisdom to his father's entrepreneurial zest, to reveal the driving forces behind his business acumen. We delve into how a solid Christian foundation and the competitive spirit nurtured among three brothers have sculpted Jerran into the change-maker he is today—a narrative that serves as a blueprint for cultivating a determined and successful mindset.Wrapping up our empowering dialogue, we address the elephant in the room—why wealth management is often misunderstood as a service reserved for the elite. By shedding light on the legacies of cultural icons like Jay-Z and Beyoncé, we underscore the shift from wealth accumulation to legacy building. We close the chapter with a discussion on the critical role of financial literacy and the responsibility of creating a legacy that extends beyond personal wealth to encompass community upliftment and generational empowerment. Join us on this enlightening journey and witness how personal experiences interweave with the mission of transforming taxpayers into wealth creators, one powerful episode at a time.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Craft a Future in Commercial Real Estate - With Sarah Stephen
May 4 2024
How To Craft a Future in Commercial Real Estate - With Sarah Stephen
From overcoming homelessness to embracing the power of property investment, my journey has been a testament to the resilience and determination that defines success. In this candid conversation with property investment expert Sarah Stephen, we peel back the layers of wealth disparity within the Black community and showcase the transformative potential of strategic partnerships. Sarah brings her inspiring narrative to the table, demonstrating how a foundation of family support and strategic navigation can lead to empowerment and financial independence.Our dialogue traverses from the early sparks of a business mindset in my youth, through the challenges that honed my adaptability, to the strategic realm of property investment and co-investing. Alongside my stories, Sarah shares her expertise, offering an insider's perspective on navigating the real estate industry as a woman of color. We dissect misconceptions around property investment, discuss the benefits of commercial real estate, and highlight how co-investing can help break down financial barriers.Wrapping up this empowering episode, we reflect on the broader implications of financial literacy and the role of community in wealth building. The encouraging narrative of the Reaboof Property Group exemplifies the power of collective effort, while our discussion underlines the importance of starting small and committing to financial education. As you join us on this enlightening journey through Black Rise, remember our collective potential to create meaningful change and redefine the future with excellence and impact. Sarah's profound insights are a call to action—an invitation to rise together and embrace the opportunities before us.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Become A Digital Transformation Leader - With Sebastian Wilson
Apr 27 2024
How To Become A Digital Transformation Leader - With Sebastian Wilson
Sebastian Wilson's story is not just one of personal triumph; it's a powerful testament to the indomitable human spirit. As we unpack his journey from the early days of recognising educational hurdles to becoming a tech transformation titan, we unveil the layers of a man whose essence was shaped by a family of pioneers. His Windrush generation parents set a foundation of resilience and innovation, which he carries into his work.Navigating the corporate terrain can be as treacherous as it is rewarding, especially when the labyrinth includes overcoming racial stereotypes and the art of networking. Our conversation with Sebastian reveals the peaks and valleys of his career, from his hands-on beginnings at PDG Consulting to his pivotal role at Ernst & Young, and how strategic relationship-building can vault one from a promising rookie to an industry keystone. His insights on mentorship and the transformative power of recognising potential remind us that our journey is enriched when we lift others as we climb.But beyond the boardrooms and accolades, Sebastian's story is a mosaic of multifaceted achievements. His dedication as an angel investor and public speaker, along with his involvement with UK Black Tech and The Prince's Trust, paints a portrait of a man whose ambitions are matched only by his commitment to empowerment. Our discourse weaves through the tapestry of his endeavours, showing how one can stay grounded while soaring high, and how embracing a diverse range of passions can lead to a life of both success and significance.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Forge A Path To Leadership In Corporate Finance  - Toyin Odutayo's Inspiring Journey
Apr 20 2024
How To Forge A Path To Leadership In Corporate Finance - Toyin Odutayo's Inspiring Journey
Have you ever pondered the nuanced dance between leadership and management? Toyin Odutayo, a financial virtuoso with a kaleidoscope of experiences, joins us to unravel this mystery, offering a beacon of wisdom on empowering those around us. His journey is a narrative rich with lessons from being raised in a large family and the international insights of a diplomat's child, all funneling into his ascent within the finance realm. Toyin's story is not just a chronicle of his own growth but a resonating call for nurturing authentic leadership, where coaching others through their errors becomes a stepping stone rather than a hurdle.This episode's dialogue with Toyin spins a captivating yarn around the strategic pursuit of education for career advancement. His commitment to learning is both a personal quest for knowledge and a calculated move to cement his standing in the financial industry. From the halls of Yabba College of Technology to the esteemed corridors of Alliance Manchester Business School, Toyin's academic arsenal is impressive. But beyond degrees and certificates, he opens up about the subtle pressure to amass qualifications as a shield from professional skepticism, sharing candid reflections on how his passion for continued education and development extends beyond personal achievement.Finally, Toyin's insights into climbing the career ladder, whether in the bustling markets of Nigeria or the competitive finance sector of the UK, offer a masterclass in resilience. We traverse the importance of soft skills, the criticality of networking, and the strategic shifts that can catapult one from an entry-level position to their dream role, even through the daunting restraints of 'local experience.' Toyin's narrative underscores the profound impact of a positive work environment on mental health and professional success, alongside the indomitable power of faith and self-belief. Join us for an episode that is not just enlightening but a heartfelt call to action for emerging leaders to chase their dreams with conviction and grace.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Become A Partner At A Law Firm From The Beginning Of Your Career - With Ashley Williams
Apr 13 2024
How To Become A Partner At A Law Firm From The Beginning Of Your Career - With Ashley Williams
Stepping off the beaten path and forging a new direction can be as daunting as it is exhilarating, which is why the insights of Ashley Williams, tech thought leader and co-leader of the Technology Transactions Group at Mishcon de Reya, are so invaluable. In our latest episode, Ashley takes us through his own journey of identity exploration and career transformation, revealing the power of self-assessment and the courage needed to pursue professional fulfillment. From the spark of meaningful connections at a London Partners event on AI to embracing his mixed heritage, Ashley's story is a testament to the diverse cultural influences that mold our professional identities and the strength we draw from our backgrounds.Navigating career choices is seldom a straightforward affair, especially when you're charting a course that is unfamiliar to those who came before you. This episode delves into the solitude of being a 'first'—breaking new ground in both higher education and career development, particularly within the black community. I candidly share my own shift from the corporate world to the vibrant venture capital scene, underscoring the essence of mentorship and the boldness required to change generational norms. Our discussion also touches on personal branding and the pivotal roles self-confidence and identity play in empowering us to advocate for diversity and enable opportunities for the next generation.Concluding our episode, we turn to the nuanced dynamics between legal advice, business acumen, and technology. Here, Ashley underscores the importance of building trusting client relationships that transcend traditional legal roles, offering insights into the evolving nature of the tech-savvy legal professional. We also highlight the collective ambition to enhance diversity in tech, the ethos of communities like Black Rise, and the broader societal impacts of technology, as exemplified by platforms like Bumble. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation about shaping the future of tech, law, and leadership—one that promises to leave you inspired and ready to embrace your own professional journey.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How to become a partner at EY - Oluchi Ikechi's Journey to Black Excellence
Apr 6 2024
How to become a partner at EY - Oluchi Ikechi's Journey to Black Excellence
Embark on a transformative ride with us as we unveil the secret ingredients behind the success of Black business leaders, through the eyes of powerhouse Oluchi Ikechi. From the bustling streets of Wimbledon to her journey as a Partner and her own venture, Follow Boss, Oluchi's story is a testament to the sheer force of cultural heritage and the unwavering lessons in self-belief and diligence imparted by her father. Her ascent to leadership and dedication to empowering others through strategic thinking and soft skills is a vibrant illustration of triumph over adversity.Delve into the essence of an empowering mindset and the magic of affirmations, as we dissect the delicate art of nurturing young minds to foster personal growth, without succumbing to the weight of overwhelming expectations. The unique obstacles faced by black females stand at the forefront of our discussion, as we navigate the four cornerstone soft skills—mindset, branding, storytelling, and orchestration—that are crucial for maintaining not only professional excellence but also the highest personal standards. These skills weave through the fabric of our lives, influencing everything from career trajectories to the foundations of our most personal relationships.As our conversation with Oluchi draws to a close, we celebrate the collective strength of our community and the unyielding efforts to inspire and dismantle barriers. The shared strategies and stories from today's dialogue underscore the importance of sustaining connections and pushing forward conversations that spark real change. We invite you to continue this empowering expedition with us, and to connect with our mission at, for we are on a steadfast quest to redefine the future through excellence and impact.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How to become a MD at Goldman Sachs as Black Man - From Nigeria to Italy and Now the UK: With Emmanuel Adenitire
Mar 24 2024
How to become a MD at Goldman Sachs as Black Man - From Nigeria to Italy and Now the UK: With Emmanuel Adenitire
Embark on a transformative odyssey with Emmanuel Adenitire, exploring the fabric of identity and the milestones of a career that transcends borders. As your host Flavilla Fongang, I'm delighted to share the remarkable tale of Emmanuel's rise from his roots in Nigeria, through cultural tapestries of Italy, to the apex of finance in the UK. His story is not just one of professional growth but a nuanced narrative of cultural adaptation, the allure of curiosity, and the profound impact of a stable family foundation on personal evolution.Navigating the labyrinth of the corporate world can be as much about the bridges you build as the skills you possess. Through Emmanuel's lens, we gain invaluable insights into the role of likeability, the art of connecting in the workplace, and how genuine curiosity can serve as a catalyst for career advancement. His progression from a startup enthusiast to a managing director at Goldman Sachs is a masterclass in aligning one's talents with the evolving demands of the job market, a journey marked by strategic pivots and the embrace of mentorship and internal advocacy.This episode isn't merely a narrative; it's a trove of strategic wisdom for anyone aspiring to scale the heights of their profession. Emmanuel illuminates the subtleties of fostering company culture, the significance of innovation, and the potent influence of long-term vision in shaping one's career trajectory. Join us in unraveling how a confluence of ambition, strategic thought, and the power of internal sponsors can propel you to new professional summits, as exemplified by Emmanuel's inspiring ascent within the dynamic realm of finance.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How to Navigate Your Career with Curiosity and Innovation - With Tosin Lanipekun
Mar 17 2024
How to Navigate Your Career with Curiosity and Innovation - With Tosin Lanipekun
When Tosin Lanipekun shares his narrative, it's one that resonates deeply with the spirit of tenacity and the art of connecting dots from a diverse past. The co-founder of Image and Time and host of the Ready Next Podcast walks us through his Nigerian roots, his mother's profound influence, and a life sculpted by resilience and persistence. It's a tale that celebrates the essence of Black Rice's endeavor to link businesses with the remarkable talents within the Black community, all while applauding the individual stories that forge the leaders of today.Have you ever wondered what it's like to balance the binary worlds of IT and creativity, or how student politics and entrepreneurship can converge within the halls of a university? I, your host, reminisce about my own journey at Obafemi Awolowo University, navigating the realms of architecture, music, and early business ventures. This episode is not just about recounting past experiences; it's a shared space where we embrace the wisdom of collaboration and the creative spirit that ignites the future.As we wrap up our discussion with Tosin, we cast an eye towards the evolving relationship between technology, business, and human imperfection. We uncover the transformative potential of embracing our flaws in an age of technological precision, and how this paradox can enhance creativity. Lastly, we extend an open invitation to you, our listeners, to be a part of the legacy that Black Rice is nurturing—a legacy rooted in excellence, motivation, and the collective drive for a brighter future. Join us on this voyage of discovery and be inspired by the potential that lies within each story, each challenge, and each triumph.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How to Navigate Your Entrepreneurial Journey with Resilience and Vision - With Andy Ayim MBE
Mar 10 2024
How to Navigate Your Entrepreneurial Journey with Resilience and Vision - With Andy Ayim MBE
"When my journey led me from the streets of Tottenham to the diverse landscapes of South America, little did I know how these experiences would shape my entrepreneurial spirit and passion for human connection." In a heart-to-heart with Andy Ayim MBE, we unravel his inspiring narrative, from overcoming educational barriers to becoming a beacon for investing in diversity. His insights into the value of role models and the credibility lent by recognitions strike a chord, reflecting the undeterred resilience of the black business community.This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a masterclass in cultivating relationships that catapult careers to new heights. I share my own anecdotes, from the university lecture halls to breaking into management consulting, revealing the power of mentorship and the art of mastering an organisation's cultural language. Andy and I get candid about the entrepreneurial mindset, questioning whether being too resourceful can sometimes limit our growth and the importance of adapting and expanding horizons to fuel our potential and passions.Finally, we venture into the world of angel investing, a realm where Andy's Angel Investing School is democratising access and fostering a new wave of investors. The stories of empowering black professionals, nurturing startups, and the sheer importance of aligning investments with one's values resonate deeply. Join us for an episode that's not just about recounting success but about imparting the wisdom to create a lasting community impact and weave a legacy that transcends financial gain.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How to become a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs - Clare Ashley's success story
Mar 3 2024
How to become a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs - Clare Ashley's success story
Climbing the corporate ladder in the high-stakes world of finance, Clare Ashley from Goldman Sachs shares her incredible journey, filled with insights that could shape your own path to success. With her feature in "Voices in the Shadow," Clare illuminates the impact of personal narratives on professional growth, highlighting the power of diversity and the importance of Black leadership in business. Her story is not just about breaking barriers but about creating a legacy that redefines what's possible in the corporate world.From the resilience fostered by single mothers to the strategic moves within the realms of finance and technology, we uncover the multifaceted layers of career advancement. Claire's transition from a history buff to a powerhouse in financial services exemplifies the importance of education and the pivotal role it plays in shaping futures. The conversation navigates through the nuances of relationship building within mammoth entities like Goldman Sachs and the art of co-heading influential networks. Clare's experiences reveal how authentic connections and personal branding are key to unlocking doors to uncharted opportunities.Wrapping up, we delve into the rich texture of workplace culture, leadership, and the essential nature of innovation at Goldman Sachs. Clare's ascent to Managing Director spotlights the need for excellence and going beyond what's expected. She also emphasises the significance of nurturing one's team for collective success, advocating for one's achievements, and the support of family when aiming for audacious goals. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone eager to climb higher, push boundaries, and champion progress in their career. Join us for an invigorating exploration into the journey of an inspiring leader, and let's rise together in the pursuit of greatness.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How to Navigate the Journey from Struggle to Financial Success with Emmanuel Asuquo
Feb 25 2024
How to Navigate the Journey from Struggle to Financial Success with Emmanuel Asuquo
Have you ever wondered how embracing your identity can skyrocket your professional life? Well, Emmanuel Asuquo, the financial advisor who's turning heads, joins us to share his dynamic story. Together, we tackle the essence of financial literacy, the impact of positive role models, and the kind of community support that can propel Black talent in business to new heights. Emmanuel's journey from a Nigerian household in the UK to the forefront of financial advising underscores the significance of education and determination in creating pathways to success.Relationships and likability aren't just buzzwords—they're the currency of progress. Reflecting on my own life-changing moments and the pivotal role of a supportive head of year, Emmanuel and I dissect the 'likeability privilege' that can open doors for those who might otherwise be overlooked. We navigate the fine line between authenticity and expectation within professional environments, discussing how personal branding can be a game-changer for those striving to make an impact. This episode is a testament to the power of connections, both within and outside the Black community, in shaping our futures.Strap on your entrepreneurial hats because we're revealing the blueprint to creating multiple income streams. From establishing Belvedere Wealth Management to launching a comparison website, Emmanuel and I delve into the strategies that prepare us for financial stability and independence. But it's not all work—we also uncover the importance of balance, the value of investing in knowledge and self-improvement, and the joy of crafting a life where financial worries don't dictate your choices. Plus, get a sneak peek into Emmanuel's upcoming children's book on financial literacy, set to empower the next generation. Don't miss this episode where wisdom meets wit, equipping you to take the reins of your financial journey.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Embrace Being The First - Dr. I Stephanie Boyce, The First person of colour, Who Became President of...
Feb 18 2024
How To Embrace Being The First - Dr. I Stephanie Boyce, The First person of colour, Who Became President of...
Breaking barriers and constructing legacies, Stephanie Boyce shares her profound journey to becoming the first person of colour to lead the Law Society of England and Wales, defying the odds and setting a new precedence. Her tale, woven from her grandparents' Caribbean roots and their emphasis on education, showcases the intricate dance of perseverance and vision. This episode brims with Stephanie's personal trials, her advocacy evolution, and the resilience born from her grandfather's unfulfilled political aspirations, all of which shaped her pursuit of a seat at the Law Society's helm.Embark on an intimate exploration of leadership and advocacy as Stephanie recounts the meticulous strategy behind her trailblazing campaign within the Law Society. She unpacks the tactical nuances of the election process, the challenge of dismantling traditional leadership archetypes, and the significance of a holistic approach that transcended the formation of a "black caucus." The conversation pivots to her presidency's focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion, where Stephanie's personal branding and powerful advocacy come to life, compelling listeners to appreciate the profound impact of representation and visibility in professional spheres.Our final chapters delve into the essence of authenticity, empowerment through code-switching, and the pivotal role of adaptability across varied social interactions. Stephanie's narrative reframes such skills as assets rather than concessions, underscoring the empowerment in versatility. As we close with "Black Rise," we invite you to continue the dialogue, to engage, to elevate, and to join a collective movement that thrives on excellence and impact. Together, we rise, forging paths and fostering change for the voices and stories that shape our world.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Build Multiple Multi-Million Businesses Without Losing Your Mind - With Tommie Edwards, Serial Entrepreneur
Feb 11 2024
How To Build Multiple Multi-Million Businesses Without Losing Your Mind - With Tommie Edwards, Serial Entrepreneur
Embarking on an entrepreneurial odyssey often demands a fortitude forged in the fires of early trials. Our guest, Tommie Edwards, is no stranger to this journey. With roots in Lagos' vibrant markets, she's navigated the transition from teenage business manager to tech trailblazer. Hear her story as she recounts the pivotal moments that shaped her career, from taking over her mother's businesses at the tender age of 16 to finding her niche in the UK's competitive markets. Join us for an exploration of Tommie's masterclass in resilience, where she shares her secrets to scaling businesses, managing risk, and embracing opportunities, even when they're accompanied by a steep learning curve.Tommie's tale isn't just about individual success; it's a testament to the power of community and connection. As we move through the tapestry of her experiences, we uncover the value of a supportive network, from family influences to strategic partnerships. Discover how Tommie's adeptness at balancing family life with ambitious business ventures, coupled with her capacity to build and leverage relationships, has been instrumental in her achievements. Her insights serve as a beacon for entrepreneurs striving for harmony between personal growth and professional excellence.What does it take to secure venture capital as a black woman in tech? Tommie walks us through the doors of TechQuantum's boardrooms, offering listeners a front-row seat to her strategic manoeuvres that garnered support from key players in the industry. Learn how she navigated the complexities of building a tech company, from employing her sales savvy to mastering the art of the pitch. This episode isn't just a celebration of triumphs; it's a candid look at the hurdles and learning experiences that define the entrepreneurial journey, providing valuable lessons for those ready to chart their own course in the business world.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Build A Global Brand In The  Event Industry: Lessons from Raphael Sofoluke - CEO of Black Business Show
Feb 4 2024
How To Build A Global Brand In The Event Industry: Lessons from Raphael Sofoluke - CEO of Black Business Show
I'm your host Flavilla Fongang, and I've been on an incredible journey as a serial entrepreneur, a journey that's been both challenging and filled with triumphs. This episode, I'm thrilled to have Raphael, a beacon of creativity and resilience, join us to discuss his own remarkable path. Through the lens of our personal experiences, we unravel the layers of entrepreneurship within the Black experience and illustrate how embracing our unique stories can lead to phenomenal success in business.Raphael's transition from an artistic child to a master of sales and entrepreneurship is not just inspiring, it's instructional. His tale serves as a powerful reminder of the untapped potential within the Black community, and the indispensable role of creativity and tenacity in business. We tackle the art of consultative selling, dissecting the strategic importance of understanding and solving your customers' challenges. This is key to unlocking opportunities like the UK Black Business Show and can be an unexpected bridge to monumental achievements, such as the Black Tech Achievement Awards.The tapestry of today's discourse is woven with threads of encouragement for personal development, allyship, and the critical need for investing in Black talent. We shine a light on the transformative power of diversity in teams, not just for inclusivity's sake but also for the tangible benefits it brings to innovation and profitability. Moreover, the anticipation of taking the success of the Black Tech Achievement Awards to the US promises to be a game-changer, signaling a brighter future where diversity is not the exception but the norm in business. Join us for a session that's not just about success; it's about the enrichment and empowerment of an entire community.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How to build a 7 figure Brand Early In Your Career - Ashleigh Ainsley, Co-founder of Colorintech
Jan 28 2024
How to build a 7 figure Brand Early In Your Career - Ashleigh Ainsley, Co-founder of Colorintech
When Ashleigh, the co-founder of Colorintech, joined me on the podcast, we embarked on an illuminating journey through his life and work. We traverse his academic excellence as a child to his fervent efforts in advocating for a more inclusive tech industry. His story captivates, illustrating the impact of diversity in tech and the need for broader representation. Ashley's personal anecdotes, from his Google internship to the startup world, underscore the transformative power of hands-on learning and the right opportunities in shaping a professional trajectory.This episode peels back the layers on how career choices, particularly within the tech sphere, can transcend the allure of immediate financial gratification. Ashley's transition from KPMG to Founders Intelligence unpacks the essence of staying relevant and the dangers of professional stagnation. The entrepreneurial spirit shines through our discussion, with a spotlight on the importance of building a robust network that sustains not just job seekers but also those daring to launch their own businesses. Our conversation is a testament to the evolving priorities of life and career, urging listeners to consider the long game in their professional endeavours.As we wrap up, Ashley reflects on the delicate balance of time and financial investment in the non-profit domain, delving into the challenges and triumphs of diversity initiatives in tech. Through the lens of Black Day Fair, we examine the complexities of managing people, decisive leadership, and the art of maintaining relationships post-employment. For anyone seeking wisdom on diversity, entrepreneurship, or career advancement in the tech universe, this episode with Ashley is a trove of insights and strategies for navigating the ever-changing landscape.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How To Build Multiple Global Brands -  Karima Catherine Goundiam CEO of B2BeeMatch
Jan 22 2024
How To Build Multiple Global Brands - Karima Catherine Goundiam CEO of B2BeeMatch
Have you ever wondered how resilience can shape a person's journey through life's tumultuous seas? Karima Catherine Goudiam, our esteemed guest this week, offers an intimate look at her life story that is nothing short of extraordinary. From her humble beginnings in Senegal to her ascension as a global business titan, Karima unfolds the saga of her personal and career metamorphosis. Her experiences of profound loss and familial betrayal are potent lessons on character-building and the fortitude of the human spirit.Karima's odyssey is a masterclass in adaptability, illustrating how clear communication and dogged perseverance can pave the path to success. Our conversation traverses her eclectic career shifts—from the film industry to the tech world, and ultimately, to her triumphant venture into entrepreneurship. It's a narrative that celebrates the relentless pursuit of personal growth and the determination to carve one's own destiny, refusing to be constrained by the expectations of others. Karima’s insights on the pivotal role of international networking and the strategic crafting of a personal brand will surely enlighten those looking to distinguish themselves in the global marketplace.As we round off this inspiring episode, Karima's tale of empowerment serves as a beacon for anyone navigating their own professional and personal challenges. Her commitment to excellence, coupled with the unwavering support she garners from her team, exemplifies the true essence of leadership. We invite you to bask in the wisdom imparted by Karima and join our collective journey towards breaking barriers and fostering a future replete with excellence and transformative impact. This episode isn't just a podcast; it's an invitation to be part of a movement.Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more
How to Build A 9 Figure Global Digital Marketing Brand - The Jellyfish Story with Rob Pierre
Jan 14 2024
How to Build A 9 Figure Global Digital Marketing Brand - The Jellyfish Story with Rob Pierre
Picture a global digital marketing giant, now imagine being at the helm of it. That's the thrilling reality of our guest, Rob Pierre, co-founder and former CEO of Jellyfish. We'll have an intimate conversation about his riveting journey from the humble beginnings to the pinnacle of success. Bracing personal loss and confronting professional hurdles, Rob's resilience story will be a beacon of inspiration for many.This episode is so much more than a corporate story; it's about the fundamental significance of finding a home, a sense of belonging in the most unfamiliar situations. Hear from seasoned retail managers as they share their stories - the significant importance of passion, delegation, adaptability and leveraging individual strengths within a team. We'll hear their take on the delicate balance of the corporate and hustle mindset, and how understanding a company's overall strategy can make all the difference.As we approach the end of our riveting narrative, Rob enlightens us on the exhilarating journey of launching Jellyfish. He speaks to the challenges of scaling an agency in the digital marketing arena, and the power of strategic partnerships and acquisitions. Hear how collaboration, autonomy, and a united team can be the engine of a business's success. He’ll also offer insights on fostering autonomy and flexibility within a company and when it is prudent to seek investment for further growth. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a journey of wisdom and inspiration!Experience Business DifferentlyBlack Rise is not just a podcast but an extension of our Business platform. We are on a mission to bridge the gap between businesses and the immense potential of Black talent. We provide a dynamic platform where businesses and individuals can connect, collaborate, and prosper with Black professionals, entrepreneurs, and black-owned companies. We strive to showcase the value, creativity, and innovation that Black talent brings to the table, fostering partnerships that drive economic growth, diversity, and mutual success.Register now for early access and join a community of trailblazers. Get exclusive features, connect with like-minded individuals, and elevate your journey with Black Rise. Don't miss out—click the link below to secure your spot!Click here to find out more