Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck

Kimberly Severson

Are you ready to be DONE with dieting? Want to reach your goal without starving, suffering, and hating your life? You're in the right place.

Weight Loss Doesn’t Have to Suck is the only podcast that teaches you how to say goodbye to all the restriction, deprivation, and misery that came along with every diet you’ve ever tried in the past.

You absolutely can lose weight while eating what you love and enjoying your life; this podcast will show you how.

Join Certified Life Coach & Advanced Certified Weight Loss Coach Kimberly Severson each week to learn her practical strategies and proven methods for restriction-free weight loss.

Kimberly helps her clients lose weight by reconnecting to and honoring their body’s cues.  She'll show you how to finally end overeating and emotional eating while you reclaim a joyful easy, stress-free relationship with food.

If you’re ready to put an end to your weight loss struggles without ever having to diet again, you’re in the right place.

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Ep # 59: Moving Forward When You're Stuck
May 23 2024
Ep # 59: Moving Forward When You're Stuck
Are you feeling stuck in your weight loss journey?  Trust me, you’re not alone.Stumbling blocks, setbacks, and stalls are such a normal (but frustrating!) part of this process.  But there’s something BIG that separates those of us who successfully lose weight and stay there for life from those of us who ultimately quit. It’s how we handle three sneaky little words “I don’t know.” What do YOU do when “I don’t know why I can’t lose weight” is ringing in your ears? Do you spiral out in frustration and self-doubt and then ultimately throw in the towel?  Yeah, that’s what most of us do. But this is where good coaching can be life-changing. Coaching helps you become aware of the obstacles in the way of your weight loss (which is half the battle) and then find solutions to those problems rather than sweeping them under the rug. Your coach won't let you get away with saying “I don't know."  Because there's always a solution to every stall and plateau - in coaching, we find the fix together. We get curious about WHY your obstacles exist and we keep digging until we find effective solutions for each and every one. It’s a surefire way out of this cycle of frustration and uncertainty. Here’s how we coaches do it??  That's exactly what I'm covering in today's episode.Want to learn how to push past “I don’t know” mentality?  Tune in for more.  Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep # 58: Overcoming Emotional Eating
May 16 2024
Ep # 58: Overcoming Emotional Eating
Emotional eating is one of the biggest blocks to weight loss. Sure, in the moment, it feels like a cozy blanket, but in the long run, it just adds more to our plate, pun intended.Turning to food to shove down our emotions is like putting a band-aid on a broken bone. It doesn't fix anything; it just covers it up. And that can lead to all sorts of issues like weight gain, feeling lousy about ourselves, and just feeling stuck.But here's the thing: emotions are there for a reason. They're like little messengers trying to tell us something important. When we shove them down with food, we miss out on what they're trying to say.Getting a grip on emotional eating means getting cozy with our feelings. It's not always easy, but it's worth it. Instead of scarfing down a tub of ice cream when we're stressed, we can find more productive ways to deal.If emotional eating is a struggle for you, you're not alone.  On today's episode, I'm sharing some of my best strategies to help you kick emotional eating to the curb.Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep: # 57: "I Don't Believe I Can Lose Weight"
May 9 2024
Ep: # 57: "I Don't Believe I Can Lose Weight"
If you like what you're hearing every week on this podcast but you don't truly believe that you can apply it to your weight loss, this episode is for you.If you don't believe you can lose weight right now...I want you to know, I get it.You’ve likely had a lifetime of failed attempts at weight loss.  You’ve tried every diet, plan, and “lifestyle” out there, and ended up with nothing to show for it.  You’ve spent WAY too much money on weight loss, and it got you nowhere.You’ve spent more time and mental energy losing and regaining the same 20, 30, or 50lbs, and you're drained and hopeless after so many failures.The process has been so frustrating.The fact that you struggle to believe in yourself after all those failed attempts makes sense...But - here's the problem with lack of belief: it will sabotage your weight loss.Belief is actually essential to reaching your goal.  NOT believing you can lose weight becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - you'll prove yourself true.But the idea that there's something wrong with YOU is a lie.I have helped every type of person lose weight using the exact methods I teach here on this podcast.  I've helped people who have had a million failed attempts at weight loss.  I've helped people with a lot to lose and people who only wanted to drop the last 10 lbs.  I've helped people whose eating felt so out of control that they were *convinced* they could never change.  I've helped compulsive overeaters, emotional eaters, and people who believed their life circumstances would always get in the way of their weight loss.SO many of my clients don't believe at the beginning of our work today.  And, just a few weeks later, they're blowing their own minds. It is my wholehearted belief that every single person who wants to lose weight CAN lose weight. You absolutely CAN get to your goal with the right tools and support.  The fact that diets never gave you those tools and that support is exactly why they never worked.YOU didn't fail those diets, they failed you.In today's episode, we're going to turn that ship around.I'm going to show you exactly how restrictive diets train us to lose belief in ourselves, how that lack of belief keeps us stuck, and how you can open the door to belief in yourself right now, which will have a HUGE impact on your results.Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep # 56: 7 (Non-Diet-y) Things I Gave up to Lose Weight Without Restriction & Deprivation
May 2 2024
Ep # 56: 7 (Non-Diet-y) Things I Gave up to Lose Weight Without Restriction & Deprivation
In this episode, I delve deep into my non-diet approach to weight loss and explore seven surprising things that I let go of to achieve sustainable weight loss without restrictive measures or feelings of deprivation. I challenge conventional dieting wisdom and talk about the transformative power of letting go of traditional methods for weight loss.Whether you're tired of the endless cycle of diets or simply seeking a more fulfilling way to reach your weight loss goals, this episode offers practical insights and inspiration to help you redefine your relationship with food and achieve lasting results.Tune in as we discuss:Letting go of external sources (apps/calorie counts, meal plans, etc.) to tell us when and how much to eat.Embracing intuitive eating and honoring hunger cues.Ditching the mean inner voices and embracing self-compassion.Finding freedom from food rules and "good" food/"bad" food mentality.Dropping "I can't because..." justifications, and cultivating "I'm figuring this out" energy to bust through obstacles.And more...Join us for an empowering conversation that challenges the status quo.Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep # 55: If The Hunger Scale Isn't Working (Common Challenges & Pitfalls)
Apr 25 2024
Ep # 55: If The Hunger Scale Isn't Working (Common Challenges & Pitfalls)
If you've been in my community for a bit, you've heard about The Hunger Scale.The Hunger Scale helps you reconnect with your body's hunger and satisfaction cues, so you can stop letting everything outside of YOU (diet fads, meal plans, calorie counting apps, etc.) dictate what you're "allowed" to eat.Instead, the Hunger Scale helps you tune in to what YOUR body is telling you about what, when, and how much to eat.  For weight loss, and then for a lifetime of effortless maintenance.🥳Diets feel so burdensome and restrictive because they *disconnect* us from our body's needs and desires.Diets teach us to ignore our hunger and starve between meals.  They also teach us to ignore our fullness cues and eat GIANT servings of vegetables and lean protein to try to fill up and stay satisfied.  And they teach us to dismiss our cravings and suffer through bland, boring diet meals to lose weight.  It's no wonder we hate dieting.  It's no surprise we can never stick to those restrictive plans and apps for long.Luckily you're here in this community, where you don't need diets to lose weight.The restriction-free weight loss methods I teach my clients allow you to finally say goodbye to dieting and deprivation, and to lose weight in a way that feels like self-care, not punishment.Getting good at using The Hunger Scale is the first step.But sometimes it takes a little fine-tuning!  Today's episode will help you do just that. You're gonna want to tune in if you've ever:🙋‍♀️Struggled to understand your body's signals and cues for hunger or satisfaction.   🙋‍♀️Thought restriction-free weight loss *sounds* great, but you don't know what you're supposed to look out for.🙋‍♀️Felt like you're "doing all the things" - waiting for physical hunger and stopping meals at satisfied - but the scale still won't budge.🙋‍♀️Just wanted to have an easier time applying this amazing tool to your life and weight loss!Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep # 53: Getting Through an Urge - Guided Meditation
Apr 11 2024
Ep # 53: Getting Through an Urge - Guided Meditation
"When did weight loss feel hard this week?"It's one of the most common questions I ask my clients to help them get to the bottom of their obstacles in weight loss.Here are some challenges I often hear:"I do well until I see something that just looks really good.  I know I'm not hungry, I just want it.""The ice cream is calling my name from the freezer every night.  At the end of the day, I just feel too exhausted to deal, and I end up giving in.""The mental chatter about food is relentless...I wish it would just shut up."These clients are struggling with urges, and I bet you can relate.An urge is a feeling in your body (the urgent desire to eat something) usually coupled with a TON of thoughts about why you should toss your weight loss goal out the window and indulge to your heart's content.Urges can be one of the most challenging parts of weight loss.They can feel loud.  They can feel overwhelming.  You may feel powerless against them after a lifetime of giving in.But you are not powerless.You just need some tools and skills to help you get through your urges.Because, here's the truth - urges always go away eventually.  They go away when we give in to them by eating (though that sure does get in the way of our weight loss.)  They ALSO go away when we learn how to let them pass on without reacting to them.You can teach your brain and body that urges are no big deal.  You can become the kind of person who can have the urge to eat something, but not feel controlled by that urge.Today's episode gives you a powerful tool to add to your weight loss toolbelt - my guided urge meditation.I hope you will come back to this episode again and again as you learn how to navigate urges with ease.  It works!The urge mediation begins 9 minutes and 10 seconds into this episode.Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep # 52: Getting Back on Track: Breaking the Weight Gain Cycle
Apr 4 2024
Ep # 52: Getting Back on Track: Breaking the Weight Gain Cycle
If you’ve been feeling a little “off track” lately, you’re not alone.Maybe you were on an indulgent vacation and you ate and drank all the things (like I did last week!)Or maybe you just got through a holiday season where you took every opportunity to enjoy the seasonal treats you only get once a year.Or maybe you’ve just been kinda checked out, eating whatever, and not really caring about the consequences.We all have times when we’re less focused on weight loss or food choices - but those times actually aren’t the problem.One week (or even several weeks!) of overindulging won’t make or break your weight loss long-term.It’s what comes after that makes all the difference.It’s learning how to stop one or two indulgent weeks from spiraling into a six-month food bender.It’s learning how to bounce back faster.It’s learning how to never even fully go into “eff it” mode but to always be giving your goals at least a little love and attention, even during the more indulgent moments.Long-term, sustainable, lifelong maintenance is NOT about reaching nirvana, figuring out how to be perfect, and never going off track.I don’t know any actual humans who can do that.Getting to your weight goal and staying there is all about learning how to work with real life situations (like vacations, holidays, and weeks where we just feel like overindulging) without letting them sabotage your forward momentum.Sound like magic?  It’s really not.It’s one of the most powerful skills I figured out when I lost 35lbs in 2019, it’s what I help my weight loss coaching clients with all day every day, and I’m showing you exactly how it’s done on this week’s episode.Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep # 50: How to Calm Your Cravings & Urges
Mar 21 2024
Ep # 50: How to Calm Your Cravings & Urges
You know the drill: you start each day with the best intentions to "get serious" and "eat healthy", only to have it all come crashing down the second you...crave something gooey or carby instead of that salad you planned.smell those freshly baked cookies someone brought into the office.get stressed out and suddenly the desire to grab the snacks and check out in front of the TV is STRONG.just really want something sweet and you're not sure you can overcome the relentless mental chatter.Despite your good intentions - the cravings always hit.  Sometimes the call of salty snacks and sweet treats just feels too hard to resist, no matter how much we want to lose weight.You're not alone if you struggle with cravings and urges.  They can be SO hard to manage, and all the mental chatter can feel loud, relentless, and borderline unbearable.But, with a few brain hacks and mindset shifts, you can learn to calm your cravings.In today's episode, I'm showing you how you can shift from feeling completely powerless over your cravings to becoming the person who can easily experience an urge without having to act on it.  Tune in to learn six simple practices to calm your cravings and take the power back over your urges so you can stay on track toward your weight loss no matter what.Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep # 48: Spontaneous Treats & Accidental Overindulgences: How to Do It Without Blowing Your Progress
Mar 7 2024
Ep # 48: Spontaneous Treats & Accidental Overindulgences: How to Do It Without Blowing Your Progress
How do you have an indulgence without blowing your weight loss progress?How do you go for ice cream with the kids, go out to a fancy restaurant on the weekends, or indulge in a spontaneous treat (also known as living your life) without feeling like you’re undoing all your hard work or setting yourself up for a stall on the scale?And how do you screw up without spiraling?  How do you make sure that a massive overeat (like the ½ bag of chips I accidentally ate while scrolling TikTok last week, whoops!) doesn’t turn into a weekend-long food bender?The solution to both these problems?  Keep the drama out of it.Getting back to normal faster is the antidote to weight gain after indulgences.And there are plenty of easy, doable ways to stay on track overall even though your day was more indulgent than normal.Tune into this week’s episode to hear how I ate chips in a fog AND  spontaneously indulged in some decadent pastries without sabotaging my success.  I’m sharing the real techniques I use in my own life and with my clients to help you learn how to indulge (whether it’s an intentional treat or an accidental overeat) with zero fear of long-term weight gain.Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep # 47: Changing Your Thinking to Accelerate Your Weight Loss
Feb 29 2024
Ep # 47: Changing Your Thinking to Accelerate Your Weight Loss
Weight loss that is sustainable and permanent is about so much more than diet and exercise.We think we know how to lose weight - eat less and move more, right?But there’s so much more to it than that.Here’s the skill that most of us don’t know (and that diets never address): weight loss happens in your mind first.The way you choose to think can make or break your weight loss.Think about it…Most of us have thoughts running through our heads like:“Once I start, I can’t stop…”“I’m just addicted to sugar…”“Being overweight runs in my family, it’s probably just my genetics…”“I already screwed up and overate today, I might as well keep going and start fresh on Monday…”How do you feel when you believe those thoughts?  Do they help you lose weight, or do they lead to more overeating?But here’s the best news - none of these thoughts are true!Each thought you have is just an optional sentence running through your head.  You don’t have to believe every thought you hear.Instead, you can question and challenge your thoughts.  Release the ones that make you feel terrible and drive your overeating, and choose thoughts that serve you and your goals instead.  Start thinking like the version of you who loses weight and reaches your goal rather than the version of you who stays stuck.The key to weight loss is changing what goes in on your mind so you can control what goes into your mouth, and we're diving deep into how it's done in today's episode.Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep # 44: Feeling "Blah", Off, or Unmotivated
Feb 8 2024
Ep # 44: Feeling "Blah", Off, or Unmotivated
Let's be real – sticking to your weight loss plan is a breeze when you're on top of the world, feeling energized and pumped. But let's face it, we're not superheroes. Our energy levels and moods can sometimes go up and down like a rollercoaster. Some days, it's like we're powered by rocket fuel, while on others, we're barely chugging along. Some days it just feels hard.   It’s hard to do what we say we will do.  It’s hard to care. It’s hard to prioritize our long-term goals over what would make us feel good right NOW (like eating all the things).  And those low-energy days? They can make sticking to our goals feel like climbing Mount Everest. But here’s the great news - those days don’t have to get in the way of you making progress on your weight loss journey. The days when you’re feeling “blah” or “off” or simply less motivated do NOT have to sabotage your success. How? With one amazing little question! Introducing the game-changer: "Can I just..." It's the best question to ask yourself on your “meh” days. Instead of throwing in the towel and declaring the day a bust, "Can I just..." flips the script. It's all about focusing on what you can do, even when you're not firing on all cylinders.Tune in to today's episode to learn all about the "Can I just..." method and how you can use it to stop self-sabotage, no matter how you're feeling today.Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com
Ep # 42: Ending a Lifelong Struggle with Weight and Dieting
Jan 25 2024
Ep # 42: Ending a Lifelong Struggle with Weight and Dieting
I was at one of the lowest points in my entire life when I found my first coach.I was desperately trying diet after diet and failing miserably at each and every one.  I was struggling with postpartum depression and anxiety, I was more stressed out and overwhelmed than ever, and my weight had reached an all-time high. I couldn’t stop overeating. I couldn’t manage my life or my emotions without food. I was trying so hard to make restrictive diets work for me, but I would always end up blowing my progress before long. After a lifetime of dieting and feeling at war with my body (a process that began when I was in the fourth grade!) I felt completely out of control and ready to just give up. But - hear me when I say this - weight loss and mindset coaching changed my life. I’m SO lucky that I met my first coach, and I’m so grateful that I had the courage to stop dieting and give coaching a try. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was about to transform my life… I was about to lose 35 pounds (and keep it off for 5 years and counting!) I was about to learn the tools that would free me from a lifetime of battling my weight and suffering through restrictive diets. I was about to gain SO much confidence.  Confidence that I would finally reach my goal (without the suffering and misery of dieting), the confidence that I would effortlessly maintain my weight loss for life, and the absolute relief of knowing that I would never have to battle my body or even think about weight loss again - I could finally use that precious mental energy on something more important.   I could finally stop worrying about my weight and fully enjoy my life. I’m so grateful that I was introduced to coaching.  This is so much more than a diet.  This is a transformation.  The experience of losing weight through coaching was so powerful, that I couldn’t keep it to myself.On today's episode, I'm sharing my history with chronic dieting and how I was able to turn it all around and lose weight for the last time through coaching and mindset work.Grab your copy of my free Guide: Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck: The No-Diet Approach (including The Hunger Scale - a tool frequently referenced on this podcast)Join the free Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck Facebook Community!!!Book Your Free ConsultationVisit My WebsiteInstagram: Kimberly Severson (@kimberlyseversoncoaching) • Instagram photos and videosI want to hear from you! Have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover on this podcast? Email me at Kimberly@kimberlyseversoncoaching.com