
Erica D Porter

Join Erica each week as she delves deep into all things wellness, fitness, nutrition,  entertainment, entrepreneurship, and spirituality. These intimate, deep, and often intense conversations go beyond the traditional podcast. They are designed to provoke, educate, inspire, and empower you to discover, uncover, unlock, and unleash your best, most authentic self.

To live. To feel alive. Because I can. Because I’m human. Because my humanity demands it! Movement. We weren’t wired this way by accident. Our physical and mental health is by design, dependent on movement. We are designed to feel good when we move because survival depends on movement. This was an obvious truth when hunting, gathering, and farming; our existence depended on our ability and desire to do survival tasks, so our bodies are chemically and hormonally designed to make us feel good when doing them. It is a much less obvious truth in modern society, but no less relevant. The endorphasm is the moment during movement you feel anything is possible. Clarity. This podcast is the exploration of movement as the foundation for a productive, fulfilling, rewarding, most excellent life.

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Feeling stuck or dissatisfied in your current situation?
Jul 17 2024
Feeling stuck or dissatisfied in your current situation?
What if chasing perfection is actually holding you back from true happiness and fulfillment? On this episode of Endorphasmic, we tackle the complex journey of change in both personal and professional spheres. Discover how the relentless pursuit of an ideal can become both a source of anxiety and a powerful motivator. We'll help you recognize when it's time to leave toxic environments and make courageous decisions that align with your true desires. By examining the internal and external factors at play, we emphasize the importance of addressing personal issues before making any major life shifts. Change may be daunting, but it's an essential step in your hero's journey towards a more intentional and fulfilling life.Feeling stuck or dissatisfied in your current situation? We're here to guide you through evaluating your opportunities for change. Learn how to pinpoint specific frustrations and categorize them into things you can control, influence, or must accept. We'll walk you through creating a list of criteria for your ideal new opportunity, covering key aspects like compensation, culture, and work environment. Our insights will help you objectively compare potential opportunities to your current situation, ensuring any change aligns with your long-term goals. And remember, leaving positively is crucial—don’t fall into the trap of constantly searching for the next big thing without finding satisfaction. Join us for this insightful discussion and arm yourself with strategies to navigate pivotal moments in life.