My Spiritual Journey


Welcome, dear listeners. My name is Geoff, and thank you for listening to this trailer for a series of 5 episodes of my spiritual life called: MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY. This journey spans over 70 years.

In this first episode, titled “A Ghostly Visitation,” I explore my formative years, where the seeds of my spiritual quest were first sown.

At the tender age of 14, a heart-wrenching event shattered my world. When my closest friend departed this realm, only to return in a supernatural visitation.

In the second episode, we delve deeper into the abyss with “The Dark Knight of the Soul.” This spellbinding chapter recounts the tumultuous phase of my life, marked by a profound breakdown in every facet of my existence. The excruciating agony that consumed me left me with a life-altering choice between life and death itself.

I embarked on a six-month spiritual ritual, facing unimaginable challenges, while my Kundalini, that enigmatic force, began to stir within me.

Now in the third episode, “Rebirthing and Kundalini Experiences” lie two monumental episodes of my journey. Witness the astonishing moment when I journeyed back to my mother's womb, releasing a torrent of inherited negative energy from my mother.

But that's not all. Brace yourself for the awe-inspiring awakening of the Kundalini, a force that shook my being and triggered a cascade of mind-boggling spiritual experiences, affecting even those closest to me. However, I must caution that this chapter contains some content of a sexual nature due to the Kundalini's awakening.

The fourth episode, “My Trips to India,” promises an adventure as I guide you through my life-altering sojourn, to the mystical land of India. Four years after the awakening of my Kundalini, my quest for higher awareness led me there, where I encountered my spiritual mentor.

Join me as I recount the incredible encounters and lessons learned during my 16 transformative visits to this sacred land.

I will also unveil the startling truth behind a sudden 95 percent disconnection from my spirituality, an event that left me profoundly changed.

Finally, we arrive at the climactic fifth chapter, aptly titled “The Night the Devil Whispered in My Ear.” This pivotal experience, which reshaped the essence of my existence, is the driving force behind these podcasts of my spiritual journey. Without this experience, I would definitely not be doing these podcasts.

Prepare to be astonished as I recount the profound encounter that forever altered the course of my life. Since that fateful night, I have never been the same. Perpetually propelled on this inspiring new spiritual path.

For months, I grappled with a profound inner dilemma, torn between the choice of divulging my experiences or keeping them concealed.

Ultimately, the decision to share my narrative emerged victorious.

Now I invite you to embark on this voyage of discovery with me. I do not demand that you accept my words, but I earnestly implore you to approach them with an open mind.

In forthcoming installments, I will delve even deeper into these enthralling subjects, addressing your burning questions with meticulous detail.

Join me on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Subscribe now, and together, let's explore the mysteries of the soul.

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


The Night the Devil Whispered in my Ear - Episode 5
Feb 16 2024
The Night the Devil Whispered in my Ear - Episode 5
Welcome to the culmination of my spiritual journey, where we embark on the thrilling conclusion, which is split into two captivating parts. On the fateful night of May 26th, 2021, I encountered the enigmatic figure of the Devil in a dream, his whispers igniting a cascade of mystical symbols and releasing powerful blinding white energy which surged through my mind. Little did I know, this encounter would herald a profound transformation. Which forever has changed my life. In a direction, I would never have thought possible. Two and a half years later, the pace of change has only accelerated, reigniting my dormant spiritual connection. As I navigate these uncharted waters, I'll delve into the intricacies of this profound shift and the supernatural events that followed. As we journey together, I will also share encounters with guides, tarot readings, powerful dreams and moments of profound realisations that have kept driving me forward in moments of extreme inner conflict. Slowly, I am reshaping my existence. From battling inner demons to embracing newfound clarity, each event unveils layers of growth and understanding. In the episodes to come, I am committed to sharing all the knowledge and insights I've gathered over the years, in ways that resonate and empower you in your everyday lives. We stand at the threshold of a new era, where the very consciousness of humanity is ascending to unprecedented heights. I've witnessed the influx of this transformative energy for over two decades, and it's clear that we are collectively experiencing a profound shift. We may find ourselves traversing through The Dark Knight of the Soul, but fear not, for in the darkness lies the opportunity for profound growth and illumination. I am planning another series of podcasts called:  “Please Allow Me To Explain” which will delve into the very essence of our existence, from pre-birth planning to the intricacies of our physical and spiritual development. It's time to bridge the gap between the physical and the spiritual, to embrace the supernatural as natural, and to reclaim our power as conscious creators of our reality. Together, let's lay the groundwork for a future built on solid spiritual foundations, where we wield the power to shape our destinies and manifest our deepest desires.  As we draw this final episode to a close, I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have joined me on this journey of exploration and growth. The journey of understanding our place in this ever-evolving world, and the intricate dance between our physical and spiritual selves. Please subscribe for notification of future episodes. I eagerly anticipate the adventures that lie ahead. Until next time, stay curious, stay courageous, and always remember, the power to transform lies within each one of us.  Questions or comments. Contact GEOFF — EMAIL —  Support the show
My Trips to India - Episode 4
Feb 16 2024
My Trips to India - Episode 4
Welcome. Join me as we delve into the remarkable episode of “My Trips to India,” spanning over 11 years of profound experiences from the age of 37 to 48. In this episode, we explore the transformative odyssey of my trips to India, where each journey unfolds with its own set of challenges and revelations. These trips test the limits of resilience and deepen the connection to spiritual growth.I explain a dream where my future self, from 30 years into the future, gives me advice and suggests I go to India to see my future spiritual teacher.  I will explain these trips to the ashram. My first encounter with my spiritual teacher and what triggers my spirituality to go to the next level. One of profound self-examination. Which has been my major focus for the rest of my life. I will also share, vivid dreams and spiritual experiences which offer glimpses into the deeper truths of existence. Which guides me towards a path of self-discovery and personal growth. Through the trials and tribulations of seeking self-knowledge, I learn invaluable lessons about resilience, faith, and the power of surrender. Each trip becomes a sacred retreat, offering opportunities for introspection and connection with the divine. But the journey doesn't end there. Stay tuned because in the next episode, The Night the Devil Whispered in my Ear. We explore the profound impact of the second most powerful energetic event I have ever had. This event literally blew my mind and resets my life’s timeline. With many more spiritual dreams, realisations and physical events. These experiences were and still are pivotal in transforming my life, and inspired the creation of these and many more insightful episodes to come. Thank you for joining me on this spiritual voyage, and remember to subscribe for more enlightening discussions ahead. Questions or comments. Contact GEOFF — EMAIL —  Support the show
My Spiritual Journey - Trailer
Jan 22 2024
My Spiritual Journey - Trailer
Welcome, dear listeners. My name is Geoff, and thank you for listening to this trailer for a series of 5 episodes of my spiritual life called: MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY. This journey spans over 70 years. In this first episode, titled “A Ghostly Visitation,” I explore my formative years, where the seeds of my spiritual quest were first sown.At the tender age of 14, a heart-wrenching event shattered my world. When my closest friend departed this realm, only to return in a supernatural visitation.In the second episode, we delve deeper into the abyss with “The Dark Knight of the Soul.” This spellbinding chapter recounts the tumultuous phase of my life, marked by a profound breakdown in every facet of my existence. The excruciating agony that consumed me left me with a life-altering choice between life and death itself. I embarked on a six-month spiritual ritual, facing unimaginable challenges, while my Kundalini, that enigmatic force, began to stir within me.Now in the third episode, “Rebirthing and Kundalini Experiences” lie two monumental episodes of my journey. Witness the astonishing moment when I journeyed back to my mother's womb, releasing a torrent of inherited negative energy from my mother.But that's not all. Brace yourself for the awe-inspiring awakening of the Kundalini, a force that shook my being and triggered a cascade of mind-boggling spiritual experiences, affecting even those closest to me. However, I must caution that this chapter contains some content of a sexual nature due to the Kundalini's awakening.The fourth episode, “My Trips to India,” promises an adventure as I guide you through my life-altering sojourn, to the mystical land of India. Four years after the awakening of my Kundalini, my quest for higher awareness led me there, where I encountered my spiritual mentor.Join me as I recount the incredible encounters and lessons learned during my 16 transformative visits to this sacred land.I will also unveil the startling truth behind a sudden 95 percent disconnection from my spirituality, an event that left me profoundly changed.Finally, we arrive at the climactic fifth chapter, aptly titled “The Night the Devil Whispered in My Ear.” This pivotal experience, which reshaped the essence of my existence, is the driving force behind these podcasts of my spiritual journey. Without this experience, I would definitely not be doing these podcasts.Prepare to be astonished as I recount the profound encounter that forever altered the course of my life. Since that fateful night, I have never been the same. Perpetually propelled on this inspiring new spiritual path.For months, I grappled with a profound inner dilemma, torn between the choice of divulging my experiences or keeping them concealed.Ultimately, the decision to share my narrative emerged victorious.Now I invite you to embark on this voyage of discovery with me. I do not demand that you accept my words, but I earnestly implore you to approach them with an open mind. In forthcoming instalments, I will delve even deeper into these enthralling subjects, addressing your burning questions with meticulous detail.Join me on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Thank you for your inquiry into my Spiritual Journey. Please subscribe now for future notifications. Questions or comments. Contact GEOFF — EMAIL —  Support the show