Taking Care of Bitcoin


New to Bitcoin? Well, everyone was new to Bitcoin at some point. Taking Care of Bitcoin is the first stop on your Bitcoin journey. We talk to people from all walks of life and answer the basic questions common to every Bitcoin noob. We're trying to onboard as many freedom fighters as possible. Let's take care of it! TCB baby!

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Taking Care of Bitcoin with BRIAN DE MINT
Apr 22 2024
Taking Care of Bitcoin with BRIAN DE MINT
Yes, THE Brian De Mint, author of BITCOIN EVANGELISM!  Today we talk with Brian about...Don't get frustrated with Bitcoin skepticsBitcoin restores American ideals and empowers decentralized power structuresIncorruptibility of Bitcoin consensusBitcoin cannot discriminate and mathematically enforces equalityBitcoin parallels to dynamics of free speechBitcoin halving pushing Bitcoin awareness to an inflection pointBitcoin lessons to be gleaned from Brazilian Jiu JitsuConviction built in understanding the 'Why' of BitcoinThe migration of traditional finance players has only just begunSecurity of Bitcoin and the potential threat of Bitcoin apathyNeed to support Bitcoin circular economiesAnd more!Follow Brian on X @BrianDeMint: https://x.com/BrianDeMintGet your copy of BITCOIN EVANGELISM: https://www.amazon.com/Bitcoin-Evangelism-Planting-Decentralized-Revolution/dp/B0B38CX41DCheck out Brian's latest book PARALLEL:https://www.amazon.com/Parallel-Bitcoin-Social-Brian-Mint-ebook/dp/B0CWQBCJNL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=167J5H3QHG6OA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7j6x64HtK_VXhne1i7_IQw.xASQkjIxuj2l5-KkrHFqABr9ht0yNm3nufKddM4Z-VI&dib_tag=se&keywords=parallel+brian+de+mint&qid=1713498550&s=books&sprefix=Parallel+brian+de+%2Cstripbooks%2C127&sr=1-1Meet fellow Bitcoiners in real life with the Orange Pill App:https://www.orangepillapp.com/X: @TCBcoin https://x.com/TCBcoinInstagram: @TCBcoin https://www.instagram.com/tcbcoin/www.takingcareofbitcoin.comhttps://www.takingcareofbitcoin.com/