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Crosspoint Church of Spring Hill, Inc

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The Peace of God - Part 1
Apr 7 2024
The Peace of God - Part 1
Welcome to "Peace of God," a new series where we explore how to experience the peace of God in our everyday lives. Join Pastor Paul as he delves into the timeless truths of Scripture and shares practical insights on how to live a life grounded in God's peace. Drawing from passages including Romans 5:1, Pastor Paul reminds us that while we may face troubles in this world, we can have peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ. But how do we experience this peace in the midst of life's challenges? Throughout the series, Pastor Paul breaks down three key principles: Run to God's Presence: Isaiah 26:3 teaches us that fixing our thoughts on God leads to perfect peace. Pastor Paul shares practical tips on starting and ending our days with God, maintaining a steady focus on Him amid life's distractions. Respect God's Principles: Exploring Psalm 119, Pastor Paul emphasizes the importance of aligning our lives with God's word. Living according to His standards brings great peace, guarding our hearts from stumbling. Rely on God's Provision: Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to bring our concerns to God in prayer, trusting Him to provide peace that surpasses understanding. Pastor Paul guides us in surrendering our anxieties to God and experiencing His peace in every situation. Join us on this journey to deepen your understanding of God's peace and learn how to walk in it daily. Whether you're facing uncertainty, stress, or turmoil, "Peace of God" offers practical wisdom and spiritual guidance to help you experience the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Contagious Generosity - Part 2
Jan 30 2024
Contagious Generosity - Part 2
In this week's message, Pastor Paul, the lead pastor of Crosspoint Church, continues to guide us through the transformative teaching series on "Contagious Generosity." Pastor Paul recaps the meaning of the series title and delves into the biblical principles of stewardship. Drawing from last week's discussion on "contagious" as something easily transmitted, he connects it with "generosity," defined as the willingness to give abundantly. The powerful combination of these two words, "contagious generosity," signifies spreading the spirit of freely giving time, talents, and treasure to others. Pastor Paul addresses the internal struggle between our desires and the call to be generous, highlighting the clash between the generous spirit of God and the greedy nature of mankind.  Breaking down the biblical principle of stewardship, Pastor Paul emphasizes the importance of managing everything in a believer's life to honor God and make an impact on eternity.  The core focus shifts to Psalm 24:1, where the profound truth is unveiled: "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it." With this foundational perspective, Pastor Paul explores the three crucial areas of accountability - time, talents, and treasure. Urging believers to be faithful stewards, he guides them through the biblical concept of managing these aspects to bring honor to God and make an eternal impact. In the spirit of "Contagious Generosity," Pastor Paul shares real-life examples of how the Crosspoint community demonstrated generosity in provision Sunday. He underscores the joy of giving and the impact it has on the community, illustrating the biblical principles in action. The message concludes by prompting listeners to reflect on the most crucial stewardship - that of the soul. Pastor Paul challenges everyone to consider their eternal destiny and asks the profound question: "How are you stewarding your soul?" Tune in to this week's message for an inspiring journey through biblical principles of stewardship and discover practical ways to live a life of contagious generosity.
Christmas at Crosspoint - Part 2
Dec 18 2023
Christmas at Crosspoint - Part 2
Join us for this sermon based on the Gospel of John, where we explore the profound concept of being "born again." Pastor Paul dives deep into the scriptures, unraveling the unique beginning of the Gospel of John and shedding light on the significance of this spiritual rebirth. In John 1:1-8, we discover how John introduces us to Jesus as the eternal Word, coexisting with God from the beginning of time. The contrast between this Gospel and the others becomes evident as we explore the concept of the Word becoming flesh. Through powerful anecdotes and relatable examples, Pastor Paul emphasizes the importance of recognizing Jesus in our lives, just as the people of His time failed to do. He shares personal stories, such as the comical hunt for a missing Christmas tree skirt, to illustrate how we often overlook what's right in front of us. The heart of the message revolves around the need for spiritual rebirth. We are reminded that we cannot rely on our own goodness to meet God's standard. Instead, Pastor Paul explains how putting our faith in Jesus Christ allows us to be "born again" and cleansed of our sins, offering us a fresh start and a new life in Christ. As the sermon unfolds, Pastor Paul guides us through key passages like John 3:1-17, where Jesus discusses being born again with Nicodemus, a religious leader seeking answers. This conversation sheds light on the transformational power of faith in Christ. Thanks for joining us for this message. Don't forget to like, subscribe and share.
Christmas at Crosspoint - Part 1
Dec 11 2023
Christmas at Crosspoint - Part 1
In this message, Pastor Paul delves into the heart of the Christmas season with an exploration of the Gospel of John. Join us in this exciting sermon as Pastor Paul, our lead pastor, unravels the profound origins of Jesus and the powerful message embedded in John's Gospel. As we approach Christmas, Pastor Paul humorously shares some holiday cheer and traditions, reminding us of the unique ways people celebrate. From Floridian Christmas caroling in Hawaiian shirts to gatherings with relatives we might not always love, traditions hold a special place in our hearts. The sermon takes a deep dive into the Gospel of John, the fourth book of the New Testament, written by John, the beloved disciple. Pastor Paul highlights John's unique approach, referring to himself as the "beloved disciple" and shares the humility of John the Baptist, Jesus' cousin and herald.  The Gospel of John opens with a poetic portrayal of Jesus as the eternal Word, the light of the world, and the life-giver. Pastor Paul explores the significance of these verses, emphasizing the transformative impact of Jesus' arrival. The sermon challenges us not to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas amid the hustle and bustle. In a world consumed by commercialism, let's remember that Christmas is a celebration of Jesus—the light that pierces through darkness, the lamb of God who takes away our sins. As we reflect on Pastor Paul's message, let's consider the core of our faith. Is Jesus the light of our lives? Have we truly embraced Him as Lord and Savior?  Join us on this journey through the Gospel of John and rediscover the profound significance of Christmas. Don't let the season pass without acknowledging the true reason for our joy—Jesus Christ. 📖 Scripture Passage: John 1:1-5, 6-8, 29-34