

Buzzcast is a roundtable discussion about podcasting from the people at Buzzsprout. We'll cover current events and news, podcast strategy, tools we are using, and dip into the Customer Support mailbag to test our podcasting knowledge. If you want to stay up-to-date on what's working in podcasting, Buzzcast is the show for you.

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Our Editor's Take

Buzzcast is the podcast that's all about podcasting. It focuses on exploring the biggest audio success stories and what sets some shows apart. Then, it teaches listeners the tools to pick up the mic and start podcasting all on their own.

This podcast features Alban Brooke, Kevin Finn, and Jordan Blair as hosts. Their informative and energetic dynamic makes it as fun as it is educational. But this show isn't only about the hosts' back and forth. It also frequently welcomes guest stars who offer their view on the podcast movement. They offer listeners valuable advice on how to succeed in this fast-growing industry.

This show is fun, but that doesn't mean it lacks professional advice. Listeners are sure to learn from the pros when they listen to this podcast. The team behind Buzzcast are podcasting experts from Buzzsprout, a podcast hosting company. It helps people and organizations to kick-start their own shows. Help ranges from publishing the first episode to analyzing the vital podcast stats. This podcast is all about bringing that expertise directly to listeners.

Some episodes offer listeners a masterclass on Buzzsprout's tools and services. Listeners get a crash course on how they can develop their audio show and maximize its potential. Buzzcast is as educational as it is entertaining. Plus, listeners get to stay updated on all the latest news from the podcasting world. Episodes range from about half an hour to just over an hour. Listeners can hear new and old episodes of Buzzcast on Amazon Music now.

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