Junk to Jewels Podcast with Georgette Beck


Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck’s first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight. Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future. Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics. Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories. Follow along to be inspired, encouraged, and receive hope daily! read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Margie Gintoli - A Journey of Healing: From Abortion to Redemption
Margie Gintoli - A Journey of Healing: From Abortion to Redemption
In this emotionally charged episode, we delve into the powerful story of Margie, a woman whose life journey takes her from the trauma of a teenage abortion to finding redemption and healing through faith and forgiveness. Margie’s story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of compassion and understanding. Key Points: Early Trauma and Guilt:The Beginning: Margie recounts a cold November day in 1973 when, at 15, she was driven to New York City to have an abortion. The experience left her with a deep sense of shame and guilt.Struggles with Relationships: Haunted by her past, Margie felt compelled to confess her abortion to any potential romantic partner, often leading to rejection and isolation. Meeting Ken and Marriage: Acceptance: Margie finds acceptance from Ken, a young man who seemingly overlooks her past.Challenges: They marry when Margie is 19, but Ken’s alcoholism quickly becomes a significant problem, leading to turmoil in their marriage. Turning Points: Spiritual Awakening: A neighbor invites Margie to a Bible study, where she learns about forgiveness through Christ. She embraces Christianity but faces criticism from her church after her divorce from Ken.Descent into Darkness: After leaving the church, Margie gets involved with a married man and takes a job at a bar tied to organized crime. Witnessing and participating in criminal activities leads her further into a life of chaos and substance abuse. Working at a Women's Clinic: Rationalization: Margie takes a job at a women's clinic, believing it will help her reconcile with her past abortion.A Traumatic Incident: A harrowing experience during a second-trimester abortion profoundly impacts Margie. The sight of a dismembered baby girl haunts her for decades. Seeking Redemption: Encounter with Abby Johnson: Encouraged by actor Kirk Cameron, Margie meets Abby Johnson and attends a healing retreat through "And Then There Were None."Healing Process: The retreat provides Margie with a community of understanding and support, helping her begin the process of forgiving herself and finding peace. Margie's Mission: Commitment to Save Lives: Margie dedicates her life to helping others. She becomes a nurse and ultrasound operator at Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast, Florida, and serves on the Board of Directors.Letter to Baby Girl: At the retreat, Margie writes a heartfelt letter to the baby girl from the traumatic abortion, expressing her sorrow and seeking forgiveness, which marks a significant step in her healing journey. Margie’s story is one of profound pain, but also of incredible strength and redemption. It highlights the importance of forgiveness, community, and the possibility of a second chance. Her journey from a scared teenager to a woman committed to saving lives is a powerful reminder of the impact of compassion and faith. Tune in to hear Margie's moving testimony and the lessons she learned along the way. Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck's first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight.   Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future.   Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics. Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories. Follow along to be inspired, encouraged, and receive hope daily! Please download the show and share with your friends.
Brianna L. George - From Burnout to Balance: Insights from Brianna's Journey
Apr 29 2024
Brianna L. George - From Burnout to Balance: Insights from Brianna's Journey
Brianna is a Writer, Singer, Storyteller, Encourager, Speaker, Coach, Teacher, Mom, Wife, and Friend, living in Middle Tennessee with her husband of 20 years, three sons - ages 17, 12, & 6 - plus her two spoiled doodle dogs. She works in her local public school system as a virtual teacher while writing her first guided experience journal series on the different issues needing Emotional Healing; including Anger, Self-Care, Grief, and Anxiety. Brianna's next book in the series, "From Ashes: A Guided Experience - Support for Healing Burnout to Become Resilient, Healthy & Whole" has also been released and can be found at Amazon (link below in show notes).  In this episode, Brianna shares about her journey as a young bride, motherhood, writing, singing, storytelling including information about each of her published books. She shares how self-guided journaling has had significant impact in her life and how she now helps others find healing. Brianna also discusses some of her health challenges including receiving an adrenaline dysfunction diagnosis.   https://www.facebook.com/BriannaLGeorgeWriter Briannalgeorge@gmail.com Brianna’s latest book: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Famazon.com%2Fauthor%2Fbriannalgeorge%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1VXCOzOrY3vgCEa0hfFMBlAzme1u-v0B07rfRJBX8btCAHQV7lEtWrAD0_aem_AYbjOCzRKLnFDVo50obZ07neuE2WStzQ5hChlESjpRXW5xqtJ6m1MqONyJj7Uwz0QrW7xyU0iBz_JPzCW-BGUMwR&h=AT2c4aejkvvkWjKT4kc6xOM7xuSLHxKRPxCk9rFztBZRL90uD2Qo6uFnEYQyp_Kj__ERqBUCOYKn3TvVingoB3rdvoNPEXI3H-dhhBJ85ieKIUrF45RnqEa0_xVOz1vKeJI   #adrenalinedysfunction #anger #burnout #suicide #grief #health #healthissues #journaling #writers #anxiety #journal #selfreflection #faith #God #marriage   Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck's first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight.   Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future.   Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics. Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories. Please download, subscribe, and follow along to be inspired, encouraged, and receive hope daily! And we would be so grateful to you if you could share our podcast with your friends.
Georgette Beck - How to Achieve Your Dreams
Apr 14 2024
Georgette Beck - How to Achieve Your Dreams
Did you know that everyone has a unique purpose? Every heart has a dream residing within it. Maybe you think it’s too late to achieve your dream. On this episode, Georgette Beck talks about one of your many favorite subjects, how individuals may achieve their own wild dreams. Georgette shares 7 steps that will help you to achieve your dreams.   Georgette is a writer and speaker of heart matters. She is passionate about sharing truth and this includes knowing it’s never too late to pursue and go after one’s dream. Georgette turns 56 this year and is about to realize her dream of becoming a published author come to fruition. Many of her other dreams of the heart have come to pass within the last two years and there will be more coming to life in the years ahead. Living out ones unique purpose, which dreams of the heart provide huge clues about, brings utter joy.   May you be inspired to discover what your dreams may be and find ways to achieve them one by one.   #dreams #destiny #destinypurpose #dreamsoftheheart #achieveyourdreams #hope #purpose   Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck's first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight.     Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future.     Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics.   Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories.   Please download, subscribe, and follow along to be inspired, encouraged, and receive hope daily! And we would be so grateful to you if you could share our podcast with your friends.
Scott Beck - Beyond the Badge: A Father's Journey of Healing and Leadership
Mar 25 2024
Scott Beck - Beyond the Badge: A Father's Journey of Healing and Leadership
In this episode, Scott opens his heart as he describes many aspects of his life’s story. He is vulnerable and humble as he shares details of past childhood sexual molestation that had never been shared publicly before. Scott talks about his parents and upbringing including the tragedy of losing his dad at just 18 years old. Right before his final semester at Florida State University, his mom had a stroke and he left school to be her caretaker. He experienced a spouse’s infidelity and mental health issues which ultimately brought about a divorce, had been on the verge of homelessness, handled single fatherhood challenges and slowly rebuilt his life after great losses.  Scott tells about his destiny purpose and the path God had him follow. Scott has always been a devoted family member and friend. He developed into a strong influential leader and coach. During his years serving in law enforcement Scott had the opportunity to serve in each branch and division of his department which afforded him great learning. He was one of the first to develop strategies to fight crimes against children. His love for God surpasses all things and talking about his faith lights him up like nothing else. Scott Beck is a retired Law Enforcement Officer who now serves the Treasure Coast as a realtor at Beach Front Mann Realty  (https://www.beachfrontrealty.net) helping people find their dream homes. He is also Bella Healing Hearts Foundation’s Vice President, a nonprofit his wife founded in 2022 to serve single parent families. He served for 30 years as a Law Enforcement Officer helping many, of which, he served 27 years with the Port St. Lucie Police Department. Scott is passionate about community policing, community service and improving the quality of life for others. Throughout his career he has received awards and plaques for a job well done. He also has been promoted several times; from a police officer rank to that of a Sergeant’s rank and retired as a Lieutenant. Currently, he serves on the board of directors of the Port St. Lucie Police Athletic League. He loves mentoring and coaching his fellow police officers and other community members. Scott has had experience in a variety of roles within the business world, specifically within the restaurant and newspaper industries. He’s a true Floridian and a surfer at heart. When he is not working, mentoring, or helping others, he can be found by the beach with his wife. Both of their dreams include sitting on the beach everywhere in the world, at least once. He is a man of faith who values integrity, loyalty, and honesty. This year, Scott and his wife celebrate 20 years of marriage. Scott is Pop Pop to seven boys and dad to four daughters. Scott has served the Lord as a lay minister for over 20 years in a variety of ways; as a greeter, Sunday school teacher, youth mentor, and DivorceCare facilitator. For seven years, Scott, along with his wife, had helped individuals heal from divorce. They both have also helped couples in marital crisis. Scott and Georgette’s heart’s desire is to help save marriages, help people who are experiencing a divorce, and those who need mentoring and encouragement. And since 2022, Scott and Georgette are actively developing their new nonprofit (www.BellaHealingHearts.org) as they serve single parent families. #lawenforcement #policeofficer #LEO #community #sexualmolestation #death #divorce #mentlhealth #bipolar #homeless #singledad #parent #parenting #leadership #faith #god #jesus #servingothers #healing #transformation #salvation   Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck's first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight.   Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future.   Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics. Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories. Please download, subscribe and follow along to be inspired, encouraged, and receive hope daily!
Stewart Feketa – From Trials to Triumph, From Ashes to Pulpit
Mar 6 2024
Stewart Feketa – From Trials to Triumph, From Ashes to Pulpit
Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck's first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight.     Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future.     Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics.   Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories.   Follow along to be inspired, encouraged, and receive hope daily!     Our guest is Stewart Feketa.   Stewart is a man of faith, a family  man,  and a  very  successful  entrepreneur  and  businessman.   Most in our community know of Stewart’s involvement with Nature’s Keeper, a commercial landscape firm owned by his family with Staff of 40 employees and now know how this man, once battered by life’s storms, now stands as a beacon – a pastor who doesn’t just preach sermons but lives them. His scars tell a story of redemption.    He is originally from Utica, New York, went to Clinton Senior High School and now resides in Fort Pierce, Florida with his wife Marcie Feketa.   Stewart is a pastor with Plant a Seed on the Water ministries. They preach by the Fort Pierce Marina every Sunday morning.   Community outreach is nothing new to Stewart as he has been heavily involved in helping his community in a variety of ways. He participated in fundraising for a teacher who had stage 4 cancer. He received Lifetime Achievement Award from St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office. He was part of a Hurricane relief in Charlette County.   Stewart lost his daughter Santia Feketa when she and her best friend Brittany Poindexter were killed in a wrong-way crash in February 2018 by a 99-year-old Michigan man. The family has since created a scholarship in her honor to support students with the same passion as his daughter.   During this interview Stewart courageously shares other personal life events and life challenges he has survived and experienced.   #death, #suicide, #deathofdaughter, #drugs, #alcohol, #pastor
Kristina Martin - Resilience Unveiled: Triumph Beyond Cancer and Abuse
Feb 13 2024
Kristina Martin - Resilience Unveiled: Triumph Beyond Cancer and Abuse
Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck's first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight.   Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future.   Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics. Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories. Follow along to be inspired, encouraged, and receive hope daily!   For this episode, we welcome Kristina Martin. Kristina believes every day is a new beginning. And she chooses to live life to the fullest with family, faith and love. Kristina is a sweet spirted beautiful young lady who is a mom, daughter, and friend to many. She works in the medical profession and is very involved in her church, Calvary PSL. Georgette had the opportunity of meeting Kristina in a Single & Parenting group that Georgette and Scott Beck facilitated at Calvary PSL. They do this as part of their nonprofit support activities for Bella Healing Heart Foundation. The nonprofit serves single parent families via support, mentoring, educational scholarships, and financial assistance as funding allows. Kristina shares her faith story and life journey, a journey that includes healing from divorce, domestic violence, and surviving cancer. Kristina is an inspiration to all who meet her. #domesticviolence #cancersurvivor #abuse #divorce #singlemom #singleparenting #god #faith #jesus
Andrea Stunz - Walking and Working WITH You
Jan 29 2024
Andrea Stunz - Walking and Working WITH You
Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck's first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight.   Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future.   Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics. Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories. Follow along to be inspired, encouraged, and receive hope daily! Georgette Beck Today we welcome our guest, Andrea Stunz! She is a Christ-follower from the age of seven, a wife of a miraculous 34 years, a grateful mom to three amazing adult children, a genuinely blessed mother-in-law, and a ridiculously proud grandmother to seven. Having lived in Brazil, Asia, and the UK, along with multiple addresses in the United States, Andrea is a well-traveled Texan who finds joy in her family, grace in her friendships, and confounding beauty in the stories of fellow thrivers. She seeks purpose in every sunrise, wonder in her travels, and banks on the immeasurable hope in Colossians 1:17. She is a counter-phobic Enneagram 6w5, an empath, and a nurturer. She serves others through compassionate mentorship and as a freelance writer and editor. Andrea currently lives in Kansas in an almost 100-year-old beautifully restored house with walls and halls of stories. She lives there with her husband and two doodles. AndreaStunz.com – Walking and Working WITH you.
Jen Brady – A Stroke in Korea, Abandonment in Florida, to Love in Texas
Jan 17 2024
Jen Brady – A Stroke in Korea, Abandonment in Florida, to Love in Texas
Jen Brady is a lover of God, ministry wife and mother of three crazy boys and is a stroke survivor. “It’s so cool to  look  back  and  see  His  hand  throughout  everything.  It gives you  hope  for  the  future.  It gives you hope for  every  bad  thing  that's  happened.  Cause I mean, it  has  not  been  all  butterflies  and  roses  in  our  lives.  And even today.  - We’ve lost jobs, we’ve lost  babies.  We’ve had marriage struggles.  But God’s used  us  in  ministry.  We’ve been in  ministry  since  the  beginning.” In her young life, she has already walked through several valley seasons and has experienced her share of brokenness and despair, which includes feelings of and actual abandonment, rejection, hurt, and a major health crisis. Yet she powerfully overcame and is a beautiful portrayal of god’s grace and love. Topics discussed: Parents separation and divorceParents remarriagesDatingMarriage to military manService assignment in KoreaStroke experienceHusband abandonmentContemplates SuicideDivorceGod, anger, unforgivenessGod’s restoration and forgivenessGod’s Choice for a husbandMiscarriagesMotherhood #marriage, #divorce, #stroke, #strokevictim, #strokesurvivor, #abandonment, #stepparents, #blendedfamily, #remarriage, #miscarriages, #parenthood, #remarriage, #forgiveness, #God, #hope, #healing, #restoration, #suicide Enjoy a moment with Junk to Jewels! Use Code: JUNKTOJEWELS at this link: https://drinkmoment.com/?rfsn=7791701.87f47c Thank you to our affiliate partner!   Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck's first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight.  Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future.  Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics. Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories. Follow along to be inspired, encouraged, and receive hope daily!
Junk to Jewels with Jamari Tullis
Jan 2 2024
Junk to Jewels with Jamari Tullis
Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck's first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight.   Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future.   Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics. Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories. Follow along to be inspired, encouraged, and receive hope daily! Coming up on this episode of Junk to Jewels, Georgette Beck talks with Jamari Tullis who received an educational scholarship from Bella Healing Hearts Foundation in partnership with the St. Lucie Education Foundation Jump Start program in 2023. This is a nonprofit Georgette and her husband started in 2022. Bella Healing Hearts Foundation serves single parent families via support, mentoring, educational scholarships, and financial assistance. Jamari is portraying what Gandhi exhorted his followers, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Jamari Tullis was a graduate of Fort Pierce Central High School in 2023. Georgette and Scott had the pleasure of meeting Jamari when their nonprofit Bella Healing Hearts Foundation presented an educational scholarship to him at the St Lucie Education Foundation award ceremony. Jamari is 19 years old and a member of the Treasure Coast Lamperlighters. He often does events with his mother’s company Be Exquisit. He was involved in the school's track and field and football team. Jamari was also part of the Student Government Association for 4 years. Enjoy the show! And please subscribe and share with your friends. Thank you! #youthleadership #singleparents #singleparenthousehold