Our.Love Podcast

Lei Wang

This is Our.Love Podcast, where we share insights from top scientists and relationship experts on all things about love that are out-of-the-box, refreshing, and new. read less


The Role of Support Within a Family
Mar 18 2022
The Role of Support Within a Family
Phil and Carolyn Cowan are professors of psychology at Berkeley University of California and have been married for over 60 years. Not only do they work together, but they also co-authored a book, When Partners Become Parents: The Big Life Change for Couples. Together, they designed a couples group to strengthen family relationships and have been involved in three longitudinal studies of families. Guided by a family systems model, their research dives into the intergenerational attachment patterns and couple relationship quality to provide the contexts in which effective parenting leads to positive cognitive, social, and emotional outcomes for children. In this episode… When a couple has their first child, their marital satisfaction can decrease. Is it possible to increase marital quality and have fewer conflicts? How can parents strengthen their relationship to benefit their children? Phil and Carolyn Cowan designed a program to help couples practice support in their relationship. The program guides couples to practice resolution through appreciation, communication, and a collaborative parenting style. Through practicing, parents can set the tone for a higher possibility of success in their relationship and also have more positive outcomes for their children. In this episode of Our.Love Podcast, join Dr. Keely Sikes Rollings as she sits down with Phil and Carolyn Cowan, psychology professors, to discuss their research and practical tips for practicing support in a loving relationship. Phil and Carolyn talk about the emotional toll stress can have on family relationships, why establishing an atmosphere of conscious thought can improve marital quality, and the importance of a community for successful parenting.
The Hidden Power of Physical Connection
Mar 10 2022
The Hidden Power of Physical Connection
Jim Coan is a Professor of Clinical Psychology and the Director of the Virginia Affective Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Virginia. His research on handholding emphasizes the neuroscience of emotion and social relationships, and he has authored over 50 scientific articles. He is a recipient of the inaugural Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions from the Association for Psychological Science and the Early Career Award from the Society for Psychophysiological Research. In this episode… When the trials and distractions of life get in the way, how can physical touch make a difference? How can you can improve your marital relationship and strengthen your connection with your partner? Through the use of physical touch and intuitive connections, you can create an abundance of opportunities to enhance not only your emotions and health but your partner’s as well. Jim Coan has studied the neuroscience of emotional closeness. His research uncovered the emotional catalyst of your partner’s touch, and he is here to share his insights with you. In this episode of Our.Love Podcast, join Dr. Keely Sikes Rollings as she sits down with Jim Coan, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Virginia, to discuss the love scale of a physical connection. Jim talks about the psychological effect of physical touch, ways to enhance romance by physical communication, and his research into the power of handholding to protect against stress.
Self-expansion in a Relationship
Mar 3 2022
Self-expansion in a Relationship
Arthur Aron is a Research Professor of Psychology at Stony Brook University. His research focuses on identifying interpersonal closeness on how self-expansion motivations relate to and can be used to alleviate the decline in relationship satisfaction over time. His diverse methods include representative surveys, lab studies, and brain imaging. Arthur earned a PhD in psychology from the University of Toronto and is actively involved in research collaborations with his wife, Elaine Aron. In this episode… What factors are most influential in boosting your relationship and intimacy with your partner? Is it possible to create and maintain a meaningful, fulfilling, and successful relationship? According to Arthur Aron, a romance does not need to be an overpowering force of passion like Romeo and Juliet — but built on values of trust, loyalty, and emotions of deeper connections. When you become comfortable with your partner, sometimes the connection becomes blurred, which is why Arthur recommends finding ways to keep the excitement alive for a happier, healthier, and long-lasting relationship. His research on human relationships focuses on the interpersonal closeness found by self-expanding activities done with your partner. In this episode of Our.Love Podcast, Jim Coan sits down with Arthur Aron, Research Professor of Psychology at Stony Brook University, to explain the self-expansion model of forging interpersonal relationships. Arthur discusses self-expanding activities for strengthening relationship bonds, how to measure and improve satisfaction in a relationship, and his research behind his “36 Questions That Lead To Love” model.
Embracing Self-Worth
Feb 24 2022
Embracing Self-Worth
Dr. Adia Gooden is a licensed clinical psychologist, author of 4 Practices to Connect to your Unconditional Self-Worth, host of the Unconditionally Worthy podcast, and TEDx speaker. She specializes in providing therapy to people of color and speaks about unconditional self-worth, imposter syndrome, and black women in mental health. She has served as a staff psychologist and the coordinator for multicultural outreach and support for the Student Counseling Services at the University of Chicago and the Director of the Clinic and Community Programs at the Family Institute at Northwestern. She received her bachelor’s in psychology from Stanford University and her doctorate in clinical community psychology from DePaul University. She offers online courses and programs to help people build healthy relationships with themselves and discover their unconditional self-worth. In this episode… Are you struggling with thoughts of not being good enough? You’ve accomplished personal and professional goals but still feel insufficient. Intrusive thoughts of self-doubt can make you feel worthless, that you are not fulfilling your purpose in academia, your career, and your relationships. How can you connect to your unconditional self-worth? Dr. Adia Gooden has proven strategies to help you on your journey to identify your self-worth — because she spent years trying to accomplish the same thing. In this episode of Our.Love Podcast, Dr. Keely Sikes Rollings sits down with Dr. Adia Gooden, licensed clinical psychologist, author, and podcast host, to talk about proven practices to improve your self-worth. Dr. Gooden shares her story of struggling with disbelief in her self-worth, learning how to forgive yourself through self-compassion, and the importance of self-soothing to cultivate healthy relationships.
Finding the Unfamiliar in the Seemingly Familiar
Jan 27 2022
Finding the Unfamiliar in the Seemingly Familiar
Todd Kashdan is the Founder of Kashdan Consulting, where he provides consulting services to organizations looking to improve their well-being. He offers keynotes, workshops, program development, and program evaluation. Todd is among the world’s top experts on the psychology of well-being, psychological strengths, mental agility, and social relationships. His research has been featured in hundreds of media outlets, including multiple articles in the Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, and Forbes. He is also a Professor of Psychology at George Mason University, where he founded the Well-Being Lab. He has published over 210 peer-reviewed journal articles on well-being and resilience, psychological flexibility, meaning and purpose in life, curiosity, and social anxiety management. In this episode… We often take pride in how well we know our relationship partners. But what we often don’t realize is the collective knowledge and shared experiences we have. That knowledge decreases our propensity to be curious because things become less and less novel the more we know our partner. Curiosity is the oxygen of relationships. To be in a successful, long-term relationship, you must be intent on finding the unfamiliar in the seemingly familiar. Curiosity differentiates a stale, failing, assumption-based relationship from a finer-grained and thriving one. In a thriving relationship, you’re always looking for the ever-so-slight distinctions of how your partner is changing over time. You notice how they respond differently to similar events or situations. When you are curious and seek out novel information and experiences, vitality and energy towards the relationship increase, and you are more engaged. On this episode of the Our.Love Podcast, Jim Coan sits down with Todd Kashdan, a Professor of Psychology at George Mason University, to discuss the importance of curiosity in relationships. Todd talks about what curiosity means, understanding curiosity as an ability and a learned skill, the difference curiosity makes in relationships, and what happens when a relationship is devoid of curiosity.
See and Say With Appreciation
Jan 13 2022
See and Say With Appreciation
Dr. Ari Tuckman is a PsyD, CST is a psychologist and certified sex therapist with a private practice in West Chester, PA. He specializes in helping adults, children, and teens with ADHD. Dr. Tuckman is also a certified sex and couples therapist. He is the author of ADHD After Dark: Better Sex Life, Better Relationship; Understand Your Brain, Get More Done: The ADHD Executive Functions Workbook; More Attention, Less Deficit: Success Strategies for Adults with ADHD; and Integrative Treatment for Adult ADHD: A Practical, Easy-To-Use Guide for Clinicians. In this episode… Are you looking for strategies to make your relationship better? What steps can you take to avoid neglect and feelings of rejection in your relationship when you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD? ADHD can make creating and preserving bonds and relationships difficult. Rejection and dysphoria can leave you feeling unappreciated — but Dr. Ari Tuckman has strategies for adults with ADHD to make things easier. By understanding how better to execute functions, education, and effective methods, you can create a better love and appreciation for yourself and your partner. Are you ready to start? In this episode of Our.Love Podcast, join Dr. Keely Sikes Rollings as she speaks with Dr. Ari Tuckman, PsyD, CST, and author of ADHD After Dark: Better Sex Life, Better Relationship, to discuss appreciation as a motivator to see and say your way to a better relationship. Dr. Tuckman talks about the innovative research behind his work with ADHD, cultivating gratitude, and strategies to maintain a healthier relationship.
Role of Vulnerability in Relationships With Dr. Leanne Campbell
Nov 18 2021
Role of Vulnerability in Relationships With Dr. Leanne Campbell
Dr. Leanne Campbell is the Co-Director of the Vancouver Island Centre for EFT and Campbell & Fairweather Psychology Group and Co-Manages the Campbell and Fairwell Psychology Group. She is the Co-author of A Primer for Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT): Cultivating Fitness and Growth in Every Client. She was trained by Dr. Sue Johnson and is a registered psychologist focusing on trauma for individuals, couples, and families. Dr. Campbell has worked with various levels of Court to provide psychological assessment reports for forensic, legal, and personal injury matters. She provides evaluations for The Canadian Forces Base, Veterans Affairs Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and other first responder services. Dr. Campbell earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa. She is an active ICEEFT Certified Trainer, providing training, workbooks, and articles, and is a site coordinator for an Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) outcome study. In this episode… When you feel vulnerable, how do you respond with positivity? In a relationship struggling with the idea of vulnerability, how do you find value in your feelings? According to Dr. Leanne Campbell, rather than withdraw, you can move with and through emotions. Dr. Campbell’s experience has taught her the more we can see ourselves, the easier it is to have empathy and open up to the concept of vulnerability with your partner. Vulnerability is about allowing yourself to live fully and completely, so are you ready to discover and grow in your relationships? On this episode of Our.Love Podcast, Jim Coan sits down with Dr. Leanne Campbell, Co-Director of the Vancouver Island Centre for EFT and Campbell & Fairweather Psychology Group, to discuss building confidence with vulnerability in your relationship. Dr. Campbell talks about the importance of finding safety and trust within yourself, the importance of finding value in exposing yourself, and understanding and growing authentic relationships that matter.
Creating a Culture of Health and Well-Being With Dr. Richard Safeer
Oct 7 2021
Creating a Culture of Health and Well-Being With Dr. Richard Safeer
Dr. Richard Safeer is a renowned expert in employee health and well-being. Dr. Safeer is the Chief Medical Director of Employee Health and Well-Being at John Hopkins Medicine and sits on the Board of Directors for Our.Love. The views, information, or opinions expressed in this podcast presentation are solely those of Dr. Richard Safeer and do not necessarily represent those of John Hopkins Medicine or its employees. John Hopkins Medicine is not responsible and does not verify for accuracy any of the information contained in this podcast. He has built his experience and passion for creating healthy cultures from past experiences working as the Assistant Professor and Residency Director at George Washington University. His past role includes the Medical Director for Concentra Medical Centers and CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield. In this episode… How do we balance a healthy work and relationship life? What can you positively do to impact your happiness? The journey to balanced well-being is different for everyone. Negative distractions can impact the ability to build supportive, healthy, and balanced work and personal relationships. According to Dr. Richard Safeer, having deep cognitive thinking and lowering stress is key to unlocking healthy relationships. To decrease disease and sickness and live longer, surrounding yourself with healthy relationships is essential. In this episode of Our.Love Podcast, Swati Gandhi sits down with Dr. Richard Safeer, an employee health and well-being expert, to discuss building a healthy and supportive culture. Dr. Safeer reveals how to cherish and examine your relationship, the importance of actively listening, and why we should be mindful and present in relationships.
How To Negotiate To Relieve Stress With Dr. Benjamin R. Karney
Sep 30 2021
How To Negotiate To Relieve Stress With Dr. Benjamin R. Karney
Dr. Benjamin R. Karney is a Professor of Social Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and an adjunct behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation. Dr. Karney has over 15 years of experience researching the cognitive and behavioral processes of relationships, focusing on marriage.  He has published numerous case studies focused on marriage and limiting stress. He graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and earned both his master’s and a doctorate in social psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles. In this episode… Why is it so hard to overcome stress in our lives? What do we do when it spills over into our relationships with our partners?  Outside stress can negatively impact our partnerships and marital balance. According to Dr. Benjamin R. Karney, a Professor of Social Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, stress affects our relationships because we have no direct access to each other’s experiences and feelings. We need to understand the unique values, desires, and preferences of others. When we recognize the stress in our relationships, we can begin to forgive, empathize, and improve them.  In this episode of Our.Love Podcast, Dr. Richard Safeer sits down with Dr. Benjamin R. Karney, Professor of Social Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, to discuss strategies to build trust. Dr. Karney talks about the impact of stress spillover in relationships, the importance of negotiating different desires, and overcoming the invisible stress of our partnerships.
Leaving a Legacy Through Love With Tal Zlotnitsky, Founder of Our.Love
Sep 23 2021
Leaving a Legacy Through Love With Tal Zlotnitsky, Founder of Our.Love
Tal Zlotnitsky came to the US from Israel at the age of twelve. Starting while in college, Tal has founded or co-founded five very successful companies over a career of nearly 30 years. In March 2021, in order to start Our.Love, Tal stepped down as CEO of his latest startup, iControl Data - now a leading B2B payments provider which handles billions of dollars in financial transactions and is backed by Goldman Sachs among other investors. Tal chose to launch Our.Love not because he is an expert on love, but because he has proven repeatedly that he can inspire brilliant people to come together to achieve audacious things. In this episode… Love is left to chance — but what if it doesn’t have to be? Tal Zlotnitsky believes that love is woefully undersupported. Now more than ever, we are inundated with unprecedented friction and stress, and loving ourselves and our partner is put on the back burner. Tal created a safe online environment for couples to go to build better love. You can nurture and maintain your love via relationship science-informed games, videos, meditations, and other resources. Love transcends and gives energy to every part of life, so are you ready to climb to the Mt. Everest of love? In this episode of Our Love Podcast, Tal Zlotnitsky, Founder and CEO of Our.Love talks with Jeremy Weisz. Tal shares his vision of loving better as the motivation behind creating Our.Love, how to assemble a team focused on authenticity, and why you deserve to be loved, respected, and seen in every aspect of life. Stay tuned!