Wife Goes On

Tay Flowers

Welcome to Wife Goes On, the podcast dedicated to empowering women who have faced life altering challenges and are determined to continue their journey towards a positive and fulfilling life. Life's obstacles may have brought you down, but we believe that every woman's story deserves a second chapter filled with strength, resilience, and growth. Your host, Tay Flowers, is here to guide you through the ups and downs of life, drawing from her own experiences and those of remarkable women who have overcome adversities to rewrite their narratives. This podcast is your source of inspiration, encouragement, and practical advice as we explore the 8 dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, occupational, environmental, and financial. Each episode will share stories or examples of triumph, perseverance, and transformation. We'll delve into strategies and insights that will help you enhance every facet of your well-being. Whether you're navigating personal challenges, seeking to reignite your passions, or looking to strengthen your relationships, Wife Goes On is your trusted companion on this incredible journey. Join our supportive community of women who understand the unique struggles and triumphs that come with being a woman. Together, we'll embrace the power of resilience, rediscover our purpose, and rebuild our lives with positivity and intention. Subscribe to Wife Goes On today and embark on a transformative path toward a brighter, more empowered future. Follow and DM me at instragram.com/WifeGoesOn.Org_ Your story is not over; it's just the beginning. And Ladies Happy Healing! read less


Laugh, Learn, and Move On: Improving Intellectual Wellness After Divorce
Nov 15 2023
Laugh, Learn, and Move On: Improving Intellectual Wellness After Divorce
In this episode of "Wife Goes On: A Woman's Wellness Guide to Thriving After Adversity", I will be discussing the importance of intellectual wellness after divorce. I will provide you with nine tips (well really ten) for self-improvement, including embracing lifelong learning, setting intellectual goals, joining discussion groups, exploring creative outlets, staying informed, seeking intellectual challenges, attending workshops and seminars, teaching and sharing knowledge, and fostering critical thinking. I want to emphasize that intellectual wellness is a journey of self-discovery and growth. Stay tuned for the next episode, where we will focus on environmental wellness.WHAT TO LISTEN FOR: Embrace Lifelong Learning (00:01:04)Tips for embracing lifelong learning and expanding knowledge through education, online courses, and reading books.Join Discussion Groups (00:02:31)The benefits of joining book clubs, discussion groups, or online forums to engage in intellectual discussions and broaden horizons.Attend Workshops and Seminars (00:03:56)The advantages of attending workshops, seminars, and conferences related to interests or career for networking, learning, and staying current in a field.Episode Resources:Dimensions of Wellness Pie ChartFacebook for discussion groupsEventbrite for local workshops, meet-ups, etcKey Takeaways:Embracing lifelong learningSetting intellectual goalsJoining discussion groupsExploring creative outletsStaying informedSeeking intellectual challengesAttending workshops and seminarsTeaching and sharing knowledgeFostering critical thinkingEmbracing change and adaptationSummary:Intellectual stimulation is important after divorce. Especially having a long draining process like me. But I also needed the same thing after losing a close friend of mine to sickness. I could've used it when I moved to a new city as new and young mother with no close friends around to have stimulating conversation. Put yourself out there and mingle so that you can be intellectually fulfilled. Head over to Social Media and DM your questions at:Instagram: WifeGoesOn.Org_Facebook: Wife Goes On Podcast PageFacebook: Sherronti' Flowers (personal Page)Host Page: Host PageLinks to Other Sites:Seek Wanderlust Wholesale TravelTay's Travel Club 2024 Itinerary Facebook Group
Ten Tips for Finding Fulfillment and Success in Your Career After Divorce
Nov 8 2023
Ten Tips for Finding Fulfillment and Success in Your Career After Divorce
In this podcast episode, I share my personal experiences and advice on thriving after a divorce. I focus on occupational wellness, providing tips for rebuilding a career and finding work fulfillment. These include reflecting on career goals, updating resumes, seeking career counseling, networking, setting realistic goals, maintaining work-life balance, and investing in self-care. I also discuss my own post-divorce journey, my creation of a divorce checklist, and my travel club as a source of empowerment. I hope you enjoy it.WHAT TO LISTEN FOR: Reflect on your career goals (00:01:04) Assess your career goals and consider if your current job aligns with your long-term objectives.Update your resume and skills (00:02:22) Upgrade your resume and enhance your qualifications through courses or certifications to boost your confidence in applying for new job opportunities.Seek career counseling (00:03:33) Get guidance from career counselors to identify strengths, explore potential career paths, and create a strategic plan to achieve professional goals.The divorce checklist (00:12:15) Tay talks about how she created a divorce checklist and providing personalized advice to women going through divorce.Improving occupational wellness after divorce (00:13:29) Tips on building a fulfilling and successful career after divorce, emphasizing the importance of career empowerment and stability during this period of change.Episode Resources:Dimensions of Wellness Pie ChartKey Takeways:Ten tips for rebuilding a career and finding fulfillment in workImportance of reflecting on career goals and adapting to industry changesUpdating resume and skills, seeking career counseling, and networkingSetting realistic goals and maintaining work-life balanceInvesting in self-care and seeking support from colleaguesTay's personal journey creating a divorce checklist and designing courses and ebooksThe gradual process of occupational wellness after divorceTae's travel club as a source of empowermentSummary:Remember this is a new start and beginning for you. You design your new life how you want it. Having a career change can be refreshing and symbolize fresh start! You've Got This!!Head over to Social Media and DM your questions at:Instagram: WifeGoesOn.Org_Facebook: Wife Goes On Podcast PageFacebook: Sherronti' Flowers (personal Page)Host Page: Host PageLinks to Other Sites:Seek Wanderlust Wholesale TravelTay's Travel Club 2024 Itinerary Facebook Group
8 Ways to Start a Path to Emotional Healing and Growth After Divorce
Nov 1 2023
8 Ways to Start a Path to Emotional Healing and Growth After Divorce
Hey there, lovely listeners! In this fabulous podcast episode, I'm going to spill the tea on how to thrive after a divorce. Now, I know divorce can be a tough cookie to crumble, but fear not, because I've got some juicy tips and personal experiences to share with you!First things first, emotional wellness is key. It's totally okay to feel all the feels and allow yourself to grieve. Give yourself permission to heal and take the time you need to process everything. Trust me, it's like giving your heart a big ol' hug.But we're not stopping there, my friends. Personal growth is where it's at! Set those new goals, both personally and professionally. It's time to spread those wings and soar to new heights. And hey, don't be afraid to explore new opportunities along the way. Life is full of surprises, and you never know what amazing adventures await you.Now, let's talk self-care, because you deserve to be pampered like the royalty you are. Treat yourself to some much-needed TLC, whether it's a spa day, a solo trip, or simply indulging in your favorite guilty pleasures. Remember, self-care is not selfish, it's necessary!Oh, and speaking of travel, I've got something extra special for all of you wanderlust souls out there. I have a travel club exclusively for women who are craving a break from their daily routines. It's all about exploring new destinations, making lifelong friendships, and creating unforgettable memories. So, pack your bags, my friends, because adventure awaits! And if you want to just book your own travel, then do so at my website www.SeekWanderlust.com. It pulls from other major engines but gives you their wholesale prices. And its FREE to join! Get ready to find your passion, chase those dreams, and create a career that brings you joy. I can't wait to hear your thoughts and stories, so make sure to engage with us and let your voice be heard.Until then, keep thriving, keep shining, and remember that you are absolutely fabulous! Catch you on the flip side, my darlings! Happy Healing!WHAT TO LISTEN FOR: Emotional Wellness and Seeking Support (00:01:04)Tips for emotional wellness after divorce, including seeking professional help and building a support network.Allowing Yourself to Grieve (00:02:23)The importance of giving yourself permission to grieve and acknowledging your feelings as a part of the healing process.Self-Care and Mindfulness (00:03:42)Prioritizing self-care, practicing mindfulness, and reflecting on gratitude to nurture emotional well-being after divorce.The emancipation of T and wife goes on or off alimony (00:11:50)Tay discusses her mindset after her divorce and how it led to the creation of a travel club for women.Create new goals (00:13:11)Tay talks about the importance of setting new personal and professional goals after divorce for personal growth and positive change.Occupational wellness (00:14:23)Tay teases the topic for the next episode, which will explore the connection between career and wellness after adversity.Episode Resources:Dimensions of Wellness Pie ChartKey Takeaways:Personal experience with divorce and journey to thriving after adversityImportance of seeking professional help and support from family and friendsTips for emotional wellness, personal growth, and healing after divorceAllowing oneself to grieve and feel a range of emotionsPrioritizing self-care as an essential part of the healing processMindset shift from proving one can live without their ex-spouse to creating a new source of income like a travel club for women...
8 Tips on Embracing the Divine Within: Spiritual Wellness After Divorce
Oct 25 2023
8 Tips on Embracing the Divine Within: Spiritual Wellness After Divorce
Hey there! Welcome to this episode of "Wife Goes On: A Woman's Wellness Guide to Thriving After Adversity" with yours truly, Tay Flowers. Today, I'm gonna take you on a journey through my own personal experience and share some awesome tips on finding spiritual wellness after going through a divorce.First things first, let's clear up the difference between spirituality and religion. They're not the same thing, my friends! Let me break it down for you and show you how you can tap into your spiritual side without feeling tied to any specific religious beliefs.Now, get ready for some essential tips that will help you on your path to spiritual wellness. We're talking self-reflection, mindfulness, and spending quality time in nature. Trust me, a little fresh air can do wonders for the soul!But that's not all, folks. We're also gonna dive into exploring your personal beliefs, the power of forgiveness, and the magic of gratitude. Oh, and don't forget about the importance of creative expression! Whether it's through art, music, or writing, finding a way to express yourself can be incredibly healing.And hey, if you're feeling stuck and need some extra support, don't be afraid to seek professional help. There's no shame in reaching out to a therapist or counselor who can guide you through this journey.Oh, and let's not forget about the kiddos. Divorce can be tough on them too, so I'll be sharing some insights on the benefits of play therapy for children affected by divorce. It's all about helping them heal and thrive alongside us.So, grab a cup of tea, get cozy, and join me on this episode as we navigate the path to spiritual wellness after adversity. Trust me, you're not alone, and together we'll find our way to a brighter, happier future. Let's do this!WHAT TO LISTEN FOR: Self-Reflection and Journaling [00:02:18]Take time daily for self-reflection and journaling to understand your emotions and spiritual needs.Mindfulness and Meditation [00:03:43]Practice mindfulness and meditation to find inner peace and connect with your inner self.Nature and Solitude [00:04:58]Spend time in nature to find solace and peace, allowing for self-healing and self-discovery.Episode Resources:Dimensions of Wellness Pie ChartKey Takeaways:Definition of spirituality as the recognition of something greater than oneselfDifferentiation between spirituality and religionEight essential tips for finding spiritual wellness after divorce: self-reflection and journaling, mindfulness and meditation, spending time in nature and embracing solitude, exploring personal beliefs, working towards forgiveness, cultivating a gratitude practice, engaging in creative expression, and seeking professional guidanceHead over to Social Media and DM your questions at:Instagram: WifeGoesOn.Org_Facebook: Wife Goes On Podcast PageFacebook: Sherronti' Flowers (personal Page)Host Page: WebpageLinks to Other Sites:Seek Wanderlust Wholesale TravelTay's Travel Club 2024...
5 Easy Ways to Restart Your Journey to Physical Wellness After Divorce
Oct 18 2023
5 Easy Ways to Restart Your Journey to Physical Wellness After Divorce
Hey Ladies! Welcome to another exciting episode of "Wife Goes On: A Woman's Wellness Guide to Thriving After Adversity." I'm your host, Tay Flowers, and today I'm going to take you on a wild ride through my own personal journey of overcoming divorce. Buckle up!Now, let me tell you, divorce can really knock the wind out of your sails. It's a tough road to navigate, but I found a secret weapon that helped me bounce back: physical fitness! Yep, you heard that right. Getting my body moving and grooving played a huge role in my healing process.You see, after my divorce, I struggled with weight gain and a serious blow to my self-confidence. But I refused to let that define me. I knew I had to take charge and reclaim my physical fitness. And guess what? I'm here to share my top five tips with you!First things first, take it slow, my friends. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your fitness journey. Start with low-intensity activities like walking or gentle yoga. Trust me, it's all about baby steps.Next up, find exercises that bring you joy. Whether it's dancing like nobody's watching or joining a kickboxing class, choose activities that make you feel alive and excited. Who said working out had to be boring, right?Now, let's talk about the importance of self-care. Treat yourself to some well-deserved pampering. Get a massage, take a bubble bath, or indulge in a deliciously healthy meal. Remember, you deserve it!Don't forget to surround yourself with a supportive community. Join a fitness group or find a workout buddy who will cheer you on every step of the way. Trust me, having someone by your side makes all the difference.Last but not least, be kind to yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day, remember? Celebrate every small victory and don't beat yourself up over setbacks. You're on this journey for the long haul, and every step forward counts.So, there you have it, my friends. My personal journey of reclaiming physical fitness post-divorce, all wrapped up in five fabulous tips. I hope my insights inspire and guide you as you navigate your own challenges. Remember, you've got this!
*Bonus Episode: Dating After Divorce: Listener's Questions Answered
Oct 11 2023
*Bonus Episode: Dating After Divorce: Listener's Questions Answered
Hey there! Get ready for an awesome bonus podcast episode with yours truly, Tay Flowers, the host of "Wife Goes On: A Woman's Wellness Guide to Thriving After Adversity." Today, I'm going to spill the tea on my own experience with divorce and give you some juicy advice on the exciting world of dating after divorce.Now, let's talk about meeting potential dates outside of those boring dating apps. I've got some killer ideas that will make your dating life way more interesting. And hey, who needs to swipe left or right when you can meet someone in the most unexpected places?Oh, and let's not forget about the age-old question: who pays for the first date? I've got some thoughts on that, and trust me, it's not what you might expect. Get ready to challenge those traditional dating norms!But wait, there's more! I've got some fantastic first date ideas that will blow your mind. Forget about the typical dinner and a movie routine. I'm talking about dates that allow for real conversation and getting to know each other on a deeper level. Get ready to impress your potential bae with these unique and unforgettable experiences.Of course, I know that dating after divorce can be scary. We all have fears of getting hurt again, dealing with co-parenting responsibilities, and rebuilding our self-esteem and confidence. But fear not, my friends! I'm here to guide you through it all and help you come out stronger and more fabulous than ever before.And hey, if you have any burning questions or just want to chat, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm all ears and ready to help you navigate this crazy dating world. I'll even give you some ways to contact me because I'm just that awesome.So buckle up, my fellow divorcees, because this podcast episode is going to be a wild ride. Let's conquer the dating scene together and show the world that we're unstoppable!Click here for Facebook post on suggested outfits for first 5 dates.
Intro to the 8 Dimensions of Wellness
Sep 27 2023
Intro to the 8 Dimensions of Wellness
In this episode of our podcast "Life Goes On: A Woman's Wellness Guide to Thriving After Adversity," I want to share my personal experience with divorce and how I found joy and moved on. It was a challenging time in my life, but through self-reflection and growth, I was able to find a path towards happiness.During the episode, I introduce the concept of the eight dimensions of wellness. These dimensions include physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental, occupational, and financial wellness. I explain how neglecting any of these dimensions can have a significant impact on our overall health and well-being.I encourage you, as listeners, to assess your own wellness in each dimension. Take the time to reflect on how you are doing in each area and identify any areas that may need improvement. This exercise can be done regularly to ensure that you are taking a balanced approach to your wellness.I cannot stress enough the importance of a balanced wellness approach. By addressing all eight dimensions, we can create a solid foundation for our overall well-being. It's not just about physical health, but also about nurturing our emotional, social, and spiritual selves.I invite you to engage with our podcast by leaving reviews and participating in upcoming exercises. Your feedback and participation are invaluable in creating a supportive community where we can all learn and grow together.Download the Dimensions of Wellness Chart!!!Thank you for joining me on this journey towards wellness and thriving after adversity. Together, we can navigate life's challenges and find joy in the process.
Wife Goes On: The Divorce Mess That Birthed This Show
Sep 27 2023
Wife Goes On: The Divorce Mess That Birthed This Show
In this podcast episode, I, Tay Flowers, a part-time lifestyle and travel blogger, will be sharing my personal experiences and advice on moving on and thriving after adversity, specifically a divorce. As the host of the podcast "Life Goes On: A Woman's Wellness Guide to Thriving After Adversity," I want to provide a platform where women can find inspiration and support in their journey towards a better life.Let me start by introducing myself and explaining why I started this show. I have been through a lot in my life, including a difficult divorce. It was during this challenging time that I realized the importance of having a support system and finding ways to heal and grow. I wanted to create a space where women could come together, share their stories, and learn from one another's experiences.During my marriage, I experienced both physical, financial, and emotional abuse. It was a painful and traumatic period in my life, but I found the strength to leave and start anew. I decided to start my own company, which not only provided financial stability but also allowed me to regain my independence and pursue my passions.One of the key lessons I learned throughout this process is the significance of creating a supportive community. Going through a divorce can be isolating, but having a network of friends, family, and even online communities can make a world of difference. Surrounding yourself with people who understand and uplift you can help you navigate the challenges and find the strength to move forward.Through my podcast, I aim to inspire and support women who are going through major life events like divorce. I want to share practical advice, personal stories, and expert insights to help them heal, grow, and thrive. Life may throw us curveballs, but it's important to remember that we have the power to shape our own destinies.So, join me on this journey as we explore the ups and downs of life after divorce. Together, we can find the strength to overcome adversity and create a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and resilience. Remember, life goes on, and we have the power to make it a beautiful one.