Unmasking the Abuser - The Podcast

Dina McMillan, Ph.D.

Simple, accessible and accurate, this series exposes the specific moves used by Abusers to lure in and trap their partners in toxic relationships. Find out how to recognize Abusers' ploys and tricks from the earliest stages of a new relationship, along with the crucial knowledge necessary to break free and stay safe. This is genuine domestic violence prevention - currently the only program in the world that details Abusers' devious manipulation tactics. Since 2007, Dr. Dina McMillan has been offering 'Unmasking the Abuser' as a series of workshops and seminars. Now she's offering this key knowledge online, free. This information is appropriate for ages 13 and above. read less
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Episode 28 - About Abusers Examining Change PART 1
Nov 12 2022
Episode 28 - About Abusers Examining Change PART 1
This is an exciting episode, and not only because I had to quickly learn how to use a virtual interview on Zoom as a podcast episode.  Whether or not Abusers can change is the #1 question I'm asked by those who've been involved with these individuals. Yes and no.  That's the answer and why it takes two episodes to discuss it.I interviewed my first guest, Kevin (Michael) Tarrance, an experienced Domestic Violence Intervention Specialist in Jacksonville, Florida.  Kevin has been put in charge of monitoring and certifying Florida's Batterer's Intervention Programs (BIPs). He discusses whether or not he believes abusive men can change, what he's experienced, and where he thinks it should go. His manner is warm, engaging, and very knowledgeable.You'll finish these episodes with specific tools in hand to assess whether or not the person you care for is willing - and genuinely trying - to change. Is it real or is it a smokescreen to keep you involved? You'll also learn information you can use for yourself to change, and grow, and learn.Don't miss these episodes! And as always, email me with any questions or comments at unmaskingpodcast@gmail.com. This is the podcast series that does so much more than entertain. It's designed to help you develop your manipulation superpower. Simply and effectively, you'll learn how to spot any attempts to unfairly persuade, influence or indoctrinate you. You'll be able to identify it accurately and early. In a world of propaganda and disinformation, you can know more and do more. Have a listen.