

UroNurse is a one hour podcast connecting healthcare workers to urology expert panelists. You can check out our videos and live webinars at uronurse.com. Our podcasts provide an audio copy for you to enjoy in your car or wherever. read less
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Episode 97: Vasectomy Reversal, Reclaiming Fertility
Episode 97: Vasectomy Reversal, Reclaiming Fertility
Dr. Landon Trost, a renowned expert in male fertility and microsurgery, emphasizes the transformative potential of vasectomy reversal for men seeking to reclaim their fertility. According to Dr. Trost, vasectomy reversal involves meticulously reconnecting the vas deferens, either through vasovasostomy or vasoepididymostomy, depending on the presence of blockages and the time since the original vasectomy. He highlights that advancements in microsurgical techniques have substantially increased success rates, with patency rates as high as 97% and pregnancy rates between 40-75%. Dr. Trost's expertise underscores the importance of precision and experience in performing these procedures, as they are critical factors in achieving optimal outcomes. Dr. Trost also addresses the personal and emotional dimensions of vasectomy reversal, noting that the decision to undergo the procedure often stems from significant life changes, such as entering a new relationship or the desire to expand one’s family. He advises prospective patients to undergo a thorough consultation to understand their specific circumstances, including an evaluation of overall reproductive health and potential risks. While vasectomy reversal offers a promising path to natural conception, Dr. Trost cautions that success is not guaranteed, and additional treatments may sometimes be necessary. He emphasizes the importance of emotional support and realistic expectations, as navigating the journey toward restored fertility can be both challenging and rewarding.
Episode 96: Creating and Promoting Yourself thru Social Media
1w ago
Episode 96: Creating and Promoting Yourself thru Social Media
In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, Vic Senese, RN, BSN, and John Lin, MD, epitomize professionals who harness the potential of social media to create and promote their personal brands while advancing healthcare discourse. Leveraging their expertise and passion for patient care, Vic and John curate engaging content that educates, inspires, and empowers their audience. Their strategic use of platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn allows them to reach a diverse audience and establish themselves as trusted voices in their respective fields. Beyond mere self-promotion, Vic and John leverage social media as a platform for advocacy, collaboration, and professional networking. By actively engaging with their followers, participating in discussions, and sharing valuable resources, they foster a sense of community and solidarity within the healthcare community. Moreover, their collaborative efforts with peers, involvement in healthcare initiatives, and amplification of important causes not only elevate their personal brands but also contribute to positive change in the industry. Vic Senese, RN, BSN, and John Lin, MD, explain how healthcare professionals can effectively utilize social media to create meaningful connections, promote their expertise, and drive impactful change in healthcare. *The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you are seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.
Episode 94: Pelvic Pain, What You Need to Know!
May 18 2024
Episode 94: Pelvic Pain, What You Need to Know!
Pelvic pain can be a distressing and disruptive condition, affecting individuals of all ages and genders. It manifests as discomfort or agony in the lower abdomen, pelvic region, or genital area, and can arise from various underlying causes. Endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), urinary tract infections (UTIs), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and musculoskeletal issues are among the common culprits. Understanding the root cause is crucial for effective management, as treatment strategies vary depending on the underlying condition. Seeking medical evaluation is paramount, as persistent pelvic pain could indicate a serious health issue that requires prompt attention. Moreover, addressing pelvic pain promptly not only enhances physical well-being but also contributes to emotional and mental health by alleviating stress and improving quality of life. UroNurse Expert Laurie Atkinson, RN, CURN will guide us through a comprehensive understanding of pelvic pain and its multifaceted nature. As an experienced registered nurse specializing in urology, Laurie brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to the forefront, elucidating the complexities of pelvic pain disorders. Attendees learn about the diverse array of conditions that can contribute to pelvic pain, ranging from gynecological issues like endometriosis to urological conditions such as interstitial cystitis. Through her engaging presentation style, Laurie empowers individuals to recognize the signs and symptoms of pelvic pain, encouraging proactive engagement with healthcare providers for timely diagnosis and targeted treatment. *The expert's opinions in this communication are personal and not representative of any organization. They are for informational purposes only, not official guidance. Viewers are advised to use their judgment, seek additional advice, and take responsibility for any actions based on these opinions.
Episode 93: Unveiling the Secrets of MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy
May 11 2024
Episode 93: Unveiling the Secrets of MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy
Unveiling the secrets of MRI-guided prostate biopsy marks a significant leap forward in the realm of medical imaging and diagnostic precision. Leveraging the power of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology, this innovative approach offers unparalleled insights into the intricate landscape of the prostate gland, allowing for more accurate detection and characterization of suspicious lesions. By integrating real-time MRI guidance with targeted biopsy techniques, clinicians can navigate with unprecedented precision, honing in on suspicious areas with pinpoint accuracy, thus minimizing unnecessary sampling and reducing the risk of false negatives. This fusion of imaging and biopsy technologies not only enhances diagnostic accuracy but also revolutionizes treatment planning, empowering healthcare providers to tailor interventions with greater precision, ultimately improving patient outcomes and quality of life. Moreover, the unveiling of MRI-guided prostate biopsy secrets signifies a paradigm shift in prostate cancer management, ushering in an era of personalized medicine and tailored interventions. Unlike traditional blind biopsies, which often yield inconclusive results or miss clinically significant tumors, MRI-guided techniques offer a comprehensive view of the prostate gland's architecture, enabling clinicians to target suspicious regions with unparalleled precision. This transformative approach not only enhances diagnostic accuracy but also facilitates risk stratification, enabling clinicians to identify aggressive tumors early and devise tailored treatment strategies accordingly. Furthermore, by minimizing the need for repeat biopsies and reducing the risk of complications, MRI-guided prostate biopsy not only improves patient outcomes but also streamlines healthcare resource utilization, paving the way for more efficient and cost-effective prostate cancer care. Join Garrett D. Pohlman, MD for more information on this new technique.
Episode 92: Botox for Overactive Bladder, Tips and Tricks
May 4 2024
Episode 92: Botox for Overactive Bladder, Tips and Tricks
Botox, also known as botulinum toxin type A, is commonly used as a treatment for overactive bladder, a condition characterized by frequent and urgent urination. When injected into the bladder muscle, Botox works by blocking the nerve signals that trigger the muscle to contract. This results in a reduction of involuntary bladder contractions and can lead to decreased urgency and frequency of urination. Many patients experience significant relief from symptoms, which can last for several months. The procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis and involves injecting Botox directly into the bladder using a cystoscope. Despite its effectiveness, Botox treatment for overactive bladder is not without risks. Potential side effects include urinary tract infections, difficulty urinating, and the need for temporary catheterization. Patients should discuss their medical history and any potential risks with their healthcare provider before undergoing the treatment. Regular follow-ups are also necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment and to address any concerns that may arise. Overall, Botox is considered a safe and effective option for managing overactive bladder when other treatments such as medications or lifestyle changes have not provided adequate relief. Vic Senese, RN, BSN, will share valuable tips and tricks for assisting in Botox procedures, covering all aspects from patient preparation to medication preparation. In patient prep, he emphasizes the importance of thoroughly reviewing the patient's medical history and ensuring they understand the procedure and potential side effects. Proper patient positioning and comfort during the procedure are also highlighted. In terms of medication prep, He underscores the need for accurate dosing and mixing of the Botox solution, as well as ensuring all equipment and supplies are sterile and ready for use. Vic. Senese's guidance aims to streamline the procedure and enhance patient safety and satisfaction.
Episode 89: Circumcision-When, Why & How!
Apr 13 2024
Episode 89: Circumcision-When, Why & How!
Circumcision, a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin from the penis, has been a subject of considerable debate regarding its risk-benefit profile. Proponents argue that circumcision offers various health benefits, including a reduced risk of urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, and penile cancer. Additionally, some studies suggest that circumcision may lower the risk of certain genital conditions like phimosis and balanitis. Moreover, cultural and religious considerations often play a significant role in the decision-making process for circumcision, with many communities viewing it as a traditional practice with social and religious significance. However, opponents of routine circumcision raise concerns about its potential risks and ethical considerations. Critics argue that circumcision is an unnecessary surgical intervention that may lead to complications such as bleeding, infection, or injury to the penis. Moreover, there are debates surrounding the impact of circumcision on sexual function and sensation, with some individuals reporting decreased sensitivity or other adverse effects. Additionally, ethical concerns arise regarding the violation of bodily autonomy, particularly when circumcision is performed on infants who cannot provide informed consent. Thus, the decision to undergo circumcision involves weighing potential health benefits against risks and considering cultural, religious, and ethical perspectives.
Episode 88: Sonic Waves, Healing Waves: Sonablate HIFU for Prostate Cancer
Apr 6 2024
Episode 88: Sonic Waves, Healing Waves: Sonablate HIFU for Prostate Cancer
Sonablate HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) has emerged as a pioneering treatment option for prostate cancer, offering patients a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgery or radiation therapy. Dr. Arpeet Shah will discuss this innovative technology utilizes focused ultrasound waves to precisely target and ablate cancerous tissue within the prostate gland, while sparing surrounding healthy tissue from damage. By delivering high-intensity energy to the affected area, Sonablate HIFU effectively destroys cancer cells, leading to tumor shrinkage and disease control, all without the need for surgical incisions. One of the key advantages of Sonablate HIFU in prostate cancer treatment lies in its ability to provide excellent cancer control outcomes while minimizing the risk of debilitating side effects commonly associated with more invasive treatments. With Sonablate HIFU, patients experience reduced risks of urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction compared to traditional surgical procedures like radical prostatectomy. Additionally, the non-invasive nature of Sonablate HIFU translates to shorter recovery times and a quicker return to normal activities, improving the overall quality of life for prostate cancer patients. As clinical evidence continues to accumulate, Sonablate HIFU represents a promising frontier in the management of prostate cancer, offering a personalized and effective treatment approach tailored to individual patient needs.
Episode 87: PSA and Prostate Biopsy, What Changed since our 1st Episode!
Mar 30 2024
Episode 87: PSA and Prostate Biopsy, What Changed since our 1st Episode!
Since our first episode, significant advancements have occurred in the realm of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing and prostate biopsy procedures. One notable change is the refinement of PSA screening protocols, which now emphasize personalized risk assessment and shared decision-making between patients and healthcare providers. Rather than relying solely on PSA levels as a marker for prostate cancer, updated guidelines consider individual factors such as age, family history, and overall health to determine the necessity and frequency of screening. This tailored approach helps mitigate the risks of overdiagnosis and overtreatment, while still allowing for the early detection of clinically significant prostate cancers. Moreover, advancements in imaging technologies have revolutionized the prostate biopsy process. Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) has emerged as a valuable tool for guiding targeted biopsies, enabling clinicians to identify suspicious areas within the prostate more accurately. This approach reduces the reliance on systematic biopsies, which can sometimes miss clinically significant cancers or lead to unnecessary procedures for benign findings. By incorporating mpMRI into the biopsy workflow, healthcare providers can improve the accuracy of cancer detection, enhance risk stratification, and optimize treatment decision-making for patients with suspected or diagnosed prostate cancer. Vic Senese, RN, BSN will discuss how these developments represent significant progress in the field, offering patients more precise and personalized approaches to prostate cancer diagnosis and management.
Episode 86: Dual Treatment For Bladder Cancer with Gemcitabine and Docetaxel Bladder Instillations
Mar 23 2024
Episode 86: Dual Treatment For Bladder Cancer with Gemcitabine and Docetaxel Bladder Instillations
Dual treatment for bladder cancer using gemcitabine and docetaxel bladder instillations represents a promising therapeutic approach in combating the disease. Bladder cancer, a prevalent malignancy, often recurs locally within the bladder lining, necessitating targeted interventions. Gemcitabine and docetaxel, when administered directly into the bladder, synergistically target cancer cells while minimizing systemic side effects. Gemcitabine disrupts DNA synthesis, impeding cancer cell proliferation, while docetaxel interferes with microtubule function, inducing apoptosis. This dual therapy not only eradicates existing cancer cells but also inhibits the formation of new tumors, offering patients a potential avenue for prolonged remission and improved quality of life. Noelle Vievering, RN, BSN discusses the localized delivery of gemcitabine and docetaxel via bladder instillations not only maximizes therapeutic efficacy but also minimizes systemic toxicity commonly associated with traditional chemotherapy. By directly infusing the drugs into the bladder, clinicians can achieve high drug concentrations at the tumor site while sparing healthy tissues from unnecessary exposure. This targeted approach reduces the incidence of systemic adverse effects such as nausea, hair loss, and bone marrow suppression, which are often observed with systemic chemotherapy. Furthermore, the convenience and non-invasiveness of bladder instillations enhance patient compliance and acceptance of treatment, facilitating regular administration and monitoring. As research into the efficacy and safety of this dual therapy continues to evolve, gemcitabine and docetaxel bladder instillations hold promise as a valuable component of comprehensive bladder cancer management strategies. *The expert's opinions in this communication are personal and not representative of any organization. They are for informational purposes only, not official guidance. Viewers are advised to use their judgment, seek additional advice, and take responsibility for any actions based on these opinions.
Episode 85: Exploring Sacral Neuromodulation
Mar 16 2024
Episode 85: Exploring Sacral Neuromodulation
Exploring sacral neuromodulation represents a frontier in medical science, offering promising avenues for managing various pelvic disorders. At its core, sacral neuromodulation involves the targeted modulation of sacral nerves through electrical impulses, thereby regulating bladder, bowel, and pelvic floor function. This innovative therapy has revolutionized the treatment landscape for conditions like urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, fecal incontinence, and pelvic pain syndromes, which can significantly impair quality of life. By implanting a small device near the sacral nerves, clinicians can deliver controlled electrical stimulation, effectively modulating nerve activity and restoring proper pelvic function. The procedure is minimally invasive, with many patients experiencing significant improvements in symptoms and overall well-being. Dean Elterman, MD joins UroNurse as he discusses how ongoing research and advancements in sacral neuromodulation continue to expand its therapeutic potential. Clinical trials explore its applicability in addressing conditions beyond traditional indications, such as chronic pelvic pain, interstitial cystitis, and even neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis. The evolving understanding of neural circuitry and the role of sacral nerves in pelvic function fuels the exploration of novel treatment modalities and refinements in device technology. As interdisciplinary collaborations flourish between neurology, urology, and bioengineering fields, the horizon for sacral neuromodulation widens, offering hope for individuals grappling with debilitating pelvic disorders. Through continued innovation and clinical investigation, sacral neuromodulation stands poised to redefine standards of care and enhance the quality of life for patients worldwide.
Episode 82: Recovery Rx: Nursing Tips for Prostate Surgery
Mar 2 2024
Episode 82: Recovery Rx: Nursing Tips for Prostate Surgery
Navigating the recovery process after prostate surgery requires a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved, and Nursing Tips for Prostate Surgery offers invaluable guidance to patients and caregivers alike. Compiled by experienced nursing professionals like Andrea Strong, DNP, this resource serves as a roadmap for optimizing post-operative care and promoting a smooth transition back to health. From managing potential complications to fostering emotional well-being, Nursing Tips for Prostate Surgery covers a wide spectrum of concerns with sensitivity and expertise. The tips provided in this resource are designed to address the multifaceted needs of patients undergoing prostate surgery, encompassing physical, emotional, and practical aspects of recovery. From practical advice on wound care and medication management to strategies for coping with potential side effects such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction, Nursing Tips for Prostate Surgery offers practical solutions and reassurance throughout the recovery journey. By empowering patients with knowledge and support, this resource aims to enhance recovery outcomes and facilitate a sense of confidence and control during a challenging period of transition. *The expert's opinions in this communication are personal and not representative of any organization. They are for informational purposes only, not official guidance. Viewers are advised to use their judgment, seek additional advice, and take responsibility for any actions based on these opinions.
Episode 81: A Pain in the Scrotum: When to be Concerned
Feb 18 2024
Episode 81: A Pain in the Scrotum: When to be Concerned
Experiencing discomfort or pain in the scrotum can be alarming and often prompts immediate concern. While some instances may resolve on their own, certain symptoms warrant urgent attention and medical evaluation. It's crucial to differentiate between ordinary discomfort, such as from a minor injury or inflammation, and more serious conditions like testicular torsion or epididymitis. Testicular torsion, a medical emergency, occurs when the spermatic cord becomes twisted, cutting off blood flow to the testicle. This condition requires prompt surgical intervention to prevent permanent damage and loss of the testicle. On the other hand, epididymitis, an inflammation of the epididymis typically caused by infection, may present with symptoms like swelling, redness, and pain in the scrotum. While epididymitis often responds well to antibiotics, delaying treatment can lead to complications such as abscess formation or even infertility. Understanding when to be concerned about scrotal pain involves recognizing associated symptoms and seeking timely medical advice. In addition to testicular torsion and epididymitis, conditions like testicular cancer, inguinal hernias, and hydroceles can also cause discomfort in the scrotum. Any sudden, severe pain accompanied by swelling, redness, fever, or difficulty urinating should not be ignored and requires immediate evaluation by a healthcare professional. Routine testicular self-exams and regular check-ups with a healthcare provider can help detect abnormalities early and ensure prompt intervention when necessary, promoting better outcomes and preserving reproductive health. Taking proactive steps to address scrotal pain underscores the importance of prioritizing one's well-being and seeking timely medical care when needed.
Episode 80: Emerging Uropathgens, Trends In Antibiotic Resistance, And The Applications Of Molecular Diagnostic Techniques In Urology
Feb 10 2024
Episode 80: Emerging Uropathgens, Trends In Antibiotic Resistance, And The Applications Of Molecular Diagnostic Techniques In Urology
In the last fifty years, there have been significant changes in how microorganisms are detected in UTI patients and how to treat recurrent, persistent, complicated UTI infections using new diagnostic tools. Many uropathogens other than Escherichia coli have been identified as playing an active role in polymicrobial UTI infections and are frequently challenging to detect using standard urine culture. These organisms have also developed multi-drug resistance mechanisms to help protect themselves from antibiotic treatment, making their detection and treatment difficult. This presentation will review the uropathogens detected presently in symptomatic UTI patients, how these organisms resist antibiotic treatment, and new evidence-based molecular methods for detecting and identifying their antibiotic susceptibility. In the last fifty years, there have been significant changes in how microorganisms are detected in UTI patients and how to treat recurrent, persistent, complicated UTI infections using new diagnostic tools. Many uropathogens other than Escherichia coli have been identified as playing an active role in polymicrobial UTI infections and are frequently challenging to detect using standard urine culture. These organisms have also developed multi-drug resistance mechanisms to help protect themselves from antibiotic treatment, making their detection and treatment difficult. This presentation will review the uropathogens detected presently in symptomatic UTI patients, how these organisms resist antibiotic treatment, and new evidence-based molecular methods for detecting and identifying their antibiotic susceptibility. *The information provided in this video is for entertainment and educational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you are seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.