1Show One with Dorothy Kent & Bob Davis
2Show Two with Etta Daley & Luther McCain
3Show Three with Valerie Koté & Mike Melufe
4Show Four with Bob Lampert & Roberta Vincent
5Show Five with Nora Broach & Glennwood Hines
6Show Six with Viva Smith & David Ewan
7Show Seven with Ola Batsol & Harry Webster
8Show Eight with Kenneth Anderson & Batsy Sherman
9Show Nine with Elmore Leopard & Amanda Willingham-Stuart
10Show Ten with Frank Sullivan & Margaret Lindsey
11Show Eleven with Fred Smith & Helen Blair
12Show Twelve with Maddy Weldy & Bob Lowe
13Show Thirteen with Mary Kuel & Eugene McCain Jr.
14Show Fourteen with Emma Zigler & Al Toribio
15Show Fifteen with Bernard Sampson & Robert Sewell
16Show Sixteen with Frances Richardson & Herman Cantor
17Show Seventeen with Henry Eagle & Hettie Klein
18Show Eighteen with Jack Melbourne And Yvette Hoppis
19Show Nineteen with Bill Hollanger & Martha Prendergast
20Show Twenty with Christine Carson & Dan Metsker
21Show Twenty-One with Stuart Bowles & Henrietta O'Dair
22Show Twenty-Two with Paul Shalfont & Jean Reynolds
23Show Twenty-Three with Eugene Mojer & Joseph May
(C) 2008 Master Classics Records