#99 – Fairness

Koalatea Time: The K.O. Koala Entertainment Podcast

Dec 21 2021 • 38 mins

Which is more important: that a game is a reliable measure of who has the most skill, or that it provides an interesting challenge to all players? Is it possible for a game to do both?

Jessie Schell present these thoughts in his in his book, The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses when discussing the lens of "Fairness". Anthony & Skylar discuss these and other related topics, including the difficult challenge that arena and class based games face in making their experiences feel fair in this episode of Koalatea Time!

Join us as we discuss:

  • Halo Infinite
  • Rocket League
  • Overwatch
  • BlazBlue
  • Destiny
  • and more!

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