Dec 27 2021
The Creaductivity Paradox: When wanting to make stuff is at war with inertia
You know how inspired you get when you have a new idea? Maybe you're on a train to work, or in the middle of making a thousand lattes, or taking a long line of orders from pandemic-maddened drive-through customers desperate for an order of fries. Maybe you're in the middle of negotiating a deal that's probably going to make someone a lot of money, but it won't be you, and you're taking a minute in the bathroom for a few deep breaths when BAM the idea hits you right in the face, and it's so clear you could do it right NOW if you weren't in the middle of all these other things. We all know that feeling, right? So why does it so often end with a big dose of MEH when you finally get a chance to do the thing?
If you've got a topic you want Creaductivity to dive into, please DM me on Twitter @Kris_Ripper or email me at Thanks for listening!