Jan 6 2024
Revelation chapter 9 The Demonic Army
In this episode we will be looking at the fifth and Sixth trumpet judgments. These next two trumpets, will give us a demonic perspective, instead of a heavenly one as we will literally see all hell break loose on the earth. All the judgments prior to these were warning shots, as they were not specifically directed at man, but creation. They were a wakeup call. But now we see the last three trumpets and the three woes all deal with mankind specifically.
The big question with these judgments, is why would God release demons bound in hell to torment man on earth? And on top of that, during this time of torment, man will beg for death and it will not come. What is it about this particular judgment that God will not allow man to die? What is he trying to accomplish and what is the purpose? Why not just let them die as in the previous judgments? As we read the text, We need to remember that Gods desire is that all people are saved. So no matter how bad things get, he is either doing or allowing it to happen because judgment must come, but also, to leave room for repentance and salvation.
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