A lot of people suffer from a “bad memory.”
Me too.
If I don’t use the simple memory improvement techniques I’ve learned, my memory has about the same chance as a dog hearing “sit” once without a shred of repetition. It doesn’t do much good for improving memory.
But we’re not dogs. And we have memory techniques. We can hear something once and memorize it forever.
And without being dramatic or theatrical (a rare thing for me, dear Memorizers), I can tell you that I think that not developing the skill to do so is a crime against humanity.
Failing to memorize using the simple techniques I teach robs not only yourself, but many others of the benefits of this powerful skill.
Plus, you get to share information that you’ve placed in your mind. Valuable knowledge that you can produce at will. Change the world kind of stuff.
Or it can be the memorize of simple things that makes a huge difference.
Like when you’re boarding a plane and you keep forgetting your seat number, holding up the line to look at your ticket for the umpteenth time.
Or when your child asks you what year some important event took place for his or her exam at school (major).
Or when you’re playing Blackjack and you have no idea how many cards are out (could be major, could be minor depending on your pot).
Or when you’re talking to someone and you have to ask them for a second time what their name is, sometimes just 30 seconds or less after the first time you heard it …
This final point is a real doozy.
Memorizing names is a moral obligation because it tells the person you’re meeting that you care about who they are, that they’re someone worth knowing, that their name has value.
Some names are easy.
You don’t need a special method to memorize Tom, Dick or Harry (at least most of us probably don’t).
But the world is becoming more and more internationalized.
We’re meeting more and more people with name structures that we’re not familiar with. And we need to be able to remember them in to be more sociable and to ensure that people know we value them in the daily interactions we make.
It’s not that difficult. Hear a name, make a bizarre, exaggerated, big and bright picture filled with zany action and you’ll have that name memorized in a Magnetic second.
That’s the basics of one of the techniques.
As you know, there are many others.
And a lot of fine details that structure each. It makes a huge difference if you know what they are and how to use them.
That’s why I’m making the crazy offer of joining the Masterclass for the trial price of $1. For just a buck, you get 7 days access to the Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass.
That’s seven days to work on improving your memory. Seven days to feel the power of memory improvement. Click here for more info and a lesson on 8 Important Memory Principles You Should Follow.
The post Improving Memory And The Moral Obligations Of Memory Improvement appeared first on Magnetic Memory Method - How to Memorize With A Memory Palace.