Paranormal Outsiders is a podcast that explores unknown phenomena. It focuses on investigating events and creatures that science can't yet explain. This show discusses anything from parallel universes to the Mandela effect. Ghosts, hauntings, and voices from beyond this realm are all featured topics. Listeners can expect conversations about alien abduction, shapeshifters, and zombies.
Podcast hosts Dustin and Onna Brewer try to find rational explanations for inexplicable occurrences. They examine the evidence and come up with valid reasons and theories that are not rooted in the paranormal. At times, even these logical hosts are unsure. In such situations, they have to admit that some things are beyond human grasp.
Both hosts have backgrounds in science and bring their expertise to the podcast. Dustin's day job involves dealing with computers and electronics as a cybersecurity expert. Onna's line of work is understanding human behaviors. As a psychologist, she studies people's understanding of reality and how it affects their emotions and actions.
Their two distinctive perspectives help the hosts create an intriguing podcast. Dustin might examine the technical aspect of a phenomenon. One example is the machines paranormal investigators use to locate ghost activity. The host can explain how it works and what it's actually searching for. Then, Onna can provide explanations as to why people believe in ghosts, even with little proof. She understands their motivations to see something that's not there. Onna also clarifies how the brain can sometimes mislead people.
Episodes of Paranormal Outsiders focus on one topic. For instance, in one segment, Dustin and Onna talk about ghost hitchhikers. The hosts discuss the phenomena of young women at the side of the road who disappear after the ride is over. In another episode, they examine the story of the Florida skunk ape. They debate whether there could be a new species of apes hiding in the swamps. Other installments include sleep paralysis, Bloody Mary, and more.
Paranormal Outsiders airs several times a month. Episodes vary in duration from 45 minutes to over an hour.