Praise Tabernacle Podcast

Praise Tabernacle Praise Tabernacle People Restored And Inspired Serving Everywhere This is a non-denominational Church, Charismatic in expression. The senior Leader is Pastor Steve Rahter. Joshua Kennedy is an Associate Pastor, 2235 Ocean Heights Ave. Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


4/7/24 From Desolation to Redemption Lamentations 1 Joshua Kennedy
Apr 8 2024
4/7/24 From Desolation to Redemption Lamentations 1 Joshua Kennedy
In the tumultuous voyage of life, we inevitably encounter storms that shake the very foundations of our being. Amidst the struggles, our souls are tested, and our faith is challenged. How do we maintain our love and devotion to the Lord in the throes of despair? The Book of Lamentations serves as a beacon of light in the darkness, offering profound insights into the human experience of suffering and the enduring power of faith. As we journey through the verses of Lamentations 1, we are confronted with the raw agony of a city laid waste by affliction. Tears flow freely, and trusted companions turn into adversaries, echoing the profound sense of isolation and betrayal that often accompanies suffering. Through these lamentations, we confront the harsh reality of rejection, loneliness, and the devastating consequences of sin. Yet, amidst the wreckage, there is a glimmer of hope—a recognition of wrongdoing and a plea for divine mercy. We find an opportunity for transformation and redemption in the depths of despair. We can begin the journey toward healing and renewal by embracing humility, seeking forgiveness, and trusting in divine providence. The devastation described in Lamentations serves not only as a testament to human frailty but also as a poignant reminder of the enduring nature of faith. Even in the darkest of times, there is solace to be found in the unwavering love and compassion of the Divine. As we navigate the storms of life, may we draw strength from the timeless wisdom of Lamentations, steadfast in our belief that the promise of redemption emerges from desolation.
3/31/24 NO GREATER LOVE  pt. 2 (Resurrection Sunday)  The Resurrection - Triumph over Death Joshua Kennedy
Mar 31 2024
3/31/24 NO GREATER LOVE  pt. 2 (Resurrection Sunday) The Resurrection - Triumph over Death Joshua Kennedy
NO GREATER LOVE  pt. 2 (Resurrection Sunday) The Resurrection - Triumph over Death Continuing our exploration in "Love Returned," we turn our attention to the transformative power of Christ's resurrection, as echoed in John 15:13: "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." Defying Death: In the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we witness the ultimate triumph over death. Despite the darkness of the tomb, Jesus emerged victorious, breaking the chains of sin and death once and for all. His resurrection is a testament to the depth of his love and the power of his sacrifice. Conquering Fear: The resurrection dispels fear and instills hope in the hearts of believers. Just as Jesus laid down his life for his friends, so does he assure us of new life in him. Through his resurrection, we find courage, strength, and the promise of eternal life. A New Beginning: The resurrection marks the beginning of a new era characterized by redemption, grace, and restoration. In Christ, we are offered the opportunity for spiritual rebirth and transformation. His resurrection power enables us to live lives of purpose and significance, free from the bondage of sin and death. Commission to Spread Good News: As recipients of Christ's sacrificial love, we are called to share the Good News of the resurrection with the world. Just as Jesus laid down his life for his friends, so too are we called to lay down our lives for others, sharing Christ's love with all we encounter. Our lives are a testament to the reality of Christ's victory over death, and our words and actions serve as a beacon of hope to those who are lost and searching. As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, may we be reminded of the incomparable love that led him to lay down his life for us. May we live our lives in light of this incredible truth, knowing that there is truly no greater love in Christ.
3/17/24 LOVING OTHERS Pastor Joshua Kennedy 1 Peter 4, 1 John 3
Mar 17 2024
3/17/24 LOVING OTHERS Pastor Joshua Kennedy 1 Peter 4, 1 John 3
LOVING OTHERS LOVE RETURNED SERIES 1 Peter 4, 1 John 3   Loving God inherently involves loving others. It's not enough to claim devotion to God while harboring hatred for our fellow humans. As 1 John 4:20 asserts, if we fail to love those we can see, how can we claim to love God, whom we cannot see?   1 Peter 4 offers guidance for navigating adversity, with verse 8 as a poignant reminder: "Above all, maintain fervent love for one another because love covers a multitude of sins." This fervent love requires deep compassion, even towards those who may mistreat us. While it's effortless to love those who treat us kindly, true love is demonstrated in our ability to extend it to those who do not reciprocate.   Understanding that "love covers a multitude of sins" doesn't mean overlooking wrongdoing, but rather, it signifies love's capacity to forgive and persevere despite flaws. Through Christ, we find the strength to forgive and continue loving unconditionally while safeguarding ourselves from harm.   John's insight in 1 John 3 delves deeper into the transformative power of divine love:   "Those born of God do not habitually engage in sin, for God's nature abides in them; they cannot continue in sin because they are born of God. Thus, we discern the children of God from the children of the devil: those who practice righteousness and extend love to others belong to God." The love of God empowers us to resist the allure of sin and exemplify righteousness. Our love for others becomes the litmus test of our allegiance to God as we move from harboring hate or ill intentions towards others to selflessly sacrificing for their well-being—the ultimate demonstration of God’s love.   In a world rife with discord and adversity, we are called to embody the transformative power of love. We stand charged to love fervently, not just those who reciprocate, but especially those who may oppose or mistreat us. Let our love be a shield covering many sins, forgiving even when difficult, and persevering through trials.   Our actions must echo the truth of our faith: to love is to abide in God, to reject hate, and to extend compassion without bounds. As we navigate life's challenges, let us be known not by our words alone but by our unwavering commitment to love.   Thus, the Holy Spirit gives us this charge: let love be our guiding light, our strength in adversity, and our testimony to the transformative grace of God. For in love, we find our most authentic expression of humanity, and in love, we reflect the very image of our Creator."
3/3/24 Embraced by Love Song of Solomon 7-8:4 Pastor Joshua Kennedy
Mar 3 2024
3/3/24 Embraced by Love Song of Solomon 7-8:4 Pastor Joshua Kennedy
"Embraced by Love:  Insights from Song of Solomon 7-8:4.”   Solomon's profound love for his bride illustrates God's love for us. Just as Solomon cherishes every aspect of his beloved, God delights in every detail of our being. His love is not based on our performance or achievements but flows freely, embracing us.   Even when we struggle with self-doubt or insecurity, God's love remains constant and unwavering. It's a love that surpasses understanding, reaching into the depths of our souls and lifting us up with its boundless grace. Like Solomon's complete acceptance of his bride, flaws, and all, God embraces us with a love that knows no bounds. He sees past our shortcomings and imperfections, seeing instead the beauty and potential within us. Understanding the depth of God's love can be a humbling yet liberating experience. Instead of dwelling on our flaws or comparing ourselves to others, we are called to embrace who we are, knowing that we are deeply loved by the Creator of the universe.   When we surrender our fears and insecurities to God, we open ourselves to His transformative power. His love can heal our wounds, mend our brokenness, and empower us to live fully as the individuals He created us to be.   So, instead of being consumed by self-criticism or negativity, let us choose gratitude and thanksgiving, knowing that we are loved beyond measure. As we trust in God's plan for our lives, we can rest assured that He continually works for our good, shaping us into vessels of His unfailing love and grace.
2/18/24 Inciting Envy Song of Solomon 5:1 Pastor Joshua Kennedy & Pam Clark
Feb 18 2024
2/18/24 Inciting Envy Song of Solomon 5:1 Pastor Joshua Kennedy & Pam Clark
The Garden of Love Song of Solomon 5 Verse: Song of Solomon 5:1 (NIV) "I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice. I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey; I have drunk my wine and my milk." In the sacred garden of our hearts, God desires to dwell. Just as the Lover in Song of Solomon joyfully enters the garden of his beloved, God longs to enter the garden of our hearts. What does it mean for our hearts to be His garden? Cultivating the Soil of Surrender: To be God's garden is to surrender the soil of our hearts to Him. Just as a gardener tends to the earth, we must allow God to cultivate our hearts with the richness of His Word and the water of His Spirit. Surrendering means letting go of the weeds of doubt, fear, and self-reliance, allowing His love to take root deeply within us. Blooming in Love and Obedience: A garden blooms with an array of vibrant flowers, each unique and beautiful. Similarly, our hearts, when surrendered to God, blossom in love and obedience. Loving God with all our heart means obeying His commands, aligning our will with His, and allowing the fragrance of His love to emanate from our lives. Nourished by His Presence: In the garden of our hearts, God desires to feast with us. As we spend time in His presence, partaking in the richness of His Word and the sweetness of communion with Him, our souls are nourished. It is in the quiet moments of prayer and reflection that the garden of our hearts becomes a place of intimacy with our Heavenly Lover. Guarding Against Intruders: A well-tended garden requires protection from intruders who seek to harm its beauty. In the same way, we must guard our hearts against the influences that threaten to choke out the love of God. Guard against bitterness, unforgiveness, and worldly distractions, ensuring that the garden of your heart remains a sacred space for God's dwelling. As we reflect on Song of Solomon 5, let us invite God into the garden of our hearts. Let us surrender, bloom in love and obedience, be nourished by His presence, and guard against anything that hinders our intimate relationship with Him. May our hearts be a fragrant offering, a beautiful garden where the love of God thrives abundantly.
2/4/24 The Divine Game of Seek: Navigating Seasons of Withdrawal and Renewed Devotion Joshua Kennedy Song of Solomon 3:1-11
Feb 4 2024
2/4/24 The Divine Game of Seek: Navigating Seasons of Withdrawal and Renewed Devotion Joshua Kennedy Song of Solomon 3:1-11
2/4/24 The Divine Game of Seek: Navigating Seasons of Withdrawal and Renewed Devotion Joshua Kennedy Song of Solomon 3:1-11  In the intricate dance of divine devotion, our connection with the Lord mirrors the essence of a profound game – a celestial hide-and-go-seek. In the sacred echoes of Song of Solomon 3:1-11, we discover seasons when the Almighty purposefully withdraws, not to abandon us but to kindle within us a fervent pursuit. As a father revels in the joy of his children seeking him in a game of hide and go seek, so does the Creator delight in our relentless pursuit. The Lord does not conceal Himself where He cannot be found; instead, He hides where we ardently seek and can discover Him. It is a divine invitation to engage intimately, a deliberate act to stir our hearts to seek Him with passion and persistence. Much like the pain of separation experienced when distanced from loved ones, the Lord's withdrawal serves a purpose. It is a poignant reminder of our constant need for Him. Just as a returning father embraces his family with overwhelming joy, the reunion with our heavenly Father is filled with boundless love and affection. Though challenging, these periods of divine concealment cultivate a profound appreciation for the subtle nuances of His presence in our lives – the fragrance of His grace and expressions of His love. In these moments of perceived distance, we are summoned to draw nearer to the divine, recognizing our role as the crown of the Lord, designed to reflect His glory. It is a challenging yet necessary journey, compelling us to respond with unwavering surrender in all seasons of life, uttering sincerely, "Lord, Have Your Way!" Through the game of hide and go seek, we learn to discern His presence and witness His works with heightened awareness, forging a more profound connection that transcends the fleeting nature of earthly trials. Praise Tabernacle 2235 Ocean Heights Ave. EHT, NJ 08234 (609) 402-8869
Harmony of Love: A Reflection on Awakened Intimacy in the Song of Solomon Sunday January 21, 2024
Jan 21 2024
Harmony of Love: A Reflection on Awakened Intimacy in the Song of Solomon Sunday January 21, 2024
Do you recall the exhilaration of falling headlong into the enchanting embrace of love, that sacred moment when intimacy became an indelible part of your story? "Awakened Love," as depicted in the Song of Solomon, transcends the ordinary, revealing a divine tapestry woven with threads of passion and spiritual connection. These verses explore the profound parallels between human love and the intimate relationship the Lord desires with His beloved, the church. Verse 1:15: “How beautiful you are, my darling, How beautiful you are! Your eyes are like doves.” Doves, ancient symbols of lovemaking, signify a profound bond found in the gaze shared during intimacy. In the same way, the Lord yearns for us to perceive His gaze upon us, acknowledging our beauty and the depth of His love. Verses 1:16-17: “How handsome you are, my beloved, And so delightful! Indeed, our bed is luxuriant! The beams of our house are cedars, Our rafters, junipers.” In this exchange, Solomon and the Shulamite woman mirror the reciprocal nature of love. It is a dance, a symphony of words and affections. Similarly, our adoration towards the Lord, expressed through praise and worship, creates an intimate space where we encounter His manifest presence. Verses 2:1-2 “I am the rose of Sharon, The lily of the valleys.” “Like a lily among the thorns, So is my darling among the young women.” The bride and groom’s dialogue continues, emphasizing the uniqueness of their relationship. Similarly, our connection with the Lord is exclusive, marked by the divine nature He bestows upon us. We are the apple tree in a barren forest, producing fruit through His love. Verses 2:3-6 “Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, So is my beloved among the young men.” ... “His left hand is under my head, And his right-hand embraces me.” As the couple exchanges words of admiration, we recognize our exceptional status among God's creation. His love sustains us, refreshing us like raisin cakes and apples. His love produces the fruit of His divine nature within us. Verse 2:7: “Swear to me, you daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the does of the field, That you will not disturb or awaken my love Until she pleases.
12/24/23 THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT Ephesians 6:17 Be Strong Series Pastor Joshua Kennedy
Dec 24 2023
12/24/23 THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT Ephesians 6:17 Be Strong Series Pastor Joshua Kennedy
THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT  BE STRONG SERIES Ephesians 6:17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. I am a big football fan. My favorite teams have a strong defense, yet if their offense is not good, they usually do not win. If the offense is poor, the team will spend most of the game on defense, and eventually, the defense will wear out, and the opponent will score. In football, the helmet is the most essential part of the uniform, protecting the head.  The sport is controversial because of the number of people having concussions, and so new helmets have been designed for better protection. As Christians, our helmet is salvation; our opponent will attack us with lies, but because we are saved, we are protected through our faith in Jesus Christ. We once had no helmet, so the enemy would get in our heads, and we could do nothing about it. In Christ, we have authority over the enemy. He is a defeated foe, so we don’t have to listen when he tries to get in our heads. The Bible says we can cast down imaginations (2 Cor. 10:5), we can resist the enemy by submitting to God, and he will flee from us (James 4:7).  To submit to God means to stand on the Truth of His Word against the darts of lies he has thrown at us. It is not just our helmet on our heads to protect us from harm; we have a sword to drive the enemy back and put him in his place. We have already won; the game is over; the devil should not even be on the field. Our battle is not to win or lose but to enforce our victory in Christ. Even though we have much more defensive gear than offensive weapons, all we need is the Sword, for the enemy cannot stand against Truth. The enemy works through people, but as we learned in Ephesians 6:12, we don’t fight flesh with flesh, the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of Truth, when spoken goes into the heart of man as seen in Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” The key to staying strong in the Spirit is praying in the Spirit, as verse 18 says on every occasion. We are not just praying for ourselves but, as the rest of the verse says, for all believers everywhere. Speaking in tongues is a heavenly language; it is praying the perfect will of God. This gift has been given to us to remain strong in the Lord. We can become quickly weary (Isaiah 40:31) and want to give up; tongues keep us built up, and the gift empowers us for effective ministry. Only through the Holy Spirit can God touch people, so we must be continuously filled with the Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues to be agents of God on earth.