The EXTRA Club

Mark and Nicky

We all want to contribute to something greater than just us, something unique, something EXTRAordinary, something that makes the difference by our involvement.No one was born to be average or ordinary...No one was born not to succeed…You were born to be EXTRAordinary, to make THE difference.We all have a true purpose that inspires us; we all have a reason that drives us.This is the opportunity for you to be on that journey to being the Influencer and agent of change that you were born to be.We will help you find your EXTRA that will make you EXTRAordinary by exploring what holds you back and how to overcome those challenges.Each episode we will give you hints, tips, tools and strategies to find that EXTRA in life that you have been looking for. read less
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Episode 31  - Having Difficult Conversations: Tips for Resolving Conflicts in Relationships
Jul 21 2023
Episode 31 - Having Difficult Conversations: Tips for Resolving Conflicts in Relationships
Episode 31  - Having Difficult Conversations: Tips for Resolving Conflicts in RelationshipsOn this episode of The EXTRA Club Podcast, we delve into the world of challenging relationships that often occur in the workplace and other areas of our lives.We share our insights on resolving conflicts, emphasising the importance of defining the problem, understanding each other's perspective, and finding win-win solutions through cooperation and negotiation. We  also discuss the power of presupposition and how putting oneself in the other person's shoes can lead to better understanding and foster a compassionate work and home environment. Self-reflection, taking responsibility for one's own mind and results, and understanding one's own worldview are crucial steps in addressing communication problems. We offer practical tips and techniques from NLP to navigate conflicts effectively, from addressing 'bullying' behaviour to handling constant disagreements. We also explore the conflict continuum and the different approaches of avoiding, diffusing, or confronting conflict,  emphasising the importance of understanding which approach is most suitable in different circumstances. Through personal anecdotes, we illustrate the power of reframing communication and letting go of negative interpretations, leading to improved relationships and even friendship. Join us on this episode as we dive deep into the world of challenging workplace relationships and discover strategies and techniques to improve communication and foster positive relationships.If you would like to find out more about NLP and how it can improve your life or if you are interested in being trained or coached by Mark and Nicky just head over to our website and send us a message. Speak soon!
Episode 29 - Navigating the Journey of Grief: From Loss to New Beginnings
Jul 3 2023
Episode 29 - Navigating the Journey of Grief: From Loss to New Beginnings
Episode 29 - Navigating the Journey of Grief: From Loss to New BeginningsOn this episode of The EXTRA Club Podcast, join us as we dive into the complex and deeply personal journey of grief. Our guest, Lucy, is the creator of Love Life Again Coaching and Events and she specialises in helping individuals navigate the grieving process and love life again.  Lucy shares, with Mark and Nicky, her own personal journey through grief and  loss, including the passing of her family members and going through a difficult divorce, which led her to the realisation that grief encompasses more than just the loss of a loved one. She describes the emotional roller coaster she experienced and the impulsive decisions she made. She emphasises the importance of letting go of sadness and pain, instead focusing on happy memories of loved ones and describes the journey to finding a new life and happiness without themShe now focuses on helping people come through various forms of grief, including experiences like divorce, financial issues, abuse, and bullying. Through her own experiences and training, she offers guidance and support to those navigating the grieving process. Lucy emphasises the importance of mindset training, using techniques such as Hypnotherapy and NLP, to help individuals move forward and find a new way of life.Lucy's ultimate goal is to help individuals transition from negative to positive thinking and pull them out of their grief. Lucy believes in choosing happiness and promises to help others do the same. . One of the key takeaway from this episode is that grief is a process, and with the help of professionals like Lucy, there is hope for moving forward and finding a new life after loss. So join us on The EXTRA Club Podcast as we explore the transformative power of self-improvement and overcoming grief.Through her website, Facebook page, and LinkedIn, Lucy offers free support groups, walks, and activities in addition to her coaching services. If you would like to find out more about NLP and how it can improve your life or if you are interested in being trained or coached by Mark and Nicky just head over to our website and send us a message. Speak soon!
Episode 24 - Does our past really predict our future?
May 30 2023
Episode 24 - Does our past really predict our future?
Episode 24 - Does our past really predict our future? In this thought-provoking episode we delve into the age-old question: Does our past really predict our future? Join us as we explore the fascinating interplay between our personal history and the paths we choose to take.We'll dive into the concept of programming and how our upbringing, experiences, and societal influences can shape our decisions and actions. Can scientists accurately forecast the trajectory of our lives based on this programming? We'll unravel the mysteries behind the attempts to predict human behaviour and examine the limitations of such predictions.Also, Find out what fleas have to do with our own personal limitations and how your RAS can be your friend or enemy.Join us as we navigate the complex dynamics of our past, present, and future, and unlock the secrets to creating a life that aligns with our true desires. It's time to challenge the notion of a predetermined destiny and embrace the power of choice and self-determination.Listen now and unlock the possibilities that await you on "Past vs. Future: Decoding the Crystal Ball of Our Lives."Goa uncut - This episode was recoded whilst we were on holiday in listen out for the odd Goan background  chorus of dogs, crows and car horns :-)If you would like to find out more about NLP and how it can improve your life or if you are interested in being trained or coached by Mark and Nicky just head over to our website and send us a message. Speak soon!