Conversation Balloons

Conversation Balloons

Host Leah Farish interviews experts and friends about all things generational. No matter your age or stage, whether you're growing or growing old, you wonder at, fume at, or love someone in another generation. It might be workplace issues, raising kids, or caring for an elder--We're here to bring understanding, solutions, empathy, and a little fun to intergenerational relationships. Our conversation balloons hover over thorny social problems and pop with insight about how to handle them. Some of our guests are scholarly, some faith-based, some rich only in lived experience. read less
Society & CultureSociety & Culture


43. Does Your Child Have A Signature? w/ Linda Shrewsbury
Nov 1 2023
43. Does Your Child Have A Signature? w/ Linda Shrewsbury
Linda Shrewsbury--Harvard graduate, entrepreneur, educator, and dear friend of Leah--explains why handwriting is important, and recounts her breakthrough in how to teach cursive to a special-needs adult who wanted to be able to sign his name.  Linda's discovery, Cursive Logic, has become a popular series endorsed by educators and parents alike.   Additional resources: --"Biological and Psychological Benefits of Learning Cursive" by William R. Klemm, PhD, Psychology Today, --"Digitizing literacy" by Anne Mangen and Jean-Luc Velay, Psychology, --"Why Cursive Handwriting is Good for Your Brain" by Christopher Bergland, Psychology Today, --"Grammar Students Celebrate Handwriting" --"Gen Z never learned cursive" --"How cursive can help students" --"The importance of handwriting"