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Heather Younger is a best-selling author, international speaker, consultant, and facilitator who has earned her reputation as “The Employee Whisperer.” She is the CEO and Founder of Employee Fanatix, a leading employee engagement, leadership development, and DEI consulting firm. She firmly believes that employees aren’t just numbers on the payroll but human beings with ideas that matter. She is the host of Leadership with Heart podcast and has been featured in Forbes and Huffpost. Her newest book is called The Art of Caring Leadership: How Leading with Heart Uplifts Teams and Organizations.
- Employees should be at the center of what we do in our businesses.
- You are a byproduct of your past, but you are not defined by it.
- Evaluate your current success rate in business. Where there is a lack of success, it likely is because of a person. You will likely also identify where there are holes in your development of people.
- The least expensive path to “get ahead” with employee engagement is to hire people with high emotional intelligence.
- Get feedback from your employees through 1:1 dedicated time to tell and show people they are important.
- What is some lesson, saying, or experience that continues to influence your leadership to this day? Childhood—growing up in a way that created a desire to feel included and important.
- Use three descriptors to finish this sentence: “A leader is…” Empathetic, compassionate, and a great communicator.
- What is a question that leaders should be asking either themselves or others? Are there any barriers I can remove for you?
- What book would you recommend to leaders? Anything by John Maxwell.
- If you could get every listener to start doing something THIS week to help them be a better leader, what would it be? Care more.
- As a general life principle, is it better to ask “why?” or “why not?” “Why?” because it is absolutely crucial to feel motivated to take the next step.
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