The Breast Cancer Podcast

Dr. Deepa Halaharvi

From Surgery to Survivorship, Dr. Deepa Halaharvi discuss cancer topics that affect breast cancer patient and survivors. They provide clarity on a cancer diagnosis and provide insight into the struggles of survivorship.  Their goal is to provide a supportive and informative platform for breast cancer survivors. This podcast offers insights and resources that will help survivors navigate the challenges of post-treatment survivorship.

This podcast does not intended for medical advice.  Please consult with your doctor if you have any questions regarding your diagnosis.

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Artificial Intelligence and at High Risk for breast cancer: A conversation with Dr. Kevin Hughes
6d ago
Artificial Intelligence and at High Risk for breast cancer: A conversation with Dr. Kevin Hughes
In this episode, Dr. Mark Cripe and I are joined by Dr. Kevin Hughes, the Director of Cancer Genetics at the Hollings Cancer Center and the McKoy Rose, Jr., M.D. Endowed Chair in Surgical Oncology in the College of Medicine at MUSC. Dr Hughes is recognized nationally and internationally for his expertise in breast cancer, breast disease management, genetic testing and the identification and management of patients with hereditary breast cancer risk.  His research focuses on developing tools that make cancer genetic testing simple, safe, and efficient. will learn:1.    What is the definition of “High Risk”? 2.    What are some risk factors for high risk? 3.    Discuss the different risk calculators? Will AI replace these models? 4.    How do you counsel woman at high risk?   5.    Understanding many obstacles in seeing and counseling patients (socioeconomic, access to quality care, etc) do you think that we can use AI to help us?6.    How does having a high risk (Hereditary cancer clinic) like the one you have benefit hospital systems? 7.    Million-dollar question? Will AI replace physicians and surgeonsJ? Stay Connected with Dr. Deepa Halaharvi:TikTok: @breastdoctorInstagram: @drdhalaharviTBCP Instagram: @thebreastcancerpodcastWebsite: @thebreastcancerpodcast
Two are Better than One, Breast Surgeons return to answer questions.
Jul 2 2024
Two are Better than One, Breast Surgeons return to answer questions.
Two are better than one Breast surgeons:This is a model where two breast surgeons (myself and Dr. Mark Cripe) collaborate and operate together to perform double mastectomies. Over the last several years, Dr. Mark Cripe and I performed several double mastectomies together. We are both fellowship trained breast surgeons and we train residents and breast surgery fellow (who is already a general surgeon but getting another additional year of training to become a fellowship trained breast surgeon).We perform a variety of surgeries together for women who opt surgery for both breasts:Total/simple mastectomies without reconstructionSkin sparing mastectomies with reconstructionNipple sparing mastectomies with reconstructionSensation preserving mastectomies with reconstruction, Goldilocks mastectomies, Mastectomies with aesthetic flat closureMastectomies with VY- advancement flapThis model has several advantages:Expertise, skill sharing, efficiency, increased patient confidence and comprehensive careOverall, the "Two are better than One" approach in breast surgery is a thoughtful strategy aimed at providing high-quality, specialized care to women undergoing double mastectomies and reconstruction.Stay Connected with Dr. Deepa Halaharvi:TikTok: @breastdoctorInstagram: @drdhalaharviTBCP Instagram: @thebreastcancerpodcastWebsite: @thebreastcancerpodcast
"Don't Wait": A story of a breast cancer survivor's courage to follow her heart and intuition.
Jun 25 2024
"Don't Wait": A story of a breast cancer survivor's courage to follow her heart and intuition.
Join me in a conversation with Breast cancer survivor and an author, Jennifer Skinnell and her Breast Surgeon, Dr. Mark Cripe about how she navigated her diagnosisand how she used her intuition to help guide her journey. Her life is also unique in a sense she lives in an RV. She is very inspirational for anyone who is recently diagnosed with cancer, or is in the middle of their journey.Don’t Wait provides a personal account of Jennifer’s diagnosis of breast cancer and her medical decision-making, all while living in an RV and staying focused on their travel plans. Jennifer takes the reader on this journey, expressing the emotions and feelings that many face during cancer but may not realize these are normal feelings during an abnormal time. She also emphasizes how important doctor-patient communication was when choosing her treatment plan, and also how important after-surgery care was during recovery to achieve a successful outcome. I highly recommend this book and don't wait- please go out and get it. The link is attached below.Don't Wait: Our Full-Time RV Journey Through Breast Cancer Instagram: @jenniferskinnellauthorInstagram: @theramblingquilterWebsite: jenniferskinnell.comWebsite: theramblingquilter.comStay Connected with Dr. Deepa Halaharvi:TikTok: @breastdoctorInstagram: @drdhalaharviTBCP Instagram: @thebreastcancerpodcastWebsite: @thebreastcancerpodcast
Breast- Plastic Surgery Educational Series 2 -Episode 2
Mar 31 2024
Breast- Plastic Surgery Educational Series 2 -Episode 2
Breast- Plastic Surgery Educational Series- 2Dr. Tiwari of Midwest Breast and Aesthetic Surgery has teamed up with Breast Cancer Surgeon and Breast Cancer Survivor, Dr. Deepa Halaharvi to bring you this new educational series.In this episode, we dive into the intricacies of dealing with breast cancer topics like: •Early detection through mammography•Understanding dense breasts•The various stages and types of breast cancer and the impact of family history.• When to ask your Doctor for "Breast Cancer Risk Assessment". We discuss actress, Olivia Munn's breast cancer diagnosis from her high risk screening.•Insight into the treatment options including types of breast surgery and reconstruction, and the importance of "Breast- Plastic Surgery" team and how well they work behind the scenes as well as during surgery.  We talk about what to expect when you see a breast surgeon and what to expect when you see a plastic surgeon?The conversation also touches on patient experiences, emphasizing the importance of self-care, and the psychological aspects of facing a cancer diagnosis.We also talk about, Princess Kate Middleton's announcement of cancer diagnosis and take home messages for people diagnosed with new cancer.Connect with Midwest Breast on Instagram: Instagram: Instagram: @MWBreastStay Connected with Dr. Deepa Halaharvi:TikTok: @breastdoctorInstagram: @drdhalaharviTBCP Instagram: @thebreastcancerpodcastWebsite: @thebreastcancerpodcastInstagram: @thebreastcancerpodcast
Finding your New Normal Series 1- Episode 2: How to tackle, "Hot Flashes"
Feb 12 2024
Finding your New Normal Series 1- Episode 2: How to tackle, "Hot Flashes"
Your survivorship starts the day of your diagnosis. Being told you have cancer is life altering experience.  In 2024, over 300,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Methods of breast cancer treatments could include chemotherapy, surgical removal of the ovaries, anti-estrogen therapy, and radiotherapy. This can induce menopause in women who are not yet menopausal. “Induced menopause” can cause intense menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbance, urinary tract problems, painful intercourse, and bone loss.Today, we will tackle, "Hot Flashes". Most breast cancers are sensitive to the hormone estrogen, so systemic hormone therapy (hormone treatment that circulates through the bloodstream) is not an option. Here are some triggers and strategies on how to deal with hot-flashes associated with breast cancer.I want to welcome, Jodi Gibbs, PA-C, MPAS, BSW. She has been a Physician Assistant in Columbus, Ohio for 22 years and has been an incredible asset in taking care of Men and Women diagnosed with Breast cancer for the past 15 years. She has wealth of knowledge and offers great tips on how to manage, "Hot Flashes".You can find her at "Enliven Health and Wellness.www.enlivenhealthandwellness.comPh: 614-940-4868Stay Connected with Dr. Deepa Halaharvi:TikTok: @breastdoctorInstagram: @drdhalaharviTBCP Instagram: @thebreastcancerpodcastWebsite: @thebreastcancerpodcast