五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese

The Lone Mandarin Teacher


希望能让你的中文学习变得更有趣!如果有问题或建议,随时给我发邮件: TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com。

5 Minute Chinese is a biweekly podcast show that talks about all things in life in authentic yet comprehensible Mandarin. As a high school Mandarin teacher and language enthusiast, I explore fun, real-life experiences in the Mandarin language that you can relate, understand, learn and enjoy! Scripts and useful expressions can be found in the description of each Mandarin episode or by request.

I hope I can help you have more fun learning Chinese. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
The Lone Mandarin Teacher

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积德转世:中式轮回观 Virtue and Reincarnation: The Chinese Perspective on Life
积德转世:中式轮回观 Virtue and Reincarnation: The Chinese Perspective on Life
(本播客的介绍同时提供简体中文和英文版本。实用表达在下方。由于篇幅限制,全文稿件可通过邮件免费索取。我的邮件是TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Useful expressions are included below. Due to space constraints, the transcript is available for free by email request. My email is TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.)中文简介:大家好,欢迎收听《5分钟中文》。在这一期节目中,我将带大家探讨中国和日本文化中关于积德和转世的观念。我最近看了一部新日剧《重启人生》,这部剧讲述了一位为了能够在来生转世为人,而决定多次重启自己人生的女性。通过这部剧,我决定在本期节目中与大家分享我关于积德和转世的认知和体验,以及这些观念如何影响我们的生活和未来。English Introduction:Hello everyone, and welcome to this episode of “5-Minute Chinese.” In today’s show, I will explore the concepts of accumulating virtue and reincarnation in Chinese and Japanese cultures. Recently, I watched a new Japanese drama called “Brush Up Life (ブラッシュアップライフ),” which features a character who repeatedly restarts her life to secure a human rebirth in her next life. This show inspired me to share my insights and experiences regarding these concepts and how they influence our lives and futures.如果你喜欢这个播客,请点击此处支持我:Support the show(If you like this podcast, please click here to show your support.)把你的问题和建议发给我!(Send me your questions and suggestions!)生词和短语1.积德Pinyin: jī déEnglish: Accumulate virtue (doing good deeds)Explanation: The act of performing good deeds to build moral merit, believed to influence one’s current life and future reincarnations.2.转世Pinyin: zhuǎn shìEnglish: ReincarnationExplanation: The belief that after death, a person’s soul can be reborn into a new life.3.因果报应Pinyin: yīn guǒ bào yìngEnglish: Cause and effect (karma)Explanation: The concept that one’s actions, whether good or bad, will have corresponding consequences either in this life or in future reincarnations.4.轮回Pinyin: lún huíEnglish: Cycle of reincarnationExplanation: The belief in the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth, where souls are continuously reborn into new lives.5.今生 / 来生Pinyin: jīn shēng / lái shēngEnglish: Current life / Next lifeExplanation: “今生” refers to one’s present life, while “来生” refers to the life that follows after reincarnation.6.投胎Pinyin: tóu tāiEnglish: Rebirth (reincarnation into a specific form)Explanation: The process of being reborn into a new life, often used to describe which family or life form one reincarnates into.7.修身养性Pinyin: xiū shēn yǎng xìngEnglish: Cultivate oneself and nurture one’s natureExplanation: The practice of improving oneself through moral, mental, and spiritual development, often seen as a way to accumulate virtue.8.积善从德Pinyin: jī shàn cóng déEnglish: Accumulate good deeds and follow virtueExplanation: A phrase emphasizing the importance of consistently doing good deeds and following virtuous principles.9.作恶多端Pinyin: zuò è duō duānEnglish: Committing many evil deedsExplanation: Describes a person who has committed numerous bad or immoral acts, often leading to negative consequences in this life or the next.10.延年益寿Pinyin: yán nián yì shòuEnglish: Prolong life and enhance longevityExpl把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
对看剧学中文的补充思考 Additional Thoughts on Learning Chinese with Shows
Sep 1 2024
对看剧学中文的补充思考 Additional Thoughts on Learning Chinese with Shows
(本播客的简介有简体中文和英文。您可以在下方找到英文版本。 This podcast description is available in both Simplified Chinese and English. You can find the English version below.)(中文简介)大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《5分钟中文》。在这期节目中,我想继续分享关于通过看电视剧学习中文的想法。上期节目我提到,电视剧中的对话对语言水平要求很高,尤其是对初学者来说,可能会感到有些挑战。今天,我补充了几点建议:首先,选择带有中文字幕的剧集可以帮助理解和练习发音;其次,利用字幕做听写练习也是提高中文的好方法。此外,学习时不必追求完美,可以适当提高进度,以便接触更多的语言现象,提升学习效果。希望这些建议能对大家有所帮助。(English Description)Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of "5-Minute Chinese." In this episode, I continue to share my thoughts on learning Chinese through watching TV dramas. Last time, I mentioned that the language in dramas can be quite advanced and challenging, especially for beginners. Today, I’m adding a few more tips: First, choosing shows with Chinese subtitles can help with understanding and practicing pronunciation; second, using subtitles for dictation exercises is a great way to improve your Chinese. Additionally, there’s no need to aim for perfection—progressing through lessons at a faster yet comfortable pace allows you to encounter and reinforce more language features. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you.由于篇幅限制,我无法在此处附上完整文稿。但是,如果您需要文稿,请随时给我发电子邮件,我很高兴把稿子发给您!Due to space limitations, I am unable to include the full transcript here. However, if you need the transcript, please feel free to email me at thelonemandarinteacher@outlook.com, and I’ll be happy to send it to you!把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
通过看剧学语言的想法 My Thoughts on Learning Languages Through Watching Shows
Aug 24 2024
通过看剧学语言的想法 My Thoughts on Learning Languages Through Watching Shows
(本播客的简介有简体中文和英文。您可以在下方找到英文版本。 This podcast description is available in both Simplified Chinese and English. You can find the English version below.)大家好!欢迎收看新一期的《五分钟中文》。在本期节目中,我将讨论通过看电视节目学习语言的利弊。虽然它通常被视为一种有趣且快速的学习方式,但它可能并不适合所有人,尤其是初学者。我介绍了“comprehensive input可理解输入”的概念,它指的是大部分可以理解但有一些新元素的语言材料。我分享了我看日本电视剧(名为《地面师たち》)的个人经历,并解释了为什么由于我目前的熟练程度,它没有显著提高我的日语水平。我还建议专注于与您的语言水平相匹配的听力材料,以使“磨耳朵”(听力训练)更有效。此外,我还谈到了 Maayot,这是一个通过适合水平的内容学习中文的有用网站。最后我谈到我制作这个播客的初衷就是提供简单而自然的语言输入,帮助学习者有效地练习。如果您觉得《五分钟中文》有用,请订阅、分享和支持这个播客!如果您想支持本播客,下方也有链接。感谢您的收听!祝您有美好的一天!Maayot 是一个很棒的中文学习网站,提供带拼音的每日阅读、英文翻译、录音的专业反馈和阅读理解问题。它是提高中文学习的超棒的资源。这是Maayot的网站 https://www.maayot.com/。请去试试看,相信你会喜欢的!Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of “Five Minute Chinese.” In this episode, I discuss the pros and cons of learning languages by watching TV shows. While it's often seen as a fun and fast way to learn, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially beginners. I introduce the concept of 'comprehensive input,' which refers to language materials that are mostly understandable with some new elements. I share my personal experience of watching a Japanese drama (called 地面師たち or Tokyo Swindlers) and explain why it didn't significantly improve my Japanese due to my current proficiency level. I also recommend focusing on listening materials that match your language level to make '磨耳朵' (ear training) more effective. Additionally, I talk about Maayot, a useful website for learning Chinese through level-appropriate content. My goal with this podcast is to provide simple yet natural language input to help learners practice effectively. If you find 5-Minute Chinese helpful, please subscribe, share, and support the show. You can find the support show link below. Thank you. Have a great day!Maayot is a wonderful Chinese learning website that offers daily readings with pinyin, English translations, professional feedback on your recordings, and reading comprehension questions. It’s a fantastic resource for enhancing your Mandarin Chinese learning. Check it out here: https://www.maayot.com/. You'll enjoy it!由于篇幅限制,我无法在此处附上完整文稿。但是,如果您需要文稿,请随时给我发电子邮件,我很高兴把稿子发给您!Due to space limitations, I am unable to include the full transcript here. However, if you need the transcript, please feel free to email me at thelonemandarinteacher@outlook.com, and I’ll be happy to send it to you!把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
愿自然灾害中平安 Wishing Safety in Natural Disasters
Aug 10 2024
愿自然灾害中平安 Wishing Safety in Natural Disasters
Hello everyone, and welcome to a new episode of 5-Minute Chinese. This Tuesday marked the return of our teachers to school, but after just one day, we transitioned to remote work for the next two days due to Tropical Storm Debby. Thankfully, we're back in action now. I also want to address the recent earthquake in Kyushu, Japan. My Japanese teacher lives in Miyazaki, and I'm relieved to hear that she is safe. My thoughts are with all of those directly affected. With natural disasters increasing and extreme weather events becoming more common worldwide, I extend my heartfelt wishes for your safety. Take care, and see you in the next episode.(I’m posting the script here since it’s brief. I hope it displays properly on Apple Podcasts. For scripts of longer episodes, please feel free to email me if you'd like a copy.)大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。我们这个星期二老师就返校了, 可是星期二上了一天班以后,周三、周四就都居家办公了。原因是我们这两天有一个叫Debby的热带风暴。虽然开学了还有很多工作要做,但是学校领导层出于安全考虑,决定关闭了学校。不过还好现在有zoom meeting,所以可以线上开会。有很多工作可以在家做。还是挺方便的。风暴过了以后,我们周五学校就重新开放了。说到自然灾害,我也知道前天日本九州岛遭遇了大地震。 而且,我的日本老师正好住在宫崎县。我听到这个新闻之后就赶快给她发消息问她有没有事。当她几个小时后回复我说她没事的时候,我真的是长舒了一口气。她说她当时正在冲浪,然后现在在安全撤离中。新闻说未来几天有更大地震的可能性。如果您是我在日本的听众朋友,我真心地祝福你平安。希望你安好。近年来世界各地自然灾害都在增加,极端天气也更多了。大家一定都要注意安全。那今天就跟大家聊到这里。我们下期再见!把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
耳朵怎么又发炎了??Ear infection again??
May 5 2024
耳朵怎么又发炎了??Ear infection again??
(If you notice the texting link above, it seems that my hosting site Buzzsprout is testing a new feature without creators enabling it: Buzzsprout's latest feature delivers listener love straight to your phone — Fan Mail! We dive into how we've been secretly testing this new tool and how you can turn it on for your own podcast. I don't know how it will work otu)Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of "5 Minute Chinese." Today, I'm sharing a recent health condition.  A few days ago, I noticed some discomfort and pain in my ear. Given my history of outer ear infection last year, I feared it might be a recurrence. Visiting the doctor after class on Tuesday, I learned that this time, the infection was inside the ear, requiring oral antibiotics instead of just ear drops. The doctor suggested it might be due to allergies, causing mucus buildup in my nasal cavity, leading to ear inflammation. Grateful for seeking timely medical attention this time, unlike last year when I endured severe pain before seeking help, I am confident that with proper medication, my condition will improve soon. Lastly I stress the importance of managing allergies to prevent such complications. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential!Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
315消费者权益保护日 China's Consumer Rights Day
Mar 22 2024
315消费者权益保护日 China's Consumer Rights Day
Hi everyone! Today's episode delves into the significance of March 15th in China, designated as Consumer Rights Day. It aims to heighten awareness about consumer protection, shedding light on issues like deceptive marketing, subpar product quality, and exorbitant pricing. This year's examples range from the sale of inferior food products to overpriced items with false health claims. It reminds consumers to stay vigilant, understand their rights, and report any violations. Despite regulatory efforts, loopholes persist. There is always a need for ongoing consumer education and awareness. Thank you for tuning in! Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!It's truly an honor to know that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If there's anything specific you'd like to hear more about or any topics you think would be beneficial, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for being part of this journey with me!把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
我在美国和车的故事 My Story with Cars in the US
Mar 1 2024
我在美国和车的故事 My Story with Cars in the US
Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of "5 Minute Mandarin." Today, I want to chat with you about my experiences with driving in the United States. As you may know, having a car is essential in most parts of the US, unlike in China where I never felt the need to drive. Upon moving to the US, I relied on public transportation and walking, as my first city had good infrastructure for both. However, when I found a job in a smaller town, owning a car became necessary. So, I decided to learn to drive, bought a used Toyota Camry, and practiced with friends and instructors. After some preparation, I took the driving test and passed, although there was a small mishap where I accidentally drove my car into a ditch. Luckily, kind locals helped me out, and I made it to my exam on time. This experience left me grateful for the generosity of others and taught me the importance of community support. Hope you like my story. Due to the length of the passage, please email me if you would like a transcript of this episode. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me. Wish everyone a very nice day!把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
龙年快乐!Happy Year of the Dragon!
Feb 10 2024
龙年快乐!Happy Year of the Dragon!
Hello everyone! Happy Lunar New Year! In today's podcast I talk about Lunar New Year celebratory activities at school. We went on a field trip on Tuesday, including a hotpot buffet meal and a visit to the Asian supermarket next door. We also did various other activities such as Chinese paper cutting and a "Cake Day" on Friday, where students brought cakes to celebrate. I also share my own Lunar New Year traditions, including wearing red, especially because it's my zodiac year. If you celebrate, I wish you a prosperous Year of the Dragon! Script and useful expressions below. I noticed that on some podcast platforms, this is not fully displayed. Please feel free to email me for script or questions!大家好,欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文。今天是大年初一。我想先在这里给庆祝农历新年的朋友们拜一个年:祝大家龙年吉祥,生龙活虎,身体健康,万事如意!那这个星期我在我的学校也跟同学们进行了各种各样的活动。比如说星期二我们一起去旁边的大城市做了一个Field trip。就是先去了一个火锅店吃了火锅自助。吃完了以后呢,我们正好就走到旁边的亚洲超市逛了很长时间。去年我们也是一样的行程,但是去年的时间我安排的有一点紧。吸取了去年的经验教训之后呢,今年我安排时间安排得正好。我觉得大家都玩得很开心,时间正好够。然后回来差不多是6:00。跟我想的每个时间点都是一样的,所以我也特别的骄傲,我觉得明年也可以这么玩。大家吃喝玩乐特别开心。然后我们在星期三、四、五也有不同的活动。比如说,我们有中国的剪纸。我从中国的淘宝买了一些剪纸,然后学生每个人就用他们的手机扫描二维码,它的剪纸上面有教学的视频,所以他们就可以一边看一边剪。然后很多人都没有剪过中国剪纸。不管是简单的还是容易的(口误:难的),大家剪得都很认真,玩得很开心!剪完了之后,有的学生带回家,学生就想让我放在教室。所以我把学生剪的十二生肖啊,春字啊,还有龙啊、福啊,等等都贴在了教室不同的地方。星期五我们还有一个新的创意,就是cake day,就是蛋糕日。因为有个学生说我们怎么庆祝呢?我要不带一个蛋糕吧?我说中国新年蛋糕并不吃蛋糕。,但是为什么不呢?就可以是我们自己的中文课的传统。所以我有三个学生,不管是自己做的还是买的,带了三个蛋糕。然后我们一起吃了一天的蛋糕。我吃了特别多,导致我晚上都没有吃饭,因为吃了太多的东西了。学生问我我自己会怎么过春节呢?因为今年是我的本命年。我是属龙的。所以呢,传统上说我应该更注意穿红色,所以我今天一起来就换上红色的睡衣,红色的睡裤,然后这样的话好像是比较吉利。因为本命年嘛,大家要多注意。虽然这是一个迷信,但是我觉得穿红色很好看呀!因为红色是在中国文化里很喜庆、很欢乐的颜色。然后除了穿红色,我觉得大部分中国人一般就是全家在一起吃团圆饭。团圆饭大家可能见过。中国家庭的餐桌,就是有鱼有肉,如果是北方的话,一般会有饺子。反正是一桌,大家围在一起有说有笑,一边吃一边聊天,看春晚,我觉得是一个一年中很美好的时候!那今天就跟大家聊到这里,如果你庆祝农历新年在这里,再次祝你龙年行大运,感谢您的收听,我们下期再见!大年初一 (dà nián chū yī) - Chinese New Year's Day吉祥如意 (jí xiáng rú yì) - Good luck and happiness经验教训 (jīng yàn jiào xùn) - Experience and lessons learned自助 (zì zhù) - Self-service二维码 (èr wéi mǎ) - QR code传统 (chuán tǒng) - Tradition; Traditional团圆饭 (tuán yuán fàn) - Reunion dinner欢笑 (huān xiào) - Laughter and joy春晚 (chūn wǎn) - Spring Festival Gala (a special TV program aired on Chinese New Year's Eve)祝你龙年行大运 (zhù nǐ lóng nián xíng dà yùn) - Wishing you great success in the Year of the Dragon把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
学中文有多难?How hard is learning Mandarin?
Jan 30 2024
学中文有多难?How hard is learning Mandarin?
Hello everyone! In this episode I discuss the difficulty of learning Chinese compared to other languages, using the Foreign Service Institute's categorization. It classifies languages into four levels of difficulty for English speakers. Chinese is considered a "super-hard language," requiring approximately 88 weeks (2200 class hours) to achieve general professional fluency. By comparison, Spanish requires 30 weeks (750 class hours). While the ease of learning a language can be influenced by one's native tongue, mastering any language, including both easier and harder ones, is always a challenging endeavor, requiring consistent effort and dedication in language learning. As long as we work hard, we will definitely see results!Hope you enjoy this episode. You can find the script  below. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Have a great day!大家好! 欢迎大家收听新一期的5分钟中文。今天想跟大家聊了话题是中文到底有多难呢?今天跟学生聊,我们已经学了多少东西的时候,学生就说:“西班牙语的学生学了很多。感觉我们已经学了一年多了,应该会说更多的东西。”我说:“我们学了一年多了。而且我们进步很大。但是呢,你不能跟很多像西班牙语这样的语言比。因为中文虽然说它有简单的地方,但是总体来说他是一个比较难的语言。”然后我就跟学生讲了一下美国国务院外交学院(就是他们的Foreign Service Institute)他们把各种的语言,根据母语为英语的学习者为基础,把他们的难易程度分为了不同的类别。一共呢,就有四级。第一级的语言呢,就是category 1。就是比较容易的,你如果想达到一般的、流利的程度,他叫general professional的这个程度,差不多需要24到30周,也就是差不多600到750个课时。然后原因呢,就是像法语啊、意大利语啊、西班牙语。这些语言,他们在语法词汇上都和英语更相似。而且他们学起来好像发音上也比较容易模仿。第二级的语言呢就需要的时间长一点,差不多需要36周,也就是差不多900个课时。那这个二级语言比一级的语言要难一点,更有挑战性。比如说,二级语言里有德语、印尼语、马来语等等。就是他们稍微难一点儿。对于母语为英语的学习者来说更有挑战性。然后下一级就是第三级。就是更难!那这些就被认为是hard languages,就是比较困难的语言了。那这些语言呢和英语有着比较明显的语言上或者文化上的差异。比如说波斯语、希伯来语、还有缅甸语、波兰语啊、俄语啊。就是很多语言,他们跟英语的差别比较大。所以比如说,我知道越南语好像比中国的中文的声调还要多。就他好像是有六个tones/声调。我对这些语言了解不多。但是这些呢,对于英语为母语的学习者来说,差不多需要44周也就是1100个课时,才能基本有一定的熟练程度。然后最难的呢,才是中文这种语言。就是属于超难的语言,就是super-hard languages。这些就是特别特别地具有挑战性。如果你的英语是母语的话,你如果想学习阿拉伯语,想学习中文、日语、韩语、就会非常的困难。你需要88周,差不多2200个课时,才能有一个基础的流利程度。所以你想这四级:从一级差不多西班牙语吧,是30周可以达到一个基本的流利程度。到中文,你需要快90周才能达到一个基本的流利程度。那就相当于,如果按美国的外交学院的这个标准来看,中文要比西班牙语难三倍。就是根据他的时间上来看,你需要用三倍的时间才能达到同样的一个语言的学习的程度。那当然了,这里说的都是以母语为英语的学习者为基础的。所以有的时候呢,你会发现中国人他学日语或者学韩语很容易。或者日本人学中文也感觉不是那么难。因为他们的母语不是英语,他们在语言和文化上、历史上和中国的交集也比较多,有更多的相似点,所以学起来就很容易。包括为什么以英语为母语的人,他学西班牙语啊,学法语为什么很容易呢?因为他有很多的词是一样的。在文化上、习惯上也有更多的相似的地方,所以学起来就比较轻松。但是不管是什么语言,我觉得想要学好、学精、都不是一件简单的事。都是需要用很多的时间去真正的去下功夫、去练习、去重复、去愿意跟人进行交流、多看书,等等等等。用各种的办法坚持努力才能学好。我不知道大家学中文学了多久了。如果你能听完这个播客,我觉得你的中文应该是非常棒的!不管怎么样,我们只要坚持就一定会有结果。努力就会有成功!感谢大家收听!如果你觉得这期节目对你有帮助,请帮我订阅、转发、分享,让5分钟中文可以帮到更多的人。如果你有什么问题,欢迎你给我留言或者写电子邮件。那今天就跟大家聊到这里。我们下期再见!把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
新年分享 New Year Updates: Gratitude, Short Winter Break, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Jan 15 2024
新年分享 New Year Updates: Gratitude, Short Winter Break, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. I want to begin by thanking you for listening to my podcast. I sincerely hope that it helps make learning Mandarin Chinese authentic and fun. Secondly, I want to update you on the busy period from the end of last year to the beginning of 2024. I share the unusually short winter break , lasting less than two weeks. After the brief break, teachers worked hard to finalized the semester grades and comments, which were due last week. Monday, 1/15 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday in the U.S. I would like to emphasize the importance of remembering the civil rights leader's legacy beyond just enjoying a day off. I think it's worth it to explore the stories behind holidays and commemorative days in our own countries. Thank you for listening! If you have any questions or comments, please let me know via comment or email. You can find scripts and useful expression below. Have a great day!大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。从去年年末到年初都比较忙,没有及时更新。不过新的一年我一定会努力保持更新。感谢大家一直以来的关注和支持。希望在新的一年里,能在五分钟中文这个节目里陪伴大家。新年的第一期跟大家聊聊近况吧。首先我想吐槽一下今年的寒假有多短。我们是12月21号开始放假,然后老师1月2号就上班,学生1月3号返校。一共放了不到两个星期。我觉得我当老师这么多年来,这次的寒假是最短的一次,没有之一。一般来说,我们寒假应该有两个星期多一点儿。很多学校。尤其是大学,这周才开学。不知道我们为什么新年后就马上开学。感觉还没有完全休息过来,就又要回去上班上学了。其实上周只是开学的第二周。但是感觉好像过去了很久。这两周对于老师来说并不轻松,因为需要完成期末考试的成绩和评语。不过随着上周五的过去,这项工作也结束了。迎来我们的是今年的第一个长周末。因为星期一放假。你可能要问,才放了假,这个星期一为什么又放假呢?原因就是星期一是马丁·路德·金纪念日(英语:Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)。这是美国联邦法定假日,纪念民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金牧师的生日。日期定为一月的第三个星期一,是在他生日1月15日左右。我以前说到马丁·路德·金日一般都说MLK日啊,或者是Martin Luther King Day。但是后来我跟一个朋友的聊天中,她都会用Dr. King这样的敬语,而不是直呼其名或者用缩写。之后我思考了一下,觉得应该像她一样称呼金博士,以表达尊敬。当然不是说用缩写的人和不用头衔称呼马丁·路德·金博士的人就一定是没有尊重。只是我觉得很多时候我们都忘了很多节日背后的意义。金博士是美国民权运动中主张非暴力抗议种族歧视的主要领袖。我希望每年这一天能提醒我们纪念像金博士这样的为人类平等自由奋斗终身的人,而不只是为了假期而高兴。我们学校在星期二会举办一系列的纪念活动。我觉得很好。我今天也翻找阅读了过去民权运动的历史。只有铭记历史,才能不重蹈覆辙。不知道你在的国家和地区有哪些特别的节日和纪念日呢?你觉得你对这个节日背后的故事了解吗?有时候我们自己国家和民族的节日我们反而知道得不多,可能是一个很有趣的发现呢。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅点赞分享,让这个节目可以帮助更多有需要的人。感谢收听这一期的五分钟中文。我们下期再见!陪伴 (péibàn) - accompany返校 (fǎnxiào) - return to school评语 (píngyǔ) - evaluation comments纪念日 (jìniànrì) - commemorative day法定假日 (fǎdìng jiàrì) - statutory holiday民权运动 (mínquán yùndòng) - civil rights movement领袖 (lǐngxiù) - leader牧师 (mùshī) - pastor博士 (bóshì) - doctor (Ph.D.)敬语 (jìngyǔ) - honorific language直呼其名 (zhí hū qí míng) - address someone by their name directly头衔 (tóuxián) - title尊敬 (zūnjìng) - respect奋斗 (fèndòu) - struggle重蹈覆辙 (chóngdǎo fùzhé) - repeat把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.
轻断食 Intermittent Fasting
Dec 29 2023
轻断食 Intermittent Fasting
Hi all! Welcome to another episode of '5 Minutes Chinese'! In today's episode, we delve into the intriguing world of '轻断食' or intermittent fasting. I share my personal experiences with intermittent fasting and talk about the potential benefits, from weight management to improved insulin sensitivity, and overall health. Have you tried light fasting, or do you have questions about it? I would love to hear your story! You can share your thoughts by email or leaving a comment on Spotify. Script and useful expressions below. If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know! Have a nice day!大家好!欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文。大家最近怎么样呢?我今天想跟大家聊的是轻断食,大家可能听过轻断食。轻断食在这几年还是蛮流行的。那什么是轻断食呢?轻断食就是intermittent fasting。“轻”就是light,不是那种很严格的,长时间的断食;“断”就是stop,cut off,就是停止,中断做一件事情。“食”就是进食,吃东西。放在一起:轻断食就是在一段时间内不吃东西。轻断食通过有规律地减少吃东西的时间来促进身体的健康和减轻体重。我轻断食也已经有几个月了。我最开始尝试的是16/8断食。就是每天有16个小时不吃东西,剩余的8个小时是进食窗口,在这8个小时内把每天需要的热量和营养都吃了。后来我慢慢习惯了以后我就开始进行18/6断食和20/4断食。18/6就是在6个小时内吃东西,剩余18个小时完全不吃东西。20/4就是每天20个小时完全不摄入卡路里,然后在4个小时内吃饭。还有OMAD(sorry about the slip of tongue),one meal a day,每天只吃一顿饭,剩余时间都不吃东西。我感觉都还很不错。很多研究表明,轻断食有很多好处。首先就是可以帮助我们减肥。我们现代人的生活环境中食物极大丰富,尤其是有各种各样的零食饮料。一不注意就会吃多。轻断食可以帮助我们减少这种隐性的高热量零食的摄入,有助减肥。同时,因为长时间不吃东西,你身体肝脏和肌肉中的糖原消耗完之后,你的身体可能就需要调动脂肪来为身体供能。这也对减肥有帮助。控制吃东西的时间也会让我们的身体的内分泌器官得到休息。比如,如果我们一直吃,我们的身体就要一直分泌胰岛素。有研究显示,轻断食可以改善胰岛素的敏感性,减少胰岛素抵抗,有助于预防或者管理二型糖尿病。还有研究显示,轻断食可以促进细胞自噬,可以帮助身体清除受损细胞,进行细胞的更新。轻断食还可以降低身体的一些慢性炎症的反应,改善心血管健康,增强脑功能等等。不过需要注意的是:就是这些好处可能是因人而异。轻断食对你身体健康的影响的因素很多。你选择的断食方法,你本身健康的状况,生活的状况,工作学习的压力,都会对你轻断食的效果有各种各样的影响。需要通过实践摸索体会,才能找到一个适合自己的,对自己健康益处最大的方法。就我个人来说,除了上面的一些益处,我也觉得断食可以帮你省很多时间。像我现在放假在家,每天只吃一顿或者两顿饭。我在20个小时不吃东西,然后我只在三四个小时内吃东西,其余时间都禁食。那这样的话就感觉就会有整块,没有被分割的时间来做我喜欢做的事情。平时上班的时候我是晚上7点前吃完东西,然后到第二天中午一点才再吃东西。不吃早饭我现在也不会觉得饿了, 反而觉得头脑很活跃。轻断食可能对有慢性病的人啊或者孕妇,儿童或者老年人不适用,所以如果你想进行断食以前应该咨询一下医生。但是对普通人来说,我觉得轻断食是一个很有趣的身体实验。对你的效果是怎么样需要你自己体验探索。那今天关于轻断食就跟大家聊到这里。不知道你听没听过轻断食呢?有没有因为各种原因进行过断食呢?如果你进行过轻断食,你进行的是哪一种呢?我听过各种各样轻断食的方法。如果你有什么问题或者有什么分享,欢迎你给我发邮件或者在Spotify留言。感谢您的收听!希望你在新的一年里身体健康,万事如意,期待与您下一次在播客见面!再见!轻断食 (qīng duànshí): Intermittent fasting.进食窗口 (jìnshí chuāngkǒu): Eating window.热量和营养 (rèliàng hé yíngyǎng): Calories and nutrients.慢慢习惯 (mànman xíguàn): Gradually get used to.高热量零食 (gāo rèliàng língshí): High-calorie snacks.调动脂肪 (diào dòng zhīfá): Mobilize fat.内分泌器官 (nèi fēnmì qìguān): Endocrine organs.改善胰岛素敏感性 (gǎishàn yìdǎosù mǐngǎn xìng): Improve insulin sensitivity.促进细胞自噬 (cùjìn xìbāo zìshì): Promote cellular autophagy.身体健康的影响 (shēntǐ jiànkāng de yǐngxiǎng): Impact on physical health.把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.