What if your week could be filled with magical insights and astrological wisdom to guide your every step? Join me, Magical Michelle, as we embark on an enchanting journey through the shifting energies of the stars. This week, we're transitioning from the fiery realm of Leo into the grounded, meticulous world of Virgo. As the powerful 888 Lionsgate portal closes, it's the perfect time for an energetic cleanup, setting up systematic plans and habits to manifest your desires. With Mercury going direct in Leo on the 28th, a sense of relief will wash over us, though we'll still need to tread carefully due to lingering retrogrades. Plus, with Venus gracing Libra just in time for Labor Day, love and harmony will be in the air, providing the perfect balance between socializing and self-care.
Looking ahead, I'll share some exciting September events, including two coaching slots and several engaging classes. As we celebrate Labor Day and bid farewell to summer, there's no better time to embrace the changing seasons. For those in Florida and the South, cooler weather is on the horizon, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities. Our Northern friends should seize the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Virgo's connection to nature makes this period perfect for organizing, planning, and self-care. Tune in and discover how to harness these astrological energies to create a more harmonious and fulfilling life. Have a magical Labor Day week, and let's catch up next week for more celestial guidance and enchanting insights!
As Always, Live Magically!