Red Bean Baby

Covenant House New Orleans

Covenant House New Orleans' Season 1 podcast: Red Bean Baby

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Episode 14: Covenant House International, CEO Bill Bedrosian - One Size Fits One
Jul 1 2024
Episode 14: Covenant House International, CEO Bill Bedrosian - One Size Fits One
For our final episode of season 1, meet CEO of Covenant House International, Bill Bedrossian. Listen as he and Gioia discuss how his passion for ending youth homelessness has evolved and what’s driven him towards his current role, as he encourages listeners to engage in the work that each Covenant House site implements. https://www.covenanthouse.orgInstagram: @Bill_BedrossianPrior to his role as CEO of Covenant House International, Bill served as the CEO of Covenant House California since 2014, leading the site to quadruple in size in those eight years. Bill’s passion for working with youth came from his parents, who have been foster parents for over 30 years and have adopted 8 of his 11 siblings through the child welfare system.Bill began his career doing street outreach, residential care, and therapy in Chicago in the 90s. He then spent 13 years with the L.A. County Department of Child and Family Services, leaving in 2008 as the agency’s regional director of South County, where he helped reduce the number of children in out-of-home-care by close to 75%. In 2010, Bill became the executive director at Olive Crest’s Southern CA operations overseeing the agency’s foster care, adoption, group home, transitional living, mental health services, and family support operations. “I am so humbled and honored to be able to continue to serve our youth in this new capacity,” said Bedrossian. “While we continue to develop and deepen our continuum of direct care for young people overcoming homelessness and trafficking, Covenant House is thinking a lot about how we can get further upstream so that we can change laws, policies, and practices that lead to youth and young families becoming homeless in the first place. We are thinking about how we can be part of increasing wages and developing careers for our youth that will enable them to live independently; as well as how to make an impact on affordable housing across the Americas, so that our youth can have places where they can actually afford to live. We have a lot of important work ahead of us, and I am so grateful to be coming into such a committed and skilled group of people."Bedrossian has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Finance from Taylor University and a Masters of Social Work degree from Loyola University in Chicago; he also served as an adjunct professor in USC’s Graduate School of Social Work from 2012 to 2017. Since 2018, Bill has served on the Los Angeles County Commission of Children and Families to help provide oversight of the country’s largest child welfare system. With a shared passion for helping young people, Bill’s wife Jen is the founder and owner of UNCVRD Jewelry, which she started to raise awareness and funding for the fight against human trafficking in her hometown of Long Beach, CA and beyond. Bill enjoys coaching the baseball and basketball teams of his two young sons, Jarius and Julius, and rooting for any sports team from his hometown of Philadelphia.Red Bean Baby talks about a lot of difficult, potentially triggering things. Take care of yourself and your mental health. Learn about more resources here on our website ( Dr. Corine Brown, or Dr. C’Ma, a social worker and friend of Covenant House, can help you access more resources. Meet Dr. C’Ma here: Learn more about Covenant House Donate to Covenant House
Episode 13: Covenant House New Orleans - Katrina Babies
Jun 17 2024
Episode 13: Covenant House New Orleans - Katrina Babies
Listener Advisory: This episodes contains conversation around Hurricane Katrina, including death, trauma and crisis. Please listen with caution and take care of yourself. Ms. Ebonee Craighead, Tasia Stewart, Jane Helire, Shelita Lomax, Wyatt Hines, Gioia Barconey discuss Hurricane Katrina and its long lasting impacts from youth to adults. Sharing memories from 2005 that seem like they happened yesterday, the group engages in a vulnerable conversation on the enduring effects of Hurricane Katrina. @covenanthousenolaFacebook: CovenantHouseNOLALinkedIn: CovenantHouseNOYouTube: Barconey bio: Gioia Barconey is a born and raised New Orleans native and ambitious business woman. In 2017 she stepped out on faith and started what we know today as Greezy NOLA Catering. Growing up in uptown, New Orleans, Gioia was raised by her mother and grandfather. From ages 14-17, she had a tenuous relationship with her mother which led to difficult life challenges such as fighting, substance use, and criminal records. Not wanting to be a statistic of stereotypes of young, Black girls, Gioia opted to change her narrative and better her outcome.In 2013 Gioia had her first child. In 2014 she gave birth to her second child. Having two small children back-to-back, Gioia was working endlessly to make sure that their needs were always met, but her living situation were tumultuous. In 2016 Gioia found herself homeless. Using all resources at her disposal, Gioia and her two babies made their way to Covenant House, where she learned a lot about herself and how to better cope with life as a parent.In 2017 she gave birth to her third and final child. She contemplated daily what purpose she had in life and how to fulfill it. Gioia realized her passion for cooking, so Greezy NOLA Catering was born. Everything from marketing to building websites, Gioia is branding her business and continually working to market herself.  In 2023 Gioia began hosting the Red Bean Baby Podcast, speaking to people about issues that young people face, including homelessness and parenting. Helping people was always the plan and Gioia didn’t know it until her team of counselors at Covenant House encouraged her to see and utilize her natural skillset. Gioia has gone on to finish school in 2023 and is awaiting graduation. Her future plans include college, where she will receive a degree in communications and social work, furthering her help to be a voice for so many more young people. Her resilience and determination are what keeps her humbly on top of the game, and Gioia states that she’s not only playing for herself, but her children as well.Today this thriving young woman is making a difference one person at a time.Red Bean Baby talks about a lot of difficult, potentially triggering things. Take care of yourself and your mental health. Learn about more resources here on our website ( Dr. Corine Brown, or Dr. C’Ma, a social worker and friend of Covenant House, can help you access more resources. Meet Dr. C’Ma here: Learn more about Covenant House Donate to Covenant House
Episode 12: Ms. Tasia Stewart, Birthmark Doulas - “We work from the waist up”
Jun 3 2024
Episode 12: Ms. Tasia Stewart, Birthmark Doulas - “We work from the waist up”
Meet Ms. Tasia Stewart, a doula from the member-owned and -operated Birthmark Doula Collective. She explains just exactly what a doula is and does, and how their services impact the young pregnant people at Covenant House. Instagram: @birthmarkdoulasTasia G. Stewart Bio:Tasia G.Stewart (she/her) is a mother of two beautiful children and four dogs. She is currently a member-owner of Birthmark Doula Collective, Doula, Perinatal health Advocate, and Certified Breastfeeding Specialist. After working at Children’s Hospital New Orleans for over fourteen years, she discovered the true care for infants and children began at the womb. She received her doula and placenta encapsulation certificates in 2018. Very shortly after in 2020 with a small cohort she became a Perinatal Health Advocate and breastfeeding specialist with Sister Midwife Productions. Her eagerness for growth in her maternal healthcare community prevailed as she became in 2021 the contracted Doula Coordinator for Covenant House and Maternal Pathways New Orleans.Red Bean Baby talks about a lot of difficult, potentially triggering things. Take care of yourself and your mental health. Learn about more resources here on our website ( Dr. Corine Brown, or Dr. C’Ma, a social worker and friend of Covenant House, can help you access more resources. Meet Dr. C’Ma here: Learn more about Covenant House Donate to Covenant House
Episode 11: Dr. Veronica Gillispie, Ochsner Health - “Every day looks different for me”
May 20 2024
Episode 11: Dr. Veronica Gillispie, Ochsner Health - “Every day looks different for me”
Gioia talks with Dr. Veronica Gillispie-Bell, a Board-Certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist (OB-GYN) and the Medical Director of the Louisiana Perinatal Quality Collaborative (LaPQC). Dr. Veronica Gillispie-Bell discusses being an OB-GYN in the Louisiana area, including being a public health and quality improvement professional. She also highlights important health facts for obstetrics and gynecology and how to advocate for yourself in a doctor’s office.Dr. Veronica Gillispie, Ochsner Health Hear Her Campaign: Veronica Gillispie-Bell is a board-certified OBGYN practicing in the New Orleans area. Additionally, she leads initiatives across the state of Louisiana to improve maternal outcomes and decrease the Black-white disparity gap.IG: @vgillispie1908Twitter: @NOLAobgynLinked-In: Veronica Gillispie-Bell, MD, MASRed Bean Baby talks about a lot of difficult, potentially triggering things. Take care of yourself and your mental health. Learn about more resources here on our website ( Dr. Corine Brown, or Dr. C’Ma, a social worker and friend of Covenant House, can help you access more resources. Meet Dr. C’Ma here: Learn more about Covenant House Donate to Covenant House
Episode 10: Fathers On A Mission - “Reach one, teach one”
May 6 2024
Episode 10: Fathers On A Mission - “Reach one, teach one”
Mr. Levar from Fathers on a Mission talks to Gioia about the work he does and how he supports young fathers. Their mission is to “promote responsible committed fatherhood through education, strong relationships, holistic health, and socioeconomic education. Levar's bio:A proud native of Baton Rouge and a member of the Capitol Senior High School class of 1995, Levar Robinson has always embodied the spirit of a servant leader. In 1996, inspired and encouraged by his mother, he embarked on a journey with the U.S. Navy, serving as a nuclear Submarine Machinist Mate for six years on two nuclear submarines and a submarine repair ship. During this time, his passion for travel and watersports ignited. Transitioning from the Navy, Levar held key positions with industry leaders including Northrop Grumman, Dow Chemical Company, and ExxonMobil, amassing a combined total of 17 years of professional experience. Yet, his commitment to community service and mentorship never wavered.Beginning in 2008, Levar extended his influence to guide and inspire young minds within churches and prison ministries, becoming a beacon of hope for the next generation. Volunteering with organizations such as Big Buddy, 100 Black Men, and Volunteers in Public Schools, he further demonstrated his dedication to community growth. In 2017, driven by a profound desire to make a lasting impact on the lives of at-risk youth and a heartfelt commitment to supporting fathers, Levar established Fathers On A Mission (FOAM), a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Remarkably, he embarked on this journey while maintaining a demanding shift work schedule at DOW Chemical Company. FOAM’s mission is clear: to enhance Fathers and Father Figures, which will ultimately strengthen families. With six children of his own and having served as a father figure to countless others, Levar’s dedication stems from personal experiences, a genuine sense of purpose, and most of all-a calling on his life.Today, Levar’s presence is felt within schools and communities alike. Whether engaging youth through open dialogues through his company Enhance Your Greatness through their mentoring curriculum, "Enhancing Your Greatness" or providing essential social service interventions for Fathers and Father Figures, his impact resonates deeply. Levar’s tireless efforts have earned him recognition from esteemed organizations and companies across the city and state. His accolades include the 2018 Emerge Center Baton Rouge Area Volunteer Activist Award, the 2018 Louisiana Association of Non-Profits (LANO) Community Leaders Alumni distinction, the 2019 ExxonMobil Responsible Care Award, the 2020 Business Report Executive Leadership Academy Alumni recognition, the 2020 NAACP Trailblazer Award, the 2020 BlueCross BlueShield Foundation Angel Award, the 2022 New Orleans Saints and Community Coffee Military and Community Volunteer Honoree distinction, the 2022 Responsible Fatherhood Facilitator and Family Life Coach Red Bean Baby talks about a lot of difficult, potentially triggering things. Take care of yourself and your mental health. Learn about more resources here on our website ( Dr. Corine Brown, or Dr. C’Ma, a social worker and friend of Covenant House, can help you access more resources. Meet Dr. C’Ma here: Learn more about Covenant House Donate to Covenant House
Episode 7: Training Grounds - Development Never Stops
Mar 25 2024
Episode 7: Training Grounds - Development Never Stops
Melanie Richardson, co-founder and Executive Director of Training Grounds, discusses how her organization creates quality learning experiences for children in the first five years of life to support healthy brain development.Melanie’s passion lies in supporting parents with understanding child development so they can help their children flourish. She co-founded TrainingGrounds and the We PLAY Center, so parents and children would have a safe environment to play, learn and grow together with the guidance of parenting educators. As a licensed master social worker, Melanie is devoted to creating accessible and preventative programs for families and young children  As the executive director of TrainingGrounds, she has fostered strong partnerships with community leaders and stakeholders to maximize resources and support for families. Melanie actively participates in various steering committees and advisory groups responsible for supporting early childhood care and education, infant mental health and early childhood leaders of color. Melanie is a Promise Venture Studio Fellow, a 2023 Volunteers of America Futures Fund Community Health Incubator and W.K.Kellogg Fellow cohort member.  She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and the University of Pennsylvania. media linksInstagram: @mytgnolaTwitter: @mytgnolaFacebook: @mytgnolaLinkedin: Bean Baby talks about a lot of difficult, potentially triggering things. Take care of yourself and your mental health. Learn about more resources here on our website ( Dr. Corine Brown, or Dr. C’Ma, a social worker and friend of Covenant House, can help you access more resources. Meet Dr. C’Ma here: Learn more about Covenant House Donate to Covenant House
Episode 6: The Parenting Center & Devoted Dreamers Foundation- The most important message is connection
Mar 12 2024
Episode 6: The Parenting Center & Devoted Dreamers Foundation- The most important message is connection
Ms. Jenni from The Parenting Center at Children’s Hospital and Ms. Sue from Devoted Dreamers Foundation stop by to talk about supporting young parents and how important connection is to youth. Instagram: @chnolaparentingcenter @devoteddreamersfoundationJenni Watts Evans has been involved in Early Childhood Education and Development from many angles, beginning in the classroom as a toddler and preschool teacher. Jenni moved into advocacy work as a Parent Counselor at Child Care Resources of Agenda For Children helping parents find quality child care and training teachers of young children. Jenni worked to advocate for quality early care and education, better wages and support for teachers and caregivers, employer supports for parents, and anti-bias and anti-racist education through participation in the international Anti-Bias Education and Leadership Project.After having children, Jenni joined the staff at The Parenting Center at Children’s Hospital. As a Parent Educator, then Program and Outreach Manager, Jenni provided information and parent support on child development, challenging behavior, values-based parenting, and more. While she continues to provide parent support through Parenting Center programs like the one at Covenant House, Jenni returned to the classroom as Lead Teacher and resident Parent Educator at an area Early Learning Center. Jenni also offers consultation to parents privately as far as the internet will reach. Jenni has two children, Reina, 28, and Haley, 26.Red Bean Baby talks about a lot of difficult, potentially triggering things. Take care of yourself and your mental health. Learn about more resources here on our website ( Dr. Corine Brown, or Dr. C’Ma, a social worker and friend of Covenant House, can help you access more resources. Meet Dr. C’Ma here: Learn more about Covenant House Donate to Covenant House
Episode 5: Saul's Light: People with lived experience are the experts - The NICU Experience
Feb 27 2024
Episode 5: Saul's Light: People with lived experience are the experts - The NICU Experience
Gioia sits down with Ms. Kimberly Novod, Founder and Executive Director of Saul’s Light. Ms. Novod and her husband founded Saul’s Light after losing their son after he was born prematurely. Saul’s Light seeks to support NICU families and those that have lost a baby, in addition to promoting policies to protect families and babies and improving perinatal health outcomes.Saul’s Light info: @sauls_lightKimberly Novod, a nationally-recognized speaker and New Orleans-based community activist, knows well the rippling impact of maternal mental health, prematurity, and infant loss - having experienced all three. Driven by the principles of tikkun olam and tzedakah, she envisions a Louisiana in which neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and bereaved families receive the comprehensive support they need to lead meaningful lives. As founder and executive director of Saul’s Light Foundation, Kimberly has collaborated with hospitals, service providers, and grassroots organizations to realize this vision, advocating for family-centered care, equitable healthcare policies, and directly serving families throughout the state since 2015. In recent years, she successfully advocated for state legislation that ensures families receive a tax credit for stillborn children and that health insurance providers, including Medicaid, cover prescription human milk. In 2022 alone, Saul’s Light provided direct support to over 100 English- and Spanish-speaking families, including education, peer mentorship and financial assistance to offset travel, lodging, and counseling."Red Bean Baby talks about a lot of difficult, potentially triggering things. Take care of yourself and your mental health. Learn about more resources here on our website ( Dr. Corine Brown, or Dr. C’Ma, a social worker and friend of Covenant House, can help you access more resources. Meet Dr. C’Ma here: Learn more about Covenant House Donate to Covenant House