Jun 3 2022
Why Did the Crypto Market Crash?
Winter is coming. This definitely seems like the same horrific thing, whether or not you’re a Game of Thrones fan. In the crypto world, crypto winter is what happened just a few days back. The current crypto market crash news left every crypto investor devastated because it involved one of the most significant stablecoins apart from Bitcoin and Ethereum. The TerraUSD, powered by Terra Luna, crashed last May 9th, and everyone was left speechless. Jump into this episode of the Ball and Blockchain podcast as Nils and Justin talk about the market crash, their thoughts about when it happened, and their next steps moving forward. Join in the conversation here in the Ball and Blockchain podcast! Show Notes: Terra Luna https://www.terra.money/ TerraUST https://www.coinbase.com/price/terrausd Presearch https://presearch.org/ Relevant Articles on the Crypto Market Crash The crypto crash, explained https://www.protocol.com/newsletters/sourcecode/crypto-crash-2022-explained?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 Terra Luna crash: What are ‘stablecoins’ and how stable are they really? https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/05/25/terra-luna-crash-what-are-stablecoins-and-how-stable-are-they-really Luna Crypto Crash: How UST Broke and What's Next for Terra https://www.cnet.com/personal-finance/crypto/luna-crypto-crash-how-ust-broke-and-whats-next-for-terra/ The Real Reasons Behind the Crypto Crash, and What We Can Learn from Terra’s Fall https://time.com/6177567/terra-ust-crash-crypto/ Socials: Nils Smith Facebook YouTube Instagram Twitter Website Justin McKelvey Facebook Instagram Twitter Website