Aug 31 2021
Episode 303: Did you know that the most important department in an organization might surprise you?
Did you know that the most important department in an organization might surprise you?
6 questions. 7 minutes. Pure insights. Episode 303: The most important department in an organization might surprise you. Wise words from David Essel, Best Selling Author, Counselor, Speaker, Life Coach, and Radio/TV Host.
Question number three. I have a fictitious book with all the answers for business. What chapter would you think most companies should read
Oh boy that's a great one. You know, I actually think it probably be human relations. I really do because that's what makes the world spin. That's what makes businesses successful when we have the right people in the right decisions, with the right attitude, and to me that's human relations and I think the AI in the HR department of most companies is underutilized beat we know with a mental health crisis, I mean I think the most brilliant companies in the world are focusing and making sure HR has an avenue for mental health health. So I really think HR is it.
I think you're right there too, I mean it's with without the people, what are the company's going to do, they just not going to be able to function and I love the fact that you're talking about it's being underutilized in the HR function I truly believe that too because there's so much things that we can be doing for employees so great, great point. Thank you.
Question number four, other than the generic work harder, have a great attitude and care for customers. What advice or insight, would you give to other business leaders.
Number one is self care. Number one is sign you know a lot of entrepreneurs and business leaders have a horrendous self care practice that you know we we become workaholics, myself included, you know I am not someone who is above and beyond and has suffering with workaholism and and mental or physical exhaustion, so I think self care is number one, you know a number of years ago a buddy of mine, Dr James Rippy wrote a book called fit for success. He interviewed fortune 500 executives that work they went from 70 to 80 hours a week. And here's some really interesting information about the fortune 500 executives that were a part of this study is that 85% of them exercise four to five times a week. Now these are people putting in 70 to 80 hours a week. 85% are exercising four to five times a week now Pete Let's look at the general population in the general population only 15% exercise four to five times a week, so you'll have these high evolved business executives without rageous Responsibility and Work Hours, they're able to find time. Come on America around the world you know we got to wake up so I would say number one is self care and what we do is we teach a principle that says the first hour of every day, has no electronics at all, be that one electronic for the first 60 minutes, you know, no iPhone, no social media. No, I'm checking your stops, no television, no radio, Nothing, for the first hour, right. So, what do you do at that time, well the smart ones would exercise, of course, they may meditate, they may journal, they may read inspirational books, and I mean actually holding a book, you know, not back your your tablet because we're staying away from all electronic stuff right so you're going to actually buy a real book for God's sake, you know, and, and, and I think that that really the self care is what most executives need to focus on, and remember this everything is top down. So, you know if you have an executive at any level, who's making it a point not to brag and not to talk about how great they are an exercise or clean eating or anything but just being a role model, you set the stage for hopefully people underneath you doing the same thing and once we put self care, number one, then everything you mentioned, attitude, hard work, all that stuff just falls into place.
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