Getting to the COR / Healing at Last. The Podcast

Shauna Quigley

Hi, I'm Shauna Quigley. I am the founder and creator of The Clearing Method. A unique body centred, psychotherapeutic process of therapy that guides participants to uncover what happened inside of them as a result of the pain of their past. This podcast is a no nonsense approach to helping you obtain mental and emotional freedom. It is the 'how to', the roadmap to finally finding & clearing the pain of the past. Sick of bypassing and just managing the pain? This is a collection of conversations with leading experts and brave individuals who have healed their own mental & emotional wounds. It is my heartfelt intention, that these conversations will go some way to aiding you on your own journey of healing

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Understanding Emotional Shutdown in Trauma Therapy - Part 1
5d ago
Understanding Emotional Shutdown in Trauma Therapy - Part 1
Send us a textAre you a Therapist, Counsellor or Coach? Are you passionate about helping your client find and heal the root cause of their suffering but find that they frequently get stuck in the therapeutic process ?Does any of the following sound familiar ?Clients who have an inability to discuss or bring awareness of difficult emotionsClients who are stuck in story, often blaming othersClients who have an inability to access their emotional content due to the fear of nervous system activation, resulting in you fearing to re-traumatise your clientAn inability for your client to identify the source of their suffering, therefore feeling hopeless and leading to comorbidity. Clients who become stuck and fail to fully commit to the therapeutic process with frequent DNA’sAs therapists, we know the answer is to find the source of their suffering and that source is deep in the unexplored depths of past experiences. These unique experiences are locked into the body and mind.The reality though, for most of our clients, is that being invited to the source of that pain is terrifying. For them, those depths are simply not a safe place to be and, as a result, the wonderful, benevolent tool - the mind, says ” No, we will NOT go there! “When this happens, your client becomes stuck and therefore blocked from further therapeutic processing. Facilitating our clients to safely & without re-traumatising, find the source of their suffering is vital to successfully complete their therapeutic process. We need a scaffolding process that safely facilitates the clients access and exploration of their wounded self.In this episode, we'll be focusing on moving beyond the narratives and getting deeper into the embodied emotional experiences for your clients. You'll learn the four components of emotional shutdown and the roadmap for understanding why it is so difficult for our clients to move beyond 'story'.For instant access to the masterclass videos covering this topic videos, follow this link:
The Creative Psychotherapist: Working with children with anxiety
May 2 2024
The Creative Psychotherapist: Working with children with anxiety
Send us a textIn today’s episode I’m joined by the founder of Roe Valley Therapy Centre, Siobhan Wison-McGlinchey. We are talking about anxiety in children. What are its presenting issues, treatment and what we can do as parents to help ourselves to help our children. A quick google search will tell you that in Northern Ireland alone: ‘1 in 8 children and young people meet the diagnostic criteria for common mood and anxiety disorders’.I can certainly reiterate that as it’s something that I am asked to work with every single day and Siobhan is my first referral pathway.A qualified child & adolescent psychotherapist, humanistic integrative counsellor and a play therapist, Siobhan is known as ‘The Creative Psychotherapist’. She specialises in working with early developmental trauma and is passionate about working with both children and adults. As well as her 1-1 sessions, Siobhan has also developed a number of programmes and workshops which I’ll link in the show notes below. I believe that we all have the ability to heal ourselves from within. It is my mission to show you how. It is my hope that these conversations go some way to help you on your own journey, so let's begin. With Love, Shauna XTo watch the video recording of the episode follow this link: you would like to connect with Siobhan or want more information on her work, follow the links belowCreative Psychotherapist website       Healing Powers of Play Mindfulness & Your Nervous System Meditation Packages and programs Programs/Workshops Services Free resources meditations & children stories
Jason Shiers: Hope Beyond the System's Diagnosis & What We Are Told
Nov 22 2023
Jason Shiers: Hope Beyond the System's Diagnosis & What We Are Told
Send us a textIn today’s episode I’m joined by psychotherapist, Jason Shiers.From the age of 10 years old, Jason had 15 different diagnoses in the mental health system and was told by professionals that he had depression. They even questioned if he was ever going to get better. But he knew that these ‘diagnosis’ were only a description of his symptoms. He also knew that the current systems were not set up to help him find the cause. “I could sit in the dark, it was comfortable there but no one knew where the light switch was. No one ever pointed me within or what that meant. I didn’t know that joy existed” Today Jason is the founder of ‘Wide World Coaching’, creator of the ‘Infite Recovery Project’ and host of ‘Misunderstandings of the Mind’ podcast. So, I think you’ll agree this is an amazing story of transformation. At the very end of our conversation, I asked Jason “if you had of heard our conversation today, all them years ago when you were in that darkness what would you have thought?”He said this: “I would like to think that I would have sensed that there was something different from what I know in the suffering. A different place to look, a different way to see things. Hope…” I believe that we all have the ability to heal ourselves from within. It is my mission to show you how. It is my hope that these conversations go some way to help you on your own journey, so let's begin. With Love, Shauna XIf you would like to connect with Jason or want more information on his work, follow the links below
Autoimmune & Trauma: The connection
Jul 12 2023
Autoimmune & Trauma: The connection
Send us a textIn today’s episode I am joined by Dr. Kristin Wild, PhD & RPC. Dr. Kristin is the founder of Modern Health Solution, creator of Awareness Therapy and a holistic health educator.  After years of treatment for her diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis Kristin found herself on a constant cycle of hope-despair and when she inevitably hit rock bottom she knew she had to start finding answers to healing this disease herself. Now, she works with women who have autoimmune helping them discover their own healer within. I am often asked if I work directly with clients who have autoimmune. Although not directly, I do work with the trauma that may have been the cause of autoimmune, so I’m thrilled to have this conversation with a wonderful practitioner today who has so much experience & expertise on this subject to share with you all.  If you have been suffering with autoimmune then you’ll not want to miss this episode. We are going to deep dive into its' causes, connections to trauma, the effects & most importantly, the treatments. I believe that we all have the ability to heal ourselves from within. It is my mission to show you how. It is my hope that these conversations go some way to help you on your own journey, so let's begin.With Love, Shauna XIf you would like more information on Dr.Kristin & her work, follow the link below mentioned in the podcast : Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel Paperback – 1 Mar. 1999 by Candace Pert (Author), Deepak Chopra (Foreword)
Why the Mind Says NO to Therapy - Pt.2
Jun 29 2023
Why the Mind Says NO to Therapy - Pt.2
Send us a textThis week I'm sharing Day 2 of my recent masterclass with the intention of  helping you if you are on a healing journey and have become stuck in that process. This will also be helpful for any therapists or coaches out there who’s clients are experiencing this too. In this episode I'll introduce you to 'Wrapping'. A psychological phenomenon that is unique to my modality The Clearing Method. Over the next hour, I'm going to help you understand 'wrapping' in more detail with the intention that it helps move you (or your client) on to the next stage of the healing journey. I believe that we all have the ability to heal ourselves from within. It is my mission to show you how. It is my hope that these conversations go some way to help you on your own journey, so let's begin.With Love, Shauna XAt the end of this episode, I open the doors for therapists & coaches to train with me for 6 weeks in my Skills for Facilitating Emotional Mastery Programme. If you would like more information on that programme or to register for the next cohort beginning in July just follow the link below:, you can join me for a FREE 2 Day Masterclass on 3rd & 4th July, where I'll take you through the basic principles of the programme and you can decide if it's a fit for you. Use the following link to save your place and get those details direct to your inbox:, if you need any support after listening to this series, please reach out. I have a list of Specialists who may be able to help. They are highly trained in my method and their details are listed on my website -
Why the Mind Says NO to Therapy
Jun 22 2023
Why the Mind Says NO to Therapy
Send us a textOver the next 2 weeks the episodes are going to be a little different because I want to share some content with you that I think will really help if you are on a healing journey and have become stuck in that process. This will also be helpful for any therapists or coaches out there who’s clients are experiencing this. When we are seeking answers for our pain & suffering, the source is usually found deep in the unexplored depths of past experiences. These unique experiences become locked into the body and mind.The reality though, for most of us is that being invited to explore the source of that pain is terrifying. It's not a safe place to be and as a result the mind says “No, we will NOT go there!”When that happens, we become stuck from any further therapeutic processing stopping us in our tracks on our healing journey. So how do we prevent this from happening? This is what I want to share with you over the next 2 weeks.  I recently held a 2 Day workshop entitled: Why the Mind Says NO to Therapy. This week's podcast episode is the recording of Day 1 of the workshop. Next week, I’ll share Day 2 . I believe that we all have the ability to heal ourselves from within. It is my mission to show you how. It is my hope that these conversations go some way to help you on your own journey, so let's begin.With Love, Shauna XIf you need any support after listening to this series, please reach out. I have a list of Specialists who may be able to help. They are highly trained in my method and their details are listed on my website -
Your Mother was a Narcissist. So what? Now what?
May 11 2023
Your Mother was a Narcissist. So what? Now what?
Send us a textWelcome to the 3rd season where I’ll be talking about finding & healing the root cause of our suffering. Understanding what happened inside of us as a result of our trauma and working with primary pain, so that we can finally heal and be free from the pain of our past. It’s just you and me this week. No guests, just us and my thoughts (or maybe a rant) on this topic & I know this week’s episode title is startling so let me explain. All too often, when you have experienced a relationship with a narcissist and are trying to heal, the focus is on the why - “that is why I do what I do” “this is why I am the way that I am”That’s not enough to heal though. Let’s talk about the ‘what’So, when I say “so what” I don’t mean it as ‘who cares’ I mean, so what did that do to you? What can you do to heal from the trauma & the internal experience of that. Join me and I’ll explain more.  I believe that we all have the ability to heal ourselves from within. It is my mission to show you how. It is my hope that these conversations go some way to help you on your own journey, so let's begin.With Love Shauna XIf you're interested in training in my Skills for Facilitating Emotional Mastery Programme, follow the link below to get all the details. to get in touch to share your thoughts on this episode? Reach me here:
It's OK to be Human. A Conversation with Jeff Brown
Apr 20 2023
It's OK to be Human. A Conversation with Jeff Brown
Send us a textMy guest this week is Jeff Brown - Author, Teacher, Enrealment Activist & Grounded Spiritualist. My relationship with Jeff began with him being a mentor. He has supported and guided me, pushing me forward in the work that I do. Now a good friend, I am absolutely delighted to be sharing our conversation with you.  Today we’re discussing Jeff’s new book: Humanifestations For me, this is a book that speaks to all aspects of human life - hurt, pain, hope, healing, relationships, the need for love. All of it. All of what it is to be human but in a grounded & heart centred way.  Each time I picked it up I felt connected to myself & the world again. It brought me back home to me and gave me permission to accept all that I am. That is my intention in sharing this conversation with you. I hope that you too,  know that it’s OK to be human. To accept the wondrous YOU. Who you are and where you are right now.  And if that place is on a healing journey, maybe you want to go deeper inside and do some inner work, maybe you don’t and that’s ok. I only ask one thing…if you do go deeper inside to clear the pain of your past, you do it all from your body, not your head. You feel it all. Every single part of it because that is where true healing comes from. “The uniqueness of the human story and everybody’s particular reason for being here are worth fighting for - fighting for the rights of your story” - Jeff BrownI believe that we all have the ability to heal ourselves from within. It is my mission to show you how. It is my hope that these conversations go some way to help you on your own journey, so let's begin.With Love Shauna XTo pre-order a copy of Jeff's new book - Humanifestations follow the link below:
How One Woman Found Her Voice After PTSD
Apr 5 2023
How One Woman Found Her Voice After PTSD
Send us a textWelcome to the 3rd season where I’ll be talking about finding & healing the root cause of our suffering. Understanding what happened inside of us as a result of our trauma and working with primary pain, so that we can finally heal and be free from the pain of our past. My guest this week is Leona O’Neill - Head of Undergraduate Journalism at Ulster University and advocate of better mental health in newsrooms.  Leona’s esteemed career in journalism began almost 25years ago. She has worked all over N.Ireland, fearlessly reporting on everything from rallies to presidential visits, interviewing pop stars to covering the riots on the streets of N.Ireland. 4 years ago Leona’s emotional world was torn apart when she witnessed the horrific murder of fellow journalist, Lyra McKee. In the hours and days that followed, Leona found herself struggling internally to stay in what she describes as “her reporter mode - where it was safe and nothing could touch her”.Fast forward 1 year and she was exhausted, burnt out from work - the one thing that was meant to protect her from the internal impact of what she had witnessed. Leona was now suffering with debilitating anxiety so she courageously sought help and her journey with PTSD began. A journey that forced her to turn in, look inward and that ultimately gave her her voice back. A truly inspirational story of the strength & power of the human condition that you won’t want to miss.  I believe that we all have the ability to heal ourselves from within. It is my mission to show you how. It is my hope that these conversations go some way to help you on your own journey, so let's begin.With Love Shauna X