The BILT Academy Podcast

The BILT Academy Podcast will be published monthly, with each episode being filled with news, insights, and knowledge from within and around the building industry – touching base on the academic, scientific, BIM and technology related topics that keep our building industry turning, to keep YOU the listener apprised and in the know. Each episode will be thoughtfully curated, based on the topic by our BILT Academy correspondents via research and industry expert interviews. We would like to thank our podcast technology sponsor BIM Track for their continued support of BILT Academy. read less


Episode Twenty - Generative Design
Feb 24 2022
Episode Twenty - Generative Design
Welcome to the BILT Academy Podcast! Our twentieth episode has been curated by our newest BILT Academy correspondent and previous BILT Academy Podcast guest correspondent Hugo Taillandier. This month's podcast is all about Generative Design, with insight from our subject matter expert Jacob Small.  For this episode, Hugo interviewed Jacob Small, Technical Consultant for Autodesk in the field of Generative Design. Hugo is new to the topic of Generative Design but thought a great way to learn was to dive right in and have a candid discussion with someone that works with it every day. Here are this month's interviewees: Jacob Small, Technical Consultant, Generative Design at AutodeskYou can find complete episode notes on the BILT Academy Website We return March 31st with our 3rd episode of a 4-part series on open source. We also have some exciting news to share with you! The BILT Academy Summit as well as BILT Europe will be held as in- person events in Valencia, Spain! The BILT Academy Summit commences on May 2nd at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) with spanish and international workshops for students and academics. This will then be followed up by our international BILT EUR conference from May 3rd - 5th at the Palacio de Congresos in Valencia, a stellar conference program awaits you and a lively exhibition! Mark your calendars, we look forward to meeting you in Valencia!We would also like to thank our Podcast Technology Sponsor BIM Track for their continued support of BILT Academy.Podcast Technology SponsorBIM Track: The communication platform for BIM coordination. Better Coordination = Better Projects!Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the Show.
Episode Nineteen - Open Source Part 2
Jan 27 2022
Episode Nineteen - Open Source Part 2
Welcome to the BILT Academy Podcast!Our nineteenth episode has been curated by our guest BILT Academy correspondent and previous BILT Academy Podcast guest Mark Wieringa. This month's podcast is the 2nd in our 4 part series on Open Source, and in this episode, Mark interviews Jon Mirtschin.  The BILT Academy team has started into a busy new year with not only pressing deadlines educationally as well as professionally, but the team is also very busy behind the curtains to shape a program for the BILT Academy Summit. So, Mark who was scheduled to co-pilot this episode with David took the initiative to support the team by taking on the lead on the open-source subject. Which turned out to be quite a journey of insights, vision and core knowledge. Since all interviewees have provided the BILT Academy with elaborate information we’ve decided to dedicate to each interviewee a podcast episode that will be airing within the first half of this year. For this episode, mark partnered up with a long-time collaborator and inspiring veteran of the open source community, a source of deep knowledge and founder of many open source tools and initiatives. Mr. Jon Mirtschin of Geometry Gym. Here are this month's interviewees: Jon Mirtschin, Director of Geometry Gym.You can find complete episode notes on the BILT Academy WebsiteWe return on February 24th, with an episode about generative design.We also have some exciting news to share with you! The BILT Academy Summit as well as BILT Europe will be held as in- person events in Valencia, Spain! The BILT Academy Summit commences on May 2nd at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) with spanish and international workshops for students and academics. This will then be followed up by our international BILT EUR conference from May 3rd - 5th at the Palacio de Congresos in Valencia, a stellar conference program awaits you and a lively exhibition! Mark your calendars, we look forward to meeting you in Valencia!We would also like to thank our Podcast Technology Sponsor BIM Track for their continued support of BILT Academy.Podcast Technology SponsorBIM Track: The communication platform for BIM coordination. Better Coordination = Better Projects!Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the Show.
Episode Fourteen - Visual Programming
Jun 24 2021
Episode Fourteen - Visual Programming
Welcome to the BILT Academy Podcast!Before we get into this month's podcast, we want to celebrate our first year 1 year of Podcasting, and to begin year two with this month's Episode 14.  We also would like to thank BIM Track for coming on board for another year as our official Podcast Technology  Support. Thank you! Our fourteenth has been curated by our BILT Academy correspondent David. This month's podcast is a BIM Technology podcast, and in it, David interviews two industry experts about coding and more specifically visual programing.In this month's episode, with coding becoming more and more part of a daily workflow for practitioners in the built environment we decided to take a deeper dive. We found that for a variety of reasons such as to automate repetitive tasks or to overcome any complex surfaces, coding is becoming more and more popular in the AEC industry. With this in mind, David was wondering what visual programming tools are out there and which ones are most commonly used and, in this podcast, we highlight 2 of those, namely Dynamo and Grasshopper.Here are this month's interviewees: Jostein Olsen, BIM Specialist Visual Programming at Sweco.Luis Fraguada, 3rd party Developer Support at McNeel Europe.You can find complete episode notes on the BILT Academy WebsiteThe upcoming episode in July will be our last one before our summer break for August and September, returning in October. Be sure you don’t miss out on our next Podcast airing July 29th with our guest Narrator Hugo Taillandier and Digital Transformation Expert and Head of BIM International at Mace Group: Marzia Bolpagni!We would also like to thank our Podcast Technology Sponsor BIM Track for their continued support of BILT Academy.Podcast Technology SponsorBIM Track: The communication platform for BIM coordination. Better Coordination = Better Projects!Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the Show.
Episode Thirteen - Sustainability Part 2
May 27 2021
Episode Thirteen - Sustainability Part 2
Welcome to the BILT Academy Podcast!Our Thirteenth episode has been curated by our BILT Academy correspondents Daniel and Julia.  This is the second episode of our two-part podcast series on sustainability. For this month's part two, we continue following up on our sustainability topic and tune into Academia and Science for their practical solutions.Providing AEC experts with assessment methods to evaluate the environmental performance of buildings represents a large challenge over the past few decades. On one side, the topic itself is mainly beyond the designer’s expertise and tools, and the workflows lack the ability to provide quick and significant results for design scenarios and as-is assessment. Consulting with environmental engineers as experts takes time and money. Thinking of energy simulation, we commonly include operating systems and leave out production and fabrication processes of materials. In order to evaluate material selections, the Life Cycle Assessment has been identified by European policies such as the Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM) to be THE method to make environmental assessment throughout all building life cycle stages possible and valid. In order to dig deeper into this topic, Daniel and Julia, interviewed Daniel's colleague at TU Graz in Austria, Dr. Marcella Saade, to provide us with deep insights on this subject matter. Dr. Marcella Ruschi Mendes Saade is a Tenure track Assistant Professor at the Technische Universität GrazSome resources from this episode:TU Graz press releases on Sustainability: "Sustainable Construction": Austrian Association for Building Materials & Ceramic Industries endows TU Graz professorship Climate-Neutral TU Graz - TU Graz Overview: Sustainable Systems - TU Graz Profiles and Contact Details Dr. Marcella Ruschi Mendes Saade: Researches: Main forum: A research paper co-authored by Dr. Marcella Ruschi Mendes Saade with colleagues from Annex 72: Check out more of Dr. Marcella Ruschi Mendes Saade publications here: You can find complete episode show notes on the BILT Academy WebsiteBe sure to tune in for our next episode on June 24th, 2021, a technical podcast about coding.We would also like to thank our Podcast Technology Sponsor BIM Track for thePodcast Technology SponsorBIM Track: The communication platform for BIM coordination. Better Coordination = Better Projects!Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the Show.
Episode Twelve - Sustainability Part 1
Apr 29 2021
Episode Twelve - Sustainability Part 1
Welcome to the BILT Academy Podcast!Before we kick off this episode a couple of announcements: First up I am happy to announce that the BILT goes globally virtual from June 22nd until 24th, 2021! The event will be held over multiple days and global time zones. You can find more info about the virtual event and register your interest in participation HERE. We also would like to let you know that the BILT Academy Podcast is going on a summer break for 2 full months in August and September this year. We will take the time to refill our energy levels and to spark some new podcast creativity. Our Twelfth episode has been curated by our BILT Academy correspondent Julia.  This is the first of a two-part podcast series on sustainability. This month's part one has Julia interviewing a leader in sustainability and climate adaptation.Those outside of the EU might not be aware, that the European Green Deal is the ambitious EU climate policy that aims to be the first climate neutral continent by the year 2050! This requires a fundamental transformation of our energy system and for the general building industry. For this Episode, I teamed up with Willy Spanjer who will tell us how the Technical University of Delft, in the Netherlands aims to contribute towards these ambitious European goals. Willy Spanjer is the Project Manager for Sustainable Building & Climate Adaptation at The Green Village. The Green Village is a field lab for sustainable innovation in the urban environment.Some resources from this episode:Website: Climate Adaptive City: Climate adaptive city – The Green Village Sustainable building & renovation: Sustainable building and renovation – The Green Village You can find complete episode show notes on the BILT Academy WebsiteBe sure to tune in for our next episode on May 27th, 2021, part 2 of our sustainability series.We would also like to thank our Podcast Technology Sponsor BIM Track for their continued support of BILT Academy.Podcast Technology SponsorBIM Track: The communication platform for BIM coordination. Better Coordination = Better Projects!Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the Show.
Episode Eleven - Robotics Part 2
Mar 25 2021
Episode Eleven - Robotics Part 2
Welcome to the BILT Academy Podcast!Our Eleventh episode has been curated by our BILT Academy correspondent Daniel.  This is the second of a two-part podcast series on Robotics. This month's part two has Daniel interviewing two leading researchers in the field of robotics and its future.A few years back, Daniel had the privilege of holding an internship position at Fraunhofer Italia where he got to meet inspiring researchers on the cutting edge of technology. In this episode, we meet two leading PhD researchers of esteemed Fraunhofer Italia who will tell us more about the future of robotics in construction and how this will impact us in how we work.Camilla Follini is a researcher of the Process Engineering in Construction (PEC) team at Fraunhofer Italia.Michael Terzer is a researcher of the Robotics & Intelligent Systems Engineering (RISE) team at Fraunhofer Italia.Some resources from this episode:Start-up company mentioned by Camilla: KEWAZO’s institutional website: Fraunhofer Italia Careers Job offers&Internships: You can find complete episode show notes on the BILT Academy WebsiteBe sure to tune in for our next episode on April 29th, 2021. In this episode, we will be experimenting with a new format, so expect the unexcited!We would also like to thank our Podcast Technology Sponsor BIM Track for their continued support of BILT Academy.Podcast Technology SponsorBIM Track: The communication platform for BIM coordination. Better Coordination = Better Projects!Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the Show.
Episode Ten - Robotics Part 1
Feb 25 2021
Episode Ten - Robotics Part 1
Welcome to the BILT Academy Podcast!Our Tenth episode has been curated by our BILT Academy correspondent David.  This is the first of a two-part podcast series on Robotics. This month's part one has David interviewing two industry experts about the future of robotics.This month we kick off a series of podcasts where robotics take center stage. This episode focuses on the future of robotics, with the future being us, the next generation of the building industry. We invited a senior lecturer for robotics and a student graduating on this topic to give some insights on how robotics is currently taught and studied. As well as asking them to share their predictions of how the increasing demand for automation will change the curriculum of architects and engineers of the future.Boris Bähre is an Architect, Teacher, and Curriculum Development at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in GroningenAnthony Meijer is a student for Built Environment at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in GroningenYou can find complete episode notes on the BILT Academy WebsiteBe sure to tune in for our next episode on March 25th, 2021, which will be part two of our robotics series. This episode will be curated by BILT Academy correspondent Daniel as he explores the topic of advanced robotics. We would also like to thank our Podcast Technology Sponsor BIM Track for their continued support of BILT Academy.Podcast Technology SponsorBIM Track: The communication platform for BIM coordination. Better Coordination = Better Projects!Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the Show.
Episode Nine - Technology Innovators
Jan 28 2021
Episode Nine - Technology Innovators
Welcome to the BILT Academy Podcast!Our first episode of 2021 is episode Nine and has been curated by our BILT Academy correspondent David. This month's podcast is a BIM Technology podcast, and in it, David interviews two industry experts in the field of technology innovation.In this month's episode, we go behind the scenes of two successful internationally implemented BIM technologies and meet the founders and driving forces of BIM technology in the building industry. We meet 2 building industry experts that made the giant leap from a traditional oriented building industry to the future world of shaping our built environment. We'll be going over things like, what motivated them by utilizing their proficiency to become technology innovators? What drove them to develop technology? What issues in traditional skills did they formerly encounter and jumped on to fix them? And what obstacles do they still face and foresee and how can we overcome them as end-users of these technologies? 2 compelling stories of 2 inspiring building industry experts and technologists. Dwayne Miller CEO & Co-Founder at UNIFI LabsKelly Cone Vice President of Industry Strategy at ClearEdge3DSome resources from this episode to help you learn more about UNIFI Labs and ClearEdge3D.UNIFI LabsUNIFI is leveraged and described as “the gold standard” by leading AECOMs across the globe including Stantec, HDR, Kimley Horn, CannonDesign, Chick-fil-A, Legrand, and 40,000 other users. You can learn more or try UNIFI free at Demo - UNIFI ( Email: TwitterFacebookLinkedInClearEdge3DClearEdge3D is a leader in automated as-built modeling and construction verification software. Its mission is to bring new technologies into design and construction workflows that are easy-to-use, and simply make field and back-office teams more efficient. Website LinkedInTwitterScan to BIM UniversityScan to BIM University LinkedIn GroupRequest A Demo Link:  You can find complete episode notes on the BILT Academy WebsiteBe sure to tune in for our next episode coming on February 25th, 2021. This will be the first of a two-part series on Robotics, with David coming back next month to deliver part one.We would also like to thank our Podcast Technology Sponsor Podcast Technology SponsorBIM Track: The communication platform for BIM coordination. Better Coordination = Better Projects!Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the Show.