✅ Makelky Leadership Academy 🎙️

Aaron Makelky

This is a leadership class for high school athletes beyond just the classroom Coach Makelky used to teach in. We have guest speakers on leadership from all walks of life, as well as lessons shared from the classroom on topics like time management, nutrition, sleep, standards, and building relationships. read less


Remove the Red: How to Address Teammates Who Are Below the Standards
May 23 2024
Remove the Red: How to Address Teammates Who Are Below the Standards
In this episode we discuss strategies for addressing Red Team behavior from teammates short of removing them from the team. 📍  📍 A recap of red team behavior.   So you have to have standards first before you can say somebody is below the standards. But what we call a player who is behaving in a way that doesn't meet the standards of the team is a red team player.  Examples would be.  Being late to practice skipping. Training sessions complaining about the coaches, playing time, things like that, whatever they do is below the standard. And it's moving your team away from winning.  We want to remove the behavior. And not the person, although you might end up having to remove the person, we always want to try to remove the red team behavior first.  So, how are we supposed to address that?  When those players are performing in a way that's below the standard, they're behaving in a way that's below the standard.   If your team doesn't have clear standards, then you have to have that first. And some coaches do a great job of that. Some don't, some are bigger on just strategy and skills.  But it's pretty hard to tell a player that they're below the standards. If it's not clear what the standards are for your team.  We'll also talk about removing the player, not the behavior. In the next episode.  But that's when you have a sacred standard that the player violates and it's one and done, they don't get another chance. They don't get suspended for a week. And then back on the team they're just done.  what do we do on their behaviors? Not that severe, but it's still below the standard and it's moving our team away from winning.  You or someone on your team? Has to directly address the behavior. You might say we all know it's important. To be on time to practice. My teammate's been late three times. They know that's the standard, but has anybody directly one-on-one pulled him aside and said, Hey man, you've been late three times. You know, that's not okay.  You can't just assume because there's a standard and a player has been violating and are below that standard that they know, and they're willing to fix it. Somebody has to address that.  Most teams have protocols in place to address red team behavior. Yours might yours might not.  The other thing that has to be clear is. How many times can somebody be below that standard and still be on your team? So an obvious one. Is being late. Every team has an expectation of being on time.  But how many times can I be late and still be on the team? Or how many times in a week can I be late and still get to play this Friday night?  Is it three strikes and you're out. Um, what we did with unexcused absences and our football program, the first one had X consequence. The second one had X times two consequence. And the third one, no matter who you were, you were done.  Do you have those in place for your team? And does everybody know what those are? So even if it says, you know, third unexcused absence and you're done. And a player on your team has to. Has somebody directly addressed it with them? Have they pulled them aside and said, Hey man,  What are you doing? You've been late or unexcused twice. We got to fix it.  You know, third one, you're going to be done.   If your coaches handle addressing that behavior, that's great. You, as a leader on the team should still address it. Even if it's outside of the Curt coach's knowledge. Even if it's outside of the coach's knowledge. So that they know their behavior is hurting the team. What student athletes say all the time is. Yeah, but that's a dumb rule or, yeah, that's just the coaches thing or, yeah, but that's a stupid standard.  It's easy to rationalize away your red behavior. When only the adults, only the head coach. Is the one who addresses it.  In the teenage mind, they think, well, that's his job or her job. The head coach is. The attendance police.  Or they're the one that's always watching for my social media.  If you have a teammate who addresses it as well.  It usually means more than when it just comes from the coach.  Some coaching staffs will include the players in that process of dealing with red behavior. If yours doesn't, there's no harm in asking your coach. Hey. As a captain, as a senior, as a leader on the team, whatever you are. Can we be involved in that process of addressing the behavior?  That might be an after practice chat with a player. Who's had a bad attitude. It might be when there's an interpersonal issue and in the locker room somebody's causing drama. It might be when somebody is repeatedly failing a class or an eligible and just say, Hey, whatever you are doing as a coaching staff, Can some of us fellow players be involved in that process.  They might say no, but you can ask.   Here's my best argument for why you should allow the teammates to be involved in that process. And you can use this with your coach if they're hesitant to agree.  You will get better buy in from the players in your program. If you involve student leaders. In enforcing and addressing the red behaviors. Not necessarily from the one who's in trouble.  But you as a leader, get to be a part of that process and go, Hey, we didn't just say these are the standards and put them on a poster. We actually get involved in enforcing those and addressing those and everybody else on the team will buy into the standards more. If they're involved in enforcing them.  And my experience as a coach, I've done it both ways. I always got better buy in. When players were a part of that process. Obviously some of those things you can't involve players in. Mental health issues, maybe a severe, severe legal issue. But the run of the mill red behaviors, you will get better buy in from other teammates. If they're allowed to be involved in that process.  Here's an example of one that I dealt with. That was a major red behavior. That not only did we involve a player in helping address it. We felt compelled to include that player.  Uh, locker room situation happened.  Where one player caused some major rifts and.  Insulted a fellow teammate and brought up a deceased relative. And so teenagers saying, do dumb things all the time that happens.  We didn't feel like it was a sacred standard that the player should just be kicked off immediately. We looked at it more. With the perspective of what would lead somebody to say something that terrible to a teammate.  What matters though is how we addressed it. How could we not bring in that player? Who was the recipient of that insult? How could we, as coaches say, we'll just handle this behind closed doors. With the teammate who said the terrible thing.  We felt like we have to include the one who was on the receiving end of that. And that doesn't mean he picked the punishment and that's a cop out. Some coaches and leaders will do this as, Hey Johnny. He said that. Terrible thing about your dead mom, what do you want to do? That's not what we did. But we involved him and sat him down while we confronted that behavior with the offending teammate.  And we also got better buy in from the rest of the team because they knew like, as players, this is your team. It's not just the coaches team.  So to me, those types of situations. Not only should you include fellow teammates and addressing the red behavior, but sometimes you have to.  Another thing to keep in mind is you might've addressed the behavior. Hey, you were late. Hey, you skipped a weight roo...
The Red Team
May 1 2024
The Red Team
The topic for this week is what is the red team?  AKA the cancers, the slackers, the bottom feeders, the renters.  You know this concept, but do you have a name for it in your program?  The reason you have to have a name for this in your program, so you can identify it and remove that type of behavior. That's just the power of language. If you don't have a name, like the red team, you can't identify it. And if you can't identify that behavior, you can't remove it.  , what is the red team?  In our language, the red team is when somebody is below the standards.  Whatever those expectations or standards are. Let's say being on time to practice.  You're not on time to practice. You're in the red team.  If your expectation is to grow, give great effort in. Uh, conditioning grill, drill, and somebody doesn't give great effort in a conditioning drill. That's red team behavior.  If the expectation is to be prepared for the game, maybe knowing your plays and a player shows up and doesn't know their plays, they didn't prepare that's red team behavior.  If a player BCDs that is they blame others. They complain about their circumstances or they defend losing behavior. That's red team.  So, for example, they're late, but they blame their parents.  They're late, but they complained that the coach's in a bad mood and just picking on them.  Or they're late, but they defend why it doesn't matter that they're on time.  That's BCD.  The question for us is as leaders, how do we handle the red team?  The first thing you have to know. Is that your team has to have clear standards for everybody.  Coach's think, Hey, on the first day I gave out a packet and it's set all the rules. That's not making it clear for everybody.  As a leader, you might think I've talked to this person one time about that behavior. That does not mean that it's clear for everybody.  If there aren't clear expectations for everyone on the team. You can't then turn and say, Hey, that's red or below the line behavior. It has to be clear up front to everybody.  Those have to be in place. They have to be repeated and used on a daily basis by everybody, not just the coach. Not just the seniors, not just the captains by everybody. And everyone has to speak that language.  At this point, ignorance, isn't a defense, a teammate. Can't say, I didn't know. It was important to be on time in this program because your program talks about it every day. And your coach may not. That's okay. That's why they have leaders like you on the team. And you start every practice with, Hey, great job being on time. You guys know that's a big deal in our program. Always be five minutes early. Or everybody's on the bus on time. The coach may not say I'm going to praise that behavior because it's just what I expect. But you fist bump people and say, Hey, great job. Way to be on time. That's an expectation of our program. At that point, the next week, when a player shows up late for the bus, they can't say, oh, I didn't know what matter that I was on time. I didn't know. That was a big deal. Because you have clear expectations and they're repeated every single day. And everyone on the team knows what those are.  If you don't have those. Here's what you're going to hear. I didn't know where to be on time to practice. Coach never said that workout was required. I didn't think we had to show up to that. I thought it was optional.  We have a term for red team, we have clear standards. Now, what do we do with red team behavior? This is the hardest part for student athletes to learn. Some of us, our knee-jerk reaction is we just remove the person. We remove the teammate, we cut the cancer out. We kick them off the team.  There's a difference though, between removing the player and removing the behavior. And while sometimes those can be the same. At first. What we want to try to do is remove the red team behavior.  How is that different from removing the teammate?  Well, the first time you're late as a leader. Should you get kicked off the team? The first time a guy misses an optional workout. Should they just be done for the season?  Probably not. There might be a consequence for that. Especially if you, as a leader, aren't meeting the expectations, you know, you're held to a higher standard than everybody else.  But we want to change the behavior. Without necessarily having to get rid of the player.  How do we do that? Well, the first thing to know is by tolerating that behavior you're encouraging it.  And the analogy that I always think of is if you let this slide.  You might as well go get a giant neon glowing sign that says, Hey, everybody. This team accepts X, Y, Z behavior.  So let's say a player misses a practice on a Monday. You have a game on Friday. And they still play.  I don't care if they're the captain, the starter, the quarterback, the point guard. You might as well put up a giant glowing neon sign in your locker room that says, yeah, you can still start. If you miss a practice on Monday.  Now that might be up to your coach to enforce. But you can always be a leader and say, Hey. You know, it's important to be on practice. You know, it's important to be at practice on time.  And the expectation is you're there all week. If you want to play.  If you don't address it somehow.  You might as well be saying, we accept that.  What's tough is everybody says, oh, I hate confrontation. Or when I try to do that, people push back, listen to last week's episode. Season two episode four. When we talk about the cost of leadership, you said you were willing to pay that to get out of the sea of same or off the mountain of average. You're going to get pushed back. So get over it. That's just part of being a leader.  But we can be direct that is go have a talk specifically with that person specifically about that behavior. Without being a jerk. Now you will find in the adult world, this is a rare trait in leaders. One person will be late to work and everyone in the office will get a generic email. Hey, remember to be on time. That does not work. That is not how leaders operate, especially when addressing red team behavior, you go straight to the source. The 24 people on time and practice do not need a lecture. About how important it is to be on time.  The one guy or lady on your team who was late. He needs that, but not everybody else. So be direct. How can I be direct without being confrontational? Here's some examples of red team behaviors. You see all the time.  Somebody's late.  Go to that person away from everybody else. After practice in the locker room on the bus ride home.  And you could say, Hey. I saw that you came into practice late. Do you need a wake up call tomorrow? You know, coach, isn't going to let that slide. That's direct. That's not a group text. Hey, everybody. Be on time tomorrow. That's straight to the source. Specifically about their behavior that day, but you're not being a jerk saying. Why can't you be on time or that's not good enough. You're just saying, Hey. Can I help you with that?  And if they're a good teammate, they'll appreciate that.  Here's another one. If a player is complaining about playing time.  They say, you know, oh, coach didn't let me get my minutes or I'm not in the rotation. And they say that in the locker room.  You have to address that. Cause you know, that's not the standard of your team. So how can I be direct without being confrontational? You could say, you know, it doesn't help us when, when you are negative...