It Took Every Ounce of Courage

Soul-Soothin Moments Podcast by Maria Chambers

Jun 9 2023 • 1 min

Welcome to Soul Soothin Moments by Maria Chambers.
A multimedia blog for those on their journey to health, wellness, and enlightenment.

I'm Bella, Maria's virtual presenter.
Enjoy today's episode, "It Took Every Ounce of Courage."

It took every ounce of courage and grace
To grapple with issues I had to face.
I battled my demons well into the night
But I kept on going and fought the good fight.

I walked many miles and faced some deep fears.
I lost some dear friends and shed many tears.
I questioned my journey every step of the way
And asked myself often, “Why should I stay?”

But I slowly awoke, and I came to realize
The devil only existed in my own eyes.
That all things out there were a reflection of me
Where I was once blind, I could now see.

The veil slowly lifted, and the pain went away
And it became clear that I wanted to stay.
As my soul moved closer, I came to realize
That I am an Angel in human disguise.

On behalf of Maria Chambers, thank you for your visit. Please see more multimedia content at Soul Soothn Moments dot com. Ciao for now.

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