Dec 25 2024
EP211 Cafe With Cam Christmas
Merry Christmas and all that jazz. Join us this holiday season for a special #ScarifCafe with Cam of CamRay Fame. We're sitting down to talk about gratitude, friendship and community this week just in time for the holiday season. Get some insight into our serious side, but wait! There's more!
Ro asks the tough questions, like what do you remember about the Star Wars Holiday Special, bringing back long gone actors and what we can learn about bringing the right thing into the tree with us on Dagobah, I guess you had to be there.
Thank you for listening to this very special episode, and make sure to listen to the end, as Cam treats us to a special Monkey Lizard Holiday Lūʻau.
Enjoy the holiday season and may the force be with you. Remember, it's always sunny on Scarif, and that's the scuttlebutt.
Proud founding member of the Red5Network.