This is the Real Kevin Richardson and welcome to The Dad Joke King. The home of the sometimes funny dad joke, but I wouldn't count on it.
In today's show, I have a joke about my dry sense of humor and a joke about butter. I also have a joke about tacos. Then we've got the rapid fire dad joke medley and a parenting tip that you will not want to miss.
Alright, it's now time for the dad joke of the week...
My Kids said the tacos I made were bad. So, I did what any good dad would do. I threw them out. I will miss those kids.
It's now time for the dad joke medley...
Before we go, let me give you some advice...
If your child asks you to check under their bed for a monster. Tell them to leave you out of this. The monster is after you not me. I guarantee this will help them fall to sleep.
Your challenge this week is to visit me at and click on the "Tell a dad joke" button and tell me a dad joke. We have a growing community on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and this podcast and I do want to hear from you.
Thanks for listening to The Dad Joke King. Visit for more sometimes funny dad jokes, but I wouldn't count on it. See Ya!
--- Stick around for the After Show