Introducing ‘Let’s Talk, All About Her’ hosted by Kirstin Bouse, Clinical Psychologist and Founder of All About Her - The Centre for Menopause.
The menopausal years last about half a woman’s lifetime. And given the constant unpredictable hormonal fluctuations (at least through perimenopause) they tend to be pretty ‘disruptive’ to say the least.
Join Kirstin and members of the All About Her Health Professional Community as they share their experiences of working with perimenopausal and post menopausal women. You’ll hear everything from accurate and up to date health and wellbeing information, through to tips and strategies and treatment pathways. All of this is designed to help you navigate these years in the best way possible … for you.
From psychologists and psychotherapists, to nutritionists and naturopaths, through to sexologists and nurse practitioners, the All About Her Health Professionals have decades of experience in their chosen field with the added knowledge, skill and commitment to supporting women as they navigate the menopausal years.
We’ll get a little deep as we ponder the purpose and meaning of this life stage and collectively muse about what wonderful things might be possible for us all. The conversations will be filled with buckets of compassion, and pragmatism (because while we’d all like to own a beautiful island to run away to often, I doubt any of us do). And here’s a heads up … there’s a 100% chance there will be some humour and expletives. It’s just how we roll.
And we’ve kept it ‘short’. Well, a little shorter than some of the podcasts out there. Why? Because we want to get useful information, relatable stories and a bunch of ‘hope’, to as many women who are going to step into this life stage as well as those who are in the thick of it, as quickly as we can.