This week we’re talking money with Chelsea Brennan of Smart Money Mamas.
Giving up a lucrative career as a hedge fund manager, Chelsea pursued a passion project after realizing many women were naive about finances, especially long term goals and strategies. That’s why Chelsea started Smart Money Mamas, to help women feel confident about dealing with their family’s finances.
As Chelsea explains, “Having some sense of what’s happening with your finances, where your money is going, what your credit score is, offers that mental sense of security so you can do more.”
Today, Chelsea is going to discuss our business owner money mindset. As freelancers, we have to understand our business finances in order to create plans for success, but more importantly, we must recognize our money beliefs - what’s propelling us forward and what’s holding us back.
Changing old money habits and creating new ones isn’t as easy as saying a new mantra. You first have to dig a little deeper and find out why you are holding on to this old belief.
Chelsea has several great tips and techniques to help you achieve this and how to start new habits around money. I picked up some great information and think you will too.
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