Sep 12 2022
Ep.5 - Oatmeal Raisin
Welcome to another serving from The Cookie JAR!!! The cookies share where they've been and what they've been up to. Working out, working, food festival, more working out, quarantining from a false positive COVID test. Rafi books a new musical at The Cutting Room on June 15th, where he's going to play a record producer from the 80's. Cheater Confidential, where Swishy reveals his APEX ways before Gina. The trio discuss how they sound and look during sex, moisturizing your body, plus the different colored penises and balls are revealed. Jos talks about her boyfriend and Swishy suggests a possible threesome between Jos, Ben and Rafi. Could it be a Cookies and Cream sandwich? So get ready, because you won't wanna keep your hands out of this Cookie JAR!!!!! To hear the full hour long episodes subscribe at