Jul 27 2023
Dr. G Battles Misinformation in Healthcare—and Builds Trust with Patients
In an age of misinformation and doubt, Geeta Nayyar, M.D., is a builder of trust. “Dr. G,” as she is known, recognizes that trust is the key to having a successful relationship between patients, providers and payers. “If I don’t trust you, I certainly won’t listen to you or take your advice,” says Dr. G. In this episode, Dr. G describes how she witnessed firsthand the transition from the old school to the new school, from physical paperwork to the electronic health record (EHR) platforms—while still in medical school in Miami and then as a newly-minted rheumatologist. “I saw the potential and promise of this better option for connecting data, connecting communications,” Dr. G says in the episode. And as we connect data and communications, we will build trust, which is fundamental in healthcare. “The day-to-day relationship, building the doctor-patient relationship, should be part of the digital transformation.” Dr. G’s book Dead Wrong, which grew out of her work to battle misinformation (and build trust) during the COVID-19 pandemic, is set for publication in October 2023.