Gaias Love 137... Infinite Love

Gaia's Love

Feb 14 2019 • 17 mins

Infinite Love... My name is Vivienne Gerard and it is my delight to be A Scribe for Consciousness today, sharing the wisdom that flows through from Source. Here we go! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thank you for spending time with me today! My intention for any content is to be as all-inclusive as possible, allowing space for everyone who listens to bring their own interpretation and integration. I have no religious or other affiliations and continue to evolve on my path as I learn right along with you. I am in no way providing any medical or other health care advice as part of this recording. Please contact your health care provider directly for the appropriate information and any health care related advice. I welcome your comments, feedback & suggestions in the communities below. Ways to connect and learn more about My Soul Journey resources are: Website: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Sound Cloud: @vivienne-gerard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “And so I sit here at the edge of consciousness, holding space with the Elders, for and with our Gaia Tribe. Knowing that all is well and exactly as it meant to be – the most perfect of ever-flowing co-creations unfolding, moment by moment in this beautiful Now. My heart is full… steady… eager for all that is yet to come. I chose this experience of incarnation with the greatest of care, trusting that all Souls on Earth also arrived with me in the seeking of our highest potential, and knowing that I would create this very moment of birthing new into existence. … And now we play! And co-create More Upon More Upon More” ~ One Day: My Soul Journey in the Gaia Tribe by Vivienne Gerard, 2017