The Revival Rain Podcast Show


Let’s talk about the rain & let’s talk about the One who sends the rain. At Revival Rain, we gather our hearts and our hope around the One who is the resurrection and the life. In conversation, we magnify the One who promised living water to the thirsty. We dive deep into the revelation of rain and how God will use the rain to make us fruitful and multiply. He will use the rain to saturate and purify us, the earth. He will send the rain to grow and cultivate us. I see the rain as God’s pleasure and delight being poured upon humanity preserving, sanctifying, and transforming us into oaks of righteousness. We long to see the day when the rain of heaven will pour out upon a people that are hungry and thirsty for all that God has for them. May we be like children playing in the rain of the Father’s blessing, full of joy and life! read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality
