400: From Management Mess to Leadership Success with guest expert Scott Jeffrey Miller

My Quest for the Best with Bill Ringle

Oct 4 2023 • 46 mins

Scott Jeffrey Miller, author of Management Mess to Leadership Success Bill Ringle and Scott Jeffrey Miller discuss the importance of being clear and explicit with your intent in all communications for small business leaders because in the absence of details, people make up stories and those stories can become a(nother) mess. >>> Visit MyQuestforTheBest.com  for complete show notes and more expert advice and inspiring stories to propel your small business growth. My Quest for the Best is a top-rated small business podcast with over 300 episodes of thought-provoking and insightful interviews with today’s top thought leaders and business experts. Host Bill Ringle’s mission with this show is to provide the strategies, insights, and resources that will unlock the growth potential of your business through these powerful conversations. Interview Insights Top 3 Takeaways Declare your intention on why you called this meeting or are taking this course of action. This provides clarity and lessens the probability of misinterpretations. Most importantly, remember to keep your actions aligned with your stated intentions. Manage expectations by setting boundaries on what you cannot do. It is better to say 'no' and let people down early on rather than make a commitment you wouldn't be able to fulfill. That will break trust, harm your relationship, and damage your reputation. Do not stretch your people more than their abilities or temporary limits. It is better to give your employees wins by setting attainable goals. Let your people know and feel that you care about them as people, not just their work roles. Read the Show Notes from this Episode How radio host Bruce Williams left a profound mark on Scott's passion for business and how the world really works. [01:12] Who would benefit from reading your book, Management Mess To Leadership Success? [04:15] Steve Jobs' behavior from 30 years ago is one of the most discussed examples when discussing leadership behavior. What was a humbling moment when what you thought one of your best leadership moments turned out to be one of your weakest? What did you do to bounce back from that terrible meeting with the team? [08:11] What would you say is the significance of declaring our intent and the consequences if our actions do not align with it? [13:30] Blaine Lee wrote, "Nearly all if not all, conflict arises from mismatched or unfulfilled expectations." Can you elaborate on this problem with unfulfilled expectations and how to avoid them? [18:12] CASE: Canadian manager proved that you can still follow through with your commitment even after being released from it. This story is a showcase of dedication and true commitment. [20:45] Can you explain the analogy of jockeys and their prized horses and how it relates to leaders and their prized people? [24:04] What is the lesson from the goose and the golden egg metaphor that explains why good leaders know not to force productivity from their employees? [26:44] CASE: Pete reported to Scott and was afraid to make specific requests because of a reading dyslexia. [29:30] Just because employees are free to declare their intent, how can those intentions be still be grounded to what is within reasonable limits? [33:33] My Quest for the Best Lightning round begins. [41:01] Expert Bio Recruited by Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s team, Scott built a 26-year career in the world’s most respected and influential leadership development firm, serving nearly every role imaginable. From a front-line salesperson to project manager, sales leader, general manager, vice president, chief marketing officer to executive vice president of thought leadership. Scott’s professional roles evolved as he became a multi-bestselling author, radio and podcast host, leadership coach, columnist, and global keynote speaker. He continues to consult with FranklinCovey and is proud to continue their collaboration...